Brookfield Zoo Field Trip Scavenger Hunt 2013

Brookfield Zoo Field Trip Scavenger Hunt 2013
Created by the students of Trinity Christian
College in Dr. Pete Post’s interim class
Kristen Folkertsma
Play to Learn Interim
Follow the Leader! The Wolf Exhibit
*Welcome to the Wolf Exhibit! Get inside and walk up to the glass!
1. What color are the Wolves?
2. Describe the wolves’ habitat.
3. How many wolves can you spot?
*Follow the signs.
4. Identify which fits the wolf talk.
____________ When the alpha wolf asserts dominance over another wolf
____________ Even while drinking, the wolves posture tells who’s “boss”
_________________ The alpha wolf threatens to lower-ranking wolves who
come too close
____________________ A lower-ranking wolf greets (licks) a more dominant
*Lift the sign doors to find out “what’s really going on”
5. The alpha male trots along the edge of the enclosure to…
6. Two young wolves wrestle and play to….
*Play with every twitch, wiggle, and wag
7. What ear position means:
“I’m in charge”: __________
“I’m scared of you”: __________
“Ok, you’re in charge”: _________
8. When a wolf’s tail is up, they are ___________ and _____________ .
*Lift the signs to see “what’s really going on”.
9. When the alpha male and alpha female rest on the lookout mound they are doing that
10. When a medium ranking wolf drinks it is really….
11. The alpha male and female earn their place as pack leaders by being ______________,
______________, and ________________ .
* Meet the wolves.
12. What kind of wolves are in the enclosure?
13. When is the wolves’ birthday?
* Walk in the sound room and experience the wolves’ howling.
14. Count the wolves on the walls. How many are there?
*Go outside to the “Kill Site”.
15. Why did the wolves choose to kill the big bear?
16. How do you know that the bones at the exhibit belong to a bear? (2 answers)
17. Who else visits the kill site?
* Find the wolf skull.
18. How did this wolf die?
19. What happens in the 12 hours of a kill?
- 3am-6am:
- 6am-9am:
20. List the 5 stages of the hunt.
Kristen Folkertsma
Play to Learn Interim
Follow the Leader! The Wolf Exhibit (Answer
*Welcome to the Wolf Exhibit! Get inside and walk up to the glass!
1. What color are the Wolves? Tan, grey, brown
2. Describe the wolves’ habitat.
The habitat contains trees, logs, rocks, grass, bushes, ect.
3. How many wolves can you spot? Maximum of 7
*Follow the signs.
4. Identify which fits the wolf talk.
___Pulling rank_________ When the alpha wolf asserts dominance over another
____Showing rank________ Even while drinking, the wolves posture tells
who’s “boss”
______Threatening___________ The alpha wolf threatens to lower-ranking
wolves who come too close
_______Greeting_____________ A lower-ranking wolf greets (licks) a more
dominant wolf
*Lift the sign doors to find out “what’s really going on”
5. The alpha male trots along the edge of the enclosure to… look for prey, smell for intruders
6. Two young wolves wrestle and play to…. Find who is more dominant
*Play with every twitch, wiggle, and wag
7. What ear position means:
“I’m in charge”: _____up_____
“I’m scared of you”: _____down_____
“Ok, you’re in charge”: _____middle____
8. When a wolf’s tail is up, they are ____confident____ and _____in charge____
*Lift the signs to see “what’s really going on”.
9. When the alpha male and alpha female rest on the lookout mound they are doing that
They’re King and Queen of hill, the mound offers the best view
10. When a medium ranking wolf drinks it is really….
Watching alphas for cues
11. The alpha male and female earn their place as pack leaders by being __alert___,
___aggressive__, ___ambitious___ .
* Meet the wolves.
12. What kind of wolves are in the enclosure? Mexican grey wolves
13. When is the wolves’ birthday? April 6, 2008
* Walk in the sound room and experience the wolves’ howling.
14. Count the wolves on the walls. How many are there? 10
*Go outside to the “Kill Site”.
15. Why did the wolves choose to kill the big bear? Because it was weak
16. How do you know that the bones at the exhibit belong to a bear? (2 answers)
By the bone marrow and jaw bone
17. Who else visits the kill site? Mice, coyotes, foxes, and crows
* Find the wolf skull.
18. How did this wolf die? During a hunt when a buck kicked the wolf in the head
19. What happens in the 12 hours of a kill?
-Midnight-3am: dominant wolves eat most nutritious parts
- 3am-6am: dominant sleeps while other wolves eat
- 6am-9am: scavengers move in while all wolves sleep
-9am-Noon: body can be gone within 12 hours
20. List the 5 stages of the hunt.
Locate prey, stalk prey, confront prey, chase prey, and kill prey
The Fragile Desert (by Rachel Brouwer of Trinity Christian College)
1. Meerkats are _________________________________ that cooperate to find ______________
and avoid ______________________________________.
2. Meerkats use
to communicate with each other.
3. What is the meerkat’s secret to surviving the heat?
4. How do meerkats get water?
5. Is the African crested porcupine a picky eater? ____________
6. Describe the African crested porcupine.
7. What animal has tunnel vision? _______________________________________________
8. What helps a naked mole rate squeeze through tight tunnels?
9. How big is a Damaraland mole-rat? _____________________________________________
10. Where do Damaraland mole rats live?
11.How much do Damaraland mole rats weigh? _______________________________________
12.How big is a naked mole-rat? ________________________________________________
13. How much does a naked mole-rat weigh? _______________________________________
14. What do Rock Hyrax need to survive? ___________________________________________
15.What is the Bat-eared fox’s favorite food? _______________________________________
16. What do the bat-eared fox’s ears do besides help them to hear?
17.When do mongooses hunt for food? _____________________________________________
18.How does the black-footed cat avoid heat? ________________________________________
19. Do the black-footed cats need to drink water (please explain your answer)?
20.List eight animals that eat termites: ______________________________________________
Answer Key to The Swamp
1. Meerkats are mammals that cooperate to find food and avoid predators.
2. Meerkats use odors to communicate with each other.
3. What is the meerkats secret to surviving the heat?
- They retreat to their dens
4. How do meerkats get water.
-by eating juicy insects
5. Is the African crested porcupine a picky eater?
6. Describe the African crested porcupine.
7. What animal has tunnel vision?
-the naked mole rate
8. What helps a naked mole rate squeeze through tight tunnels?
-slinky skin
9. How big is a damaraland mole-rat?
-4 to 12 inches
10. Where do damaraland mole rats live?
-under ground
11.How much do damaraland mole rats weigh?
-3 to 7 ounces
12.How big is a naked mole-rat?
-4 to 5 inches
13. How much does a naked mole-rat weigh?
-1.25 ounces
14. What do Rock Hyrax need to survive?
-they need sun, rocks, and each other to warm up and cool down
15.What is the Bat-eared foxes favorite food?
16. What do the bat-eared foxes ears do other than hear?
-help rid the body of heat
17.When do Mongooses hunt for food?
-at dawn
18.How does the black-footed cat avoid heat?
-by hunting at night
19. Do the black-footed cats need to drink water?
-no they get water from the food they consume
20. aardvark, spider, sand lizard, ponerine ant, yellow-billed hornbill, spiny agama, bat-eared
fox, desert pygmy mouse, aardwolf, human, burrowing frog
Fragile Rainforest
By: Brie Brugioni
Welcome to the Fragile Rainforest! If you are looking at a sign that reads Chicago Zoological
Society Asian Rain Forest Field Camp, then you have come to the right place!
As you begin your adventure at Research Cabin #1, you will learn about a Giant Millipede and a
Giant Prickly Stick Insect.
1. Giant Millipede: As ________________________, they clean up the forest floor by
eating rotten plants.
2. Giant Prickly Stick Insect: Males and females look different once they
___________________ their final molt.
Move along to the Yellow Spotted Climbing Toad.
3. What is the scientific name of the Yellow Spotted Climbing Toad?
Turn around and go to Look Out Point #1. Read through the field notes and learn about the
Prevost’s Squirrel, the Binturong, and the Asian Small-Clawed Otter.
4. The Prevost’s Squirrel [Tail Tales]: Squirrel tails are great for
_______________________ when climbing, _________________________ when sleeping,
and ____________________________ and warning others.
5. The Binturong [Expert Climbers]: Sharp curved claws, strong front legs and
__________________________, non slip paw pads are great for
6. The Asian Small-Clawed Otter [Feeling Their Way]: Touch-sensitive
__________________________ help otters navigate in _______________________ water.
Look behind you! It’s a Chinese Newt!
7. Chinese Newt: Even though they’re colorful, these amphibians can
_______________________________ themselves in shallow water.
Now go to Look Out Point #3 and try searching for the Clouded Leopard! Then read through
The field notes on it, located to your right.
8. Clouded Leopard [Huge Fangs]: Compared to their size, clouded leopards have the
_____________________________ canine teeth of any cat. They use them to catch and eat
squirrels, ___________________________, birds, ___________________, and wild pigs.
Now walk over to find the Fishing Cat at Look Out Point #4.
9. Name two facts about the Fishing Cat.
1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
Continue on to the fish tank.
10. Name three of the fish you see in this tank.
Moving along!
11. At the Thai Bamboo Rattlesnake exhibit, find it and name what two colors it is.
Almost out! Now go to the Look Out Points #5 and #6 and watch the White-Crested Laughing
Thrush. Now read about them.
12. The White-Crested Laughing Thrush are _____________________________ brown
with white crest and breast. They eat _________________________, insects, nectar, and
____________________________________ matter.
13. Turn around and you will see a map hanging on a door. What two continents of the
world is the circled rainforest near?
Find the cloth that has a conversation with Chief Paiakan on it, written in white.
14. Finish this statement: It’s the way ________________________________ depends on
everything else in the rain forest that matters.
Finally, walk to the shelves near the exit.
15. Shelf #1: Researchers estimate that more than ______ of all medicines come from the
16. Shelf #2: Name three products that come from plants in the rainforest.
1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
17. Shelf #3: Rubber from rain forest trees shows up in lots of products, from
____________________________________ adhesives to __________________ and
Teacher’s Answer Key
Welcome to the Fragile Rainforest! If you are looking at a sign that reads Chicago Zoological
Society Asian Rain Forest Field Camp, then you have come to the right place!
As you begin your adventure at Research Cabin #1, you will learn about a Giant Millipede and a
Giant Prickly Stick Insect.
1. Giant Millipede: As scavengers, they clean up the forest floor by eating rotten plants.
2. Giant Prickly Stick Insect: Males and females look different once they finish their final
Move along to the Yellow Spotted Climbing Toad.
3. What is the scientific name of the Yellow Spotted Climbing Toad?
Answer: Pedostibes hosii
Turn around and go to Look Out Point #1. Read through the field notes and learn about the
Prevost’s Squirrel, the Binturong, and the Asian Small-Clawed Otter.
4. The Prevost’s Squirrel [Tail Tales]: Squirrel tails are great for balancing when
climbing, cover when sleeping, and greeting and warning others.
5. The Binturong [Expert Climbers]: Sharp curved claws, strong front legs and leathery,
non slip paw pads are great for climbing.
6. The Asian Small-Clawed Otter [Feeling Their Way]: Touch-sensitive whiskers help
otters navigate in murky water.
Look behind you! It’s a Chinese Newt!
7. Chinese Newt: Even though they’re colorful, these amphibians can camouflage
themselves in shallow water.
Now go to Look Out Point #3 and try searching for the Clouded Leopard! Then read through
the field notes on it, located to your right.
8. Clouded Leopard [Huge Fangs]: Compared to their size, clouded leopards have the
biggest canine teeth of any cat. They use them to catch and eat squirrels, monkeys,
birds, deer, and wild pigs.
Now walk over to find the Fishing Cat at Look Out Point #4.
9. Name two facts about the Fishing Cat.
Possible Answers: Wades or swims in streams and swampy areas to catch fish, eats fish,
small mammals, and birds, body about two feet long and tail about one foot, grayish brown
coat with small dark spots, or managed under a Species Survival Plan by participating
Continue on to the fish tank.
10. Name three of the fish you see in this tank.
Possible Answers: Redtail Shark Minnow, T-Barb, Rosy Barb, Yo-yo Botia, or Dwarf
Moving along!
11. At the Thai Bamboo Rattlesnake exhibit, find it and name what two colors it is.
Answer: Orange and Black
Almost out! Now go to the Look Out Points #5 and #6 and watch the White-Crested Laughing
Thrush. Now read about them.
12. The White-Crested Laughing Thrush are reddish brown with white crest and breast.
They eat fruits, insects, nectar, and vegetable matter.
13. Turn around and you will see a map hanging on a door. What two continents of the
world is the circled rainforest near?
Answer: Australia and Asia
Find the cloth that has a conversation with Chief Paiakan on it, written in white.
14. Finish this statement: It’s the way everything depends on everything else in the rain
forest that matters.
Finally, walk to the shelves near the exit.
15. Shelf #1: Researchers estimate that more than 25% of all medicines come from the
16. Shelf #2: Name three products that come from plants in the rainforest.
Possible Answers: coconut milk, chewing gum, Hershey’s cocoa, coffee, fruit cocktail,
peanuts, pineapple slices, cloves, nutmeg, paprika, ground cinnamon, black pepper, vanilla
extract, lemon extract, or whole allspice
17. Shelf #3: Rubber from rain forest trees shows up in lots of products, from bandage
adhesives to toys and tires.
The Swamp (by Camille Brouwer)
1. As you enter you will see what benefits swamps and other wetlands provide. Please name at
least three of these:
2. A swamp is a _____________ where the ground is covered with __________ most of the year.
3. What are the strange looking growths on the roots of cypress trees, that stick out of the water
4. Each day in the wild, __________ _____________ eat thousands of insects. Each night the
_____ _________ that pile up under roosting sites return nutrients to the swamp, nourishing
5. Swamps help absorb pollution. Pollutants such as excess _________________________ from
lawns and ______________________________ wash into nearby streams. When the water
passes slowly through the swamp the pollutants – _________________ to sentiments – settle out.
6. This snake’s name starts with something that you can find in your bathroom and the second
part is something on your face. Can you name what snake it is?
7. “Like a Noah in ________________________, the alligator provides a place where a few
____________________ creatures of every kind can survive until the _________________
returns.” Archie Carr, National Geographic - 1967
8. Matching
Who are they?
Seminoles - _____
a. Scotch-Irish immigrants
Okefenokee - ____
b. French settlers
Cajuns - _____
c. Indian tribe joined by some slaves
9. How long did Sawtown exist? ___________________ Why did it close down?
10. Fill in the blank about the description for a crocodile.
11. This fish has a red belly and they have a vicious appetite for meat.
12. Of the following, which is the tallest swamp tree? ___
a) pond cypress
b) water tupelo
c) bald cypress
Walk through the door into the next room
13. Give three reasons why cypress is such a good wood:
14. What were the two losses and one gain? _______________________________________
15. According to the Seminole elders: The ______________________________________
instructed all the animals not to trample on the moist surface of the youthful earth until it had
hardened. But the ________________________ didn’t listen. He started digging in the soft
mud for ____________________________. That is how the swamps were created.
16. What is the scientific name for a bullsnake?
__________________________________ _________________________ ________________
17. Migrating Birds Which bird starts in Mexico?____________________________________
From where does the prothonotary warbler come? ___________________________________
and from Columbia comes the _____________________________ ______________________
18. Why are river otters rare in Illinois?
19. What is fen?
20. Protection for Wetlands worldwide. How many countries were a part of the Ramsar
Convention to protect wetlands and waterfowl? _____
The Swamp – Answer Key
1. What benefits do swamps and other wetlands provide?
Clean water, flood control, habitats for wildlife, recreation, natural beauty, and cultural
2. A swamp is a forest where the ground is covered with water most of the year.
3. What are the strange looking growths on the roots of cypress trees that stick out of the water
called? Cypress knees
4.. Each day in the wild, white ibis eat thousands of insects. Each night the birds’ droppings
that pile up under roosting sites return nutrients to the swamp, nourishing plants.
5. Swamps help absorb pollution. Pollutants such as excess fertilizers from lawns and farms
wash into nearby streams. When the water passes slowly through the swamp the pollutants –
attracted to sentiments – settle out.
6. This snakes name starts with something that you can find in your bathroom and the second
part is something on your face. Can you name what snake it is? Cottonmouth
7. “Like a Noah in reverse, the alligator provides a place where a few aquatic creatures of every
kind can survive until the water returns.” Archie Carr, National Geographic - 1967
8. Matching
Who are they?
Seminoles - ___C__
a. Scotch-Irish immigrants
Okefenokee - __ A__
b. French settlers
Cajuns - ___B__
c. Indian tribe joined by some slaves
9. 9. How long did Sawtown exist? ___1906-1934_____ Why did it close down?
__trees were all cut down_____
10. Fill in the blank about the description for a crocodile.
Length: 9-16 feet
Weight: 440-840 pounds
Diet: fish,
11. This fish has a red belly and they have a vicious appetite for meat.
Red-bellied Piranha
12. Of the following, which is the tallest swamp tree? __B_
a) pond cypress
b) water tupelo
c) bald cypress
13. Give three reasons why cypress is such a good wood:
Natural beauty, no shrinkage, holds nails well, defies decay, termite resistant,
14. What were the two losses and one gain?
Ivory-billed woodpeckers and Carolina
parakeets became extinct but the wood duck was saved.
15. According to the Seminole elders: The Creator instructed all the animals not to trample on
the moist surface of the youthful earth until it had hardened. But the raccoon didn’t listen. He
started digging in the soft mud for crayfish. That is how the swamps were created.
16. What is the scientific name for a bullsnake?
Pituophis cateniter sayi
17. Migrating Birds Which bird starts in Mexico?__Great crested flycatcher
From where does the prothonotary warbler come? ___ Costa Rica
and from Columbia comes the __Cerulean warbler_
18. Why are river otters rare in Illinois?
__due to trapping and habitat loss____
19. What is fen? Very rare type of wetland with an alkaline water source
20. Protection for Wetlands worldwide. How many countries were a part of the Ramsar
Convention to protect wetlands and waterfowl? __80_
Tropic World (by Marcy and Bay)
Walkway to the entrance of Tropic World (see the signs before you go in)
What Is A Primate?
1) Primates have:
1. _______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________
2) They are also:
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________ and they make a lot of choices.
Welcome To The Treetops (enter the building)
3) How high above the rain-forest floor are you? _____________ feet
4) What is the name of your spider monkey tour guide? ________________________
5) What is the first continent that you are visiting? _____________________________
Primates On The Move
6) Name the four ways primates can get around.
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________
7) By hanging on with ________________________________________________,
spider monkeys can reach for fruit on tips of tree limbs.
8) Brown Capuchin Monkey’s have ___________________________________ .
9) Circle the tallest monkey of this group:
Squirrel monkey
golden lion tamarin
Capuchin monkey
spider monkey
titi monkey
About how tall is the golden lion tamarin? ____________________
Rain Forest Buffet
10) Primates take advantage of a variety of foot opportunities. Our
______________________________, ______________________________, and
______________________________________________ allow us many choices.
Otter Odors (have you moved to a new continent?)
11) ______________________________________________________ use odors to mark
their territories and attract mates.
Plant weapons
12) What are some of these weapons (name at least two)
Say It With Smell
13) For many mammals other than primates, odors are an important way to
Calls Of The Wild
14) Pick up the phone and listen to all three of the animal’s ways of “calling” mates or
The Argus pheasant’s high- pitched cry attracts a __________________ a mile away.
15) What is the name of the orangutan who was born on March 29, 1991 and the son of
Pepper. _______________________________________
From the orangutan family album
16) from Kekashi we learn that young orangutans may ____________________ from
their moms for seven to eight ___________________________.
17) Maggie What caused her weight problem? hypo___________________________
Enter the next part of the house
18) Who is your guide to Africa? ______________________________________
19) A young gorilla spends ___________% of its life with its parents.
A Touching Experience
20) Name the two reasons why primates pick through each other’s fur and skin
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
You Are An Adult Male Baboon.
21) Groom one of the interactive baboons. Choose which one and how much grooming
to give it.
Which baboon did you groom and for how long?
History of the Primates.
22) What is the name of the primate that arrived at the Brookfield Zoo on a breeding
loan from Buffalo Zoo in January 1980? ______________________________
Schmidt’s red-tailed guenon
23) Guenons make over _____ different sounds including whistles, _________________,
sneezes and even ______________________________________
Extra credit
As you leave Tropic World, there is a poster of the different words that people use for
water. How do you say “water” in the following languages?
Swedish: _____________________________
Polish: _______________________________
Indonesian: ______________________________
French: __________________________________
Answer Key Tropic World
Walkway to the entrance of Tropic World
What Is A Primate?
Primates have:
1. Grasping Hands 2. Good Vision 3. Long Childhoods
2) They are also:
1. Smart
2. Social and they make a lot of choices
Welcome To The Treetops
3) How high above the rain-forest floor are you?
Answer: 100 feet
4) What is the name of your spider monkey tour guide?
5) What is the first continent you are visiting?
Answer: Mico
Answer: South Africa
Primates On The Move
6) Name the four ways primates can get around.
Running on four legs
Walking on two legs
7) By hanging on with PREHENSILE TAILS, spider monkeys can reach for fruit on tips of tree
8) Brown Capuchin Monkey’s have POWERFUL JAWS.
9) Circle the tallest monkey of this group: (spider monkey should be circled)
Squirrel monkey
golden lion tamarin
Capuchin monkey
spider monkey
titi monkey
About how tall is the golden lion tamarin? ____2 feet________
Rain Forest Buffet
10) Primates take advantage of a variety of foot opportunities. Our HANDS, TEETH, and
FLEXIBLE BEHAVIOR allow us many choices.
Otter Odors
11) SMALL-CLAWED OTTERS use odors to mark their territories and attract mates.
12) Plant weapons What are some of these weapons (name at least two) sharp spikes,
poisonous chemicals, ants
Say It With Smell
13) For many mammals other than primates, odors are an important way to
Calls Of The Wild
14) Pick up the phone and listen to all three of the animal’s ways of “calling” mates or
neighbors. The Argus pheasant’s high- pitched cry attracts a MATE a mile away.
15) What is the name of the orangutan who was born on March 29, 1991 and the son of
From the orangutan family album
16) 16) from Kekashi we learn that young orangutans may ____nurse______ from their
moms for seven to eight ______years________.
17) Maggie What caused her weight problem? hypo_thyroidism__
Enter the next part of the house
18) Who is your guide to Africa? __Jambo___________
19) A young gorilla spends 12% of its life with its parents.
A Touching Experience
20) Name the two reasons why primates pick through each other’s fur and skin
1. To remove dirt, dead skin, fleas, and ticks and
2. To find- and keep – friends
You Are An Adult Male Baboon.
21) Groom one of the interactive baboons. Choose which one and how much grooming to
give it.
Which baboon did you groom and for how long?
History of the Primates.
22) What is the name of the primate that arrived at the Brookfield Zoo on a breeding loan
from Buffalo Zoo in January 1980? Answer: Samson
Schmidt’s red-tailed guenon
23) Guenons make over _20__ different sounds including whistles, __chirps___, sneezes
and even _____croaks__________
Extra credit
As you leave Tropic World, there is a poster of the different words that people use for
water. How do you say “water” in the following languages?
Swedish: vatten______
Polish: __woda_______
Indonesian: ____air____
French: _l’eau_________
Brookfield Zoo Questions : Australia House and Aardvarks
By: Tara DeVries
Trinity Christian College Interim 2013
Before you walk in and explore the creatures of Australia, look at the map to see just where this
land is located.
1. Because Australasia has been isolated for so long, these places share ______________
species found nowhere else on Earth.
As you walk in, note the natural habitat that Australia contains. The murals on the wall show the
extremely dry and desolate land.
2. Australia’s animals are superbly _________________ to life in their ________________
3. The White Tree Frog can turn different colors depending on factors like temperature or
the amount of light around them.
What two colors can they frog change to? _______________ ________________
Start towards the main room and stop to inspect the Marsupial display. Be sure to feel the inside
of the pouch.
4. What is the definition of Marsupials: ____________________________________
5. There are _________ species of marsupials in Australia.
Now continue in the room… Be sure to stay on the left side first!
Stranger Than Fiction: Australia and the lands nearby were isolated from the rest of the world for
so long that their animals evolved in strange and wonderful ways. A couple examples are…
6. Dozens of animals that carry their babies in __________________.
7. ________________ that lay eggs.
8. Wild and wonderful ___________________.
9. Yard-long __________________ geckos.
Be sure to stop and take time to make a platypus and listen to the “settler’s clock”.
10. True or False:
_________ Australia’s outback is extremely wet. There are many plants, so prey animals
are not exposed to predators.
11. What is the name of the tree top dweller and who’s tail acts like an extra had to keep
them secure?
12. How does the Woma Python attract its prey?
13. Australia’s saltwater crocodiles are up to _________ feet long.
Now, take a moment to listen to the princess parrot. Their calls are loud as they communicate
from one to the next.
14. Princess parrots don’t drink much. They get most of their _____________ from the
unusually large variety of ________________ _______________they eat.
15. Match the animal with its correct scientific name:
______ Cane Toad
a. Chondropython Viridis
______ Green Tree Monitor
b. Varanus Prasinus
______ Green Tree Python
c. Bufo Marinus
Follow the winding path towards the bats and wombats.
16. A Gippsland worm can be _________ feet long. Can you find its head?
Take a good look around at the wombats and kookaburras that live in this space. Be sure to
carefully observe these animals and their harsh homeland habitat. Can you imagine seeing these
beautiful creature in nature?!
17. Living in _________________ __________________ group, kookaburras use their brash
call to establish ____________________.
Now it’s time to enter the bat area. Just a heads up, it’s going to be dark for the comfort of the
bats. This means there will be no questions along this path. Just enjoy the sights. But don’t
worry! The bats are excellent fliers and will not land on you!
As you leave the Australia house, it is important to check out the other neat animals that live
“outback” of it such as: Emus, Kangaroos, and Cassowaries. The next place you need to visit is
the Aardvark House just down the path.
In order to feast on ants and termites…
18. Aardvarks us their keen sense of _________________ and __________________.
19. Aardvarks _________________ into termite mounds using their __________________
limbs and claws.
20. Aardvarks have sticky foot-long __________________.
I hope you had fun learning more information about the creatures of Australia and the Aardvarks.
Enjoy the rest of the Zoo!
Brookfield Zoo Questions : Australia House
By: Tara DeVries
Trinity Christian College Interim 2013
Before you walk in and explore the creatures of Australia, look at the map to see just where this
land is located.
1. Because Australasia has been isolated for so long, these places share animal species
found nowhere else on Earth.
As you walk in, note the natural habitat that Australia contains. The murals on the wall show the
extremely dry and desolate land.
2. Australia’s animals are superbly adapted to life in their harsh environment.
3. The White Tree Frog can turn different colors depending on factors like temperature or
the amount of light around them.
What two colors can they frog change to? Brown and Green
Start towards the main room and stop to inspect the Marsupial display. Be sure to feel the inside
of the pouch.
4. What is the definition of Marsupials: mammals with pockets.
5. There are 140 species of marsupials in Australia.
Now continue in the room… Be sure to stay on the left side first!
Stranger Than Fiction: Australia and the lands nearby were isolated from the rest of the world for
so long that their animals evolved in strange and wonderful ways. A couple examples are…
6. Dozens of animals that carry their babies in pouches.
7. Mammals that lay eggs.
8. Wild and wonderful parrots.
9. Yard-long legless geckos.
Be sure to stop and take time to make a platypus and listen to the “settler’s clock”.
10. True or False:
False Australia’s outback is extremely wet. There are many plants, so prey animals are
not exposed to predators.
11. What is the name of the tree top dweller and who’s tail acts like an extra had to keep
them secure?
Solomon Island Prehensile- Tailed Skink.
12. How does the Woma Python attract its prey?
Wriggle their tail.
13. Australia’s saltwater crocodiles are up to 23 feet long.
Now, take a moment to listen to the princess parrot. Their calls are loud as they communicate
from one to the next.
14. Princess parrots don’t drink much. They get most of their water from the unusually large
variety of native plants they eat.
15. Match the animal with its correct scientific name:
c Cane Toad
a. Chondropython Viridis
b Green Tree Monitor
b. Varanus Prasinus
a Green Tree Python
c. Bufo Marinus
Follow the winding path towards the bats and wombats.
16. A Gippsland worm can be 13 feet long. Can you find its head?
Take a good look around at the wombats and kookaburras that live in this space. Be sure to
carefully observe these animals and their harsh homeland habitat. Can you imagine seeing these
beautiful creature in nature?!
17. Living in large family group, kookaburras use their brash call to establish territory.
Now it’s time to enter the bat area. Just a heads up, it’s going to be dark for the comfort of the
bats. This means there will be no questions along this path. Just enjoy the sights. But don’t
worry! The bats are excellent fliers and will not land on you!
As you leave the Australia house, it is important to check out the other neat animals that live
“outback” of it such as: Emus, Kangaroos, and Cassowaries. The next place you need to visit is
the Aardvark House just down the path.
In order to feast on ants and termites…
18. Aardvarks us their keen sense of hearing and smell.
19. Aardvarks break into termite mounds using their powerful limbs and claws.
20. Aardvarks have sticky foot-long tongues.
I hope you had fun learning more information about the creatures of Australia and the Aardvarks.
Enjoy the rest of the Zoo!
The Living Coast
By: Jessica Gabrielse
“For all is like an ocean, all _______________________ and connects; touch it in
one place and it ________________ at the other end of the ________________.
- Fyodor Dostoynevsky (The Brothers Karamazov)
Dive into the journey of looking through all the creatures in “The Living Coast.”
1. Look downs rely on each other. Even the hungriest ________ can’t catch
and eat a whole school of fish.
Go and “Be a Turtle.”
2. Once a sea turtle is hatched, what they have to do?
3. Kelp help! Raft of kelp are good _______ places for tired turtles.
4. The first several years of a turtle’s life are called the “____________.”
5. Lift up seaweed. What are grown turtles favorite foods?
6. You’re a grown turtle now, how many ping pong sized eggs will hatch?
7. Find pacific moray eel sign. What do they depend on to survive?_______
8. Find El Niño sign. South American fisherman originally used the term “El
Niño” to describe what? _______________________________________
“Be a penguin.” Start at the start arrow.
9. It’s better to _____ with a group of penguins.
10. Watch it! If you aren’t fast enough, whose lunch will you be? __________
You’re a penguin. Can you hear your mate calling? Push each button to find
your mate.
Go to next tank.
11. Green anemones are animals with ______ living inside them.
12. Home is where the reef is. Coral reefs provide a home to thousands of
_____ species, __________, and ______________, as well many other
ocean animals.
Now you are moving into Rocky Shores. Check out all the animals along the
13. To
_______________________ invite themselves into the burrows of other
14. Chinchillas live in ________________ and __________ only in South
America’s Andes Mountains.
15. Look at tarantula. They eat everything from __________ ______ to
_________ to _______ __________.
Go into the “Bat Cave.”
16. Check out “How could vampire bats save your life. Vampire bats have a
substance in their ________ that stops their prey’s blood from clotting
while they drink.
17. Look at “Why do young vampire bats depend on their mothers.” Mother
bats find their pups among a colony of hundreds by listening for their
distinct __________________________________.
Go and look at the penguins!
18. Find the humboldt penguins sign. The zoo manages the multizoo
breeding program for these birds, which are threatened with
_____________ and loss of _______ ________.
19. Check out the grey gulls sign. Grey gulls fly ____ miles or more into the
world’s driest desert to reach their chosen nest sites. No one knows
exactly why.
Go through wooden doors.
20.What’s the connection between penguin and bird droppings? Humbolt
“The Living Coast” Answer Key
Flows, echoes, world
1. Sharks
2. Head for the water and watch for predators
3. Resting
4. “Lost years”
5. Kelp and other plants
6. 100
7. Kelp
8. Warm ocean currents that often appear around Christmas
9. Hunt
10. Orca’s
11. Plants
12. Fish species, mollusks, and crustaceans
13. Boa constrictors
14. Rocky burrows and crevices
15. Newborn mice to insects to small lizards
16. Saliva
17. Cry
18. Overfishing and loss of nesting sites
19. 50
20. Droppings left by other seabirds
Feathers and Scales
By: Michelle Interrante
Walk in and go to the right!
Crested Wood Partridge
1. Crested wood partridges live in groups of up to ______ individuals. These birds search the
forest floor for __________ and ____________.
Tawny Frogmouth
2. If threatened, tawny frogmouths rely on their ___________________. Mottled gray-brown
feathers and dark streaks help them ____________ with the forest trees.
Blue-Faced Honeyeater
3. They can flick their specialized tongue into a flower ______ times per second. They lay
usually two eggs, which hatch in about _______ days.
Congo Peafowl
4. One way the pair stays connected in the rain forest is by ________________ to each other.
Make your way around to the “What is a Reptile?” sign with the large orange
snake on it.
5. Name the 4 ways in which amphibians differ from reptiles.
Continue to the birdcages on the back wall of the house!
6. I am a bird from Southwest U.S. and Mexico. I have my own clear and melodious song and
I’m known to mimic other bird calls. My nests are often located in cholla cactuses or other spiny
shrubs. Who am I?
7. I am a bird from Central and Western Sub-Saharan Africa. I am only active at night and I have
large yellow eyes that help me find tiny prey. Who am I?
8. I am a bird from Southwest U.S. My stiff tail feathers help me to balance and perch on cactus
trunks as I probe for meals of grasshoppers, beetles, and other insects. Who am I?
9. I am a bird from Southern Arizona and Mexico. I search grassy fields for seeds, berries, and
insects to eat. Since I make my nest right on the ground, we must hide our eggs from predators
by laying them in a well-camouflaged place. Who am I?
10. I am a bird from Southwest U.S. My body temperature lowers during cool desert nights to
save energy. In the morning I warm up quickly by exposing a bare patch of dark skin on my back
to the heat of the sun. Who am I?
White-Winged Dove
11. The white-winged dove gets most of the water it needs from the fruit and flowers of
_______________ cacti. This dove builds a flimsy platform_______________ of twigs that does
little to protect young from predators.
Gambel’s Quail
12. Clustered in conveys of up to _______________________ birds, quail dine at an all-you-caneat buffet served up by the desert’s rainy season. After three months of _______________ up
on new sprouts and seedlings, the birds pair off in the spring to breed and raise chicks.
13. The Bali Mynah communicates mostly through:
a. clicks and chirps
b. whistles and squawks
c. squawks and screeches
d. non-verbal communication
14. I am a bird with bright red eyes. I weigh nearly six pounds and have a fan-shaped crest that
helps me stand out. Who am I?
Now make your way to the center reptile tanks!
15. Frogs and other amphibian species are disappearing from the planet. Three of the major
problems are:
16.Which is not a color of poisonous frog that are found in these tanks?
a. green
b. blue
c. purple
d. yellow
17. What kind of snake is from Northern Midwest United States and has black patches of color
all over it?
18. I am a red, white, and black snake from Arizona. Who am I?
Feathers and Scales
By: Michelle Interrante
Walk in and go to the right!
Crested Wood Partridge
1. Crested wood partridges live in groups of up to __15____ individuals. These birds search the
forest floor for ____fruits______ and ___seeds_________.
Tawny Frogmouth
2. If threatened, tawny frogmouths rely on their _____camouflage____. Mottled gray-brown
feathers and dark streaks help them ___blend_________ with the forest trees.
Blue-Faced Honeyeater
3. They can flick their specialized tongue into a flower __10____ times per second. They lay
usually two eggs, which hatch in about ___17____ days.
Congo Peafowl
4. One way the pair stays connected in the rain forest is by ____calling____ to each other.
Make your way around to the “What is a Reptile?” sign with the large orange
snake on it!
5. Name the 4 ways in which amphibians differ from reptiles.
1. Naked skin
2. Breathes mainly through the skin
3. Eggs without elaborate membranes or shell
4. Tadpole or larval stage often present
Continue to the birdcages on the back wall of the house!
6. I am a bird from Southwest U.S. and Mexico. I have my own clear and melodious song and
I’m known to mimic other bird calls. My nests are often located in cholla cactuses or other spiny
shrubs. What am I?
__________Curve-Billed Thrasher___________________
7. I am a bird from Central and Western Sub-Saharan Africa. I am only active at night and I have
large yellow eyes that help me find tiny prey. Who am I?
____________Cape Thick-Knee_____________________
8. I am a bird from Southwest U.S. My stiff tail feathers help me to balance and perch on cactus
trunks as I probe for meals of grasshoppers, beetles, and other insects. Who am I?
____________Gila Woodpecker______________________
9. I am a bird from Southern Arizona and Mexico. I search grassy fields for seeds, berries, and
insects to eat. Since I make my nest right on the ground, we must hide our eggs from predators
by laying them in a well-camouflaged place. Who am I?
___________Masked Bobwhite Quail___________________
10. I am a bird from Southwest U.S. My body temperature lowers during cool desert nights to
save energy. In the morning I warm up quickly by exposing a bare patch of dark skin on my back
to the heat of the sun. Who am I?
White-Winged Dove
11. The white-winged dove gets most of the water it needs from the fruit and flowers of
___saguaro____ cacti. This dove builds a flimsy platform ____nest______ of twigs that does
little to protect young from predators.
Gambel’s Quail
12. Clustered in conveys of up to ____one hundred__________ birds, quail dine at an all-youcan-eat buffet served up by the desert’s rainy season. After three months of
____fattening_______ up on new sprouts and seedlings, the birds pair off in the spring to breed
and raise chicks.
13. The Bali Mynah communicates mostly through:
a. clicks and chirps
b. whistles and squawks
c. squawks and screeches
d. non-verbal communication
14. I am a bird with bright red eyes. I weigh nearly six pounds and have a fan-shaped crest that
helps me stand out. Who am I?
________Victoria Crowned Pigeon_____________________
15. Frogs and other amphibian species are disappearing from the planet. Three of the major
problems are:
_______water pollution______________________
_______fungal disease_______________________
16.Which is not a color of poisonous frog that are found in these tanks?
a. green
b. blue
c. purple
d. yellow
17. What kind of snake is from Northern Midwest United States and has black patches of color
all over it?
________Fox Snake________________
18. I am a red, white, and black snake from Arizona. Who am I?
__________Arizona Mountain Kingsnake________________
Brookfield Zoo
Nicki Jager
Reptiles and Birds
Enter the building on the East side, by the sign “Aviary Adventure meets here”.
Work your way through the hall to the middle by the bench, answering questions as you go.
What do you call a reptile scientist?
How many species of frogs and toads are there?
What kind of brown and yellow bird is found on the right, and what color is its head?
What kind of creatures can be found next to the Galapagos Tortoise exhibit? They don't
move much, see if you can find them!
How long can the Galapagos Tortoise grow to?
How do Argus Monitors use their sense of smell?
What kind of bird is in the Southeast section of the compass on the ground?
Head into the large room to the left with the birds.
Look straight down. What kind of birds enjoy swimming in this water? Hint: They look
like small ducks.
What large, red, green, and blue birds like climbing on the sticks in the middle?
What part of the world is home to the Wattled Curassow?
How many different plants are listed on the signs and what are they? Hint: Check them
How many different kinds of Tanagers are shown? Hint: Check them all and watch for
What bird looks like it has a white mohawk?
What's your favorite kind of bird in this room?
Exit the bird room and proceed down the hall to the left.
How many different types of Tortoises are there in this building?
Which gender of Australian Water Dragon is typically larger?
What kind of snake is in the large case across from the Red-Footed Tortoises?
What is the world's larges reptile and how long does it grow to?
Between lizards, snakes, and turtles, which has the most variety in species, with how
Do reptiles or amphibians lay leathery eggs?
How many types of birds are in the world?
Brookfield Zoo
Nicki Jager
Reptiles and Birds Teacher Key
Work your way through the hall to the middle by the bench, answering questions as you go.
What do you call a reptile scientist?
How many species of frogs and toads are there?
About 5800
What kind of brown and yellow bird is found on the right, and what color is its head?
Red Bird of Paradise, green head
What kind of creatures can be found next to the Galapagos Tortoise exhibit? They don't
move much, see if you can find them!
Sonoran Desert Toad
How long can the Galapagos Tortoise grow to?
Up to 6 feet long
How do Argus Monitors use their sense of smell?
Sticking their forked tongue out and using scent organs on the roof of their mouth
What kind of bird is in the Southeast section of the compass on the ground?
Head into the large room to the left with the birds.
Look straight down. What kind of birds enjoy swimming in this water? Hint: They look
like small ducks.
Ringed Teal
What large, red, green, and blue birds like climbing on the sticks in the middle?
Green-Winged Macaw
What part of the world is home to the Wattled Curassow?
Western Amazon Basin in South America
How many different plants are listed on the signs and what are they? Hint: Check them
4—Kentia Palm, Weeping Fig, Corn Plant, and Chinese Evergreen
How many different kinds of Tanagers are shown? Hint: Check them all and watch for
4—White Lined, Blue-Gray, Paradise, and Bay Headed
What bird looks like it has a white mohawk?
White-Crested Turaco
What's your favorite kind of bird in this room?
Exit the bird room and proceed down the hall to the left.
How many different types of Tortoises are there in this building?
3—Galapagos, Radiated, and Red-Footed
Which gender of Australian Water Dragon is typically larger?
Male—3 feet
What kind of snake is in the large case across from the Red-Footed Tortoises?
Reticulated Python
What is the world's larges reptile and how long does it grow to?
Reticulated Python
Between lizards, snakes, and turtles, which has the most variety in species, with how
Do reptiles or amphibians lay leathery eggs?
How many types of birds are in the world?
About 10,000
Habitat Africa: The Savannah (by Tori & Tori)
**Start by walking in through the indoor part of The Savannah, make sure to look at all of the
signs as you walk through and fill in the blanks. Once you are done inside, then go to the outdoor
part of The Savannah to finish answering the questions using the outdoor signs.
1. Much of Africa is ___________. A ____________ is a sea of grass dotted with trees,
waterholes, rivers, and rocky outcrops.
2. Foraging together helps protect theses small insect-eaters from predators--many ears and eyes
spot danger more quickly. Back in their den, ____________________ groom one another and
sleep side by side or stacked up on cold nights to conserve body heat.
3. If a predator corners a __________________ in its underground home, the ___________ digs
into the tunnel soil with its claws and inflates its body.
4. ______________ pair for life--a rare occurrence in the antelope world. The male keeps close
to his mate, guarding her and their offspring.
5. _______ klipspringers often stand as still as statues. They aren’t asleep--they’re watching for
6. These are not hyenas! These are the _________________________, one of the most
endangered canines in the world. They can take down prey as large as wildebeests and zebras
when they hunt in large family packs.
7. Keen eyes and a long neck and legs enable ____________ to spot danger on the horizon.
Other animals watch _____________ and use them as a warning signal for predators in the
8. The ____________, one type of lizard found on kopjes, has millions of microscopic bristles on
each club-shaped toe. These hook onto tiny bumps and cracks in the rock, keeping the lizard
attached as if it had Velcro on its feet.
9. Klipspringers don’t slip when they jump from rock to rock. ______________with blunt,
rubberlike soles give these antelope excellent traction.
10. About giraffe births
After ______ months of pregnancy, a giraffe mother’s labor lasts
___ to ___ hours. Delivery is in the __________________________ position
11. Find out who lives among the rocks at the interactive display. The four creatures are:
___________________ ______________________ __________________ ____________
12. Kopjes in depth. _____________________ settlers in Africa named the ________________
Formation kopjes meaning “little ________________________”
13. Only a few __________ African wild dogs remain in all of Africa, and the population
continues to decline. Wild dogs face habitat loss and must compete with lions and hyenas for
14. The wild dog’s scientific name, _________________, mean “painted wolf”. Like North
America’s wolves, African wild dogs are misunderstood.
15. What’s the plan? Zoos breed the wild dog’s most likely to produce a genetically
16. African wild dogs are social animals that live in closely-knit packs. You may see them
communicate using ____________________________.
17. African wild dogs are nomads that travel ________ miles in a day for food.
18. African wild dogs stalk everything from ___________ to ___________, but normally take
small to mid-sized antelope.
19. Less than half the eggs an ______________ sits on are her own!
20. If a group of female _______________ was chased by lions or hyenas, it might escape by
jumping into a nearby waterhole or river.
Habitat Africa: The Savannah
**Answer Key
1. Much of Africa is savannah. A savannah is a sea of grass dotted with trees, waterholes, rivers,
and rocky outcrops.
2. Foraging together helps protect theses small insect-eaters from predators--many ears and eyes
spot danger more quickly. Back in their den, dwarf mongoose groom one another and sleep
side by side or stacked up on cold nights to conserve body heat.
3. If a predator corners a plated lizard in its underground home, the lizard digs into the tunnel soil
with its claws and inflates its body.
4. Klipspringers pair for life--a rare occurrence in the antelope world. The male keeps close to
his mate, guarding her and their offspring.
5. Male klipspringers often stand as still as statues. They aren’t asleep--they’re watching for
6. Keen eyes and a long neck and legs enable giraffes to spot danger on the horizon. Other
animals watch giraffes and use them as a warning signal for predators in the area.
7. The gecko, one type of lizard found on kopjes, has millions of microscopic bristles on each
club-shaped toe. These hook onto tiny bumps and cracks in the rock, keeping the lizard
attached as if it had Velcro on its feet.
8. Klipspringers don’t slip when they jump from rock to rock. Tiny hooves with blunt, rubberlike
soles give these antelope excellent traction.
9. These are not hyenas! These are the African wild dog’s, one of the most endangered canines in
the world. They can take down prey as large as wildebeests and zebras when they hunt in large
family packs.
10. About giraffe births
After _14 1/2__ months of pregnancy, a giraffe mother’s labor
lasts _3_ to 5__ hours. Delivery is in the ______standing_________ position
11. Find out who lives among the rocks at the interactive display. The four creatures are:
__hyraxes_____ ___bats_______ ___snakes_____ _lizards_____
12. Kopjes in depth. _______Dutch_____ settlers in Africa named the ____rounded___
formation kopjes meaning “little _______heads____”
13. Only a few thousand African wild dogs remain in all of Africa, and the population
continues to decline. Wild dogs face habitat loss and must compete with lions and hyenas for
14. The wild dog’s scientific name, lycaon pictus, mean “painted wolf”. Like North
America’s wolves, African wild dog’ are misunderstood.
15. What’s the plan? Zoos breed the wild dog’s most likely to produce a genetically healthy
16. African wild dogs are social animals that live in closely-knit packs. You may see them
communicate using body postures.
17. African wild dogs are nomads that travel 25 miles in a day for food.
18. African wild dogs stalk everything from hares to zebras, but normally take small to midsized antelope.
19. Less than half the eggs an ostrich sits on are her own!
20. If a group of female waterbucks was chased by lions or hyenas, it might escape by
jumping into a nearby waterhole or river.
Habitat Africa: The Forest
1. Teaching Tolerance
Local people see crocodiles as very _____________________________. We try to help them
understand the crocodile plays an important role in the ____________________________as a
forest ________________________________while teaching them to avoid its dangers.
2. We want to know how many duikers there are
Since duikers are an important source of __________________________, it’s important to
study them and understand how disturbances such as _____________, affect duiker populations.
3. From Vine to Twine
We use “__________________” a liana vine to make __________________________ _____.
4. Honey is prized more than ____________________ because it is sweet and ______________.
During honey season we will walk up to ______ miles to find it.
5. Ahead by a nose
Using their great sense of _______________________ giant elephant shrews can tell
information about other individuals of the _______________________ including who is their
6. What do the Mbuti guides do when they catch an okapi in a net?
7. Until what year were Okapi unknown to people outside the DRC? _____________________
8. How many times per day are the okapi fed? ____
About how many different kinds of leaved are they fed? _____
9. Each species of strangler fig tree needs its own species of what insect to reproduce?
10. Why might a python curl into a tight ball in the face of danger from a predator?
11. When a male chameleon is blue this means he is __________________________ but when a
female chameleon is orange this means she is ready to ______________________________.
12. Up to how many degrees is a chameleon able to turn its head? ________________
13. Red flanked duikers have unusually large __________________________________glands.
What do these glands do? _____________________________________________________
14. Which animal has the scientific name Osteolaemus tetraspic?
15. Why might okapi eat so many different kinds of leaves?
As you leave this house, please notice the Canarium tree.
According to the sign, the ______________________________ of this tree is good to eat while
smoke from the sap will chase away ____________________________________
Habitat Africa: The Forest (Teacher Key)
1. Teaching Tolerance
Local people see crocodiles as very dangerous. We try to help them understand the crocodile
plays an important role in the Ituri as a forest predator while teaching them to avoid its dangers.
2. We want to know how many duikers there are
Since duikers are an important source of food, it’s important to study them and understand
how disturbances such as war, affect duiker populations.
3. From Vine to Twine
We use “kusa” a liana vine to make hunting nets.
4. Honey is prized more than meat because it is sweet and rare. During honey season we will
walk up to 30 miles to find it.
5. Ahead by a nose
Using their great sense of smell, giant elephant shrews can tell information about other
individuals of the species including who is their mate.
6. What do the Mbuti guides do when they catch an okapi in a net?
They put a radio collar on it
7. Until what year were Okapi unknown to people outside the DRC? 1901
8. How many times per day are the okapi fed? 2
About how many different kinds of leaved are they fed? 30
9. Each species of strangler fig tree needs its own species of what insect to reproduce?
10. Why might a python curl into a tight ball in the face of danger from a predator?
To make itself too large to swallow
11. When a male chameleon is blue this means he is relaxed but when a female chameleon is
orange this means she is ready to breed.
12. Up to how many degrees is a chameleon able to turn its head? 360
13. Red flanked duikers have unusually large preorbital glands.
What do these glands do? Create scents to mark territory
14. Which animal has the scientific name Osteolaemus tetraspic? Dwarf crocodile
15. Why might okapi eat so many different kinds of leaves? To many of one type might be toxic
or poisonous.
As you leave this house, please notice the Canarium tree.
According to the sign, the oil of this tree is good to eat while smoke from the sap will chase
away bad dreams.