US History Outline Balancing Nationalism and Sectionalism

US History Outline
Balancing Nationalism and Sectionalism
Industrial Revolution
a. Eli Whitney
b. How did factories change production in the US?
c. Jefferson’s Embargo Act of 1807
d. The War of 1812
i. British Blockade
ii. Factories in New England
Two Economic Systems Develop
a. Northern economy
b. Southern economy
c. Opposition to slavery in the North
i. Slavery abolished in Northern states
d. Eli Whitney’s cotton gin
i. How did this new invention lead to slavery growing?
Clay proposes the American System
a. President Madison’s plan
i. Three parts
ii. Clay’s support of this plan
1. The American System
iii. How did Clay think this plan would help unify the country?
b. National Road
c. Erie Canal
d. Tariffs needed for British goods
i. Tariff of 1816
ii. How did the north and south feel about these tariffs?
e. Second Bank of the US\
f. James Monroe
i. Goodwill tour
Supreme Court boosts national power
a. Robert Fulton
i. Fulton and Robert Livingston receive a charter
1. Monopoly
ii. The Supreme Court ruling on who has the power to regulate interstate commerce
1. The effects of this ruling
b. McCulloch v. Maryland
i. What happened in this court case?
c. The effects of decisions made by Chief Justice Marshall
Nationalism shapes foreign policy
a. John Quincy Adams foreign policy
i. Nationalism
ii. The Nations security
iii. Some of Adams’ accomplishments
1. 49th parallel
2. Oregon territory
3. Adams-Onis treaty
b. Monroe Doctrine
i. Why was it needed?
ii. What did it state?
c. The process for states to petition for admission into the Union
i. Missouri asks for admission
1. Slavery is an issue
2. Illinois is admitted as a free state
3. Alabama is admitted as a slave state
ii. Missouri compromise
1. Maine
2. Louisana Territory
Expanding democracy changes politics
a. John Quincy Adams becomes president
i. Why was he not very successful?
1. Andrew Jackson
2. Henry Clay
3. Adam’s believes in the American System
4. Jackson accuses Adams’ of making a deal with Clay
b. Jacksonians leave the republican party to form their own party
i. It officially becomes the Democratic Republican party
c. Jackson’s connection with the people
i. The “Common Man”
ii. How was his description of himself off?
iii. Old Hickory
d. Jackson’s Presidency
i. One of his first changes
1. Why did he make this change?
ii. Spoils system
iii. Jackson’s beliefs about the European system.
iv. Jackson’s ideas about natives and where they lived
1. Indian Removal Act of 1830
2. How did Jackson view this act?
3. What if tribes did not agree with the treaties from the act?
4. The Cherokee turn to the court system for help
a. Marshall’s initial ruling
b. The Courts final decision
c. Jackson’s response to the ruling
d. Supporters of relocation are made representatives
e. Martin van Buren orders the removal of any remaining Cherokee
e. Removal of Native Americans
1. Trail of Tears
A tariff raises the States’ Rights Issue
a. Why was the tariff passed?
b. How did people feel about this tariff?
c. Jackson’s vice president resigns over the tariff
d. South Carolina’s response to the tariff
i. Jackson’s response
ii. John C. Calhoun
iii. Force Bill of 1833
iv. Henry Clay
Jackson attacks the National Bank
a. Jackson vetoes the recharter of the bank
i. The publics feelings about this.
ii. Why did he oppose the bank?
b. Jackson tries to kill the BUS
i. Pet banks
ii. The BUS does not receive a recharter and closes
iii. How did many Democrats feel about Jackson’s actions?
c. A new party formed
i. Whig Party
1. What were their core beliefs?
Van Buren deals with Jackson’s legacy
a. Why did van Buren win the election easily?
b. The effects of Jackson’s bank policies
c. Panic of 1837
d. How did van Buren try to fix the problems?
e. William Henry Harrison beats out van Buren
i. Whig party
ii. His death
iii. John Tyler takes over
1. How did people feel about him?
Manifest destiny
a. Thomas Jefferson’s dream
b. Americans believe God wants them to expand
i. Manifest Destiny
c. James K. Polk
d. Gadsden Purchase