Health Final Exam Review

Thursday 5/16 – Senior Final Exam
Tuesday 5/21 – Underclassmen Final Exam
Matching (Part 1)
Emotional Health
Mental Health
Physical Health
Social Health
Social Support
Spiritual Health
Physical Health
Matching (Part 1)
Aspects of health related to the body
Involves interacting well with people
Feeling good about oneself
Having a sense of self worth
Ability to control and appropriately express feelings
Ability to find peace with yourself and those around you
A combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social
 Sharing life experiences and situations with others
 Ability to carry out the daily demands of living and have
energy for the unexpected demand
 State of well-being that comes from a good balance of the
5 aspects of health
T/F (Part 2)
 One characteristic of a mentally healthy
person is being able to work through
problems with friends.
 Adopting a healthy lifestyle will help you
achieve happiness.
 Two effective ways to manage fear are
exercising and becoming aware of your
positive traits.
T/F (Part 2)
 A mentally healthy person constantly relies on
defense mechanisms to deal with problems.
 In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, liking oneself is a
characteristic of the “love and affection” stage.
 A student who continually argues with
classmates and has a difficult time getting along
with others does not need professional help.
Multiple Choice (Part 3)
 Melina would like to be a friendlier person.
This mental image of what Melina would like
to be represents her
 Self-Image
Multiple Choice (Part 3)
 An organic disorder may be caused by
 A brain tumor
Multiple Choice (Part 3)
 Juan constantly mistrusts other people. He
may be suffering from
 Paranoia
Multiple Choice (Part 3)
 Aggressive behavior and antisocial behavior
are types of
 Personality disorders
Multiple Choice (Part 3)
 A problem that may signal a person’s need to
obtain professional help is
 Persistent difficulty sleeping
 Emotional problems coping with physical illness
 Inability to concentrate and make decisions
Multiple Choice (Part 3)
 What factors are linked to developing
 Family history
 Major life stresses
 Substance abuse
Matching (Part 4)
BAL of .02
Blood Alcohol Level
Matching (Part 4)
 Inflammation of the liver
 In most states, drivers under 21 are considered intoxicated at this
A drinking spree
The state of being psychologically and physically addicted to
The process of discontinue a drug to which the body has become
A way to measure the level of alcohol in a person
Uncomfortable effects brought on by the overuse of alcohol
Being affected by alcohol
A loss o memory due to too much drinking
A condition in which healthy liver cells are replaced by scare
T/F (Part 5)
 Alcohol is a dangerous drug because it can
change the way the body functions
 Long-term alcohol abuse can destroy the liver
 Drinking alcohol will make you cool,
sophisticated, and more attractive to the
opposite sex
T/F (Part 5)
 An intelligent reason for not drinking is that
alcohol can negatively affect your health
 You cannot get as drunk on wine as you can
hard liquor
 Most risk factors for alcoholism can be
T/F (Part 5)
 Alcoholism is a family illness. One person’s
alcoholism can affect everyone else
 One drink could never impair any driver
enough to cause an automobile accident
 If you drink a large quantity of it at one time,
alcohol call kill you
T/F (Part 5)
 Anyone who looks and acts sober is sober
Multiple Choice (Part 6)
 Alcohol can damage a person’s
 Liver
Multiple Choice (Part 6)
 Which of the following is a good reason to
 None of the above
Multiple Choice (Part 6)
 Some young people choose not to drink
 They like being sober
Multiple Choice (Part 6)
 Some teens drink because
 They feel pressure from their peers
 They wish to mask some emotional pain
 They think alcohol will improve their image
Multiple Choice (Part 6)
 A logical reason for refusing to drink alcohol
would be
 Because it is against the law
 Because you prefer not to be out of control
 Because of the standards set by your
Multiple Choice (Part 6)
 Which of the following is a risk factor for
alcoholism you can control?
 Environment
Multiple Choice (Part 6)
 A parent’s alcoholism can affect his/her
children through
 Physical abuse
 Mental abuse
 Emotional abuse
Multiple Choice (Part 6)
 Long-term alcohol abuse can lead to
 Irreversible memory damage
Multiple Choice (Part 6)
 Which of the following is true of alcoholism?
 Recovery can be an ongoing process
Multiple Choice (Part 6)
 Treatment for alcoholism includes
 Admitting powerlessness over alcohol
 Inpatient and outpatient counseling
 Withdrawal
T/F (Part 7)
 Cigarettes smoking is considered the most
avoidable cause of death in the United States
 Tobacco contains more than 400 poisonous
 Tar interferes with the blood’s ability to carry
T/F (Part 7)
 Smokeless tobacco can cause cancer of the
kidneys and bladder
 Cigarette smoking causes 80% of all cases of
lung cancer in the United States
 Mainstream smoke contains more tar,
nicotine, and carbon monoxide than
sidestream smoke
T/F (Part 7)
 Many people begin smoking because of peer
pressure or because of a parent’s example
 Nicotine gum and patches are available
without a prescription
 Cigarettes are psychologically addictive but
not physically addictive
T/F (Part 7)
 Smokeless tobacco can lead to cancer and
facial deformities
Multiple Choice (Part 8)
 The chemical in tobacco that is a
psychoactive substance and is addictive is
 Nicotine
Multiple Choice (Part 8)
 Which of the following is not true of lung
 Its connection to cigarette smoking is unclear
Multiple Choice (Part 8)
 Smoking is directly related to and can
increase one’s risk for
 A heart attack
 Kidney cancer
 Stroke
Multiple Choice (Part 8)
 The most dangerous use of tobacco is
 Cigarette smoking
Multiple Choice (Part 8)
 Using smokeless tobacco/chewing tobacco
and snuff/can put one at greater risk for
 Mouth cancer
Multiple Choice (Part 8)
 The tobacco smoke that rises from a lit pipe is
 Sidestream smoke
Multiple Choice (Part 8)
 Which of the following is least likely to
encourage a young person to quit smoking?
 Parent’s who smoke but tell their children not to
Multiple Choice (Part 8)
 Paula works in a high-stress job. She and
most of her co-workers smoke. It will be
particularly hard for her to quit smoking
 She may have little support from the people she is
with all day
Multiple Choice (Part 8)
 Which of the following would probably not
help Paula stop successfully?
 Spontaneously throw away her cigarettes one day
at work
Multiple Choice (Part 8)
 Which of the following do most people
experience the first few times they smoke?
 Nausea
 Clammy skin
 Rapid pulse