Lecture 12, February 10

Lecture 12: Lower bounds
 By "lower bounds" here we mean a lower bound on the complexity
of a problem, not an algorithm. Basically we need to prove that no
algorithm, no matter how complicated or clever, can do better than
our bound. This is often hard!
 That is: we say that f(n) is a lower bound on the complexity of a
problem P if, for every algorithm A to solve P, and every n, there
exists some input I of size n such that A uses at least f(n) steps on
input I.
 Why do we care about lower bounds in an algorithms course?
Because we want our algorithms to be fast, as fast as possible. If we
can prove that no algorithm can be faster than one we have devised,
then we can stop there, making no more efforts to improve.
Lower bound methods
 Counting argument -- everything is
eventually a “counting argument”. Usually
 Incompressibility argument – for average
 Adversary argument -- for worst case.
1. Incompressibility Argument
 THEOREM. Any comparison-based sorting algorithm must use
Ω(n log n) comparisons on average (averaged over all inputs,
where each arrangement is considered equally likely).
 Proof (by incompressibility argument):
Fix “Kolmogorov random” permutation π of 1.. n, such that the
shortest description of π,
C(π) ≥ log n! – O(1)
Suppose A sorts π in T(n) comparisons. We can describe π by
 A description of this encoding scheme and A in O(1) bits;
 The binary outcomes of the T(n) comparisons in T(n) bits.
T(n) + O(1) ≥ C(π) ≥ log n! –O(1) = Ω (n log n)
Since π is “typical”, the average case is also Ω(n log n). QED.
Incompressibility method summary
 Step 1. Choose a “typical” (incompressible) input I.
I.e. most of other inputs share the same property of
 Step 2. Consider the running time of the algorithm
under discussion on this input only.
 Step 3. Show if the algorithm runs in shorter time,
then you can give input I a shorter description.
 Step 4. Whatever time you obtain for I is the average
running time of the algorithm.
2. Adversary arguments
 Generally, we can think of a lower bound proof as a
game between the algorithm and an "adversary". The
adversary should be thought of as a very powerful,
clever being that is trying to make your algorithm run
as slowly as possible. The adversary cannot "read
the algorithm's mind", but it can try to be prepared for
anything the algorithm does. Finally, the adversary is
not allowed to "cheat"; that is, the adversary cannot
answer questions inconsistently.
 The algorithm, of course, is trying to run as quickly as
possible. The adversary is trying (through its
cleverness) to force the algorithm to run slowly.
What is an Adversary?
 Maybe considered as a second algorithm
which intercepts access to data structures.
 Constructs the input data only as needed
 Attempts to make original algorithm work as
hard as possible
 Analyze Adversary to obtain lower bound.
Important Restriction
 Although data is created dynamically, the
adversary must return consistent results.
 The adversary does not lie. If it replies that
x[1]<x[2], we cannot have x[2]<x[1].
Example 1.
 Thm 1. Every comparison-based algorithm for
determining the minimum of a set of n
elements must use at least n/2 comparisons.
 Proof. Every element must participate in at
least one comparison; if not, the uncompared
element can be chosen (by an adversary) to
be the minimum. Each comparison compares
2 elements. Hence, at least n/2 comparisons
must be made
Example 2.
 Thm 2. Every comparison-based algorithm for
determining the minimum of a set of n elements must
use at least n-1 comparisons.
 Proof. To say that a given element, x, is the
minimum, implies that every other element has won
at least one comparison with another element (not
necessarily x). (By "x wins a comparison with y" we
mean x > y.) This is because otherwise the
adversary can (consistently) declare a never-wonelement to be smaller than x. Each comparison
produces at most one winner. Hence at least n-1
comparisons must be used.
Finding both maximum and minimum
 It is possible to compute both the maximum
and minimum of a list of n numbers, using
(3/2)n - 2 comparisons if n is even, and (3/2)n
- 3/2 comparisons if n is odd. We will prove
that this solution is optimal, that is, no
comparison-based method can correctly
determine both the maximum and minimum
using fewer comparisons, in the worst case.
Lower bound on finding max&min
 The idea is as follows: in order for the
algorithm to correctly decide that x is the
minimum and y is the maximum, it must know
that (a) every element other than x has won
at least one comparison and (b) every
element other than y has lost at least one
comparison. (Here x winning a comparison
with y means x > y). Calling a win W and a
loss L, the algorithm must, in effect, assign n1 W's and n-1 L's. That is, the algorithm must
determine 2n-2 "units of information" to
always give the correct answer.
Example 3. Adversary argument for max min
 We now construct an adversary strategy that will
force the algorithm to learn its 2n-2 "units of
information" as slowly as possible.
 Here it is: the adversary labels each element of the
input as N, W, L, or WL. These labels may change
over time. "N" signifies that the element has never
been compared to any other by the algorithm. "W"
signifies the element has won at least one
comparison. "L" signifies the element has lost at least
one comparison. "WL" signifies the element has won
at least one and lost at least one comparison.
Finding Both Max and Min
 Codes:
N-never used
W-won once but never lost
L-lost once but never won
WL-won and lost at least once
 Key values will be arranged to make answers
to come out right
When comparing x and y
W,L; WL,L; W,WL x>y
L,W; L,WL; WL,W x<y
New Status Info Gain
Accumulating Information
 2n-2 bits of information are required to solve
the problem
 All keys except one must lose once, all keys
except one must win once
 Comparing N-N pairs results n/2 comparisons
and n bits of info
 n-2 additional bits are required --- one
comparison each is needed
Max-Min continues
 3n/2-2 comparisons are needed
 Upper bound is given by the following
Compare elements pairwise, put losers in one
pile, winners in another pile
Find max of winners, min of losers
This gives 3n/2-2 comparisons
 The algorithm is optimal