Evolution Change in allele frequency in a population over time. Population • A localized group of individuals of the same species. Importance of Hardy-Weinberg • Way to calculate allele frequencies through time. • Yardstick to measure rates of evolution. Hardy-Weinberg Assumptions 1. Large Population 2. Isolation 3. No Net Mutations 4. Random Mating 5. No Natural Selection If H-W assumptions hold true: • The allele frequencies will not change over time. • Evolution will not occur. Causes of Evolution 1. Genetic Drift 2. Gene Flow 3. Mutations 4. Nonrandom Mating 5. Natural Selection Genetic Drift • Changes in the gene pool a population due to random chance • Types: 1. Plain Genetic Drift 2. Bottleneck Effect 3. Founder's Effect By Chance Bottleneck Effect • Loss of most of the population by disasters. • Surviving population may have a different gene pool than the original population. Result • Some alleles lost. • Other alleles are over-represented. • Genetic variation usually lost. Importance • Reduction of population size may reduce gene pool for evolution to work with. • Ex: Cheetahs Founder's Effect • The reduced genetic diversity that results when a population is descended from a small number of colonizing ancestors. • Ex: Old-Order Amish Result • Genetic variation reduced. • Some alleles increase in frequency while others are lost (as compared to the parent population). Genetic Drift has a larger impact on small populations Gene Flow • Movement of genes in/out of a population. • Ex: • Immigration • Emigration Result • Changes in gene frequencies within a population. • Immigration often brings new alleles into populations increasing genetic diversity. Mutations • May change allele frequencies (small population). • Source of new alleles for selection. • Often lost by genetic drift. Nonrandom Mating • Sexual-Selection Natural Selection • Differential success in survival and reproduction. Fitness - Darwinian • The relative contribution an individual makes to the gene pool of the next generation. Chapter 24 The Origin of Species Question? • What is a species? • Comment - Evolution theory must also explain how species originate. Question? • How many species of African Violets are here? Two Concepts of Species 1. Morphological 2. Biological Morpological Species Concept • Organisms with very similar morphology (physical form) are the same species Problem • Where does extensive phenotype variation fit? Biological Species Concept • A group of organisms that could interbreed in nature and produce fertile offspring. Problems • Can’t apply BSC to: • Asexual organisms • Extinct species Speciation (new species arising) Requires: 1. Variation in the population. 2. Selection/Genetic Drift 3. Reproductive Isolation. Speciation in lizards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a DIQFQOCGaI Reproductive Barriers • Serve to isolate a populations from other gene pools. • Create and maintain “species”. Main Types of Barriers Prezygotic - Prevent mating or fertilization. Postzygotic - Prevent viable, fertile offspring. Prezygotic - Types 1. Habitat Isolation 2. Temporal Isolation 3. Behavioral Isolation 4. Mechanical Isolation 5. Gametic Isolation Habitat Isolation • Populations live in different parts of the environment • Ex – mountains vs lowlands. Temporal Isolation • Breeding seasons or time of day different. • Ex – flowers open in morning or evening. Behavioral Isolation • Mating or courtship behaviors different. • Different sexual attractions operating. • Ex – songs and dances in birds. Mechanical Isolation • Structural differences that prevent gamete transfer. • Ex – anthers not positioned to put pollen on a bee, but will put pollen on a bird. Gametic Isolation • Gametes fail to attract each other and fuse. • Ex – chemical markers on egg and sperm fail to match. Postzygotic Types 1. Reduced Hybrid Viability 2. Reduced Hybrid Fertility Reduced Hybrid Viability • Zygote fails to develop or mature. • Ex – when different species of frogs or salamanders hybridize. Reduced Hybrid Fertility • Hybrids are viable, but can't reproduce sexually. • Chromosome count often “odd” so meiosis won’t work. • Ex – donkeys and horses produce mules How do species occur? 1. Allopatric Speciation 2. Sympatric Speciation Both work through a block of gene flow between two populations. Allopatric Speciation • Allopatric = other homeland • Ancestral population split by a geographical feature. Sympatric Speciation • Sympatric = same homeland • New species arise within the range of parent populations. What is the Speed of Speciation? • Gradualism • Punctuated Equilibrium Gradualism Predicts: • Long periods of time are needed for steady, continuous evolution • Should see plenty of “transition species” • Problem: not many “transition species” fossils found Punctuated Equilibrium • Evolution has two speeds of change: • Gradualism or slow change • Rapid bursts of speciation Predictions • Speciation can occur over short periods of time in a changing environment (natural disasters) • Fossils of transition species are rare Summary • Be able to discuss the main theories of what is a “species”. • Know various reproductive barriers and examples. Summary • Know allopatric and sympatric speciation. • Know adaptive radiation. • Be able to discuss gradualism and punctuated equilibrium theories.