Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK Week 1 DAY CONCEPT OBJECTIVES Friday, 8/3 Acclimating to BHS -Understand School rules -Biology expectations Monday, 8/6 Application of Scientific Method -What is science? -Identify and apply the steps of the scientific method -Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative observations -Identify and apply the steps of scientific method Chapter 1 Tuesday, 8/7 Application of Scientific Method INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES - Letter to self with goal setting - Discussion of class/school expectations - Handout class syllabus and lab safety rules - PowerPoint: First day of school and Lab Safety -HW: Get Lab Safety Contract signed PowerPoint: Scientific Method/What is Science? Activity # 1: Index card, pen, and pencil activity with rulermake a qualitative and quantitative observation of each. Thursday, 8/9 Friday, 8/10 Characteristics of Life Branches of Biology Chapter 1 Graphing and measurements Making measurements Chapter 1 SCSh 2, 3, 4, and 5 Activity # 2: Homer Simpson WS: identify the controlled, manipulated and responding variables in each situation. HW: Define Chapter--1 Vocabulary Bell ringer: Identify the variables in each situation. Teacher demo: How to use a triple-beam balance and student practice (pencil and paper clip) Lab: Application of scientific method with Chewing Gum Lab Chapter 1 Wednesday, 8/8 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) SCSh 2, 3, 4, and 5 -Understanding the 7 characteristics of life -Living/non-living differentiation Quiz: Scientific method and lab safety PowerPoint: Characteristics of Life SB4 -Identify and label appropriate graphs based on data -Selecting the correct tools for proper measurement -Metric System PowerPoint – choosing appropriate graphs depending on data. Also give out handouts with graphs. SCSh 3 PowerPoint: Metric System Measurements Going the distance and measurement conversion worksheets HW: Parts of the Microscope Worksheet SCSh 3, 4, 5 Homework – Super Scientists Worksheet 1 Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK Week 2 DAY CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) SCSh4 Monday, 8/13 Microscopy Proper use of microscopes PowerPoint: Microscope Lab: “E” Lab Tuesday, 8/14 Test review Understand all concepts in first section Review game: PASSWORD/PICTIONARY -In groups of 4 students will take turns picking vocabulary words from a cup and will then give one word clues for their teammates. Their teammates will try to guess the words. - In groups of 4 students will take turns passing picking vocabulary words from a cup and will then draw clues for their teammates. Their teammates will try to guess the words. -10 multiple-choice practice questions, using packets of colored letters (A, B, C, D) for response. -Quizlet: Chapter 1 SCSh 2, 3, 4, and 5 Wednesday, 8/15 TEST TEST SCSh 2, 3, 4, and 5 Thursday, 8/16 Ecology The Biosphere - To understand how the biosphere is organized. Chapter 3 The Biosphere - Energy flow To understand how matter is cycled Test # 1: Scientific Method/Metric System/Lab Safety Vocabulary preview for Chapter 3 PowerPoint: Ecology Teacher Demo: Levels of organization with beads or colored magnets. Worksheet: Energy Flow Worksheet PowerPoint: Cycles of Matter Worksheet: Nutrient Cycles Worksheet HW: Review for Energy Cycle Quiz Friday, 8/17 Chapter 3 2 SB4a SB4b Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK Week 3 DAY CONCEPT Monday, 8/20 Cycles of Matter Chapter 3 Tuesday, 8/21 Community interactions Chapter 4 - Terrestrial Biomes - Aquatic Biomes - Succession Chapter 4 Wednesday, 8/22 Thursday, 8/23 Population Demographics Chapter 5 Friday, 8/24 Limiting Factors Chapter 5 OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES To understand the 5 cycles of matter for living things: H20, C, N, S, P To define and identify the 3 types of symbiotic relationships in nature To name, describe and locate the major biomes of the world - To learn about the different types of aquatic biomes - To learn about and differentiate between primary and secondary succession -To understand how do populations grow - To contrast Logistic and Exponential growth Quiz – Energy Flow (20 mins.) PowerPoint: 5 Cycles of Matter (20 mins.) Worksheet: Nutrient Cycles (20 mins). -To identify the density dependent and independent factors that limits a population growth 3 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) SB4b PowerPoint: Symbiotic Relationships and chart to help remember the different types Worksheet: Good buddies PowerPoint: Biomes Activity: Using pre-made flipbooks, students will answer given questions on each biome and color in the corresponding location on the world map. HW: Finish Flipbook SB4a PowerPoint: Populations Lab: Estimating population size. In pairs, students will learn two different ways to estimate population size (Sampling and Recapture. HW: Benchmark Review Study Guide (due Thursday PowerPoint: Populations Activity/Worksheet – Deer: Predation or Starvation - SB4a, SB4b SB4b SB4a, SB4b Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK Week 4 Performance Essay DAY CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Monday, 8/27 Human Population Chapter 5 Tuesday, 8/28 -Resources -Human Impact on the Ecosystem Chapter 6 Wednesday, 8/29 LANGUAGE ARTS + FINE ARTS Performance Essay PowerPoint: Ozone, Global Warming, Conservation and Biological Magnification Discuss invasive species in Georgia. HW: Zebra mussels article with questions. BENCHMARK BENCHMARK Review: Benchmark Study Guide (due Thursday Sept. 6 th). SCSh 2, 3, 4, and 5 REVIEW REVIEW Game 1 (Password): In groups of four, students will pick SB4a-d vocabulary words and give one-word clues to their teammates so they may guess the word (20 mins). Game 2 (Pictionary): In groups of four, students will pick vocabulary words and draw diagrams of the chosen word so that their teammates will guess it. Professional Learning (Early Release) Vocabulary activity with quizlet over Chapters 1-6 Thursday, 8/30 Friday, 8/31 - To describe human population growth and its limiting or not so limiting factors -To distinguish between renewable and non renewable resources - To describe how the human population is impacting ecosystems ( pollution, resources) -To learn about different invasive species in GA PowerPoint: Populations Activity: Graph human growth over the last four hundred years and use the graph and answer projection questions. STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) SB4b PowerPoint: Human Impact on the Ecosystem Activity # 1: Environmental Action Activity # 2: What should be saved? 4 SB4b Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK Week 5 Benchmark Week #1 DAY CONCEPT OBJECTIVES Monday, 9/3 Tuesday, 9/4 LANGUAGE ARTS + FINE ARTS Wednesday, 9/5 MATH + FOREIGN LANGUAGE Thursday, 9/6 SCIENCE + HEALTH/PE Friday, 9/7 INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES LABOR DAY HOLIDAY Jeopardy review game for Benchmark 1 Benchmark 1 Vocabulary assignment for Chapter 7 SOCIAL STUDIES + CTAE Analysis of Benchmark 1 Chapter 1 – Characteristics of Life (Living and non-living) http://www.firstschoolyears.com/science/resources/games/ourselves/living/living.htm 5 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK Week 6 DAY CONCEPT OBJECTIVES Monday, 9/10 Chapter 3 Levels of Organizations Feeding Relationships Tuesday, 9/11 Wednesday, 9/12 Thursday, 9/13 Friday, 9/14 Chapter 3 Cycles of Matter INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES PowerPoint on levels of organization and feeding relationships. Create a food chain 6 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) SCSH 1, 7, 8 Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones http://www.biologycorner.com/worksheets/foodweb.htm WEEK DAY Week 7 Performance Essay Monday, 9/17 Tuesday, 9/18 Wednesday, 9/19 Thursday, 9/20 Friday, 9/21 CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES SOCIAL STUDIES + CTAE 7 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK Week 8 DAY CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Monday, 9/24 Tuesday, 9/25 Wednesday, 9/26 Thursday, 9/27 Friday, 9/28 8 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK Week 9 DAY CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Monday, 10/1 Tuesday, 10/2 Wednesday, 10/3 Thursday, 10/4 Friday, 10/5 9 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK DAY Week 10 Benchmark Week #2 Monday, 10/8 Tuesday, 10/9 Wednesday, 10/10 Thursday, 10/11 Friday, 10/12 Monday, 10/15 Tuesday, 10/16 Wednesday, 10/17 Thursday, 10/18 Friday, 10/19 CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES LANGUAGE ARTS + FINE ARTS MATH + FOREIGN LANGUAGE SOCIAL STUDIES + CTAE SCIENCE + HEALTH/PE Professional Learning Day (Student Holiday) FALL HOLIDAY PSAT/ASVAB/College Fair Professional Learning (Early Release) HOMECOMING (Early Release) 10 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK Week 11 DAY CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Monday, 10/22 Tuesday, 10/23 Wednesday, 10/24 Thursday, 10/25 Friday, 10/26 11 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK DAY Week 12 Performance Essay Monday, 10/29 Tuesday, 10/30 Wednesday, 10/31 Thursday, 11/1 Friday, 11/2 CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES MATH + FOREIGN LANGUAGE 12 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK Week 13 DAY CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Monday, 11/5 Tuesday, 11/6 Wednesday, 11/7 Thursday, 11/8 Friday, 11/9 13 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK DAY Week 14 Benchmark Week #3 Monday, 11/12 Tuesday, 11/13 Wednesday, 11/14 Thursday, 11/15 Friday, 11/16 CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES SCIENCE + HEALTH/PE SOCIAL STUDIES + CTAE LANGUAGE ARTS + FINE ARTS MATH + FOREIGN LANGUAGE THANKSGIVING BREAK 14 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK DAY Week 15 Performance Essay Monday, 11/26 Tuesday, 11/27 Wednesday, 11/28 Thursday, 11/29 Friday, 11/30 CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES SCIENCE + HEALTH/PE 15 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK Week 16 DAY CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Monday, 12/3 Tuesday, 12/4 Wednesday, 12/5 Thursday, 12/6 Friday, 12/7 16 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK Week 17 DAY CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Monday, 12/10 Tuesday, 12/11 Wednesday, 12/12 Thursday, 12/13 Friday, 12/14 17 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK DAY Week 18 Benchmark Week #4 Monday, 12/17 Tuesday, 12/18 Wednesday, 12/19 Thursday, 12/20 Friday, 12/21 CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Semester Exams (Benchmark #4) – 7th Period Semester Exams (Benchmark #4) – 1st & 2nd Periods Semester Exams (Benchmark #4) – 3rd & 4th Periods Semester Exams (Benchmark #4 – 5th & 6th Periods Professional Learning Day (Student Holiday) 18 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK Week 1 DAY Monday, 1/7 Tuesday, 1/8 Wednesday, 1/9 Thursday, 1/10 Friday, 1/11 CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Professional Learning Day (Student Holiday) 19 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK Week 2 DAY CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Monday, 1/14 Tuesday, 1/15 Wednesday, 1/16 Thursday, 1/17 Friday, 1/18 20 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK Week 3 DAY CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Monday, 1/21 Tuesday, 1/22 Wednesday, 1/23 Thursday, 1/24 Friday, 1/25 MLK HOLIDAY 21 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK DAY Week 4 Performance Essay Monday, 1/28 Tuesday, 1/29 Wednesday, 1/30 Thursday, 1/31 Friday, 2/1 CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES LANGUAGE ARTS + FINE ARTS 22 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK Week 5 Benchmark Week #1 DAY Monday, 2/4 Tuesday, 2/5 Wednesday, 2/6 Thursday, 2/7 Friday, 2/8 CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES LANGUAGE ARTS + FINE ARTS MATH + FOREIGN LANGUAGE SCIENCE + HEALTH/PE SOCIAL STUDIES + CTAE 23 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK Week 6 DAY CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Monday, 2/11 Tuesday, 2/12 Wednesday, 2/13 Thursday, 2/14 Friday, 2/15 24 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK DAY Week 7 Performance Essay Monday, 2/18 Tuesday, 2/19 Wednesday, 2/20 Thursday, 2/21 Friday, 2/22 Monday, 2/25 Tuesday, 2/26 Wednesday, 2/27 Thursday, 2/28 Friday, 3/1 CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES WINTER HOLIDAY SOCIAL STUDIES + CTAE 25 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK Week 8 DAY CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Monday, 3/4 Tuesday, 3/5 Wednesday, 3/6 Thursday, 3/7 Friday, 3/8 26 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK Weeks 9/10 Benchmark Week #2 DAY Monday, 3/11 Tuesday, 3/12 Wednesday, 3/13 Thursday, 3/14 Friday, 3/15 Monday, 3/18 Tuesday, 3/19 Wednesday, 3/20 Thursday, 3/21 Friday, 3/22 CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES LANGUAGE ARTS + FINE ARTS MATH + FOREIGN LANGUAGE Professional Learning (Student Holidays) SOCIAL STUDIES + CTAE SCIENCE + HEALTH/PE Early Release 27 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK DAY Week 11 Performance Essay Monday, 3/25 Tuesday, 3/26 Wednesday, 3/27 Thursday, 3/28 Friday, 3/29 CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES MATH + FOREIGN LANGUAGE 28 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK Week 12 Performance Essay DAY Monday, 4/1 Tuesday, 4/2 Wednesday, 4/3 Thursday, 4/4 Friday, 4/5 CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES SCIENCE + HEALTH/PE SPRING BREAK 29 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK DAY Week 13 Performance Essay Monday, 4/15 Tuesday, 4/16 Wednesday, 4/17 Thursday, 4/18 Friday, 4/19 CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES 30 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK Week 14 Benchmark Week #3 DAY Monday, 4/29 Tuesday, 4/30 Wednesday, 5/1 Thursday, 5/2 Friday, 5/3 CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES SOCIAL STUDIES + CTAE LANGUAGE ARTS + FINE ARTS MATH + FOREIGN LANGUAGE SCIENCE + HEALTH/PE 31 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK Week 15 DAY CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Monday, 5/6 Tuesday, 5/7 Wednesday, 5/8 Thursday, 5/9 Friday, 5/10 AP Exams Monday, 5/6 – AP Chemistry (AM) and AP Psychology (PM) Wednesday, 5/8 – AP Calculus (AM) Thursday, 5/9 – AP English Literature (AM) Friday, 5/10 – AP English Language (AM), AP Art (AM), and AP Statistics (PM) Career Pathways Testing Tuesday, 5/7 Wednesday, 5/8 Thursday, 5/9 (PM – Make-Up Exams) 32 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK Week 16 DAY CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Monday, 5/13 Tuesday, 5/14 Wednesday, 5/15 Thursday, 5/16 Friday, 5/17 AP Exams Monday, May 13 – AP Biology (AM) and AP Music Theory (AM) Tuesday, May 14 – AP Government (AM) Wednesday, May 15 – AP US History (AM) Thursday, May 16 – AP Macroeconomics (AM) and AP World History (AM) Friday, May 17 – AP Human Geography (AM) EOCTs Thursday, 5/16 – Economics Friday, 5/17 – 9th Lit & Comp, Math 2 (Other EOCTs will be given during Semester Exam periods.) 33 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR COURSE: Biology/Ecology SEMESTER: Fall 2012 TEACHER(S): Rowland, Jones WEEK Week 17 Benchmark Week #4 DAY Monday, 5/20 Tuesday, 5/21 Wednesday, 5/22 Thursday, 5/23 Friday, 5/24 CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Senior Exams (Benchmark #4 – 5th, 6th, & 7th) Senior Exams (Benchmark #4 – 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th) / Semester Exams (Benchmark #4 – 7th) Semester Exams (Benchmark #4 – 1st & 2nd) Semester Exams (Benchmark #4 – 3rd & 4th) Semester Exams (Benchmark #4 – 5th & 6th) 34 STANDARDS (CCGPS, GPS, AP)