October 2014 PowerPt 3

October 2014
Ms McCann
Environmental Science
September 29th
Bell Ringer:
List the FOUR layers of the atmosphere.
1. Poster Presentations
2. Review Activity
September 30th
Bell Ringer:
In which sphere do all of the Earth’s ocean belong?
1. Complete Sphere Presentations
2. Poster Wisdom Walk
3. Ch 3 Test
4. Carbon Cycle Labeling Sheet
5. BioGeoChemical Cycles YouTube video?
October 1st
Bell Ringer:
A nutrient cycle is also called a __________ cycle. (see
p.83 in green textbook)
1. Carbon Cycle PowerPt Notes
Add notes to the outline you made yesterday and get out
your Carbon Cycle diagram
2. Teach ‘how to’ Complete: Read p83-85 in green
text outline, written on the board.
3. Pass Back Graded Assignments (1st only)
October 2nd
Bell Ringer:
Why do plants undergo photosynthesis?
1. Carbon Cycle Simulation Activity
*If not complete, complete for HW.
*Please check your carbon cycle diagram with
the one posted to the front board.
October 3rd
Bell Ringer:
What is the role of a decomposer within the Carbon
*Hold on to the Carbon Cycle Simulation Sheet
1. BioGeoChemical Cycles YouTube video
**Please take out a sheet of paper for notes.
2. Read ch 3-3 p83-89 and complete the guided
*If not completed in class, please come to office hours
to use the book.
October 6th
Bell Ringer:
How are the chemical equations of photosynthesis
and respiration related?
1. Review 3-4 guided reading
2. Carbon Forest Activity
3. Carbon Molecule Journey Summary
*Today is the last assignment for quarter 1. All
missing work due by FRIDAY, 10/10!!
Carbon Forest Activity
• All life is based on the element carbon.
• Carbon is the major chemical component of most
organic matter, from fossil fuels to the complex
molecules (DNA and RNA) that control genetic
reproduction in organisms.
• Yet by weight, carbon is not one of the most
abundant elements within the Earth's crust.
• In fact, the lithosphere is only 0.032% carbon by
weight. In comparison, oxygen and silicon
respectively make up 45.2% and 29.4% of the
Earth's surface rocks.
• Carbon is stored on our planet in the following
major sinks:
(1) as organic molecules in living and dead
organisms found in the biosphere
(2) as the gas carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
(3) as organic matter in soils
(4) in the lithosphere as fossil fuels and
sedimentary rock deposits such as limestone,
dolomite and chalk
(5) in the oceans as dissolved atmospheric carbon
dioxide and as calcium carbonate shells in
marine organisms.
The Carbon Cycle
The Procedure
• There are six stations label around the room.
• You will be randomly placed at one of the stations.
• Each student rolls the die or choose a number between
1 and 6, and then read the statement at their station
corresponding to that number.
• Write on the lab sheet the current station, what
happens to you based on their number, and where you
will go next.
• When I call out “cycle,” you should go to the next
station as directed on the card.
• If the directions have you stay at the same station, then
you should either roll the die again or choose again a
number between 1 and 6.
• We will repeat steps about ten more times or until
most students have cycled through Tree Station at
least once.
My Journey as a Carbon Atom
Write a brief story from a carbon atom’s point of
view that describes the journey they just took
through the carbon cycle.
For example, a story might start as
“I was a carbon atom in a tall tree. One day a fierce
storm came, and knocked the tree over. It lay for a
long time on the forest floor. As it decayed, I was
released into the atmosphere….”
Further Thought and Discussion
Discuss the following:
– At which station did you spend the most time? At which
station did you spend the least time?
– While each of your journeys was different, was there
anything similar about them?
– At which stations can carbon be stored? At which
stations is carbon released into the atmosphere?
– What are the different paths carbon might take after
becoming a tree? Which paths release carbon quickly
into the atmosphere, and which store carbon for a long
period of time?
How does the carbon cycle help us understand the
relation between forests and global climate change?
October 7th
Bell Ringer:
What does the law of the conservation of matter
1. Carbon molecule journey summary due
2. Pass Back Graded Assignments
3. Discuss Important Dates
4. Nitrogen pre lab activity: p87
5. Continue the Biogeochemical Cycle Outline:
Nitrogen is “C” on your outline.
6. Nitrogen Cycle PowerPoint **
Nitrogen Cycle Pre Activity
Start on Page 87
1. How do humans impact the Nitrogen Cycle?
2. What are the two ways in which nitrogen fixation can occur
3. Describe the role bacteria plays in the Nitrogen Cycle.
Define the following:
Nitrogen cycle
nitrogen fixation
nitrogen-fixing bacteria
denitrifying bacteria
*Add the Nitrogen Cycle to the Biogeochemical Outline
October 8th
Bell Ringer:
Explain what is eutrophication and how it can lead to hypoxia.
*First Period: Hand back Graded Assignments
Reminder: You must ask me TODAY for missing assignments
you wish to work on in class tomorrow!!
1. BYOT contracts-Due Friday, 10/10!
2. Complete Nitrogen PP
3. *Nitrogen should be added to Outline, vocab and 3 Qs
should be complete.
4. Nitrogen Activity – on a separate sheet of paper
5. On a separate sheet of paper, draw the Nitrogen cycle- be
specific and detailed.
Nitrogen Cycle Activity Qs
4. Explain why the tropical forest has a more lush plant life
than the tundra in regards to how fast things decompose.
5. Give a short explanation why the following human
impacts have increased nitrogen in ecosystems.
a) manure
b) continual harvesting of soy beans
(nodule containing legume plants)
c) burning forests
6. Draw the Nitrogen cycle. Be sure to include nitrogen
fixation, nitrification, denitrification, ammonia, N2, nitrate,
lightning, and bacteria.
October 9th:
*No Bell Ringer
1. Read the Water article and answer questions on a
separate sheet of paper.
*Copies didn’t arrive on Oct 9th – only made a class set.
Students should not remove from class.
2. Complete:
a. Nitrogen Diagram (any of the Nitrogen assignments)
b. Read p63: The Dead Zone and write a paragraph stating
which solution from p89 you feel would be the best and why.
c. Work on any missing assignments!
d. Draw the Water Cycle (p81) or Phosphorus Cycle (p86)
Bell Ringer:
October 10th
What are the two ways in which nitrogen
fixation can occur naturally?
What should be complete by TODAY:
Nitrogen Cycle outline ‘C’
Nitrogen Cycle Qs/vocab
Nitrogen Cycle worksheet/diagram
Water article questions
*BYOT contract due – No BYOT unless you turn in the contract!!
If you have completed all the Nitrogen Cycle Assignments:
1. Continue Biogeochemical Outline: Phosphorus is letter ‘D’ on outline
2. Dead Zone Activity – read p63 and write a paragraph detailing a
**All first quarter work must be completed by the end of the day TODAY!
October 13th
Bell Ringer:
What do you think a ‘Dead Zone’ means?
1. Important Dates/Pass Back Graded Assignments
2. Dead Zone Activity
3. Add the ‘D’ Phosphorus Cycle (p86) and the ‘E’
Water Cycle (p81) to the biogeochemical outline
Important Dates
October 10th:
ALL First Quarter assignments completed.
October 13th:
Second Quarter Assignments:
Biogeochemcial Cycle Outline
Carbon Cycle Diagram
Carbon Forest Activity/paragraph
Nitrogen Worksheet
Water Article Questions
*No Lunch Office Hours Today – due to training
October 22nd: Biogeochemcial Cycle Test
The Dead Zone Activity
1. Read p63: The Dead Zone (7 minutes)
2. Write a paragraph describing a solution to the Dead Zone
(see p89): (7 minutes)
Sentence 1-Tell me which solution you are choosing.
Sentence 2&3- Explain why you feel this is the best
solution to the problem.
Sentence 4-Conclusion sentence
3. Partner Work-handout/questions (15 minutes) –EACH person answers
the questions on the BACK of their paragraph. Staple the two sheets
together and place into the bell ringer tray
Upon completion, read p86 (Phosphorus) and add ‘D’ to the
Biogeochemcial Cycle Outline.
Dead Zone Partner Activity
With a partner, read the handout and answer these questions on the back of
your paragraph:
1. According to the bar graph, when did scientists begin taking
measurements of the dead zone?
2. What is the largest area that the dead zone has covered?
3. What is the acceptable size of the dead zone area according to the
Action Plan Goal?
4. What information from the USGS has been used to determine the
factors that affect the size of the dead zone? What information was
5. Does the existence of a dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico change what
you think about the Big Question: “How do nonliving parts of the Earth’s
systems provide the basic materials to support life?”
6. Share your solutions to the Dead Zone with your partner. Together,
determine the best solution to this issue. Explain the solution you and
your partner determined to be the best solution.
• Please sit quietly until everyone has finished.
October 14th
Bell Ringer:
What was your solution to improve the effects of the Dead Zone?
Note: If you did not complete the Dead Zone Activity, you must
come to office hours this week!
1. Biogeochemical Cycle Booklet
2. Phosphorus PP w/notes
3. Follow-up Questions on Phosphorus Cycle
-write the question and answer on NB paper
4. On the back of the PP notes, draw the Phosphorus Cycle
5. Add the ‘D’ Phosphorus Cycle (p86)
6. If time permits, add the ‘E’ Water Cycle (p81) to the
biogeochemical outline and Diagram the Water Cycle (blue sheet)
7. PSAT assignment – read and highlight
Second Quarter Assignments:
Completed by Friday, October 17th:
Biogeochemcial Cycle Outline
Carbon Cycle Diagram – part of outline
Carbon Forest Activity/paragraph
Nitrogen Worksheet
Nitrogen Cycle Diagram – part of outline
Water Article Questions
Dead Zone Activity
Phosphorus Cycle Diagram/Questions
Water Cycle Diagram
Desalination Lab
Test: Thursday, October 23rd
Staple in this order:
1.Carbon Forest Activity/paragraph
2. Nitrogen Worksheet
3. Water Article Questions
4. Dead Zone Activity
Must complete by Friday, October 17th!
PSAT – 1st-5th
October 15th
Biogeochemical Cycle Review Sheet
October 16th
Bell Ringer:
Which of the biogeochemical cycles is the slowest cycle?
10/15: PSAT
I will be lecturing and showing video MOST of class. Please take care of water/restroom
needs NOW, as you will not be excused during class until I have finished.
1. Water Cycle PP w/notes - water cycle diagram
2. Read p81 and add the water cycle to the outline ‘E’
3. Begin Water Cycle Desalination Lab (3 days)
Day 1:
PP, Explain Lab, Assign groups, Groups Brainstorm/Plan
Groups must turn in ‘plant blueprints’ by the end of class
October 17th
Bell Ringer: Use your Water Cycle Notes from
yesterday: write the letter next to the number.
Match the process with the correct change in state or
1. Evaporation
2. Precipitation
3. Transpiration
4. Condensation
Liquid to gas
Gas vapor to liquid
Liquid that returns to the earth’s surface
Vapor that enters the atmosphere from the
leaves of plants
October 17th
1. Complete Water Cycle Outline (7 minutes)- DUE TODAY!
2. Second Quarter Assignments: 30pt Formative Grade
Biogeochemcial Cycle Outline
Cycle Diagrams: Carbon,Nitrogen,Phosphorus Drawing, Water
Carbon Forest Activity/paragraph
Nitrogen Worksheet
Water Article Questions
Dead Zone Activity
Phosphorus Cycle PP Notes/Qs
Water Cycle PP Notes
3. Desalination Lab Day 1:
PP(7min)/video(2min), Explain Lab, Assign groups of 4, Groups
*Groups must turn in ‘plant blueprints’ by the end of class
October 21st
Bell Ringer:
Explain the purpose of desalination?
1. Return Biogeochemical Packet (please check score and completion)
HW: Biogeochemical Review Sheet–due 10/ 23
*6th/7th period received Wed. 10/15
Test on Friday, 10/24!!
2. Desalination Lab Day 2: Build It!
October 22nd
Bell Ringer:
List the 4 processes of the water cycle.
1. Desalination Lab Day 3 – “Test It”
2. Work on the Biogeochemical Test Review
Sheet – due tomorrow!
October 23rd
Bell Ringer:
List one example of a carbon sink.
1. Biogeochemical Cycle Review
1. Each table will be a team that will discover 6 Qs.
2. After 15 min, will share with class.
Cycle Test tomorrow!!
PLEASE turn in ANY assignment, regardless of
completion, part of the cycle packet by tomorrow!
Water Cycle
1. Draw a water cycle and include the processes of
transpiration, precipitation, evaporation and condensation.
Evaporation (Transpiration via plants) ->
Condensation -> Precipitation -> Repeat
2. Describe transpiration – the release of water vapor by
plants through their leaves
3. Describe precipitation – water returns from the
atmosphere; ie: rain, snow, sleet, hail
Water Cycle Continued….
4. Describe evaporation - water moves from bodies of water
and moist soil into the atmosphere; the conversion of liquid
to a gas
5. Describe condensationa change in state from a gas to a liquid
6. List several ways humans negatively affect the water cycle?
Clearing plants = increase erosion, runoff, increase
evaporation and decrease transpiration
Spreading water onto fields = deplete surface & groundwater
Release of pollutants = acidic precipitation
Industry and irrigation = depletes groundwater
Carbon Cycle
7. Describe pure carbon. (Color, state of matter) –
black, solid
8. What carbon compound is necessary for photosynthesis?
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
9. What two substances are produced by photosynthesis?
Oxygen and Sugar
10. How are humans contributing to the overload of carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere?
By extracting and burning fossil fuels; cutting and burning of forests
11. Describe how carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses affect
the temperature of Earth.
Protects the earth from the bitter cold of space; keeps the earth warm
Carbon Cycle Cont…
12. Describe the ways carbon dioxide gets into our
Burning of wood and fossil fuels; cellular respiration;
human exhaling
13. Describe the ways carbon dioxide is removed from
our atmosphere.
Photosynthesis, sediments (limestone and fossil fuels),
14. What is happening to the overall amounts of
carbon dioxide in our atmosphere?
Increasing amounts; more carbon being released into
atmosphere than what can be absorbed by plants
Nitrogen Cycle
15. What molecules in our bodies require nitrogen for their
production? Essential for proteins which make DNA and RNA
16. What state of matter is atmospheric nitrogen? gas
17. What must happen to atmospheric nitrogen before it can
be used as a nutrient by an organism?
Nitrogen fixation must occur by a bacteria before it can be
18. How do humans get the nitrogen they need?
Humans must eat plants directly or eat plant-eating animals.
Phosphorus Cycle
19. What molecules in our bodies require phosphorus
for their production?
Cell membranes, DNA and RNA
20. Why is phosphorus a limiting nutrient in so many
Because most of it is bound up in rock.
21. What are common sources of phosphorus?
Rocks, soil, sediments and oceans.
22. What affect does fertilizer have on nutrients in our ecosystem?
Can increase the growth of algae, leading to eutrophication, hypoxia
or a dead zone.
23. Define Eutrophication and what causes it.
An overgrowth of primary producers (plants/algae) causes the
amount of oxygen in a body of water to decrease, leading to hypoxia,
eventually could lead to a dead zone.
24. What is the most abundant element in our atmosphere?
25. Define the Law of Conservation of Matter.
Matter can be neither created nor destroyed, simply transformed.
October 24th
Bell Ringer: copy the statement
Ecology is the study of the ecosystem.
1. Biogeochemical Test
2. LAST DAY to TURN IN Cycle Packet assignments!!!
Begin The Study of Ecology
Read p101-103 –
Create a vocab chart:
-DefinitionUse in a Complete Sentence
October 27th
Bell Ringer: NEW SHEET
Define species (p101) and provide an example.
1. Ecosystem PP notes: Number paper 1-29
2. Outdoor Classroom pre-Lab (we will be going
outside tomorrow, please dress appropriately)
*eco success
3. Complete ch 4-1 (p100-103) vocab chart – due
October 28th
Bell Ringer: What is a population?
1. Review Outdoor Classroom Pre-Lab
2. Outdoor Classroom Lab
*Place stapled Ecology Packet
(Ch 4-1 Vocab Chart/Ecology PP notes/Outdoor Lab)
into bell ringer tray.
Outdoor Classroom pre-Lab
1. A community is all of the populations within a
particular area.
2. An ecosystem is all of the living things and their
physical environments within a particular area
3. A population are members of a species that live
in the same area at the same time.
4. An abiotic factor is parts of the ecosystem that
has never been living.
5. A biotic factor is parts of the ecosystem that are
living or used to be living.
6.c. Ecological Succession
Ecosystems undergo change over time. These
changes are known as succession. For example,
a forest that is clear cut will develop into a forest
again if enough time is allowed for natural
processes to occur.
6. a. Primary succession
Primary ecosystem succession is when a
community first forms in a newly created or
exposed area such as a sand dune or bare rock
surface, lava flow, or a new lake created by
flooding. In a sense, this is as if the community
forms from a “clean slate” ecologically speaking.
6. b. Secondary Succession
Secondary succession is when a community was
disturbed by human or elemental forces. This
form of succession tends to be much more rapid
as some of the vital elements such as soil,
nutrients and seeds are already present at the
location at least to some extent. An example of
this kind of succession is a forest recovering
from a major forest fire or logging event.
Outdoor Classroom pre-Lab cont.
7. A resource is anything an organism needs:
1. Nutrition
2. Shelter
3. Breeding sites
4. Mates
5. Oxygen/water
8. A habitat is the specific environment in which
an organism lives.
October 29th
Bell Ringer:
Explain the difference between abiotic and biotic.
Provide an example of each.
1.“How much is an ecosystem worth?” Project –
due on Friday!
*Ecosystem Quiz on Friday, October 31st!
From the Ecological Society of America
Have you ever considered that the cereal you eat is brought to
you each morning by the wind, or that the glass of clear, cold,
clean water drawn from your faucet may have been purified
for you by a wetland or perhaps the root system of an entire
forest? Trees in your front yard work to trap dust, dirt, and
harmful gases from the air you breathe. The bright fire of oak
logs you light to keep warm on cold nights and the medicine
you take to ease the pain of an ailment come to you from
Nature’s warehouse of services. Natural ecosystems perform
fundamental life-support services upon which human
civilization depends. Unless human activities are carefully
planned and managed, valuable ecosystems will continue to
be impaired or destroyed.
What are ecosystem services?
Ecosystem Services are the processes by which
the environment produces resources that we
often take for granted such as clean water,
timber, and habitat for fisheries, and pollination
of native and agricultural plants. Whether we
find ourselves in the city or a rural area, the
ecosystems in which humans live provide goods
and services that are very familiar to us.
Ecosystems provide “services” that:
moderate weather extremes and their impacts
disperse seeds
mitigate drought and floods
protect people from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays
cycle and move nutrients
protect stream and river channels and coastal shores from
detoxify and decompose wastes
control agricultural pests
maintain biodiversity
generate and preserve soils and renew their fertility
contribute to climate stability
purify the air and water
regulate disease carrying organisms
pollinate crops and natural vegetation
What is an ecosystem?
An ecosystem is a community of animals and plants
interacting with one another and with their physical
environment. Ecosystems include physical and
chemical components, such as soils, water, and
nutrients that support the organisms living within
them. These organisms may range from large
animals and plants to microscopic bacteria.
Ecosystems include the interactions among all
organisms in a given habitat. People are part of
ecosystems. The health and wellbeing of human
populations depends upon the services provided by
ecosystems and their components — organisms,
soil, water, and nutrients.
What are ecosystem services worth?
Natural ecosystems and the plants and animals
within them provide humans with services that
would be very difficult to duplicate. While it is
often impossible to place an accurate monetary
amount on ecosystem services, we can calculate
some of the financial values. Many of these
services are performed seemingly for “free,” yet
are worth many trillions of dollars, for example:
• Much of the Mississippi River Valley’s natural flood protection services
were destroyed when adjacent wetlands were drained and channels
altered. As a result, the 1993 floods resulted in property damages
estimated at twelve billion dollars partially from the inability of the
Valley to lessen the impacts of the high volumes of water.
• 80% of the world’s population relies upon natural medicinal products.
Of the top 150 prescription drugs used in the U.S., 118 originate from
natural sources: 74% from plants, 18% from fungi, 5% from bacteria,
and 3% from one vertebrate (snake species). Nine of the top 10 drugs
originate from natural plant products.
• Over 100,000 different animal species — including bats, bees, flies,
moths, beetles, birds, and butterflies — provide free pollination
services. One third of human food comes from plants pollinated by
wild pollinators. The value of pollination services from wild pollinators
in the U.S. alone is estimated at four to six billion dollars per year.
New York City is a case in point. Before it became
overwhelmed by agricultural and sewage runoff, the
watershed of the Catskill Mountains provided New York
City with water ranked among the best in the Nation by
Consumer Reports. When the water fell below quality
standards, the City investigated what it would cost to
install an artificial filtration plant. The estimated price tag
for this new facility was six to eight billion dollars, plus
annual operating costs of 300 million dollars — a high
price to pay for what once was free. New York City
decided instead to invest a fraction of that cost ($660
million) in restoring the natural capital it had in the
Catskills watershed. In 1997, the City raised an
Environmental Bond Issue and is currently using the funds
to purchase land and halt development in the watershed,
to compensate property owners for development
restrictions on their land, and to subsidize the
improvement of septic systems.
How are ecosystem services “cut
Ecosystem services are so fundamental to life that
they are easy to take for granted and so large in
scale that it is hard to imagine that human activities
could destroy them.
Nevertheless, ecosystem services are severely
threatened through growth in the scale of human
enterprise (population size, per-capita
consumption, and effects of technologies to
produce goods for consumption) a mismatch
between short-term needs and long-term societal
Many human activities disrupt, impair,
or reengineer ecosystems every day
runoff of pesticides, fertilizers, and animal wastes
pollution of land, water, and air resources
introduction of non-native species
overharvesting of fisheries
destruction of wetlands
erosion of soils
urban sprawl
Ecology and ecosystem services
Ecologists work to help us understand the
interconnection and interdependence of the many plant
and animal communities within ecosystems. Although
substantial understanding of many ecosystem services
and the scientific principles underlying them already
exists, there is still much to learn. The tradeoffs among
different services within an ecosystem, the role of
biodiversity in maintaining services, and the effects of
long and short-term perturbations are just some of the
questions that need to be further explored. The answers
to such questions will provide information critical to the
development of management strategies that will protect
ecosystems and help maintain the provisions of the
services upon which we depend.
The choices we make today in how we use land
and water resources will have enormous
consequences on the future sustainability of
earth’s ecosystems and the services they
How Much is An Ecosystem Worth?
Directions: (please pass around example)
1. Read the article about ecosystem services
2. Design a product that performs an ecosystem service
3. Create a brochure to sell your product that is COLORFUL with
– Flap One: Name of product and picture
– Flap Two: What your ecosystem service is and why it is
important (what does your product do?)
– Flap Three: What type of ecosystem is your product meant for
and why? (How much money will you product save?)
– Flap Four: List the biotic and abiotic factors of the ecosystem
(and how your product imitates them)
– Flap Five: Threats to the ecosystem service (why do we need
your product?)
– Flap Six: Student Names and Roles in designing/creating
October 30th
Bell Ringer:
What is an ecosystem?
10/27:Define species.
10/28:What is a population?
10/29: Explain the difference between biotic and
abiotic factors; provide an example for each.
1. Continue working on “What is an Ecosystem
Worth?” activity
*Quiz tomorrow on the ecosystem!
Bell Ringer:
Describe the type of ecosystem do you live in?
10/27:Define species.
10/28:What is a population?
10/29: Explain the difference between biotic and
abiotic factors; provide an example for each.
10/30: What is an ecosystem?
1. Please complete bell ringers from this week!
2. Ecosystem Quiz
3. Complete Project: “What is an ecosystem worth?”