2221_SACMinutes_09292015 - Broward County Public Schools

Atlantic Technical College &
Technical High School
School Advisory Council (SAC)
September 29, 2015
Time: 8:07 a.m.
Location: Atlantic Technical College & Technical High School
Robert B. Crawford
Karla Coto
Diedre Harold
Chandra Kydd
Tonia McDonald
Clevil Philius
Tony Rao
Margie Rohrbach
Sandra Welch
Gene Ziobro
* See Handout
John Felser
Tonya Hefley
Vicky LaPorte
Neeta Rancourt
Kimberly Calero
Petrolyn McCalla
Kimar Miller
Elissa Harvey
Iga Okarmus
Carol Baskind
Rebecca Miller
Gene Ziobro, SAC Chair, welcomed members and called the meeting to order at 8:07
a.m., followed by self-introductions.
A motion to accept the May 19, 2015 minutes was made by Margie Rohrbach
seconded by Rebecca Miller, and passed unanimously.
Kimar Miller, Academic Studies Student Representative commented:
 He is currently a GED® student and aspires to enter Database Application career
Kimberly Calero, Magnet High School LPN Student Representative reported:
 ATC HS introduced a new Tech Tiger Mascot, next step is choosing the name.
 SGA will hold a series of fund raisers to donate to the Honor Flight organization,
which help send WWII Veterans to the Washington, D.C. Memorial. Two WWII
veterans will be on campus on Nov. 10th to talk to students. Kim commented that
hearing their about the sacrifices that were made on our behalf is humbling.
 School Spirit week is this week.
 SGA will host “Girl’s Night Out”, a chance for female students and their mothers
to enjoy a fun evening of activities together.
Initiative $100,000;
New Vision &
Legislative Update)
* See Handouts
Mr. Crawford welcomed new members and thanked everyone for their service and
dedication to all three ATC Campuses.
 Enrollment numbers are up 8% in Adult Education.
 There is still controversy in the Legislature over the name change to College.
There are plans to survey the Technical Colleges across the state to determine if
the name change has had a positive impact on enrollment.
 A bill will be introduced during January-March Legislative Session with Senator
Jeremy Ring from Broward as the sponsor to allow us to convert our ATD
programs to College Credit Certificate Courses. That would impact 7 programs
among the 3 Technical Collegs. They are looking for a House member to sponsor
the companion bill in the House.
 FLAG (Florida Apprenticeship Grant) is being introduced to address new areas of
apprenticeship such as Nursing and IT.
 The Governor will re-introduce the $20 million Rapid Response grant linking
local job need with local training opportunities.
 The Learning Commons Project for Atlantic Technical College, Arthur Ashe
Campus, to be funded by the $100,000 SMART enhancement fund was approved
by the SAC in May. We are waiting for District action on this project. The wireless
infrastructure on the ATC Main Campus has been completely upgraded.
 The Strategic Planning committee and the faculty of the three Technical Colleges
approved and new common vision statement and mission statement.
 ATC Career Placement Department, has received $7,000+ donation from Whole
Foods Inc.
 ATC is assisting Coconut Creek HS as they implement plans to revitalize the
Rebecca Miller reviewed the School Improvement Plan (SIP) and explained the new
RTI – Response to Intervention section that requires a plan for addressing problem
 Every five years the District goes through the accreditation process set forth
by our accrediting body, AdvancEd. We are currently in a last year before
full accreditation visit when we will be reviewing best practices.
 The Florida Department of Education released the 2014/15 passing rates for
the Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) Algebra I End of Course Exam and
Grade 10 English Language Arts assessment.
Karla Coto, The School Advisory Forum (SAF) Co-Chair, presented:
 2016-17 Calendar Draft, the Calendar Committee update, being aligned with
Attendance Policy, up for discussion.
 ATC Magnet HS recruitment starting December 1, 2015 to February 10, 2016.
 Robotics Team, The Tech Tigers coordinated by David Ellich will join high
schools from Broward County and across Florida for the Mission Mayhem robotic
competition at Dillard HS.
Tonya Hefley for John Felser (see attached report):
 Twenty sophomore students from Blanche Ely High’s Pre-Engineering Magnet
program will visit the Drafting and Machining programs at Atlantic Technical
College on October 2nd as a part of national Manufacturing Day.
 Automotive teachers from 28 technical school locations throughout the country,
are collaborating on the development of new auto service curriculum, materials
will be specifically tied to the Toyota T-Ten Advanced Automotive Service
program located at their schools
 Two new Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair (I-CAR) and seven
new National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) industry certifications will
be submitted by Atlantic Technical College for approval by CareerSource Florida
to be added to the Florida Department of Education Career And Professional
Education (CAPE) Academy list.
Tonya Hefley (see attached report):
 Offered CORE to health science students for the first time in a hybrid format –
part on-line and part face to face, seemed to work well and will do again in January
for more classes.
 ATC in partnership with Broward Health to cross-train their employees who are
Health Unit Coordinators to become Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA’s).
 Baking and Pastry Arts evening program (600 hours) will start October 26, M-Th,
4:30pm – 10pm.
 Rona Moulu, Culinary Department Head, attended the American Culinary
Federation Conference (ACF) in Orlando to help prepare for next year’s ACF
Accreditation visit.
 Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (FRLA) Summit was held at ATC on
8/18. It was a big success, thanks to the hard work of our Chefs and students who
prepared the food, set up the room and decorations.
 Developed new Syllabus Template for CTE and AG standardized programs for
students’ information.
Vicky LaPorte provided ATC HS updates (see attached report):
 Newsweek’s “Beating the Odds” ranked us 147th in the Nation and the only high
school in Broward County for schools that do an excellent job of preparing
economically disadvantaged students for college.
 According to The College Board, our total Advanced Placement students with AP
Test scores of three or better increased from 46.3% in 2014 to 49.2% in 2015.
 The Class of 2015 achieved 100% graduation rate for the 1st time. (134 graduates10th graduating class)
 The City of Coconut Creek has volunteered to create a new marketing video for
our high school program. Thank you Coconut Creek!
 On September 10th our Guidance Director and Brace Advisor hosted our 1st
annual Senior Symposium, this will hopefully boost the number of parents who
complete the FAFSA.
 144 of our students participated in a free, voluntary Princeton Review Assessment,
combined components of both an SAT and an ACT.
Vicky LaPorte, ATC HS Assistant Director, presented a proposal to allow the HS
students at the three technical colleges to take finals exams as indicated on the 20152016 BCPS calendar, January 6-7, 2016 as opposed to December 15-18, 2015.
Because we are on block schedule, our students are taking finals, not mid-terms, at
that time. Additionally, during the December 15-18th time frame, our students will
be taking the State FSA and EOC Exams including, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2,
U.S. History, and Biology, whereas regular comprehensive high schools are not.
A motion was made by Margie Rohrbach and seconded by Chandra Kydd to
submit the request to allow the three technical colleges’ high school students
take final exams during January 6-7, 2016 as opposed to December 15-18,
2015. The motion passed unanimously.
* ESOL Bridge and
Integrated Program
Neeta Rancourt presented (see attached report):
 Maxwell Tulloch, our the Network Support Services Program Senior was invited
to speak at a Broward County NAF Business Advisory Meeting earlier this month
to share his experiences with the NAF curriculum and the benefit of Internships.
 The Bridge programs for English-language learners have launched, targeting
students on the Business, Information Technology or Health Career Pathway. For
additional information, (see the ESOL Bridge and Integrated Program handout.)
 Nearly 70% of our student population enrolled in Career and Technical Education
programs are receiving some form of financial assistance in order to enroll and
complete their career training program of choice.
Elissa Harvey thanked SAC members for their support. The following
announcements were made:
 Saturday, November 14th from 9:00am to 12:00 noon, once again all three
Technical Colleges will be hosting DiscoveryFest community events to showcase
and highlight our schools, an exciting way to draw the public to our campuses for
a morning of discovery in a festive atmosphere.
 SAVE THE DATE, Friday, October 23, 2015 from 7:30am to 10:30am plan to
attend Joint Instructional Program Advisory Committee Event Honoring the
Commitment of Our Business Community to Broward’s Technical Colleges
Atlantic Technical College Arthur Ashe, Jr., Branch Campus.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:06 a.m. by Gene Ziobro, SAC Chair.
The next meeting will be held in November 17, 2015.
Respectfully submitted by Elissa Harvey and Iga Okarmus.