Unit 1 Jeopardy Review

IB/APUSH Unit 2 Review
Discovery and the Colonial Period
What were the earliest
explorers of the New World
searching for?
shorter passage to Asia
Fur trading was the main
reason for the first
settlements in the New World
by which European power?
 France
He was the first Englishman to
circumnavigate the globe.
 Francis
This Quaker was given a land
grant by King Charles II to pay
a debt owed to his father.
 William
Which English colony was
founded by a Roman Catholic
and practiced religious
 Maryland
Rhode Island was founded by
this man who was banished
from the Massachusetts Bay
Colony because of his political
and religious views.
 Roger
What was John Smith’s policy
towards Jamestown Colonists
who did not work toward the
preservation of the colony?
 “No
work, no food”
Give two reasons for the
founding of Georgia.
haven for British debtors
 A buffer between the colonies
and Spanish Florida
This lawmaking body was
formed in colonial Virginia in
 The
House of Burgesses
For whom did the Mayflower
Compact serve as a basis for
 The
Pilgrims of Plymouth
John Rolfe established this as
the cash crop of the Virginia
 Tobacco
This system of land grants
involved providing tracts of
land to individuals who paid
their own way to the colonies
and/or paid for the passage of
other settlers.
 The
Headright System
This leader of the Antinomians
was banished from
Massachusetts Bay for
criticizing the Puritan Church.
 Anne
This was the first college in
America. It was founded to
train Puritan ministers.
 Harvard
This Puritan law mandated
that schooling be provided to
 The
Old Deluder Act
During colonial times, the vast
majority of Americans worked
in this occupation.
 Farming
What colonies made up the
middle colonies?
 New
 New Jersey
 Pennsylvania
 Delaware
The town meeting was a vital
unit of local administration in
which colonial region?
 New
In what way did colonial
legislatures exercise control
over royal governors?
 Power
of the purse
They paid their salaries
This Enlightenment thinker
founded the American
Philosophical Society in 1743.
 Benjamin
This was the first written
constitution in America.
 The
Fundamental Orders of
Which of the colonial regions
had the poorest conditions for
agriculture, making it
dependant upon other forms
of commerce.
 New
This colonial region contained
few large cities.
 Southern
The slave trade was a
component of this system of
trade between Africa, the
West Indies, and the
American colonies.
 Triangular
Under what trade policy is the
ultimate goal the selfsufficiency of the mother
 Mercantilism
The French strongholds of
Montreal and Quebec were
located on this river.
 The
St. Lawrence River
Which colony resulted most
directly from the political and
religious policies of King
Charles I?
 Massachusetts
How were early English
settlements in the New World
 Joint
Stock Companies
This bloodless revolution in
England led to the supremacy
of Parliament over the king.
 The
Glorious Revolution
What accounts for the
differences in the economic
development of the New
England, Middle, and
Southern colonies?
 Geographic
These were colonists who
worked for a specified number
of years in exchange for their
passage to America.
 Indentured
This region was referred to as
the “Colonial Bread Basket.”
 The
Middle Colonies
Which colonial region had the
greatest European ethnic mix?
 The
Middle Colonies
The Halfway Covenant of
1662 was meant to relax the
standards for membership in
what institution?
 The
Puritan Church
This period of evangelical
revivals was a response to the
rise of Enlightenment thought.
 The
Great Awakening
Followers of this religious
philosophy viewed God as a
“clockmaker” who created the
world but then left it to operate
on its own.
 Deism
The ideas of natural rights and
the “social contract” represent
aspects of this man’s social
 John
Many Englishmen migrated to
the colonies in search of land
after this movement deprived
them of communal farm land
in England.
 The
Enclosure Movement
This first attempt at colonizing
in Virginia was a failure.
 The
Roanoke Colony
What was the key difference
in the attitudes of the colonists
and the Indians toward land
 The
Indians did not believe that
land was something to be
owned and sold but rather used
What factors led to fewer
Englishmen choosing to come
to the American colonies and
a consequent rise in the
number of slaves purchased
in the colonies?
 Lower
unemployment and
higher wages in England
The colonies referred to as the
“Restoration Colonies” are so
called because of what event
in England?
 Restoration
of the Stuart
Monarchy to the throne
This leader of the
Massachusetts Bay Colony
hoped that the settlement
would be “as a city on a hill.”
 John
According to the Puritan work
ethic, how was a wealthy
person viewed by the
 He
was seen as having God’s
In 1636, he led his followers to
Hartford and founded the new
colony of Connecticut.
 Thomas
The introduction of horses to Plains
Indian culture is an example of this
joining of Old and New World
The Columbian Exchange
This group of American colonists
adhered to the doctrine of
Calvinist predestination.
The Puritans of Mass. Bay
On whom did “New Light”
preachers place blame for the
decline in religious piety among
the colonists?
“Old Light” ministers
How did the market economy of
New England undermine the
The desire to succeed for oneself in
business ran counter to the Puritan
ideal of community.
For what main reasons might
New Englanders have had large
Providing insurance against the loss of
 Ensuring that the family had workers
This man led a revolt against
Virginia Gov. Berkeley, due in
part to Berkeley’s Indian policies.
Nathaniel Bacon
He was the governor of the
Dominion of New England.
Edmund Andros
He attempted to overthrow Sir
Edmund Andros and claim
control of Massachusetts.
Jacob Leisler