french 2 plans while i am in france

Français 2
Lundi, le 13 – vendredi, le 17 avril
Dear Students,
This is your work for the week. Please cooperate with the substitute and be kind to one another. You may work
together, but you may not copy each other’s work. Please keep the noise level down. If you are too loud, the sub has
been instructed to have you put your desks in rows and work individually. You will need your book each day this week.
Entrée: a different person can lead the entrée each day. This person should stand in the front of the class and call on
different people to answer the following questions. This person will also pass out Euros for participation.
Quelle est la date?
Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui?
Sortie: Summarize what you did that day in class. Total up your points on Friday and record them in the last box.
Create a “Flat Stanley” using the gingerbread man template you received in class. Have fun with this and be
creative! You may use my markers. Please clean up after yourselves.
Write a letter introducing him/her to me: name, age, nationality, profession, personality traits, likes, dislikes,
etc. This is due at the end of class.
Take pictures of him/her doing stuff with you this week. Create a power point to share with the class. I am
looking for at least 10 slides. Each slide should contain a minimum of one complete sentence in the past tense.
You can bring them on a flashdrive or send it to me at You will present this
powerpoint to the class on Monday, April 20th. Additionally, please bring a hard copy of your 10 sentences. Do
not use a translator. I will be able to tell if you do and you will receive a zero for the assignment.
Regular er verbs in the past tense (page 238)
Handouts – the past tense of regular er verbs. This is due at the end of class.
Keep working on your Flat Stanley project!
Handouts – the past tense of regular ir and re verbs and verbs with irregular past participles. This is due at the
end of class.
Keep working on your Flat Stanley project!
Past tense with être (page 274)
Handouts – the past tense of verbs that use être. This is due at the end of class.
Keep working on your Flat Stanley project!
Verbs with irregular past participles (page 240) ir and re verbs (page 262)
Past tense with être (page 274)
Handouts – the past tense with être and avoir. This is due at the end of class.
Bring your 10 sentences to be peer edited. Trade papers and help each other fix your mistakes.
Keep working on your Flat Stanley project. I can’t wait to see them! Passez un très bon weekend!
FR2/Le Passé Composé
NOM/DATE: ______________________________________________
How do we start every Monday morning? I ask you what you did over the weekend, right? “Qu’estce que vous avez fait ce weekend?” And how do you normally respond?
J’ai mangé de la pizza.
J’ai regardé la télévision.
J’ai dormi beaucoup.
J’ai joué au basket avec mon équipe. AHS a gagné! MHS a perdu!
Je n’ai pas fait mes devoirs.
Easy, right? Well guess what? You have been using the past tense (or passé composé as it is called
in French) for months now and you didn’t even know it! You have had A LOT of practice writing and
saying simple phrases in the past tense. Over the next few days, you are going to learn the ins and
outs of how the past tense is formed. The good news is that since you have had so much practice
using it in context, adding on to what you already know should be easy-peasy (you know the rest ).
Grammar: Forming the past tense of regular er verbs (page 238)
Past Participle
English translation
joué au volley
I played volleyball.
joué au volley
You played volleyball.
joué au volley
She played volleyball.
joué au volley
She played volleyball.
joué au volley
We played volleyball.
joué au volley
You (all) played volleyball.
joué au volley
They played volleyball.
joué au volley
They played volleyball.
1) What is passé composé used for?
2) How is the passé compose of most regular er verbs formed?
3) What does it correspond to in English?
4) How do you say what didn’t happen?
1) Write the past participle of the following verbs on the line provided.
2) Use the subjects and verbs provided to write sentences in the past tense.
Je / manger des céréales
J’ai mangé des cereals = I ate cereal.
Nous / manger des céréales
Nous avons mangé des cereals = We ate cereal.
1. Tu / regarder la télévision
2. Il / jouer au football
3. Elles / jouer au softball
4. Vous / danser
5. Je / écouter de la musique
6. Elle / ranger sa chambre
7. Nous / laver la voiture
8. Tu / promener le chien
9. Marine / chanter
10. Marc et Pierre / regarder le match de basket
11. Mes amis et moi, nous / parler au telephone
12. Ma famille / dîner
Use ne…pas to make two sentences negative. For example: j’ai mangé / je n’ai pas mangé
3) Using only regular er verbs, write 10 sentences describing what you and your classmates did or did
not do today in class. You may use the verbs in the word bank or any other regular er verbs you
parler beaucoup en français
parler beacoup en anglais
écouter de la musqiue en classe
envoyer des SMS (texto)
aider le professeur
lancer un avion en papier
FR2/Le Passé Composé
NOM/DATE: ______________________________________________
You have already studied how to form the past tense of regular er verbs. Forming the past tense of
regular ir and re verbs is very similar.
Grammar: Forming the past tense of regular ir and re verbs (page 262)
1) How do you form the past participle of an ir verb?
2) What are some common ir verbs? (look on page 190)
3) How do you form the past participle of an re verb?
4) What are some common re verbs? (look on page 116)
1) Write the past participle of the following verbs on the line provided.
2) Use the subjects and verbs provided to write sentences in the past tense.
Je / finir mes devoir
J’ai fini mes devoirs. = I finished my homework.
Nous / choisir la glace au chocolat
Nous avons choisi la glace au chocolat. = We chose
chocolate ice cream.
1. Tu / perdre le match
2. Il / vendre sa voiture
3. Elles / grandir
4. Vous / rougir
5. Je / entendre le téléphone
6. Nous / finir nos devoirs
Use ne…pas to make two sentences negative. For example: j’ai fini mes devoirs / je n’ai pas fini mes
Before you go any further, summarize what you have learned about
conjugating regular er, ir, and re verbs in the past tense.
Grammar: Forming the past tense of verbs with irregular past participles (page 240)
Some verbs that use avoir in the past tense have irregular past participles. Does the same thing
happen in English? Sure! Normally we form the past tense by adding “ed”. However, we say I ran
instead of I runned and I wrote instead of I writed. The same is true in French. Take notes on the
verbs with irregular past participles in the space below.
To be
Past participle
Nous avons été au magasin.
Do activities 32, 33, 34, and 35 on a sheet of loose leaf and attach them to this packet.
FR2/Le Passé Composé
NOM/DATE: ______________________________________________
You have had a lot of practice conjugating verbs in the past tense with avoir. Now, think again to the
question I ask you every Monday morning. “Qu’est-ce que vous avez fait ce weekend?” Here are
some common responses:
Je suis allé au cinema.
Je suis sorti avec mes amis.
What do you notice about these phrases? How are they different from the other ones that you have
been practicing? That’s right – they use être instead of avoir! We say: J’ai mange, J’ai dormi, J’ai fait,
but not J’ai allé or J’ai sorti – it’s Je SUIS allé and Je SUIS sorti. You are catching on!
Grammar: The passé composé with être (page 274)
Fill in the missing forms of the verb ALLER.
Past Participle
English translation
1) What are some verbs that use être in the past tense instead of avoir?
2) Which verbs that use être in the past tense have irregular past participles?
3) What important to remember about the past participle with verbs that use être?
Do activities 34, 36, and 37 on a sheet of loose leaf and staple it to this paper.