Name: ________________________________________________________ Per: __________ Test Date: ____________________ The Odyssey Study Guide Please demonstrate in writing your knowledge of each of the following items. This is for a grade and you will turn it in the day of the test. I. Characters: A. You need to know names, homes, descriptions, relationships, and significant actions of the following characters. 1. Odysseus 14. Calypso 2. Telemachus 15. Circe 3. Penelope 16. Eurylochus 4. Argos 17. Lotus Eaters 5. Eurycleia 18. Scylla 6. Eumaeus 19. Charybdis 7. Philoeteus 20. Sirens 8. Eurymachus 21. Tiresias 9. Antinous 22. Helios 10. King Alcinous 23. Athena 11. Polyphemus 24. Hermes 12. Nohbdy 25. Zeus 13. Poseidon II. Places A. You need to know the residents of and the events that occur in each of the following places: 1. Troy 8. Scheria/Phaeacia 2. Ithaca 9. Land of the Lotus Eaters 3. Thrinakia 10. Telepylos on Lamos 4. Underworld/Hades 11. Island of Cyclopes 5. Ismaros in Cicones 12. Ogygia (Calypso’s island) 6. Aeaea 7. Aeolia III. Things A. You need to be able to describe and explain the significance of each of the following items: 1. Odysseus’s bow 9. The spear in 2. Iron ax-helve sockets Polyphemus’s cave 3. Odysseus & Penelope’s 10. The Sirens’ songs bed 11. The lotus blooms 4. Odysseus’s scar 12. Moly (Hermes’s plant) 5. Helios’s cattle 13. Hermes’s wand 6. Beeswax 14. Zeus’s thunderbolt 7. Telemachus’s inheritance 15. Athena’s aegis 8. Aeolus’s gift to Odysseus 16. Swine on Aeaea 17. Disguises Epithets & Patronyms A. You need to be able to identify and explain each of the following epithets and patronyms: 1. Wine-dark sea 6. Poseidon’s son 2. Land-shaker/Earth7. Mistress of the isle shaker 8. Rosy-fingered 3. Cronion’s son Dawn/Dawn with 4. Wily Odysseus fingertips of rose 5. Laertes’ son/Son of 9. Lord of High Noon Laertes IV. V. VI. Vocabulary A. You need to be able to define and use in a sentence the following 20 vocabulary words: 1. Adversity 11. Candor 2. Formidable 12. Disdainful 3. Ravage 13. Adorn 4. Profusion 14. Revelry 5. Adversary 15. Glowered 6. Rancor 16. Avails 7. Abominably 17. Lavished 8. Ardor 18. Aloof 9. Tumult 19. Pliant 10. Restitution 20. Tremulous Miscellaneous things to know A. Literary Elements 1. Epic a. Definition b. Features c. Examples OTHER than the Odyssey and Iliad d. Dactylic hexameter 2. Homeric simile a. Identify three from Part II (Be able to identify examples on the test) b. Explain/paraphrase these (Be able to explain/paraphrase on the test) 3. Personification a. Find two examples of personification in the text (HINT: look at the epithet list) 4. Irony a. Find examples of dramatic and situational irony. (HINT: look at your homework!) b. Be able to categorize examples of irony on the test. 5. In media res a. Know the meaning b. Explain how this story starts in media res 6. Flashback a. Define it b. Explain how this story features flashback 7. Invocation a. Define it b. Find the two examples from The Odyssey B. Plot 1. Draw a timeline of the books of the Odyssey. 2. List the major events that happen in each book. 3. How does Odysseus finally make it to Phaeacia? 4. What is Telemachus doing while Odysseus is visiting King Alcinous post-Calypso? 5. How does the reader/audience find out about Odysseus’s adventures prior to arriving at King Alcinous’s court? 6. Why should one NEVER anger or insult a god? 7. What personality trait or characteristic did Odysseus possess, inspiring the Ancient Greek adoration of him? (Potential bonus question: How did the Romans feel about him?) 8. How were guests supposed to be treated in Ancient Greece? (xenia)