
Request for Application
Early Childhood Education
Community Innovation Zones: Phase II
(July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016)
Providing Pennsylvania’s children with quality early learning experiences is a collaborative effort of
families, schools, and communities that can produce a return on investment for all. Supports at the
state level are important, but often the most innovative and successful strategies are borne from
local collaboration and solutions. The Early Childhood Education Community Innovation Zone Grant
Program will offer 50 Community Innovation Grants to at-risk elementary schools and
neighborhoods. Phase I of the grants was awarded in 2014 to twelve communities with exemplary
innovations in place. The remaining 38 grants will be awarded in 2015.
Over the course of three years, Early Childhood Education Community Innovation Zone Grant
recipients will receive intensive supports focused on reducing the achievement gap by grade three
through aligning P-3 efforts, increasing family supports and engagement, and strengthening
community networks of organizations supporting families. Best and promising practices will be
documented and shared with other communities throughout the state.
In Phase II, the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) will award thirty-eight Early
Childhood Education Community Innovation Zones (CIZ) with grants of up to $75,000 a year for
three years. The purpose of the Phase II Early Childhood Education Community Innovation Zone
grants, which are funded through the Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge grant, is to
recognize, celebrate, support, learn from, and enhance innovative programs, activities, and
strategies involving community-based efforts to enhance the learning outcomes of young children
and reduce the student achievement gap by grade three. Grants will be awarded to eligible
community organizations, early childhood programs and school districts that identify a specific
target population and take or propose an innovative approach and foster a culture focused on
enhancing child outcomes based on the Framework for Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating
PreK-3rd Grade Approaches by Kristie Kauerz and Julia Coffman.
For Phase II grant recipients, continuation of CIZ grants will be available for up to a three-year grant
cycle that begins July 1, 2015 and ends December 31, 2017. All funds must be expended by
December 31, 2017. The maximum CIZ grant award is $75,000 per year for up to three years.
Funding is contingent upon the availability of funds and successful evaluation of the project.
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
I. Application Process and Requirements
Eligibility and Priorities Organizations, agencies, and school districts that are eligible to apply for this
RFA must be in good standing with the Commonwealth. Additionally, they must serve at-risk children
within the range of birth through 8-years-old and must use funding to enhance and/or develop an
innovation to use with a specific target population based on the Framework for Planning,
Implementing, and Evaluating PreK-3rd Grade Approaches by Kristie Kauerz and Julia Coffman.
 Innovation is defined as initiative, activities, and strategies involving community-based programs to
enhance the learning outcomes of children and reduce the achievement gap by grade 3.
 PreK is a generic term used in Dr. Kauerz’s framework to encompass all of the learning-based programs,
settings, and initiatives children may experience before (“pre”) entering kindergarten (“K”). This includes
infant/toddler programs and initiatives.
 P-3 is the generic term used by OCDEL to describe all supports focused on reducing the achievement gap
by 3rd grade, increasing family supports and engagement, and strengthening community networks of
organizations supporting families.
 For the purposes of this RFA at-risk will be determined using school level percentage of economically
disadvantaged children as defined in the School Performance Profile in conjunction with county level of
early childhood risk as defined in OCDEL’s ECE 2012-2013 County level analysis in Reach and Risk.
 Applicants may choose to identify other risk factors in their community. The risk factors must be
verified with data, and be directly connected to the target group and the innovation.
Applicants MUST establish a partnership between: 1) a school district serving a high population of atrisk children, 2) an early childhood organization/agency serving children 0-5 years of age, and 3) at
least one other community organization/agency (e.g., libraries, early intervention, museums, human
service agencies, etc.). One organization must be designated as the lead agency. Each organization's
role should be clearly identified with one partner designated as the lead agency and contact point.
In fiscal year 2014-15, twelve Phase I Community Innovation Zone grants were awarded. Phase I
grantees may apply for the fiscal year 2015-16 Phase II Community Innovation Zone grant if they meet
the following criteria:
 Proposing a new innovation
 In a new partnership
It is the intent of OCDEL to have a minimum of six active, effective Community Innovation Zones within
each of the five Regional Keys. The remaining zones will be dispersed based on the score of the
application. For listing of the Regional Keys geographic dispersion, see Appendix 1. In order to ensure
geographic distribution of funds, priority will be given to new applicants.
Required deliverables and participation
 The partnering elementary school must implement the Pennsylvania Kindergarten
Entry Inventory in the 2016-17 school year. For more information on The Pennsylvania
Kindergarten Entry Inventory, see Appendix 2.
 Partnering early childhood programs must be Keystone STARS rated or in the process of
becoming a STARS facility by the end of the grant period.
 Use and provide community support for use of the Early Learning GPS program.
 Share information about the program, activity, or strategy with the larger community,
statewide, and nationally.
 Present highlights from approved work at OCDEL’s request.
 Participate in monthly touch points with OCDEL and the Pennsylvania Key who will
monitor funds, collect effective practices, and offer on-going technical assistance.
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
Identify one or more representatives to attend the Family Engagement Conference.
Attend the Grantee Orientation meeting with a team representing the three required
partner organizations.
Participate, with a defined team, in one P3 Governor’s Institute in 2016.
 Bring a core team of no less than four educators (maximum participating
team of eight members): a 0-5 administrator, a 0-5 practitioner, a K-3
administrator, and a K-3 teacher. Preference will be given to applicants who
include up to four of the following: family representative or family liaison;
Early Intervention representative; community member; librarian; curriculum
specialist; higher education partner; intermediate unit representative.
Letter of Intent Prior to submitting a full application, submission of a Letter of Intent which signifies
your organization’s intent to submit a full application is recommended. This letter should be submitted
in electronic copy as a PDF attachment to Samantha Gray at RA-PWECECIZ@pa.gov, to be received no
later than 3:00 pm on Wednesday, February 25, 2015. DO NOT MAIL OR HAND DELIVER THE LETTER
Application Submission To submit an application, an applicant must follow ONE of the following
Electronic Submission: Submit a full and complete ELECTRONIC APPLICATION copy via email to
Samantha Gray at RA-PWECECIZ@pa.gov. If submitting in electronic format, it is recommended
that an email delivery receipt is selected as confirmation of submission. The electronic copy
must be in MS Word format. (Appendices may be in PDF format.) Any document requiring
original signatures must be submitted via hard copy and should not be emailed. Hard copies of
Attachments 2 and 4 MUST be received by OCDEL, attention Samantha Gray, at Office of Child
Development and Early Learning, 333 Market St., 6th Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17101 no later than
3:00 pm Friday, April 3, 2015.
Hard Copy Submission: Submit one full and complete HARD COPY APPLICATION plus one full
and complete original CD-ROM or flash drive copy to OCDEL to the attention of: Samantha
Gray, at Office of Child Development and Early Learning, 333 Market St., 6th Floor, Harrisburg, PA
17101 no later than 3:00pm Friday, April 3, 2015. Copies of appendices may be in PDF format.
Applications will not be accepted via facsimile transmission.
Applicants who send applications by mail or other delivery service should allow sufficient delivery time
to ensure timely receipt of their applications. If, due to inclement weather, natural disaster, or any
other cause, the Commonwealth office location to which applications are to be returned is closed on
the application response date, the deadline for submission will be automatically extended until the
next Commonwealth business day on which the office is open, unless OCDEL otherwise notifies
applicants. The hour for submission of applications shall remain the same. OCDEL will reject—
unopened—any late applications.
All applicants will be notified via email of receipt of their application on or before the deadline. Email
notification will be provided to the email address provided on the Application Coversheet.
Economy of Preparation: Applications should be prepared simply and economically, providing a
straightforward, concise description of the Applicant’s ability to meet the requirements of the RFA.
Applications should be 12 point font and may be single spaced. The five (5) work statements shall
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
qualify as required and should not exceed 10 pages. Submissions of more than 10 pages will lose
points associated with conformity to instructions as outlined in the scoring rubric. All required
attachments will not be counted towards the page limit. The narrative section of the application
should follow the order of work statements within the RFA, with each section clearly labeled within the
Application Coversheet (Attachment 1): All applications must contain a completed Application
Letter of Commitment (Attachment 2): An official authorized to bind the Applicant to its provisions
must sign the application. For this RFA, the application must remain valid for 120 days or until a
contract is fully executed. If OCDEL selects the Applicant’s application for award, the contents of the
selected application will become, except to the extent the contents are changed through negotiations,
contractual obligations.
Budget and Budget Narrative (Attachments 3a and 3b): The maximum amount of funds that will be awarded
to any one grantee is $75,000 per year for up to three years, for a total of $225,000. Please be aware year
three funds will need to be spent by December 31, 2017 and applicants should plan accordingly. If an
organization has an approved federally negotiated indirect cost rate, agencies are required to use this rate. A
de minimus rate of 10% MTDC (modified total direct cots) may be used by entities that have never had a
negotiated indirect cost rate.
Using the required format, present your budget to administer this grant. The budget must include a
budget summary and a detailed budget narrative. Requested funding to support items within the
budget MUST reference and correspond to the activities listed within the Work Statement.
Food purchases must meet the following federal guidelines:
 Purchase of food for staff events is prohibited. Food may only be used for family events.
 Food supplies may be purchased, but may not exceed 1% of the overall CIZ budget.
 Family event must align with at least one of the PA ELS Key Learning Area: Partnerships for Learning:
Parents, Learning Environments and Communities.
 Food purchases must be reasonable and healthy – pizza, subs, healthy snacks, fruit, water, etc.
 Demonstrated results must be documented.
Match Commitment (Attachment 4): Although this RFA does not require matching funds, acquiring
such funds will assist in building the case for the commitment to and sustainability of the proposed
innovation. Match Commitment forms should be submitted for any contributions (either direct funding
or in-kind donations) detailed in Attachment 3-a and Attachment 3-b. Match Commitment forms will
be reviewed as part of the application review process.
Timeline of Events: OCDEL will make every effort to adhere to the following schedule:
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
2015-2016 ECE Community Innovation Zone Request for
Application release
Friday, Feb 11, 2015
Pre-application webinar 1-3pm
Register at RA-PWECECIZ@pa.gov
Wednesday, Feb 18, 2015
Please use 2015 CIZ webinar in the subject line
Deadline to submit questions via email RA-PWECECIZ@pa.gov
Wednesday, Feb 18, 2015
Please use 2015 RFA Question in subject line
Pre-application webinar and answers to questions posted to
the Pennsylvania Key website (www.pakeys.org)
Friday, Feb 20, 2015
P-3 Alignment webinar 9-11am
Register at RA-PWECECIZ@pa.gov
Wednesday, Feb 25, 2015
Pease use 2015 P-3 webinar in the subject line
Letter of intent to apply due no later than 3:00 pm.
Wednesday, Feb 25, 2015
Complete Applications due by 3:00pm
Friday, April 3, 2015
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
II. Grant Overview
The foundational work of the grant is based on the Framework for Planning, Implementing, and
evaluating PreK-3rd Grade Approaches by Kristie Kauerz and Julia Coffman. The vision for the P-3
approaches is to improve the quality and coherence of children’s learning opportunities, from the
experiences children have before they enter the K-12 system and extending through elementary
Effective instruction, instructional coherence, and meaningful learning opportunities are central to
a comprehensive approach. Innovations should cross traditional early learning and K-12
boundaries, have multiple elements, aim for multifaceted results, and contribute to policy and
practice changes.
Requirements: Applicants must focus on a particular target group of students. This RFA requires
the innovation addresses economically disadvantaged children, however, applicants may choose to
focus on any other risk factors in their community for which they have data and that can be
addressed through their innovation. Applicants must complete the self-assessment contained with
the Framework for Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating PreK-3rd Grade Approaches by Kristie
Kauerz and Julia Coffman. All eight buckets must be self-assessed. Upon completion, applicant
teams will determine in which of the eight buckets their innovation falls. Addressing specific
buckets is required through the Work Statements. (These buckets are noted with an “*”.) The
required buckets do not have to be the focus of the innovation; however, they must be included
within the scope of the innovation.
Deliverables: Applicants will determine and define deliverables necessary for the implementation
of the proposed innovation(s). Deliverables should be clearly defined in the work statements.
Buckets: The Framework is divided into eight major “buckets” or categories of effort that have
been identified as essential to high-quality and comprehensive P-3 approaches. Evidence indicates
that the more buckets that are implemented well, the more likely that benefits will occur.
The ultimate goal of P-3 approaches is
to improve child outcomes and close
achievement gaps. Child outcomes
should always be kept front-andcenter in planning, implementing, and
evaluating Pre-K-3rd grade efforts.
This Framework is based on the
premise that there needs to be more
intentional focus on the changes that
need to occur in adult behaviors/skills,
and to the system itself, before
meaningful child outcomes will be
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
*Cross Sector Work
Goal: Mechanisms, resources, and structures exist that reflect, support, and sustain a shared vision,
collaborative relationships, and mutual accountabilities between 0-5 and K-12.
Administrator Effectiveness
Goal: Administrators (superintendents, principals, early childhood directors) actively create a culture
and organizational structures that ensure the quality of Pre-K-3rd grade learning.
Teacher Effectiveness
Goal: Teachers are actively dedicated to providing high-quality instruction and effective learning
experiences for all children, Pre-K-3rd grade.
Instructional Tools
Goal: Standards, curricula, and assessments focus on both academic and social-emotional skills, are
aligned to create instructional coherence, Pre-K to 3rd grade.
Learning Environment
Goal: The physical space and emotional environment (campuses, buildings, schools, and classrooms)
promote collaborative relationships, actively engage all children in a variety of learning experiences
and settings, and support the health and wellness of children and adults.
*Data-driven Improvement
Goal: Current, relevant, and high-quality data from multiple sources are used to improve schools,
programs, classrooms, instruction, professional development, and other systems.
*Engaged Families
Goal: Families are actively and systematically involved with Pre-K-3rd teachers and administrators as
full partners in helping their children develop, learn, and achieve.
*Continuity Pathways
Goal: Every child, especially those at most at risk for school failure, has access to a continuity of
services and a clear pathway of high-quality education from Pre-K to 3rd grade.
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
III. Work Statement 10 page limit
OCDEL has identified the following five work statement sections, which must be addressed within the
Work Statement (WS) of this RFA. The total score will be based on 440 points, with each subsection
carrying its own point value. Each question must be answered completely to receive the maximum
number of points. Each Work Statement section is listed below by points of the total score.
WS Section 1: Innovation, Deliverables (60 points)
Phase II funding will be awarded to eligible applicants (found on page 3) proposing an innovation
developed as part of the P-3 self-assessment. The innovation must focus on reducing the achievement
gap by grade three.
1. Provide a detailed description of the innovation, why it is innovative in your community,
and how the innovation will help to reduce the achievement gap by third grade. Be sure to
clearly define into which of the buckets from the PreK-3rd grade framework the innovation
falls and include what was learned from the self-assessment.
2. Outline the deliverables essential to the development and implementation of the
innovation and detail how they are connected to reducing the achievement gap by grade
WS Section 2: Cross-Sector Work / Continuity and Pathways (60 points)
Partnerships and collaborative efforts should be one of the first steps made in the program planning,
implementation and evaluation process to ensure that the proposed innovation is a worthwhile and
necessary endeavor and compliments the broader system of service delivery in the community.
1. Define the roles and responsibilities of the applicant partners; the elementary school, the
early childhood program and the community based program (e.g., libraries, early
intervention, museums, human service agencies, etc.). Identify any other key partners along
with their roles and responsibilities.
For purposes of this grant partner is defined as an agency or individual who has a role or responsibility
in executing the requirements of the grant.
Detail how the partners will collaborate to implement the innovation and deliverables.
Additionally, describe how the Pennsylvania Early Learning Standards, The Transition to
Formal Schooling Toolkit and the Kindergarten Entry Inventory will be used and
incorporated over the course of the grant. (See appendixes for more information.)
WS Section 3: Target Population and Data Driven Improvements (60 points)
Improving participant outcomes is the hallmark of an effective innovation. “Did the strategies
implemented result in better conditions for those participating in the program?” The content and
structure of innovations that each CIZ implements will vary, and the data that will be collected and
tracked locally will depend upon the buckets that are chosen.
1. Describe the target population explaining how and why this population was chosen.
Identify the ways in which the innovation will help to reduce the achievement gap for this
population. For purposes of this grant, OCDEL is using economic disadvantage to determine
risk. The Reach and Risk report is a resource for county level data. Applicants should discuss
its impact at the community level and any other risk factors used in determining the target
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
a. Applicants may choose to include the additional risk factors of: Developmental
Delays and Disabilities; English Language Learners; Migrant Families; and
Homelessness. If choosing one or more of these factors to include in the target
population, applicants must provide the community level data, its impact on
and connection to innovation.
2. Explain the current or proposed mechanisms to collect, analyze, and utilize outcomes data
related to the innovation. Discuss how the data can be used as an inquiry tool to enhance
the targeted outcomes. Consider why this data was chosen and how information about the
target population will be collected and used to support the effectiveness of the innovation.
WS Section 4: Family Engagement (60 points)
Pennsylvania recognizes family engagement as a critical element to improving child outcomes,
particularly for those families with high needs who require additional support to encourage their
child’s learning and development. The goal for family engagement is to support strong partnerships
between families, communities, early childhood agency/organization, and schools to promote
children’s school readiness and achievement.
1. Describe how applicant will incorporate family engagement strategies with all staff and
within all partnerships, establish two-way communication to share information and learn
from families, and share leadership and decision making roles with families.
2. Describe any other strategies to actively engage families across the birth to grade three
continuum being sure to specifically address use of the Partnership Standards in the 2014
Pennsylvania Learning Early Learning Standards and the Early Learning GPS program.
WS Section 5: Sustainability: (60 points)
Sustainability planning is a key element for applicants to ensure continuation and support the
proposed innovation. Applications must include a strategy that will be used to secure broad-based
community support of the innovation and the overall program philosophy, to ensure its continuation
within the community and systematically strengthen the connection between the 0-5 and K-3 agencies
in your community. Early sustainability planning is a critical element in program continuation.
1. Explain how the innovation will be shared with a larger community to ensure the innovation
will continue past December 31, 2017. Applicants should describe the mechanisms,
resources and structures needed to maintain community support. Applicants should also
address specific plans to strengthen collaborative relationships and maintain mutual
accountability between the 0-5 and K-3 communities.
2. Create a realistic timeline that identifies specific short-term strategies (beginning at grant
inception) and long-term strategies (over the duration of the grant) that will be used to
solicit and obtain continued financial support for the proposed innovation beyond
December 31, 2017. Applicants should describe the resources available and/or needed to
sustain the innovation, as well as any matching funds or supports being proposed.
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
IV. Budget
Budget Summary (Attachment 3-a): The purpose of this form is to provide a summary of the program
expenses by category. Include the grant amounts from the proposed contract in the column identified
as “Grant Amount.” Although this RFA does not require matching funds, acquiring such funds will
assist in building the case for the commitment to and sustainability of the proposed innovation. In the
column “Match Amount” record the amount of any local contributions or match by budget category.
Match amounts in Attachment 3-a must correspond to that in Attachment 3-b and on the Match
Commitment form(s). This budget should reflect the time period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016.
Applicants should consider the following in developing their budgets:
 While the term of the grant is three years, all funds must be spent by December 31, 2017.
 Plan for the required elements of the grant
 Attendance at Governor’s Institute, Grantee Orientation, and Family Engagement
 Implementation of the Pennsylvania Kindergarten Entry Inventory.
 Use of the Pennsylvania Early Learning Standards, the Transition to Formal Schooling
Toolkit and the Early Learning GPS.
Budget Narrative (Attachment 3-b): The purpose of the budget narrative is to provide adequate
explanation, justification and detail for all program expenditures and match amounts. This budget
should reflect the time period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. There must be justification for each item
in the “Grant Request” column and in the “Match Amount” column. The justification for each must be
clearly identified. The budget narrative explains how the costs were estimated and justifies the need
for the cost. Match amounts in Attachment 3-b must correspond to that in Attachment 3a and 3b on
the Match Commitment form(s).
The budget narrative should be: 1) relevant and reasonable to the proposed work; 2) easy to follow
and understand; 3) mathematically correct; and, 4) correspond with the information and figures on the
budget forms and within Work Statement.
Personnel Expenses
Personnel: Itemize to show the following for each category with actual hourly rates. Provide
calculations for determining costs.
 Category & name of individual (e.g., Coordinator, Executive Director, administrative
assistant, etc.)
 Estimated hours
 Rate per hour
 Total cost for each category and for all personnel
Example: Coordinator, Pat Smith (20 hrs. /week x 15.00/hr. x 43 wks. = $12,900)
Benefits List benefits and benefits calculations for each category of personnel qualifying for benefits.
Example: 5% of salary and includes Social Security Insurance (FICA), State Unemployment
Insurance (SUI), and Health Insurance.
 Occupancy: Under this category itemize expenses related to space rental and utilities.
Indicate how the amounts were determined.
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
Telephone: Itemize (Example: $100/month x 9 month x 10% = $90)
Advertising: Itemize (Example: 1,000 brochures @ .25 ea. = $250) Advertising expenses must
support the activities presented in the application.
Printing: Itemize.
Postage: Itemize.
Supplies: Itemize. Supplies for events must support information within the Work Statement.
Equipment ($5,000/less): Itemize.
Equipment ($5,000/over): Itemize.
Food supplies: May not exceed 1% of the overall budget
Food: Detail the justification for the need of food at family events and how demonstrated
results will be documented.
Other Operating
 Travel: Itemize expenses related to staff travel. Include mileage rate. Mileage rate may not
exceed Commonwealth GSA reimbursement rate. Commonwealth Mileage Rate - GSA
Reimbursement. Budget for double occupancy rooms in the event they are not provided for
those traveling more than 50 miles.
 Professional Development: Itemize.
 Audit: Itemize.
 Facility Service Agreement: Itemize.
 Insurance: Itemize any expenses related to insurance costs required to implement the
 Computer Services: Itemize any vendor who provides electronic data processing services; i.e.
computer services, data entry services, backup facilities, purchase or lease of vendor
provided software and contracted equipment maintenance.
 Contracted Services: Itemize the cost of a contract with an outside agency, institution,
organization specialist or expert. This includes anyone not employed directly by the applying
organization that will be paid for a service (i.e. guest speakers at an event, etc.). Itemize as in
(a) above.
Indirect Costs: Those incurred for a common or joint purpose, and are not readily assignable to one
specific cost category. These costs are the supportive activities that are necessary to maintain the
direct effort involved in providing the services. The activities include, but are not limited to: general
supervision, bookkeeping, data processing and auditing to the extent that these costs are not
directly charged to the services being provided. If an organization has an approved federally
negotiated indirect cost rate, agencies are required to use this rate. A de minimus rate of 10%
MTDC (modified total direct cots) may be used by entities that have never had a negotiated indirect
cost rate.
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
V. Criteria for Selection
An application review committee will evaluate each application using the following criteria:
 Conformity in form and format to instructions contained in the RFA.
 Received by the due date and time.
 Contain all required pieces in the required order as defined on the cover sheet.
 Properly signed by the applicant.
 Relevance of proposed activities to the goals of the RFA.
 Clarity of proposed activities, timeframe and outcomes.
 Demonstrated capacity of lead agency to implement the proposed plan.
 Budget clearly relates to the proposed work and is sufficient to accomplish the
proposed work.
Evaluation: OCDEL will appoint an application review committee who will competitively score the
applications received based on pre-approved evaluation criteria. Each application is reviewed and
scored on its own merits. The process for soliciting and reviewing applications and recommending
awards will be as follows:
 An announcement regarding the availability of the RFA is posted as a PennLink and in
the BUILD list serve. The entire application packet is available on the Pennsylvania Key
website at www.pakeys.org.
 Hard copies of the application packet may be obtained by contacting the RFA Project
Officer, Samantha Gray at RA-PWECECIZ@pa.gov.
 Applications must be received and date-stamped by OCDEL per the time schedule stated
in the RFA. OCDEL and Regional Key staff will perform a preliminary review of each
application to ensure that all mandatory requirements have been met.
 The Evaluation Committee will review all applications that pass the preliminary review.
The Evaluation Committee will evaluate and score each application individually, and
make a recommendation for funding to OCDEL based on this selection process.
 Grant announcements will be made after OCDEL’s approval of the Evaluation
Committee's recommendations.
 Applicants will be notified by letter as to whether or not they have received an award.
 Applicants not funded will have the opportunity to request a debriefing phone call.
Priority Points
 Target populations with the highest overall percentage of economically disadvantaged
children, ages birth through eight years, will be prioritized. The proposed innovation
must be directly targeted at the defined population to receive priority points. Each
applicant will be awarded up to 50 points based on the school level data for the
partnering elementary school and the county level data for the partnering early
childhood program.
 Applicants can earn up to five priority points for each risk factor (other than economic
disadvantage) identified in their community if data is provided and it is linked directly to
the identified target population and innovation.
Cost: Applicants may apply to develop projects up to a maximum grant amount of $ 225,000 over three
years, $75,000 each year, to achieve their stated goals. The cost of the project will be a selection factor
but will not necessarily be the deciding factor in the selection process.
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
Score Breakdown: 300 points of the total score will be based on the technical portion of the
application. Up to 10 points will be awarded for conformity to instructions, including submission and
full completion of all required attachments. Up to 50 priority points will be awarded based economic
disadvantage the school level. 80 points of the total score will be based on the total cost of the project
and how it relates to the services proposed in the Work Statement; however, the Office of Child
Development and Early Learning may renegotiate any budget prior to approval.
Evaluation of the entire application will be based on the following:
Conformity to
Priority Points
Question #1
Question #2
Question #1
Question #2
Question #1
Question #2
Question #1
Question #2
Question #1
Question #2
Budget Worksheet
Budget Narrative
Within 10 page limit
Based on economic disadvantage at the school
WS 1: Innovation and Deliverables
WS 2: Cross-Sector Work / Continuity and Pathways
WS 3: Target Population and Data Driven Improvements
5 Priority points added for each additional risk
factor defined and connected to target
population and innovation up to a total of 20
WS 4: Family Engagement
WS 5: Sustainability
440 (+ additional risk factors)
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
VI. General Information and Guidance
Issuing Office: The Office of Child Development and Early Learning has issued this RFA. The point of
contact for this RFA shall be Samantha Gray, c/o OCDEL, 333 Market St., 6th Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17101,
Email address: RA-PWECECIZ@pa.gov.
Availability of Funds: Funding for this initiative is through the federal Race to the Top-Early Learning
Challenge grant funding and contingent on the availability of funds.
Agreements: Grants with successful applicants will be awarded and administered through the
Pennsylvania Key. The Pennsylvania Key will monitor the agreements, accountability, timely receipt of
fiscal and program reports, review of reports, and disbursement of funds. OCDEL and The Pennsylvania
Key will support grantees in the achievement and reporting of agreement deliverables.
Scope: This RFA contains instructions governing the requested application including the requirements
for information and material to be included; a description of service to be provided; requirements which
applicants must meet to be eligible for consideration; general evaluation criteria; and other
requirements specific to the RFA.
Rejection of Applications: OCDEL reserves the right in its sole and complete discretion to reject any
application received as a result of this RFA, specifically but not limited to those that are submitted as
Term of Grant: The term of any grant agreements will commence on July 1, 2015 and will end no later
than December 31, 2017.
Incurring Costs: OCDEL is not liable for any costs the applicant incurs in the preparation and submission
of its application, in participating in the RFA process or in anticipation of award of the contract.
Pre-application and P-3 Webinar: OCDEL will hold a pre-application and P-3 webinar as specified in the
Timeline of Events. The purpose of the pre-application webinar is to provide opportunity for clarification
of the RFA. The P-3 webinar is intended to provide an overview of the framework for the grant. The preapplication and P-3 webinars are for information only. Participation in these webinars are not
Questions and Answers: If an applicant has any questions regarding this RFA prior to the webinar, the
applicant must submit the questions via email (with the subject line “2015 RFA Question”) to Samantha
Gray at RA-PWECECIZ@pa.gov. The applicant shall not attempt to contact the RFA Project Officer, or
any other OCDEL, Pennsylvania Key, or Regional Key staff, by any other means. No questions will be
answered before the pre-application webinar or after the FAQ is released. The applicant may ask
questions during the pre-application webinar. Any answers furnished during the webinar will not be
official until posted as an FAQ on the Pennsylvania Key website (www.pakeys.org).
Addenda to the RFA: If OCDEL deems it necessary to revise any part of this RFA before the application
response date; an addendum shall be posted to the RFA on the Pennsylvania Key website
(www.pakeys.org). All questions and answers generated from the pre-application webinar are
considered an addendum to, and, part of, this RFA, and will be posted on the Pennsylvania Key website.
Each applicant shall be responsible for monitoring the Pennsylvania Key website for new or revised RFA
information. OCDEL shall not be bound by any verbal information nor shall it be bound by any written
information that is not contained within this RFA or formally issued as an addendum.
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
Discussions for Clarification: Applicants may be required to make an oral or written clarification of
their applications to OCDEL to ensure thorough mutual understanding of grant requirements. OCDEL
will initiate requests for clarification.
Prime Contractor Responsibilities: The agreement will require the selected Applicant to assume
responsibility for all services offered in its application whether it produces them itself or by
subcontract. OCDEL and the Pennsylvania Key will consider the selected Applicant to be the sole point
of contact with regard to contractual matters.
Notification of Selection: OCDEL will notify the selected Applicants in writing of their selection.
Restriction of Agreement: From the issue date of this RFA until OCDEL selects the applications for
grant awards, the RFA Project Officer is the sole point of contact concerning this RFA. Any violation of
this condition may be cause for OCDEL to reject the offending applicant’s proposal. If OCDEL later
discovers that the applicant has engaged in any violations of this condition, OCDEL may reject the
offending applicant’s proposal or rescind its grant award.
Alternate Applications: OCDEL has identified the basic approach to meeting its requirements, allowing
applicants to be creative and propose their best solution to meeting these requirements. Therefore,
OCDEL will not accept alternate applications.
Use of Electronic Versions of the RFA: This RFA is being made available by electronic means. If an
applicant electronically accepts the RFA, the applicant acknowledges and accepts full responsibility to
insure that no changes are made to the RFA. In the event of a conflict between a version of the RFA in
the applicant’s possession and OCDEL’s version of the RFA, OCDEL’s version shall govern.
Public Communications: OCDEL reserves the right to issue the initial press release and/or hold media
events announcing grant awards. Applicants shall not issue news releases, internet postings,
advertisements or any other public communications pertaining to this project until after the grant is
executed. News releases and other public communications must be forwarded to the RFA Project
Officer for review.
Reports and Project Controls: Quarterly progress reports and a final report covering the activities,
problems, and recommendations will be submitted. This report must align with the Work Statement the
applicant developed in its application, or as amended or approved by OCDEL.
Withdraw: Each Applicant submitting an application may withdraw its application by written notice
received at the OCDEL address for application delivery.
Modifications to Applications: An Applicant may modify its submitted application prior to the exact
hour and date set for application receipt only by submitting a new sealed application or sealed
modification which complies with the RFA requirements.
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
Attachment 1
Application Cover Sheet
Name of Lead Agency: _________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________________________
Zip Code: ______________________
Contact person: __________________________________
Title: ______________________
Telephone: ____________________________
E-mail: ____________________________________
County: _______________________________
Targeted School District: _____________________________
Targeted School(s):___________________________________________________________________
Amount of Request: _________________________________
The following checklist has been prepared to help you organize your application.
Applications MUST be organized in the following way with Required Appendices.
Any application missing any required elements listed below will be rejected.
If submitting electronically:
If submitting via mail:
__Attachment 1 Application Coversheet
__ Attachment 2 Letter of Commitment—MAIL HARD COPY
__ Work Statement (10 page limit)
__Attachment 3a Budget Summary
__Attachment 3b Budget Narrative
__Attachment 4 Match Commitment Form(s)—MAIL HARD COPY
__Attachment 1 Application Coversheet
__ Attachment 2 Letter of Commitment
__ Work Statement (10 page limit)
__Attachment 3a Budget Summary
__Attachment 3b Budget Narrative
__Attachment 4 Match Commitment Form(s)
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
Attachment 2
Letter of Commitment
Name of Lead Agency: _________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
City _______________________________________________
Zip Code _______________
Name of Executive Director/President/CEO/Superintendent of lead agency:
County representing: _______________________
Regional Key: _______________________
This letter serves as a commitment between (Names of applying organization)
_________________________________________________ and the Pennsylvania Office of Child
Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) for the Early Childhood Education Community Innovation
Zone Grant. The applying organization agrees to participate in the proposed activities as specified in
the RFA, including the use of the Pennsylvania Kindergarten Entry Inventory.
This form is to be signed by the authorizing Executive Director/President/CEO, Targeted School District Superintendent and
Targeted school principal(s), Early Childhood Program Administrator, and Community Partner indicating their willingness to
participate as a team in the implementation of the work plan presented in this application.
Executive Director/President/CEO of Community Partner
Printed Name
Program Administrator (or authorized representative) of Early Childhood Agency/Organization
Printed Name
Superintendent of Targeted School District
Printed Name
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
Principal of Targeted Elementary Schools
Printed Name
Printed Name
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
Attachment 3a and 3b
Budget Templates
Administrative Costs
Grant Amount
Match Amount
Total Personnel
Equipment ($5000/less)
Equipment ($5000/over)
Other Operating
Facility Service Agreement
Computer Services
Contracted Services
Total Operating
Indirect Costs
Total Indirect Cost
Indirect Cost
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
Budget Narrative
Description of Budget Item
(include formulas)
Grant Amount
Total Personnel
Facility Service
Other Operating
Total Operating
Indirect Costs
Indirect Cost
Total Indirect Cost
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
Attachment 4
Early Childhood Education Community Innovation Zone
Match Commitment
Applicants Organization/Agency
Name Lead Agency: ______________________________________________________________________
Applicant’s Address: ______________________________________________________________________
City _______________________________________________State___________________ Zip Code
Name of Lead Agency’s Executive Director/President/Superintendent:
County representing: ____________________________________
1. The name of the individual and the organization they represent who is committing to the match
amount in support of the activities presented in this application:
2. Provide a brief description of the service, product, cash, etc. being donated to this project and its
Value: $_____________
This form is to be signed by the authorizing official indicating their willingness to support the implementation of the ECE Community
Innovation Zone Plan presented in this application by contributing a match as described above. This match does not utilize state or
federal dollars which originated from OCDEL Programs.
Printed name and signature of authorizing official
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
Appendix 1
Regional Keys Geographic Dispersion Map
3823 West 12th
Erie, PA 16505
Fax 814-836-9615
Northeast Region
1520 Hanover Avenue
Allentown, PA 18109
Fax 610-437-6500
Southwest Region
305 Wood Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Fax 412-241-5834
South Central Region
13 West Market Street
York, PA 17401
Fax 717-843-4158
Southeast Region
Centre Square East
1500 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Fax 215-985-2550
Appendix 2
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
Appendix 2
Pennsylvania Learning Standards for Early Childhood
Pennsylvania's Learning Standards for Early Childhood are research-based according to age and development,
and form the foundation for curriculum, assessment, instruction and intervention within early education
The 2009 Infant, Toddler and Pre-Kindergarten Standards were revised to reflect current research-based content
and integration, and to align with the Pennsylvania Core Standards. The 2014 Pre-Kindergarten standards mirror
the standards found on the Standards Aligned System (SAS) in the learning domains of English Language Arts,
Mathematics, Science (including Environment and Ecology), Social Studies, and Social and Emotional
Development. Refinements also have been made to: Partnerships for Learning (Family Engagement);
Approaches to Learning Through Play; Creative Thinking and Expression; and Health, Wellness and Physical
Development. In addition, the 2014 Infant, Toddler and Pre-Kindergarten Standards ensure appropriate
inclusion for all early care and education programming (home-visiting, Early Intervention, limited English
Specifically, the Partnerships for Learning standards now align with Pennsylvania’s Family Engagement
Crosswalk including 1) supporting families in time of need; 2) families have affirming, reciprocal relationships
with community partners that build upon their strengths; and 3) families have the support and information they
need to encourage their child’s learning and development. The Crosswalk outlines the connections between
several nationally-recognized research-based family engagement frameworks such as Strengthening Families
and the national Parent Teacher Association framework.
All state-funded early education programs will have one year to transition to the 2014 Infant, Toddler and PreKindergarten Standards. Required implementation of the 2014 Infant, Toddler and Pre-Kindergarten Standards
begins July 1, 2015. In the meantime, all programs are encouraged to download and print the 2014 standards.
As proposed in the Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge grant, all state-funded programs will receive one
copy of the 2014 Infant, Toddler and Pre-Kindergarten Standards. It is anticipated that print versions will be
available beginning in 2015. Electronic versions and a recorded webinar are available on the Pennsylvania Key
The Office of Child Development and Early Learning is currently convening a work group to develop a standards
professional development plan. An asynchronous module will be recorded in August that highlights changes in
the 2014 Infant, Toddler and Pre-Kindergarten Standards.
The Office of Child Development and Early Learning will announce greater detail on the long term professional
development plans, focused on effective standards implementation, once it has been finalized.
Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 2 Learning Standards for Early Childhood are being revised with guidance from a
diverse stakeholder group. Public comment will be available in the spring of 2015 and messaging will be sent out
through the PA BUILD list serve and a PENN*LINK to all Commonwealth school districts. Kindergarten, Grades 1
and 2 standards will be available in the summer of 2015.
Early Childhood Education Innovation Zone Grantees are required to incorporate the Learning Standards for
Early Childhood in their grant strategies.
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
Appendix 3
Pennsylvania Kindergarten Entry Inventory
Pennsylvania has developed an inventory tool, Pennsylvania Kindergarten Entry Inventory (KEI),
that captures what children know and are able to do upon entry into kindergarten, in both the
cognitive and non-cognitive domains of: Social and Emotional Development; English Language Arts;
Mathematics; Approaches to Learning; and Health, Wellness and Physical Development. This tool
serves to report to parents, guide teacher instruction, and inform policy by providing a picture of
student outcomes upon entry into the kindergarten classroom across the commonwealth. The
Pennsylvania Kindergarten Entry Inventory was proven reliable in pilot years 2012 and 2013.
Early Childhood Education Community Innovation Zone Grantees are required to implement the
Pennsylvania Kindergarten Entry Inventory as part of the innovation zone work. In order to
implement the Kindergarten Entry Inventory, all kindergarten teachers must complete a proficient
user assignment and submit student outcomes through the use of a web-based data system.
Kindergarten teachers and administrators will have access to a variety of useful reports including:
student profiles, class profiles, school profiles and district profiles.
For more information on the Pennsylvania Kindergarten Entry Inventory visit OCDEL KEI reports and
the Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge web page.
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
Appendix 4
Governor’s Institutes
The purpose of Pennsylvania's P-3 Governor's Institute is to help school districts, early learning providers
and community organizations throughout the commonwealth make the vital connections and collaborations
necessary for student success from birth through grade 3.
The 2015 P-3 Governor's Institutes are being offered regionally for the following dates/locations. Each
institute begins Sunday evening and ends Wednesday at noon.
 June 14-17 Radisson Hotel Valley Forge-- King of Prussia
 June 21-24 Doubletree--Monroeville
 July 12-15 The Ambassador Center--Erie
 July 26-29 Hilton--Scranton
Dates for the 2016 and 2017 Institutes have yet to be determined but will occur in June and/or July.
Participation in the 2015 institute is limited to 28 teams per region. Participating teams will be selected
through an application process. Districts may submit applications for more than one team. Teams should be
built around a specific elementary school, its feeder early learning programs, and the local community.
Selected teams will participate in this 4-day event focusing on Kristie Kauerz‘s Framework for Planning,
Implementing, and Evaluating Pre-K-3rd Grade Approaches. Professional development will be offered to
support team specific implementation of P-3 efforts.
Most expenses will be covered for participating teams using Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge grant
funds. Act 48 professional development credits and Pennsylvania Quality Assurance System (PQAS) hours
will be offered.
To be considered for participation in this event, participating teams must agree to the following:
 Attend the entire 4-day event;
 Bring a core team of no less than four educators (maximum participating team of eight
members): a 0-5 administrator, a 0-5 practitioner, a K-3 administrator, and a K-3 practitioner.
Preference will be given to applicants who include up to four of the following; family
representative or family liaison, Early Intervention representative, community member,
librarian, curriculum specialist, higher education partner, intermediate unit representative.
 Engage in continuous improvement via implementation and sharing of strategies/programs that
will enhance student achievement; and
 Maintain an active role in the Governor's Institute cohort subsequent to the event (e.g.,
professional learning community, webinars, monthly follow up).
Applications will be available beginning Jan. 12, 2015 and will be announced in future publications of Build
ECE News. If you have any questions please contact Jolie Phillips at jolphillip@pa.gov.
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
Appendix 5
Early Learning GPS
Families want what’s best for their young children, but don’t always know where to start. The Early Learning GPS is an
interactive web-based tool to help families think about what they can do to help their children learn and grow. Families
can use the Early Learning GPS on their own, with a professional or as part of a parenting class.
The Early Learning GPS is an online, interactive 10-question quiz that helps families learn the most important things they
need to know and be able to do to help their young child grow. The GPS is designed as an online quiz to create an
engaging learning experience, but it’s not a test. Families choose the answer that best fits their situation and receive
customized tips and resources based on their answer. There are no “wrong” answers – just the answer they feel is right.
The multiple-choice questions included in the Early Learning GPS address the main things families need to know and be
able to do to help their child grow. They also address common myths (e.g. “you can spoil a baby by picking it up”) and
provide resources for families that are over-stressed and may be at risk of harming their child. There are no wrong
answers, although some are better practice than others. Some answers have been refined based on parent feedback to
match what most parents would answer.
All of the information is from reliable sources like the Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning.
Coming in 2015, families will be able save these tips and resources to their child’s map to review later. On each child’s
map, families will also be able to:
 Follow their child’s development on the milestones tab and check off when the child meets a milestone.
 Save activities that are based on Pennsylvania’s Early Learning Standards that can help their child build language,
math, social skills and more!
 Compare child care/ early learning programs to find the right fit for their family.
 Create a to-do list of actions they’d like to take based on what they’ve learned.
 Save photos and share over Facebook and other social media.
You don’t have to be an expert in child development to use the GPS with families. It can help you provide critical
information about child development and early learning in a fun, interactive way. The GPS can ask the questions, but
can also spark discussion.
The revised web-based version of the Early Learning GPS is scheduled to go live in April 2015 with the app available in
October 2015. Spanish versions are scheduled to go live in spring 2016. View the Early Learning GPS at
Early Childhood Education Innovation Zone Grantees are required to promote and use the Early Learning GPS in their
targeted communities. Training and promotional materials will be provided.
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
Appendix 6
Transition to Formal Schooling Toolkit
Transition to school is one of the most important steps in a young child’s life. Children must learn to navigate
academic, behavioral and social expectations that might be different from the expectations at home or in the
early learning setting. Parents might feel discomfort and fear about sending their child into this new
experience. Well planned, collaborative transition models build trust and relationships among children,
families, teachers and the school community. Systematic strategies and common understanding of terms and
approaches among stakeholders can increase the success of transition practices.
The Transition to Formal Schooling provides school districts, early learning programs, and other local
education agency personnel the resources to evaluate current transition practices, and a means to plan for
continual quality improvement. The toolkit also provides resources to support transition into a formal setting
in the areas of management of transition practices, school in community, child‐to‐school, family‐to‐school
and school‐to‐school.
Find the Transition to Formal Schooling Toolkit on the PA Key website.
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015
Appendix 7
Tools and Resources
Budget Templates
Early Childhood Education Reach and Risk Report
Early Childhood Executive Leadership Institute
Early Learning GPS
Early Learning Outcomes Reporting
Early Learning Standards
Environmental Rating Scales
Family Engagement
Governor’s Institute
School Performance Profile
OCDEL Kindergarten Entry Inventory reports
P-3 Alignment (best if printed on 11 x 17 paper)
Pennsylvania’s Promise for Children
Transition to Kindergarten Resources
Workforce Development
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning RTT-ELC Community Innovation Zone Phase II Grant Application 2015