Red Scarf Girl

Agenda for Monday 1/30/12
Starter: Journal Week 5, Day 1
On pg. 126 of Red Scarf Girl, Ji-li shares, “In the three months since the Cultural
Revolution had started, changes had been so constant that I often felt lost.” Identify at
least three changes that Ji-li has experienced since the start of the Cultural Revolution.
Remember to write using complete sentences.
Goal: Students will…
– Analyze the influence of fear and humiliation tactics used during the Cultural Revolution
on various characters in the memoir.
– Demonstrate active reading skills by making comments and asking questions (at least 3)
while reading.
– Read Red Scarf Girl pg.140-155
– Complete Daily Reading Guide
• Reading Observation Chart
• After Reading Question: Fear and humiliation were two tools used by the Red Guards
during the Cultural Revolution. Identify moments from this chapter when these
tactics were used. What impact might fear and humiliation have on the victims?
What about the impact on those who witness these acts? How might this kind of
bullying behavior impact the perpetrators of (or the ones responsible for doing) these
acts? Given the circumstances during the Cultural Revolution, to what extent was it
possible to resist being publicly humiliated?
• Visualization
– Discuss Chapter 9
Agenda for Friday 1/27/12
Starter: Journal Week 4, Day 5
– We will be talking to Ji-li Jiang, author of Red Scarf Girl, via Skype after we finish the book.
Does knowing that make you see the book any differently? If you were to talk to her
today, what would you ask her? What would you want her to explain? Write a paragraph
explaining your answer.
Goal: Students will…
– Analyze the influence of Chinese propaganda on character motivations in the memoir.
– Demonstrate active reading skills by making comments and asking questions (at least 3)
while reading.
– Read Red Scarf Girl pg. 118-139
– Complete Daily Reading Guide
• Reading Observation Chart
• After Reading Question: So far, what do you think is the biggest internal conflict in
this memoir? What are the two opposing forces (thoughts, desires, feelings)? How is
this conflict affecting Ji-li? How do you think it will be solved? Is this a conflict that
can be solved? Why or Why not?
• Visualization
– Discuss Chapter 8
Agenda for Thursday 1/26/12
Starter: Journal Week 4, Day 2
What is propaganda? How can media (TV, newspapers, billboards, the internet, etc.) be used
to control and influence public opinion? What other tools and strategies can
governments use to influence the beliefs and behaviors of its citizens?
Goal: Students will…
– Analyze the influence of Chinese propaganda on character motivations in the memoir.
– Demonstrate active reading skills by making comments and asking questions (at least 3)
while reading.
• Assignment:
– Read Red Scarf Girl pg. 100-119
– Complete Daily Reading Guide
Reading Observation Chart
After Reading Question:Because of the influence of the Communist Party, Chairman Mao, and the Red Guards,
people in this chapter make decisions and do or think things that many of us today think are crazy. How is the
Cultural Revolution influencing their decisions? Choose one of the characters from today’s reading. Explain a
choice/decision they made, and describe what you think their motivation was for making that choice. What
would you have done in the same situation?
– Discuss Chapter 7
Agenda for Wednesday 1/25/12
Starter: Journal Week 4, Day 2
Summarize what happened in the chapter of Red Scarf Girl that we read yesterday. Be
sure to include important events from the beginning, middle, and end of the chapter.
Remember, a summary does not include your opinions about the story. It only retells
the important events.
Goal: Students will…
– Write about an event from Red Scarf Girl from the point of view of a character other than
– Discuss how the point of view from which the memoir is written influences our
understanding of the Cultural Revolution.
• Assignment:
– Red Scarf Girl Point of View Writing Assignment
– Exit Questions
Agenda for Tuesday 1/24/12
Starter: Journal Week 4, Day 2
Do you think that Ji-li sees the Cultural Revolution from a different perspective than her
parents? What about her grandma? Do you think Song Po-Po feels differently about
the revolution than Ji-li? How do you think a Red Guard member would describe the
revolution? Explain your answer.
Goal: Students will…
– Analyze conflicts in the story from the point of view of several different characters, and
determine why their perspectives might be so different.
– Demonstrate active reading skills by making comments and asking questions (at least 3)
while reading.
• Assignment:
– Read Red Scarf Girl pg. 80-99
– Complete Daily Reading Guide
Reading Observation Chart
After Reading Question: In this chapter, the Jiang family decides to fire Song Po-po. Compare the attitudes of
different characters toward this decision. What does Song Po-po think of this decision? Ji-li? Ji-li’s grandmother?
Who might consider this a good decision? Who might say it was a bad decision? After taking different
perspectives into account, do you agree with the decision made by Ji-li’s parents to fire Song Po-po? Explain your
– Discuss Chapter 6
Agenda for Monday 1/23/12
Starter: Journal Week 4, Day 1
On pg. 67 of Red Scarf Girl, Ji-li says, “I had always been a school leader, a role model.
How could I have suddenly become so bad that I needed to be remolded thoroughly?”
How do you think Ji-li has changed since the beginning of this memoir (and the
beginning of the Cultural Revolution)? Do you agree with Ji-Li’s opinion that she had
“become bad”? Why or why not? How do you think Ji-Li’s identity is being influenced
by the context of the Cultural Revolution?
Goal: Students will…
– Identify examples of and motivations for character development in the memoir
– Write persuasively.
– Demonstrate active reading skills by making comments and asking questions (at least 3)
while reading.
• Assignment:
– Read Red Scarf Girl pg. 72-79
– Complete Daily Reading Guide
Reading Observation Chart
After Reading Question: In this chapter, we learn that the way students are being assigned to schools has
changed. Before the Cultural Revolution, students were assigned to schools based on grades and teacher
recommendations, with the students with the highest academic achievement being assigned to the most
prestigious schools. In the fall of 1966, students are being assigned to schools based on where they live. Which
school assignment system do you think is most fair? Why? Give examples to support your opinion. Then, explain
why you think Ji-li is upset with the new system. Is her heartbreak justified?
– Discuss Chapter 5
Agenda for Friday 1/20/12
Starter: Journal Week 3, Day 4
Why is it important to gather information from different kinds of sources, especially
when learning new information? Give examples to support your answer.
Goal: Students will…
– Write persuasively about a central theme found in the memoir and support opinions w/
– Demonstrate active reading skills by making comments and asking questions (at least 3)
while reading.
• Assignment:
– Read Red Scarf Girl pg. 52-71
– Complete Daily Reading Guide
Reading Observation Chart
After Reading Question:The following saying was popular during the Cultural Revolution: “The son is a hero if the
father is a revolutionary. The son is a rotten egg if the father is a counterrevolutionary.” Do you agree or disagree
with this statement? Do you think it is fair or appropriate to use family background to judge someone in a
positive or negative way? Explain your answers on your reading guide. Give examples from the reading to support
your opinion. When finished, please return or recycle this slip of paper.
– Discuss Chapter 4
Agenda for Thursday 1/19/12
• Starter: Journal Week 3, Day 3
After Ji-Li reads the da zi bao written about her, she cries, “It’s
all lies” (p. 51). How would someone know if the
information on a da zi bao is true or false? How do you
know if what you read is true or false? Give examples to
explain your answer. Remember to write using complete
• Goal: Students will…
– Analyze various historical documents to determine the need
for multiple sources and perspectives when learning new
• Assignment:
– Plot Timeline
– Historical Document Analysis #2 Activity
– Exit Quiz
Agenda for Wednesday 1/18/12
Starter: Journal Week 3, Day 1
Yesterday, we saw Ji-Li and her siblings, classmates, and friends eager to help Mao with the
Cultural Revolution. The adults in her family seemed hesitant. This was very common in
China during this time. Why do you think it was so easy to get the young people on board
and excited about this movement? Do you think the adults were as excited about this
movement? Why or why not? Write a paragraph explaining your answer.
Goal: Students will…
– Analyze motivations behind main characters’ early participation in the Cultural Revolution
as told in the memoir.
– Demonstrate active reading skills by making comments and asking questions (at least 3)
while reading.
• Assignment:
– Read Red Scarf Girl pg. 38-51
– Complete Daily Reading Guide
Reading Observation Chart
After Reading Question: In the chapter “Writing Da zi bao,” students complain about the lack of fairness in the
education system. What are some of their arguments? Do you agree or disagree with these ideas? If you were to
design a school that is fair to all students, what would it be like? Write at least one full paragraph explaining your
answer on your reading guide. When you finish, please return or recycle this slip of paper.
– Discuss Chapter 3
Agenda for Tuesday 1/17/12
Starter: Journal Week 3, Day 1
Define “culture.” What types of things typically make up your culture? Why is culture
important for people? How does culture influence identity? Write an entire paragraph.
Be sure to write using COMPLETE SENTENCES and answer ALL of the questions.
Goal: Students will…
– Reflect on how culture influences identity
– Identify ways culture is being manipulated in the story, and write a reflection on the
reasons behind it.
– Demonstrate active reading skills by making comments and asking questions (at least 3)
while reading.
• Assignment:
– Read Red Scarf Girl pg. 19-37
– Complete Daily Reading Guide
Reading Observation Chart
After Reading Question: On page 25, Ji-Li says, “But Grandma, we have to get rid of those old ideas, old culture,
old customs, and old habits. Chairman Mao said they’re holding us back.” What are some examples of Four Olds
provided in this chapter? Do you think old ideas, culture, customs, or habits have the power to hold people back?
Why or why not? Be sure to write AT LEAST a full paragraph explaining your answer. Write on your reading guide.
– Discuss Chapter 2
Agenda for Friday 1/13/12
Starter: Journal Week 2, Day 3
Summarize what happened in the Red Scarf Girl yesterday. Did you notice any conflicts?
Include those in your summary. Remember to include important events and details from
the beginning, middle, and end of the reading yesterday.
Goal: Students will…
– Summarize yesterday’s reading
– Demonstrate active reading skills by making comments and asking questions (at least 3)
while reading.
– Describe Ji-Li from Red Scarf Girl and make inferences about how she defines
• Assignment:
– Collect Journals Week 2
– Read Red Scarf Girl pg. 1-18
– Complete Daily Reading Guide
Reading Observation Chart
After Reading Question: On page 1, Ji-Li recites this Chinese saying popular in the 1960s: “Heaven and Earth are
great, but greater still is the kindness of the Communist Party; father and mother are dear, but dearer still is
Chairman Mao.” Based on this and other descriptors in this first chapter of the memoir, how would you describe
Ji-Li? Who does she care about? How does she identify herself? How do you think she is identified by other
people? Include details from the text to support your answer.
– Discuss Chapter 1
Agenda for Thursday 1/12/12
• Starter: Journal Week 2, Day 3
– Today, we are exploring the theme of “identity.” What is identity? How
do you define yourself? How would others define you? Do you think
people sometimes let other people’s definition of their identity
influence how they think of themselves? Give an example.
• Goal: Students will…
– Explore the theme of “identity”
– Make note of important characters and conflicts introduced in the
beginning of the novel.
• Assignment:
– Read Red Scarf Girl pg. 1-10
– Complete Ch. 1 Daily Reading Guide
Reading Observation Chart
– Discuss Chapter 1
Agenda for Wednesday 1/11/12
• Starter: Journal Week 2, Day 2
– Think about the words you defined yesterday, and those your
classmates shared (and will finish sharing today). Look at the cover of
Red Scarf Girl. Using your prior knowledge about memoirs, the Cultural
Revolution and your inferencing skills, make at least five predictions
about what might happen in the book
• Goal: Students will…
– Finish Word Wall
– Understand how the Red Scarf Girl Unit will be graded
– Start Portfolio
• Assignment:
– Finish Presenting Word Wall Words
– Discuss Red Scarf Girl Unit Overview (Handout)
– Create Red Scarf Girl Portfolio
– Write “Before” Reflection (see prompt on whiteboard/bulliten board)
Agenda for Tuesday 1/10/12
• Starter: Journal Week 2, Day 1
– On Friday, we built some background knowledge about the Chinese
people and why the Communist party came to power there. Summarize
what we know about the CCP, and why so many Chinese at the time
supported them. You may use your notes.
• Goal: Students will…
– Create a word wall that defines and illustrates key terms needed for
understanding Red Scarf Girl
• Assignment:
– BrainPOP: Communism
– Word Wall
• Partner Work
• Teach Word to Class
Agenda for Thursday 1/5/12
• Starter: Journal Week 1, Day 2
– Write a paragraph explaining everything you remember from social
studies about communism, Chairman Mao, and the Cultural Revolution
• Goal: Students will…
– Identify strategies to aid comprehension while reading nonfiction text
– Use those strategies to determine how best to analyze and use
nonfiction resources for a specific purpose.
– Build background knowledge to understand the setting of Red Scarf Girl
• Assignment:
– Nonfiction Reading Strategies: BrainPOP Video (English-> Study Skills->
Reading Skills)
– Guided Practice with “Preview” and “Skim/Scan” Strategy
– Use the Skim/Scan Strategy to determine which historical documents
will help answer each essential question
Agenda for Friday 1/6/12
• Starter: Journal Week 1, Day 2
– Pick one or two of the reading strategies listed on the white board that
we discussed yesterday. Write a letter to a friend explaining the
strategy, how to use it, and why it is helpful. Include an example to help
your friend understand! This should be a full paragraph.
• Goal: Students will…
– Use reading strategies to analyze historical documents.
– Build background knowledge to understand the setting of Red Scarf Girl
and possible character motivations.
• Assignment:
– Collect Journal Paper and Hand Back Graded Papers
– Read Historical Document Packet and Answer the 4 Essential
– Share and Discuss
Agenda for Wednesday 1/4/12
• Starter: Journal Week 1, Day 1
– Today is a fresh start. We’ve finished half of the year, and are ready to
begin another half. Now is the time to decide how you want the last
half of seventh grade to go. What do you want your behavior to look
like? What are you going to do differently than last semester? What
worked really well that you hope to continue? What grade do you want
to earn in my class? What are you going to do to help you get that
grade? Write an entire paragraph reflecting upon and answering these
• Goal: Students will…
– Set goals to be successful this semester
– Review and evaluate effectiveness of classroom expectations
– Build anticipation for reading Red Scarf Girl
– Demonstrate prior knowledge of Nonfiction Reading Skills
• Assignment:
– Revisit Classroom Expectations
– Red Scarf Girl Intro
– Exit Slip: Nonfiction Reading Skills Pre-Quiz