PAF4OI: Viking Powerfit Challenge 2014 Summative Having healthy personal fitness levels is a life time journey and not something that can be achieved in one class at school. You have to be continually participating in order to keep optimum levels of fitness. Coming up with goals and a plan in order to keep you active and healthy is essential. Your summative task is to create a personal goal sheet along with a 4 week fitness plan that you can implement in order to get you ready for our Powerfit Gr.12 Challenge and to hopefully achieve some of your goals. You will need to design and implement your personal workout plan for the weeks leading into the first week of June. This assignment is worth 30% of your final mark in this course. This assignment is due Monday, June.9, 2013 Summative Checklist Part A ~ Goal Setting Sheet Part B ~ Personal Fitness Plan Part C ~ Participation, Safety, Completion of Powerfit Challenge Part D ~ Leadership/ Volunteer Component Part E ~ Reflection Journal 20 marks 30 marks 20 marks 10 marks 10 marks Total 100 marks Part A ~ Goal Setting One of the most important aspects of success is the ability to set and achieve goals. Goals are realistic reminders of the accomplishments you visualize. In this section of your report, you will complete and hand in the attached sheet labelled Part A: 1.List a minimum of three goals for yourself (at least one short-term goal, and one long-term goal). These goals could be related to improved nutrition, flexibility, strength, endurance, cardiovascular ability, sleep, performance, motivation, mental preparation and so much more! 2.Explain your rationale for choosing each goal. 3.Make sure your goals are specific to your fitness and training. Remember S.M.A.R.T.: S - Specific. Is your goal clear? M – Measurable. How will you know when you achieved your goal? A – Action-Oriented. List the steps you will need to take in order to achieve your goal. R - Realistic. Explain whether or not it is likely that you could reach your goal. Is your goal and timelines reasonable? Are you motivated and prepared? T – Timely. How long will it take to reach your goal? Short-term goals take one month or less to achieve. Example: “I want to be flexible enough to be able to perform the splits by the end of the month” Intermediate goals take up to a year to achieve. Example: “I want to run a 10km race one year from now” Long-term goals take 1-4 years to achieve. Example: “I want to be fit enough to compete in the Cross Fit Games three years from now. Part A: (next 3 pages) For This Assignment you must set and explain 3 goals that you have made for yourself. Use the following templates to help you in your planning. Short Term Goal: This goal should be take you one month or less to achieve. My goal is: ________________________________________________________ Here are the details of my goal: Specific – Define precisely the objective or outcome you want to achieve. Measurable – Explain how you will know that you have achieved your goal. Action-Oriented – List the steps that you need to take in order to achieve your goal. Use action verbs. Realistic – Explain how likely you are to reach your goal. Consider your motivation, support systems, work ethic, influences and challenges. Timely – How long will it take your to reach your goal? Explain. Long Term Goal: This goal should be one that you plan to achieve 1-4 years from now. My goal is: ________________________________________________________ Here are the details of my goal: Specific – Define precisely the objective or outcome you want to achieve. Measurable – Explain how you will know that you have achieved your goal. Action-Oriented – List the steps that you need to take in order to achieve your goal. Use action verbs. Realistic – Explain how likely you are to reach your goal. Consider your motivation, support systems, work ethic, influences and challenges. Timely – How long will it take your to reach your goal? Explain. ___________________ Term Goal: This goal will take me ______________ to achieve. My goal is: ________________________________________________________ Here are the details of my goal: Specific – Define precisely the objective or outcome you want to achieve. Measurable – Explain how you will know that you have achieved your goal. Action-Oriented – List the steps that you need to take in order to achieve your goal. Use action verbs. Realistic – Explain how likely you are to reach your goal. Consider your motivation, support systems, work ethic, influences and challenges. Timely – How long will it take your to reach your goal? Explain. Part B: Personal Fitness Plan Having a good personal physical fitness plan is a great way to track and achieve your fitness goals. It allows you to be focused and on task every time you begin a workout. Your job is to create a fitness plan that outlines your personal fitness goals, attitudes and beliefs in how to improve your overall health over the course of four weeks (April 16-May 20). This plan should help you to prepare for our Gr.12 Powerfit Activities at the end of the year. Feel free to use any tracking template or program framework you like (a few options have been provided) but be sure to show what you plan to do each day, along with logging of daily results (sets, reps, weight etc..) Step One: Choose a Type of Programs: 3-Day Cycle (ie. Upper Body – Day 1, Lower Body – Day 2, Cardio – Day 3) 2-Day Cycle (ie. Upper Body – Day 1, Lower Body – Day 2) CrossFit Style (individualized W.O.D. to meet your specific goals) Strength Training (High Weight/Low Rep – Big Rest Times) Muscular Endurance (Low Weight/High Rep – Small Rest Times) Other… Step Two – Map out your workout dates and activities Make sure you have enough entries to cover all periods Leave space to track info each day after workout Step Three – Print out Plan Need to bring workout plan every period to log in This completed plan is handed in as part of summative Part D: Leadership and Volunteer On Thursday, May 29 the Grade 10 and 11 Powerfit students will be holding their annual Powerfit Games day. As part of our summative, we will be helping out to run this event. There will be signup sheets later in the year. All Grade 12 Powefit students are required to sign up for at least some part of the day. On May 29, I will be volunteering doing… ________________________________________________________________________________________ Part E: Reflection Journal My Summative Training Effort Level (Training Program): ☐1 ☐2 ☐10+ ☐3 ☐4 ☐5 ☐6 ☐7 ☐8 ☐9 ☐ 10 Why? Prove it: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My Summative Training Results (Goal Achievements): ☐1 ☐2 ☐10+ ☐3 ☐4 ☐5 ☐6 ☐7 ☐8 ☐9 ☐ 10 I got better at/did not get better at: Goal #1. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Goal #2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Goal #3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My Summative Participation Training Results (Power Challenge Day Results): ☐1 ☐2 ☐10+ ☐3 ☐4 ☐5 ☐6 ☐7 ☐8 ☐9 ☐ 10 Why? Prove it: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My Summative Training Learning: ☐1 ☐2 ☐10+ ☐3 ☐4 ☐5 ☐6 ☐7 ☐8 ☐9 ☐ 10 Over the Course of my Summative Training/Participation I learned: 1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page |7 How would you describe your personal fitness levels after taking this class? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ What Big/ Main ideas about fitness are you taking from this course? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Fitness is a lifelong journey and not something that can be achieved in one school year. What steps do you hope to take to remain active and healthy through the rest of your life? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What could we do next year to improve this course? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page |8 Goal Setting: Level 1 (50-59%) - No goals were made Level 2 (60-69%) -plan could be more detailed and/or organized. -some evidence of SMART being applied Level 3 (70-79%) - plan is somewhat detailed and organized - Some goals are SMART Level 4 (80-100%) -plan is detailed and organized - All goals are SMART. Safety: Level 1 (50-59%) - sometimes uses safe lifting techniques - rarely spots partner - poor awareness - indifferent attitude Level 2 (60-69%) - mostly uses safe lifting techniques - sometimes spots - casual awareness - casual attitude Level 3 (70-79%) - Uses safe lifting techniques - spots partner - good awareness - serious attitude Level 4 (80-100%) - Always uses safe lifting techniques - excellent spotting - shows high awareness - never goofing around Participation: Level 1 (50-59%) - low level of participation - poor use of class time - too much talking & socializing Level 2 (60-69%) - Usually participates for most of class - some down time - completes most of workout Level 3 (70-79%) - Always participates for most of the class - Minimal down time - almost no talking - good use of class time Level 4 (80-100%) - Always participates for the full class - Never ‘down’ time - performs extra work when finished workout Program Design: Level 1 (50-59%) - poorly balanced workouts - several muscles are not exercised regularly - no attention to core-stability training Level 2 (60-69%) - Some imbalances in program - some muscles are not exercised regularly - very little core-stability training Level 3 (70-79%) - program is balanced - almost all muscles are exercised regularly - some core-stability training Level 4 (80-100%) - well-balanced program - all muscle groups are exercised - good use of core-stability training - extra exercises done Level 2 (60-69%) - participation was somewhat evident - somewhat active in helping event run Level 3 (70-79%) - participation was evident - active in helping event run Level 4 (80-100%) - participation was very evident - very active in helping event run Leadership/ Volunteer: Level 1 (50-59%) - low level of participation - wasn’t active in helping event run