
Texas State Symbols
Flag, Alamo, Motto
created by JMM
Texas Flag
Texas Pledge
Honor the Texas Flag;
I pledge allegiance to thee,
one state under God,
one and indivisible.
The Alamo
Pecan Tree
Songs of Texas
Texas, Our Texas
Yellow Rose of Texas
Deep in the Heart of Texas
Texas State Capitol
Tour of Building and Grounds
Senate Kids Webpage
Tour of Capitol Building and Grounds
This is the Texas State Capitol located in Austin, Texas. It took six years to build this fantastic four-story building which was finally finished in 1888 at a
cost of over $3 million. The Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, the Speaker of the House, Senators and Representatives all have their offices right
here. The building is pink in color because of the "Sunset Red" granite used to build it. In 1990, the Capitol went through an extensive restoration
and preservation project. Not only does the building now have larger offices, security cameras, and other new additions, but it also has an
Extension that is completely underground!
Leading up to the Capitol's south doors is the Great Walk. This beautiful walkway is 25 feet wide, 500 feet long, and connects the Capitol to one of
Austin's most important streets - Congress Avenue. The Great Walk was completed in 1889 and is lined with breathtaking monuments and statues
that remember some of the most important moments and people in Texas history. The Capitol is surrounded by lush grass and tall trees where
you're sure to spot a squirrel or have the chance to feed some birds!
One of the most notable monuments along the Great Walk commemorates the famous Battle of the Alamo. Erected in 1891, the "Heroes of the
Alamo" is one of the four earliest monuments that was placed on Capitol grounds. It is made of pink granite and depicts images of battles scenes
cast in bronze. Atop the gazebo-like structure is a bronze statue resembling one of the mission's infantry soldiers. Inscribed in the granite pillars
are the names of the brave Texans that fought for Texas' independence against Santa Anna's Mexican army. The bravery and heroism of the
Texans that died defending the Alamo encouraged other soldiers to fight victoriously in future battles and Texas finally won its independence.
"Remember the Alamo!"
At the top of the Capitol Dome is the striking Goddess of Liberty, one of the most famous Texas statues. The original statue was cast in white
bronze, weighs almost 3,000 pounds, and was placed atop the Dome in 1888. She holds a sword in her right hand and a gilded star in her left
which she holds up to the sky. The Goddess stands 15 feet, 7 1/2 inches tall which is said to make the Texas Capitol taller than the U.S. Capitol. In
1986, a replica of the statue made of aluminum replaced the original. The original statue was restored and placed on display in the Texas
Memorial Museum.
When you walk through the main entrance on the south side of the Capitol, you will find yourself in the beautiful South Foyer. On the floor of the
foyer are designs memorializing the Texas Revolution, the Mexican War, and the American Civil War. In this room you will find life-size statues of
two men very important to Texas history. The statues were designed by a well-known Texas sculptress by the name of Elisabet Ney. The first
statue is Sam Houston, a commander during the Texas revolution who later served as a President of the Texas Republic and Governor of the state.
The other statue is of Stephen F. Austin, known as the "Father of Texas" and the man whom Texas' capital city is named after. Austin brought the
first 300 families to Texas, was a key negotiator with Mexico during the early years of Texas settlement, and played an important role in setting up
a provisional government for the Republic.
Rotunda text > Known to be the most impressive and breathtaking area of the Capitol is the Rotunda. This circular room is directly off the South