Module 4 - Word Format

Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
Unit 4: Job Seeking and Job Maintenance
The following unit will reflect the General Learning Outcome K as outlined
in the Manitoba Education curriculum document.
The purpose of the CDV20 curriculum is to provide students with an
opportunity to reflect on life and work exploration. Due to the reflective
nature of this course, the majority of the assessment will be based on a
degree of complete vs. incomplete.
Each question will be assessed based on the number of points that have
been allocated. Each point may be earned for each idea presented (i.e. If
a question is worth 3 points, an adequate response for completion would
be 3 different ideas presented in a well written form where requested.)
Partial points may be awarded for incomplete responses or where
adequate information has not been provided by the student.
For successful completion of this course, CDV20, students will be required
to complete a minimum of 4 weeks practicum in a work place. This
placement will be arranged between Administration and the workplace.
A final project following the practicum must be completed prior to receiving
credit for this course.
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Property of: Portage la Prairie School Division
Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
Assessing Personal Qualities
GLO: Secure/create and maintain work
Goal: to explore and demonstrate personal qualities and skills
(dependability, punctuality, getting along with others, etc.),to
demonstrate the skills knowledge and attitudes necessary to obtain
and maintain work.
Using the following chart titled “Employability Skills 2000+” complete the
table that follows. In the second column provide evidence of skills that you
have in each of the areas identified in the first column. In the third column
provide an idea about how you might acquire additional skills in each of the
Assessment: 1 point for each example you are able to provide in column
two directly related to the skill named in column one. 1 point for naming an
idea about how you might acquire additional skills in each of the areas
identified. (22 points possible)
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Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
Employability Skills 2000+ Brochure 2000 E/F (Ottawa: The Conference Board of Canada, 2000)
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Property of: Portage la Prairie School Division
Be Responsible
Demonstrate Positive Attitudes and
Think and Solve Problems
Use Numbers
Manage Information
Skill Area
What evidence do I have that
demonstrates these skills?
How can I acquire more evidence to
demonstrate these skills?
Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
4|P age
Property of: Portage la Prairie School Division
Participate in Projects
and Tasks
Work with Others
Work Safely
Learn Continuously
Be Adaptable
Skill Area
What evidence do I have that demonstrates
these skills?
How can I acquire more evidence to
demonstrate these skills?
Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
5|P age
Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
Language of Employment
Goal: To recognize the language describing employment and other
work opportunities and conditions
Follow the following website link. Click on the “Glossary” tab on the left
side of the web page.
There are many new words that are associated with the work place and
more importantly the work force. Using the following word bank, determine
which definition describes the word. Write the correct word in the blank
beside the definition.
Assessment: 1 point each (17 points total)
1.____________________:People who are available for work and are
actively looking for jobs, or have looked for work in the previous four
weeks. (Source: Statistics Canada)
2.____________________: Every five years, Statistics Canada conducts a
census. The last census was taken in 2011. The census provides a
statistical portrait of our country and its people. The census includes every
man, woman and child living in Canada on Census day, as well as
Canadians who are abroad. (Source: Statistics Canada)
3._____________________: Number of non-institutionalized, civilian
working-age adults (15 years of age and older) working at paid jobs plus
those who are self-employed, including unpaid workers who contribute to
the family’s farm or other business. (Source: Statistics Canada)
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Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
4.___________________________: Information previously collected by
the mandatory long-form census questionnaire will be collected as part of
the new voluntary National Household Survey (NHS). The information
collected in the NHS will provide data to support government programs
directed at target populations. Information from the NHS will also support
provincial/territorial and local government planning and program delivery.
(Source: Statistics Canada)
5.____________________: The Manitoba Bureau of Statistics (MBS) is
the Manitoba government’s central statistical agency. MBS is legislated to
serve this function for the Province of Manitoba. (Source: MBS)
6.____________________: Entrepreneurship, Training and Trade (ETT) is
a department of the Government of Manitoba. ETT works collaboratively
with business, people and communities to increase their capacity to
succeed, raise profiles locally, nationally and internationally, and foster an
environment that supports sustainable economic growth. (Source:
Statistics Canada)
7._______________________________: Includes agriculture, forestry,
fishing, mining, and oil and gas extraction; utilities (electric power, gas and
water); construction; and manufacturing. (Source: Statistics Canada)
8.__________________________: Human Resource and Skills
Development Canada (HRSDC) is a department of the Government of
Canada. (Source: HRSDC)
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Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
9.__________________________: (employment/population ratio)
Employment as a percentage of working-age adults. The percentage of
working age population (15-64) who are currently employed. (Source:
Statistics Canada)
10.__________________________: The sum of employed and
unemployed persons aged 15 and up. Excludes those who are not
employed and who are not looking for work. (Source: Statistics Canada)
11.______________________: The Labour Force Survey (LFS) provides
estimates of employment and unemployment which are among the most
timely and important measures of performance in the Canadian economy.
The main objective of the LFS is to divide the working-age population into
three mutually exclusive classifications – employed, unemployed and not
in the labour force – and to provide descriptive and explanatory data on
each of these. Each month 4,700 households in Manitoba participate in the
LFS. (Source: Statistics Canada and MBS)
12._____________________: The North American Industry Classification
System (NAICS) is an economic classification system that replaces the
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system for statistical purposes.
Like the SIC, NAICS is a system for classifying establishments by type of
economic activity. Although the principles of the system are the same for
the SIC system, individual industry classification numbers are no longer
(six digits) and may vary considerably from the SIC codes. This new
system was developed jointly by Canada, the U.S., and Mexico, to make
international comparisons easier. Starting with federal data collected for
1997 in Canada and the U.S. and 1998 for Mexico, the new NAICS codes
apply. (Source: HRDC).
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Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
13._____________________: The National Occupation Classification
(NOC) is the nationally accepted reference or code on occupations in
Canada. It organizes over 30,000 job titles into 520 types and five skill
levels. It is used daily by thousands of people to compile, analyze and
communicate information about occupations, and to understand the jobs
found throughout Canada’s Labour Market. (Source: HRSDC)
14.___________________________: Canada’s central statistical agency.
Statistics Canada is legislated to serve this function for the whole of
Canada and each of the provinces. (Source: Statistics Canada)
15.___________________________: Labour Force as a percentage of
working-age adults. Includes everyone of working age (15-64) who are
participating workers, that is people actively employed or looking for
work. (Source: Statistics Canada)
16.____________________________: Includes trade; transportation and
warehousing; finance, insurance, real estate and leasing; professional,
scientific and technical services; business, building and other support
services, educational services; health care and social assistance;
information, culture and recreation; accommodation and food services;
other services; and public administration.
17.________________________: The number of unemployed persons
expressed as a percentage of the labour force. (Source: Statistics Canada)
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Property of: Portage la Prairie School Division
Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
Workplace Safety
Goal: to demonstrate an understanding of workplace safety and
health regulations
Assessment: Part A = 2 points, Part B= 6 points, Part C= 6 points
(total points = 14)
Part A: Refer to the following website:
What is the mission statement of Safe Workers of Tomorrow? (2 pointsanswer must be written exactly as it appears on the web page.)
Part B
Refer to the following website to answer the following question:
What is the “Workplace Safety and Health Act”? (2 points for a summary of
the information provided on the web page)
What does the acronym SAFE represent: (4 points)
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Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
Part C
Click on the link “The workplace Safety and Health Act” and scroll down
until you find “Safety and Health Officer”. How is this person defined?
(2 points)
“Workplace” is defined as: (2 points)
What is the “General Purpose and Object of this Act”? (2 points)
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Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
Labour Unions
Goal: to connect the role of labour unions in the development of
standards for Manitoba employees
Refer to the following website indicated and respond to the questions
Assessment: Part A= 4 points and Part B=4 points
Part A:
What does “mgeu” represent? (2 points for correctly identifying each of the
4 words)
m- ________________________
g- ________________________
e- ________________________
u- ________________________
Why is this organization important for Manitoban employees? (2 points)
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Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
Part B:
Visit the following website:
What does “CUPE” represent? (2 points for correctly identifying each of the
4 words)
Why is this organization important for Manitoban employees? (2 points)
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Property of: Portage la Prairie School Division
Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
Conditions and Benefits
Goal: to explore specific work opportunities in terms of working
conditions and benefits
For each of the statements below, determine whether it is true or false,
and write either True or False in the space following the statement. If the
statement is false, correct it to be true by crossing out, replacing, and/or
adding the necessary words to the statement.
Assessment: 1 point for each correct answer (20 points)
1. The current minimum wage is $9.00 per hour. __________
2. Employees are entitled to a 45-minute unpaid break after completing
five hours of work. __________
3. Employees (except security personnel, caretakers, and power engineers
who live in the buildings where they work) are entitled to at least one day
of rest (24 hours) without pay in each week. __________
4. Standard hours of work are eight hours per day and 40 hours per week.
5. In the construction or landscaping industries, the standard hours of work
are different. __________
6. Once a work schedule has been approved, the employer can change it
at any time. __________
7. If a schedule changes after an employee has reported for work, the
employee must be paid for the length of the shift or for four hours,
whichever is greater. __________
8. Employers who ask or allow employees to work longer than the
standard hours of work must pay these employees double their regular
hourly wage for each hour worked during overtime. __________
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Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
9. Employees who perform primarily management functions and
employees who substantially control the hours of work and earn twice the
Manitoba average industrial wage are excluded from standard hours of
work and overtime. __________
10. Employees under 17 years of age must have a permit from the
Employment Standards Branch before they can work. __________
11. People under 18 years of age are not allowed to work alone between
the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. __________
12. Employees under 16 years of age are not allowed to work at pruning,
repairing, maintaining, or removing trees. __________
13. There are 10 general holidays throughout the year. __________
14. Easter Sunday is not a general holiday. __________
15. Employees must be paid at least once a month and within 10 days of
the end of a pay period. __________
16. Employees cannot work overtime without the knowledge or permission
of their employers. __________
17. Employees who work on general holidays are normally entitled to
1.5 times the regular rate of pay for the hours worked, in addition to their
general holiday pay. __________
18. After five years of service, employees are entitled to four weeks of
vacation. __________
19. Employers who wish to terminate employees must give notice of
termination or pay wages equal to what would normally be earned during
the notice. __________
20. Employers must pay employees for their required breaks. __________
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Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
Working Conditions and Benefits
Activity: Using the following websites as references,
select 3 “jobs” and complete the following table. Take notes on specific
policies related to:
A) the work schedule (is it flexible or is it very rigid?),
B) job security (how a person could be terminated and how secure
you might be in that job?),
C) the type of vacation or leave days you may receive (i.e. paid
holidays and personal leave days),
D) group insurance options (this is especially important if you have a
family to care for)
E) Is there a pension plan? (looking towards planning your future).
These are all questions that you should ask or find answers when
considering difference occupations or jobs.
Assessment: 20 points possible for a minimum of 1 idea in each block
and the completion of the “reflection question” at the end.
overtime termination (type)
(policies) (policies)
Group insurance
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Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
Reflection: Which of the 3 jobs that you researched suited your needs/life
situation the best? Explain (2 points- must present a minimum of 2 reasons why
the specific job was chosen)
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Property of: Portage la Prairie School Division
Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
The Application Form
Goal: to demonstrate the ability to complete application forms
The application process is an important first step in attaining a job. Many
businesses may rely on the completion of an application to determine
whether or not you may be a candidate for work. It is important to ensure
that the completion of the application is accurate and well written as this
step in seeking employment could lead you to the next step or prevent you
from getting to the next step.
Below is an application for Subway. Read the application carefully then
complete the questions to the best of your ability. Remember to consider:
-The employer will not give you marks but maybe a job
-Spelling and capitalization (proper names and titles) count so check your
words carefully or ask someone to edit your work
-If it can’t be read it may as well not be handed in to the potential
employer; keep it neat.
-Be honest. You may be asked for more information about details you
wrote on the application.
Assessment: 25 points will be given for the completion of the application.
5 points will be taken off if there are any spelling mistakes or capitalization
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Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
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Property of: Portage la Prairie School Division
Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
Creating the Cover Letter
Goal: to develop work search tools required to find and maintain
work (review resume, cover letter, career portfolio)
Activity: The following website will help you to identify what a cover letter
is and the purpose for the cover letter. The templates below have been
copied from the website. You may decide to write a cover letter for either
an “advertised position” or an “unadvertised position”. This activity will
help you develop the skills to use either template.
If you are completing an electronic copy of this module you may make the
changes directly on the letter template. If not, please use the following
lines to rewrite you own letter.
Cover letter:
Assessment: Refer to the criteria chart below to assess point value for
20 points
17 points
15 points
-All information is relevant
to the selected job
-Makes sense and is easy
to read/follow
is correct
-No error in spelling
-Most information is
relevant to the selected
-Makes sense and is easy
to read/follow
-2-3 errors in
-2-3 errors in spelling
-Most information is
relevant to the selected
-Some difficulty
understanding purpose
and intent of letter (writing
is somewhat choppy)
-4-6 errors in
capitalization/ punctuation
-4-6 errors in spelling
-letter is difficult to
understand and
information is
unrelated to
selected topic
-more than 6 errors
in capitalization/
- more than 6 errors
in spelling
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Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
Cover Letter #1-Advertised Position
The highlighted information is the information that must be changed to suit
your own needs. If you have a job in mind-use that information otherwise
be creative; think of your dream job and create the cover letter.
Your Street Address
Town, MB R0M 1L0
February 10, 20xx
Ms. Jane Doe
Personnel Manager
Company Name
Town, MB R7A 6A9
Dear Ms. Doe,
This letter is in response to your advertisement in the Monday, February 6, 20xx
edition of the Brandon Sun for a summer relief receptionist.
I believe that I have the skills you are looking for. The enclosed resume outlines
my previous experience as a receptionist at the Melita Golf Course. During the
last term at school I continued to develop my knowledge of computer programs
including, Word, Excel, Access; and increased my typing speed to 50 words per
I will be living in Brandon this summer and am eager to find a job within the area.
This position with Brandon Hills Insurance and Brokerage Agency is especially
interesting to me as it would allow me to further develop my office, computer and
public relations skills. I would like the opportunity to talk about this position in
greater detail. I can be reached at 204-xxx-xxxx or 204-xxx-xxxx and look
forward to hearing from you.
John Smith
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Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
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Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
Cover Letter #2-Unadvertised Postition
Activity: Repeat the instructions from the previous activity to alter the
following cover letter for an “unadvertised position”
Assessment: Refer to the criteria chart below to assess point value for
20 points
17 points
15 points
-All information is relevant
to the selected job
-Makes sense and is easy
to read/follow
is correct
-No error in spelling
-Most information is
relevant to the selected
-Makes sense and is easy
to read/follow
-2-3 errors in
-2-3 errors in spelling
-Most information is
relevant to the selected
-Some difficulty
understanding purpose
and intent of letter (writing
is somewhat choppy)
-4-6 errors in
capitalization/ punctuation
-4-6 errors in spelling
-letter is difficult to
understand and
information is
unrelated to
selected topic
-more than 6 errors
in capitalization/
- more than 6 errors
in spelling
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Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
Jane N. Smith
Your Street Address,
Town, Manitoba ROB 0B0
Telephone: 204-xxx-xxx
November 03, 20xx
Mr. J. Doe, President
Company Name
Company Address
Mr. Doe,
I am writing to inquire about the possibility of work with your company as a
carpenter's helper, site assistant or general labourer.
As indicated in the enclosed resume, I have worked in the building field over the
past year. During this time I have had a chance to develop many skills and a
strong desire to continue in this area of employment.
I am currently available for full-time employment and eager to begin work. I will
be contacting you by November 13, 20xx to discuss possible employment
opportunities with Fast Homes and Renovations.
Jane N. Smith
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Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
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Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
The Resume
A. Refer to the following MB Education website to help you answer the
following questions:
Assessment: Possible 12 points for part A as indicated and 25 points for
Part B (assessed based on criteria sheet provided) = 37 points total
1. What is a resume? (2 points)
2. Why do I need a resume?(2 points)
3. Do all jobs require a resume? (2 points)
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Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
4. How long should my resume be? (2 points)
5. What should I include in my resume? (2 points)
6. What should I not include in my resume? (2 points)
Part B
There are many online websites that are available for public use to create
Select a website and use the site to create your own personal resume. Be
sure to follow the steps as directed.
*Remember that all information that is recorded on your resume must be
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Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
Useful sites for supports to assist with resume writing:
Tip for the future…Once your resume is complete be sure to save it on a
flash drive or in another file where it may be updated frequently.
In order to receive credit for your resume in this unit it is important that you
remember to copy and paste your resume into this document. Your
resume will be assessed based on the following criteria.
Assessment: (25 marks based on criteria sheet –see following page)
*Note: Student is permitted to achieve full marks for importing a previously
created resume provided the information has been updated and the criteria
below is met.
Criteria for Creating A Resume
Appearance (font size, variation of heading size,
bold print, etc.)
Content (enough information to support document)
Grammar (punctuation, capitals, etc.)
References (at least 3)
Goal/Objective (specific and direct, clear and
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Copy your resume here for evaluation purposes
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Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
Tips for A Successful Interview
Goal: to demonstrate the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary
for a successful interview.
According the following recommended website:
The following are “Basic” interview questions:
Tell me about yourself.
What are your strengths?
What are your weaknesses?
Why do you want this job?
Where would you like to be in your career five years from now?
What's your ideal company?
What attracted you to this company?
Why should we hire you?
What did you like least about your last job?
When were you most satisfied in your job?
What can you do for us that other candidates can't?
What were the responsibilities of your last position?
Why are you leaving your present job?
What do you know about this industry?
What do you know about our company?
Are you willing to relocate?
Do you have any questions for me?
Select any 10 of the questions listed above and respond in written form to
these questions. You must first write the question to which you are
responding. Once you have established an answer ask a friend or family
member if there is something they might add to your response to make it
even better.
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Self-Directed Courses-CDV20-Unit 4
Assessment: 2 points for a well written idea. An additional point possible
for answers that are supplemented with “added information”. Possible 30
Question selected
My answer
from other
people (friend,
family, teacher,
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Interview Tips
Read the following article below related to Tips for the interview process.
Job Interview Tips
Get Advice and Insight from Waggener Edstrom's Staffing Partner
By Thad Peterson, Monster Staff Writer
Like many career advice experts, Steve Fogarty, staffing partner at Waggener Edstrom,
says candidates should research a company thoroughly before an interview. And if the
company is a private firm, that's not an excuse to skip doing your homework.
Where there's a will, there's a way, and finding a way to gather information on a
company "distinguishes the great candidates from the good candidates," says Fogarty.
Consider Fogarty's company, a large independent public relations agency. He says that
if someone were trying to find out about Waggener Edstrom, the candidate could take a
number of steps. In addition to simply visiting the company's Web site, joining a trade
organization like the Public Relations Society of America would almost certainly give
someone interested in his company exposure to people who work there.
Fogarty offers a less conventional method as well: "People might be able to find a press
release that one of our PR people has written and contact that person and say, ‘I saw
your press release. It looks really good. Would you be open to me asking a few
questions? I'm doing research on your company.' That's a way to get information."
What else can you do to improve your chances at the interview? Try these tips from
Be Concise
Interviewees rambling on is one of the most common interview blunders Fogarty sees.
"You really have to listen to the question, and answer the question, and answer it
concisely," he says. "So many people can't get this basic thing down. You ask them a
question, and they go off on a tangent. They might think you want to hear what they're
saying, but they didn't answer your question."
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Provide Examples
It's one thing to say you can do something; it's another to give examples of things you
have done. "Come with a toolbox of examples of the work you've done," advises
Fogarty. "You should come and anticipate the questions a recruiter's going to ask based
on the requirement of the role. Think of recent strong strategic examples of work you've
done, then when the question is asked, answer with specifics, not in generalities. You
should say, ‘Yes, I've done that before. Here's an example of a time I did that…,' and
then come back and ask the recruiter, ‘Did that answer your question?'"
Be Honest
Somehow, candidates get the impression that a good technique is to dance around
difficult interview questions. "If you don't have a skill, just state it. Don't try to cover it up
by talking and giving examples that aren't relevant. You're much better off saying you
don't have that skill but perhaps you do have some related skills, and you're happy to tell
them about that if they like."
Keep Your Guard Up
According to Fogarty, you can split recruiters into two schools. There are those who are
very straight-laced and serious, and candidates had better take the process seriously as
well when dealing with them.
"Then you have recruiters like me," he says, chuckling. "I'm going to be that candidate's
best friend when they call me. My technique is to put them at ease, because I want them
to tell me everything, and a lot of candidates mess up in this area. They start to think,
‘Oh, this guy is cool. I can tell him anything.' And then they cross the line." And that can
take a candidate out of contention. Remember: Always maintain your professionalism.
Ask Great Questions
Another of Fogarty's interview tips is to come ready with good questions to ask. He says
nothing impresses him more than a really good question that not only shows you've
researched the company in general, but also the specific job you're hoping to land in
particular. "That makes me go, ‘Wow, this person has really done their homework. They
not only know the company, but they know the role.'"
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In your own words identify the message that each paragraph is giving.
Assessment: 2 points for each paragraph that is summarized related to
the information presented. (8 points total)
What does Fogarty mean when he says:
“Be concise”? (2 points)
“Provide examples”? (2 points)
“Be honest”? (2 points)
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“Keep your guard up”?
“Ask great questions”? (2 points)
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