PTR 211 基于64位多内核英特尔平台的 微软SQL Server 2005数据库 助力企业部署 Microsoft* SQL Server 2005 Database on 64-bit Multi-Core Intel® Platform for Enterprise Deployment 课程内容概述 64位计算技术和多内核处理器已成为企业应用的 必然选择,针对新的发展趋势,Intel拥有完善的 解决方案,可以为企业用户提供强大、灵活而又 高效的64位多内核计算平台。本专题课程将着重 介绍在部署Microsoft SQL Server 2005数据库产 品的过程中所涉及的Intel最新技术和产品,以及 如何基于Intel 64位平台和多内核处理器来充分发 挥Microsoft SQL Server 2005 数据库的性能和价 值。 课程内容安排 Intel® Enterprise Server & Microsoft* Solution Stack support Intel® Platform Innovations for Microsoft* Database Deployment Microsoft* Database solution scenarios on Intel® Platform Benchmark of Microsoft* Database Deployment on Intel® Platform Summary Intel® Enterprise Server & Microsoft* Solution Stack support Intel’s Platform Approach Intel Software Tools Business Driven Innovation Balanced Capabilities Powerful Performance Scalable Headroom Higher Value Unlocked Through Intel’s Software Tools Processor Platform Architecture Embedded Technology Standards Memory I/O VTune™ Analyzers Flexible Capability & Compelling Value 告别奔腾时代,进入酷睿时代 微架构 P5 P6 NetBurst Banias 英特尔® 酷睿™ Woodcrest Conroe Merom 处理器 奔腾® 1993 高能奔腾® 奔腾® II/III 奔腾® 4 至强® 奔腾® D 1995 1997 1999 2000 200? 2005 奔腾® M 超越奔腾,迎接酷睿 2003 2006 酷睿™2 双核 2006年6月 2006年7月 2006年8月 Intel® Server & Workstation Platform Roadmap 2006 Intel® Itanium® 2 9000 Sequence 2007 Future Richford Platform Madison 9M Montecito Montvale Tukwila Intel® E8870 & OEM Chipsets Future Chipset ` Intel® Xeon® MP 7000 Sequence Truland Platform Paxville Tulsa MP Caneland Platform Tigerton E8500/8501 & OEM Chipset Intel® Xeon® DP 5000 Sequence Paxville/ Sossaman E7520 Intel® UP Server & Workstation Presler/ Cedar Mill 955X & E7230 Poulson Dunnington Clarksboro/OEM Chipsets Bensley & Glidewell Platforms Dempsey/ Clovertown Woodcrest Future Platform Future Processors Future Chipset Future Platforms Future Processors Blackford & Greencreek Chipsets Future Chipset Kaylo / Wyloway Platforms Future Platforms Kentsfield Future Processors Conroe Mukilteo-2/2P & 975X Forecasted Data Dual Core Future Chipset 4+ Cores 64 bit + Multi-core Microsoft* 64-bit database Roadmap on Intel® Itanium® 2 & Xeon® EM64T Architecture Microsoft* SQL Server 2000 Available on Intel® Itanium® 2 architecture Microsoft* SQL Server 2005 Support both Intel® Itanium® 2 and Intel® Xeon® with EM64T Platform Positioning Intel® Xeon® processor Best Price/performance Broadest IA32 S/W availability Eco-systems is building out Large install base and expect to maintain it moving forward 64-bit addressability with EM64T Native 32-bit applications for both 32 & 64-bit OS • 64-bit addressability does not mean more performance OEMs are ramping volume Broadest IT workloads Intel® Itanium® 2 processor Outstanding performance across all segments Need comprehensive RAS features for mission critical deployment (eg. enterprise database) 64-bit computing & addressability Need large on-die cache for large data volume processing (eg. large database) > 70 OEMs shipping systems (1P~512P) • Multi Environments Support Challenging IT workloads, resulting in expanding revenue opportunity Support Both Architectures Based On Customers’ Needs Sample Microsoft SQL* Database Solution Stack Microsoft SQL Server 2005 “Choice” for Business Critical Computing HP Integrity GCOS 8 Mainframe OS runs on NovaScale 9000 series PRIMEQUEST (TM), a "mainframe" class open platform, running Linux and Windows "Mainframe Migration" programs available to replace mainframe base with Superdome solutions HP NSK Platform for 24/7 computing with fail-safe data integrity and linear scalability Positioned for mission critical, mainframe segment ACOS4 ported onto AsAmA 32- way IPX9000 mainframe designed with Itanium Broad OEM & solutions support in full production for legacy migration Marketing targeted for mainframe segment with its ES7000 Orion platforms Intel® Platform Innovations for Microsoft* Database Deployment Intel® Platform Technology Overview Enable Growth PCI Express* Multi Core SSE3 Faster FSB Lower Cost HT Technology DDR2 memory Large cache Power management Virtualization iAMT 64bit Platform compatibility IO RAID FB DIMMs I/O AT ECC System Bus Memory RAS XD bit Platform validation Sys Mgmt Bus Mitigate Risk Products and technologies designed and validated together to deliver greater end user benefits Enable Growth 64-bit Server Architecture Support Eliminates the 4GB memory barrier inherent in 32-bit systems Same familiar Windows environment Large databases which need to address huge amount of memory will need the 64-bit support Enable Growth 64-bit Server Support from Intel Itanium® 2 Architecture: Explicit Parallelism Itanium® Architecture (EPIC) Traditional Original Source Code Hardware Parallel Machine Code Original Source Code Itanium® based compiler compiler Sequential Machine Code Execution Units unused – reduced efficiency .. .. .. .. . . . . Multiple execution units resources used more efficiently Performance through Parallelism (native 64-bit support) Most database code optimized for parallelism .. . .. . .. . .. . Massive Resources Enable Growth 64-bit Server Support from Intel Intel® Extended Memory 64 Technology Features Modes Extended Memory Addressability Legacy 32 bit OS / 32 bit apps 64-bit Pointers, 64-bit Registers + Additional Registers 8-SSE & 8-Gen Purpose Double Precision (64-bit) Integer Support Support for flat virtual Address space + Compatibility 64 bit OS / 32 bit apps = 64-bit 64 bit OS / 64 bit apps Evolutionary IA-32 architectural enhancements to support extended memory 64-bit Intel® Xeon® Processor The Technology Inside What’s New? Lower Power 64-bit Dual-Core Processors Hardware assisted virtualization (VT) New dual independent point-to-point bus Fully Buffered DDR2 DIMM Memory (FBD) Intel® I/O Acceleration Technology (option) Embedded RAID technology (option) Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture (Q3 ’06) Quad-Core Support (Q4 ’06) PLUS … Advancing All Areas of The System Together 64 bit computing (standard since 2004) PCI Express* (standard since 2004) Intel Execute Disable Bit (standard since 2005) Intel Software Optimization Tools (option) Demand Based Switching (standard since 2004) Intel® I/O Acceleration Technology, Intel® Active Server Manager, Intel® Power Toolkit and Intel® xScale™ storage controllers are advanced innovation that are options on select OEM systems. Contact your preferred OEM for more details Engineering 英特尔® 智能高速缓存:动态高速缓存分配 Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture英特尔® Core 1 Core 2 智能 高速缓存:动 态高速缓存分 配 AMD* K8 Core 1 M Core 2 M M M M data M cache miss Confined 1MB L2 cache Confined 1MB L2 cache 4 MB Shared Cache * Simulated graphics. Not to Scale IMC To Main Memory to GMCH/ Main Memory 出色的性能扩展空间, MB二级高速缓 Max 1MB dedicated cache ! FULL 4MB Cache available以及4存访问能力 available to each core to each core ! More data readily available and accessible to each core More cache misses More frequent access to memory Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture shared cache reduces cache misses, leading to more efficient data access 英特尔和Intel标识是英特尔公司及其在美国和其他国家(地区)的子公司之商标或者注册商标。文中涉及的其它名称及商标属于各自所有者资产。所有产品、数据和数字均为初步结果,随时可能更改, 恕不另行通知。版权所有 © 2006 英特尔公司。 组件并未按照实际尺寸画出,模拟图形 总线架构对比 英特尔 双独立总线 更宽的总线, 数据专用 数据和地址 共享总线 AMD* 直接连接 架构 AMD* Opteron* 全缓冲DDR2, 全部带宽支持全 部容量 Blackford/ Greencreek 芯片组 AMD* Opteron* 仅限DDR,需要牺 牲带宽来支持容量 需要2枚处理器来支持内 存带宽和容量 I/O芯片 组 单向 2字节宽 共享地址总线 双向双总线 8字节宽 独立地址总线 英特尔的FSB架构具有领先优势 英特尔和Intel标识是英特尔公司及其在美国和其他国家(地区)的子公司之商标或者注册商标。文中涉及的其它名称及商标属于各自所有者资产。所有产品、数据和数字均为初步结果,随时可能更改, 恕不另行通知。版权所有 © 2006 英特尔公司。 英特尔®酷睿™架构5大创新技术 更宽 劲酷动力 英特尔®宽区动态执行 更清晰 英特尔®高级数字媒体增强 更快 英特尔®高级智能高速缓存 更高效 英特尔®智能内存访问 更节能 英特尔®智能功效管理 震撼清 晰 极速缓存 超高效率 睿智节能 “Conroe” 处理器 Intel® Q965 高速芯片组 Intel® PRO/1000 网络连接 英特尔平台软件 & 生态系统解决方案 英特尔® 主动管理技术 英特尔® 虚拟化技术 vPro技术的优势 突破关机障碍,准确管理IT资产 突破系统崩溃障碍,远程诊断修复,IT掌控自如 突破时间限制,随时更新系统 突破被动防御,IT安全双倍保险 突破性能极限,双核酷睿更出众 Lower Cost Large cache within the CPU - currently up to 9MB (since Q4’04) - dual core up to 24MB in Montecito (2H’2006) - currently up to 8MB in Xeon MP (since Q2’05) - dual core up to 16MB in 2H’2006 access latency ~ 12 to 15 clock cycles access latency ~ hundreds of clock cycles CPU L1 External Memory swapping L3 L2 L1 The L2 Cache and L3 Cache are used to store the DB tables/records. Having a larger L2 and L3 cache is beneficial since larger tables can be stored without having to do a memory or IO read transaction Big L3 on-die cache reduced data access latency for large database & business intelligence deployment Mitigate Risk Server Architecture Reliability Comparisons (for mission critical database deployment) Intel® Itanium® 2 Processor Best RISC Architecture Intel® Xeon® Processor MP Error recovery on data bus (ECC) Cache ECC Coverage Montecito Characteristic Internal soft error logic check Lockstep support Bad data containment Memory single device error correct Memory retry on double-bit error Memory spares, mirroring Memory RAID 5 Partitioning node Electrical isolated partitions node Other x86 Architecture core Itanium® processor based platforms: leadership reliability features node node Faster calculations handled – Itanium® 2 Mitigate Risk (for security algorithm implementations in secure Database deployment) Instructions / clock handled CPU Architecture Instructions / clock cycle handled Itanium 2 6 (through parallelism) RISC 4~5 More instructions / clock cycle boosts performance in the looping algorithms that form the core of most encryption calculations MS SQL* Database with security algorithm implementations - needed for secured DB transactions Threading Evolution & Multi-Core Pentium 4 with HT Lower Cost 2-way Itanium® 2 Processors or 2-way Xeon™ EM64T Processors Enable Growth Dual Core Itanium® 2 or Xeon™ EM64T Two independent execution cores in the same processor State State State State State State Execution Execution Execution Execution Execution Cache Cache Cache Cache Cache Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus 2 Threads 1 Package 2 Threads 2 Packages 2 Threads 1 Package Improve threading support in a single package Features are for planning purposes only, and subject to change without notice. Example of a Single-Core vs Dual-Core Database clustering 4-way Intel® Itanium® 2 processor based server (single core) Lower Cost Enable Growth 2-way Intel® Itanium® 2 processor based server (dual core) Two independent execution cores in the same processor State State State State State State Execution Execution Execution Execution Exe Exe State State Exe Exe Cache Cache CacheCache Cache Cache Cache Cache Bus Bus Bus Bus Bus 130W 130W Bus Bus 104W 130W Bus 130W 520W power required 104W 208W power required -comparable performance, half the size -same size, much improved performance - approx. 40% power required Dual-core server increased performance of a Microsoft* database clustering deployment at a much lower CPU power requirement Features are for planning purposes only, and subject to change without notice. Energy Efficient Performance Lower Cost Enable Growth Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture 2006 Dual-Core Xeon Processors Performance Perf/Watt 4X 4X 135W 130W 95W 65W 1 3X 40W Performance Performance Optimized Paxville Optimized Dempsey Q1 Today mainstream Dempsey mainstream Woodcrest Today Future 3X Ultra-Dense Woodcrest Future 2X Single, Compatible Server Platforms 1 Woodcrest 80W performance version available Stable roadmap centered around lower power processors 65nm manufacturing delivers this value mainstream 1X Dempsey Paxville DP Irwindale 2X 1X Measured SPECint_rate using system power Breakthrough Performance PLUS Even Better Perf/Watt! Forecasted Data Performance tests and ratings are measured using specific computer systems and/or components and reflect the approximate performance of Intel products as measured by those tests. Any difference in system hardware or software design or configuration may affect actual performance. Power Optimized Solutions for Enterprise Performance Optimized Best absolute performance Mainstream Volume Balanced performance & power Today Today Q2-Q3’06 1H’07 135W 130W 80W ≤120W Dempsey 64bit, dual-core Woodcrest 64bit, dual-core Clovertown 64bit, quad-core Paxville DP 64bit dual-core 95W 110W Irwindale 1 64bit single-core Dempsey 64bit, dual-core Optimal performance density 65W 80W Woodcrest 64bit, dual-core Clovertown 64bit, quad-core Dempsey, 64bit, dual-core 55W LV Irwindale 64bit single-core Supported in current 64bit Intel® Xeon® processor based servers Dempsey: Xeon 5000 Processor series 1 Ne w 95W Value Ultra-Dense Servers Lower Cost also supported are 95W MV Irwindale 64bit, single-core processors 2 31W 40W 40W Sossaman 32bit dual-core LV Woodcrest 64bit, dual-core LV Woodcrest 64bit, dual-core Supported in new Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® processor based servers2 Woodcrest: Xeon 5100 Processor series processor upgradeability within a platform is dependent upon OEM system configuration WHERE is Multi-core most beneficial ? Threaded Applications Most mid-tier and back-end applications highly threaded today Database, web and application servers well threaded Gain up to 30%1 performance boost with Intel Hyper-threading Running >1 application per system (boost cpu utilization) Most operating systems already multi-threaded Virtualize concurrent workloads Server Consolidation Grid and Utility Helps increase compute density through better perf/watt Multi-Threading … Multi-tasking … Improving Compute Density All products and dates are preliminary and subject to change without notice. 1 Microsoft* Solution & Intel® Multi-core platform MS SQL 2005* is a multi-threaded design database MS Windows Server 2003*, MS Windows Server 2000* and MS Windows XP* are also multi-core ready Lower Cost Virtualization Virtual Machine Monitors (VMMs) Overview Virtual Machines (VMs) VMn VM1 VM0 Apps Apps Guest OS Guest OS Apps ... Guest OS Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) Host HW Memory Processors I/O Devices VMM is a new layer of system software Deprivileges OS to run as a Guest OS VMM can support multiple guest OSes Emulates a complete HW environment for each software stack Isolates execution in each VM to support high security & reliability Allocates platform resources (processing, memory, I/O, storage, …) VMM Implementation Challenges Applications Ring 3 OS Ring 0 VMM Implementation Challenges Ring compression Non-trapping instructions Excessive Faulting Address Space Compression Lower Cost VM Applications Ring 3 Guest OS Ring 1 VMM Ring 0 Intel® Lower Cost Virtualization Technology Solution (Intel VT) VMM runs in a new privileged CPU mode “VMX Root” Guest OS and Apps run in “VMX Non-root” mode Applications Ring 3 OS Ring 0 Run in the intended ring VM Exit / VM Entry Excessive faulting and address compression eliminated by design New VMM that supports Intel VT VM VMX Root VMX Non-root Monitor preempts VM execution via new programmatic transition mechanism Applications Ring 3 Guest OS Ring 0 VM Exit VMM VM Entry Ring 3 Ring 0 Server Virtualization Usages Consolidation Legacy OS/Apps One machine/One App Mixed OS environment Development life cycle Reliability (Failover) Reallocate existing partition Dedicated fail-over partition As-needed partition Lower Cost Apps Apps Apps Apps OS OS OS OS Virtual Machine Monitor Physical Host HW DB Serv Web Serv Web Serv DB Serv (Apache) Active Server Active Server Fail-over Fail-over Trial Server Server Deployment OS OS OS OS OS (Linux) (Win 2003) Web Serv (MS IIS) Virtual Machine Monitor Physical Host HW Security Ability to have different security settings for each container App1 IT Limited Visible Access Only App 1 App 2 Virtual Machine Monitor Physical Host HW Virtualization has compelling end-user value proposition (one of them is Database failover) 2006 Virtualization Roadmap Jan Feb Mar VTd Spec Release Intel® Xeon® MP (with VT support) “Official Launch” Apr May Jun Jul Intel® Xeon® DP(with VT support) Launch Aug Sept Oct Nov Microsoft* Virtual Server R2 availability (with VT support) - targets 2nd half 2006 Microsoft Virtual Server R2 beta (with VT support) Intel has the Broadest Ecosystem Support and Time-To-Market Leadership for HW Assisted Virtualization Dec Intel Software Tools: Optimize for Tomorrow Environments Intel Software Products Operating Systems Architectures Full support to multiple architectures and environments Intel® Software Development Products Intel® Compilers Best way to get application performance on Intel processors Intel® VTune™ Analyzers Quickly identify “hot spots” and how to fix them Intel® Performance Libraries Highly optimized, ready to use building-block functions Intel® Threading Tools Speeds, simplifies development & maintenance of threaded apps Intel® Cluster Tools Create, analyze, optimize and deploy cluster-based applications Intel Software Development Products for Intel® Pentium® M, Pentium® 4, Intel® Xeon™ and Itanium® 2 Processors Microsoft* Database solution scenarios on Intel® Platform When to consider a Microsoft* SQL Database (64-bit) Challenge Large Working Set Size (>4GB+) Lots of Buffer Pool thrashing (critical sections) Complex Queries Sorts, joins, workspace that can spill to disk ERP and SCM applications Large Virtual Memory / Large # Connections Many open cursors Multiple Instances of SQL Server Total memory required is >4GB OLAP environment MS SQL Server (Analysis Services) Situation when need huge dimensions supported in memory SQL-64 Provides Large cache reduces I/O Large cache & higher parallelism Large cache & larger virtual memory Higher parallelism & large memory Larger virtual memory addressing MS SQL 2000/2005 32 bit & 64 bit Compatibility (from Xeon® 32-bit to Itanium® 2) Same on-disk format for both SQL32 and SQL64 databases Procedure to migrate SQL32 to SQL64: 1. 2. 3. Detach database from 32-bit server Transfer the file to the target system (The same process for a standard backup and restore can be used to migrate data to the 64-bit platform, by simply restoring 32-bit backup files to the 64-bit platform) Attach database to 64-bit server Clients Front-end Application Mid-tier Business Logic Switching the Microsoft* SQL 2000/2005 Database from a 32-bit server to a 64-bit server require NO changes in the front-end and mid-tier applications Back-end Database Example of an End-To-End OLAP Scenario [with Microsoft* SQL Server (Analysis Services)] Business Intelligence Front-end Clients Application Server (OLAP) Data Warehouse MS DTS MS SQL Windows* ODBC Oracle* UNIX Financial Accounting HR management CRM MS Office* / MS Windows Vista* MS Internet Explorer IBM* DB2* 3rd party tools, eg. AS/400* -Data Mirror* -Orion Integrator* Data Transformation Benchmark of Microsoft* Database Deployment on Intel® Platform Intel® Itanium® 2 Processor TPC-C Leadership One of Best Published TPC-C Results on Top 10 List (as of 7/25/2006) Rank System tpmC $/tpmC Database/ OS Date 3 HP Integrity Superdome CPU) 1,231,43 4.82 US Microsoft SQL2005/ 11/28/2005 10 HP Integrity Superdome CPU) 786,646 6.49 US Microsoft SQL2000/ 08/27/2003 Microsoft* SQL database deployment on Intel® Itanium® 2 processor based systems are getting into enterprise mission critical environment (2 of the Top 10 List in TPC-C are Microsoft* SQL 2005* and SQL 2000* database deploying on Intel® Itanium® 2 processor based systems) Leading transaction processing with choice Performance, price performance, and availability from on May 30, 2006 and are included for informational purposes only. Intel does not guarantee their accuracy. Performance tests and ratings are measured using specific computer systems and/or components and reflect the approximate performance of Intel products as measured by those tests. Any difference in system hardware or software design or configuration may affect actual performance *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Intel® Xeon® Breakthrough Performance Best 2way, x86 published results on Integer & Database SPECint*_rate_base2000 Higher is better TPC*-C Higher is better 1.61x 1.49x Dell PowerEdge 2950* HP ProLiant ML370 G5* Opteron Xeon 5080 Xeon 5160 Opteron Xeon 5080 Xeon 5160 2.60 GHz DC 3.73 GHz DC 3.00 GHz DC 2.60 GHz DC 3.73 GHz DC 3.00 GHz DC Data Source: Published or Submitted results as of May 23, 2006. See backup for details For More Details – Go to All products, dates, and figures are preliminary and are subject to change without any notice. Copyright © 2006, Intel Corporation. Performance tests and ratings are measured using specific computer systems and/or components and reflect the approximate performance of Intel products as measured by those tests. Any difference in system hardware or software design or configuration may affect actual performance. Buyers should consult other sources of information to evaluate the performance of systems or components they are considering purchasing. For more information on performance tests and on the performance of Intel products, visit or call (U.S.) 1-800-628-8686 or 1-916-356-3104. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Summary Why Intel-based platform on Microsoft* Solutions More Value Robust Long Useful Life More Capability Cross Platform Innovation Multi-core + Hyper Threading (up to 4 cores/socket) Dual, Independent System Bus with FB-DIMM memory Intel® Virtualization Technology, Intel® I/O Optimized Solutions Intel development, tuning & tools support Versatility Broadest base of industry-standard solutions Industry-Standards Manufacturing capability = continuity of supply to More Beyond The CPU High Confidence Industry standards, adoption & support High quality, safety & reliability businesses have Robust, thorough solutions validation by and with Thread parallelism started 10 years ago; HT (2 virtual Get More for Your Business Intel® Software Network Registered to the network and learn more about Microsoft* solutions on Intel® Architecture VISION & TECHNOLOGIES COLLABORATION PRODUCTS TRAINING SERVICES WEBSITE 填反馈表