Grammar Clamor

Hold onto your hats! You are in for the ride of your life! You are about to
board on a journey into to the world of English grammar - the most
feared place in school. Using the links provided, you will discover the
meaning behind and new uses for adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions,
prepositions and more. Stay tuned, and pays close attention...
Working in groups, you will visit the assigned sites listed below. You will
watch movies, listen to songs, read about parts of grammar, and even take
an on-line quiz! Your group will discuss the most important aspects of your
assigned grammar part, list them, and create 1 or 2 power point slides to
present to the class. As always, remember to cite your resources.
1. Read through ALL the Instructions below.
2. In your groups do your assignment.
3. Each group will be assigned a part of grammar to learn about.
4. Each member of the group will visit ALL the sites listed for their
assigned part of grammar, under the "Resources" section below.
5. Each member of the group will take notes about their assigned part
of grammar. Remember to keep track of the URLs for the sites you
visit. These notes will be turned into your teacher at the end of the
6. Each member of the group will take AT LEAST 1 On-Line Quiz OR
do 1 On-Line Activity. Whenever possible, group members SHOULD
do DIFFERENT quizzes or activities.
7. Print out the results of the activity or quiz you completed, put your
name, date and period on it. Turn it in to your teacher.
8. As a group, discuss what you learned about your part of grammar.
One person should take notes for the group.
9. You will be teaching your classmates about the part of grammar you
researched. You may create a PowerPoint slide or two, a poster, or a
song. Whatever your group selects should include the definition
AND the important points your group agreed upon. You MUST give
AT LEAST 3 examples of proper usage.
10. Save the slide(s) to your teacher's folder on the X: common drive.
Turn in your poster or song (with sites cited) to your teacher.
11. Give your teacher your NOTES paper (see step 5).
12. You will present your findings to your classmates and answer any
questions they may have.
13. Have FUN!!!!!
Resources: Resources
Common Mistakes
Common Mistakes II
Test Your Knowledge
Adjective Video Lesson
Adjective Song
Read About Adjectives
What is an Adjective?
Basic Rules
Adverbs or Adjectives On-Line Quiz
Recognizing Adjectives On-Line Activity
Adjective On-Line Quiz
Adjective Adverb Worksheet
Adjective and Adverb Lesson
What is an Adverb?
Basic Rules
More Adverb Rules
Adjective Adverb Worksheet
Adjective or Adverb On-Line Quiz
Adjective or Adverb Exercise I
Adjective or Adverb Exercise II
Adverb On-Line Quiz
Conjunction Video Lesson
Conjunction Song
Read About Conjunctions
Conjunction Rules
Conjunctions On-Line Quiz I
Conjunctions On-Line Quiz II
Common Errors Video Lesson
List of Common Mistakes
Affect and Effect
Effect vs Affect Rules
Tricky Plurals
Lie or Lay
Effect vs Affect Worksheet
List of Common Mistakes
They're, there, or their
Who and Whom Rules
They're, their, there
Who Worksheet
Who vs Which vs That Worksheet
Modifier Video Lesson
Read About Modifiers
What is a Dangling Modifier?
What is a Misplaced Modifier?
Misplaced/Dangling Modifiers Rules
Misplaced/Dangling Modifiers Worksheet
Modifier Placement On-Line Quiz
Dangling and Misplaced Modifier On-Line
Preposition Song
What is a Preposition?
Read About Prepositions
Problem Prepositions Rules
Prepositions Worksheet
Preposition On-Line Quiz
Prepositions On-Line Quiz II
Recognizing Prepositions On-Line Quiz
Pronoun Video Lesson
What is a Pronoun?
Pronoun Rules
Possessive Pronouns
Pronouns with Than or As
Indefinite Pronouns
Pronoun Agreement Exercise 1 (Handout)
Pronoun Worksheet
Pronoun Test
Pronouns On-Line Quiz
Subject Verb Agreement Video
What is Subject Verb Agreement?
Read About Verbs
Subject Verb Agreement On-Line Quiz
Subject Verb Agreement On-Line Quiz II
Subject Verb Agreement On-Line Quiz III
Reference list of Common Errors
Grammar On-Line Exercises
Recognizing Verbs and Verb Strings
Test What you've Learned
Subject Verb
Additional Practice
On-Line Quiz or
Explanation of
Grammar Part
Notes page partially
filled in; spelling
errors or neatness
Missing or did not
complete 1 on-line
quiz or activity
Missing or incorrect
Notes page completely
filled in; spelling errors
or neatness issues
Notes page completely
filled in; neat; no
spelling errors
Participated in 1 on-line
quiz or activity
Participated in more
than 1 on-line quiz or
Included clear and
Included less than 3
Missing URLs or
Good try; could use
some work
Included 3 examples
Included definition;
explanation unclear
URLs included, format
needs work
Included more than 3
URLs included and in
proper format
Great presentation;
too short or too long;
work on creativity
presentation; clear,
concise, creative
Overall Effort
Good try; needs
Good job, you did it!
Super job,
Congratulations! You have completed your research into the many
uses of different parts of grammar. Your classmates have shown you
the proper ways to use adverbs, adjectives, conjunctions, modifiers
and more.
Practice makes perfect; take every opportunity you have to look closely
at what you are reading. Check the grammar; compare it to what you
have learned from this lesson. Let your teacher know when you find
something that looks incorrect - just because it is in print does not mean
it is right! Read, be on the look-out, and have fun!