2015-2016 Algebra II Pre-AP Fourth Six Weeks Syllabus 1/5

2015-2016 Algebra II Pre-AP
Fourth Six Weeks Syllabus
Quiz #1 - (First Day Back from Break) – CBA over Semester 1
5.6 Rational Zeroes
Find all of the possible rational zeroes of a function. Find all of the real zeroes of
a function.
Quiz #2 – Synthetic division
#1 Handout - Pg 374-376 – 6, 14, 18, 20, 26, 28, 30, 34, 46, 50, 53
Evaluate nth roots and use of rational exponents.
Review synthetic division and long division. Review finding zeroes of polynomial
#2 Review for Test
Quiz #3 – Find all zeroes of a function
Test #1 – Chapter 5: Analysis of Polynomials
#3 Handout - pg 417-419 – 3-6 all, 8, 10, 12, 14, 22, 24, 27, 28, 30, 32
Handout - pg 407 – 8-18 all
6.4, 6.6 Evaluate nth roots and use of rational exponents.
#4 Worksheet 6.1-6.2
6.2 Find inverses of functions.
#5 Handout - Pg 442-445 – 4, 6, 10, 18, 31, 34, 42, 48, 49, Slam Dunk Worksheet
6.3 Graph square root and cube root functions. Describe the domain and range of
these functions and their translations.
#6 Handout - Pg 449-451 – 6, 16, 18, 24
Directions for 6-24: Make a t-chart of 4 values and graph on graph paper.
Label your scale if other than 1.
Handout - Pg 449-451 – 28, 30, 36, 38, 41, 42
6.7 Solve radical equations.
#7 Handout - Pg 456-459 – 4, 14, 16, 24, 26, 28, 32, 34, 38, 50, 52, 56, 59, 60, 64
Review concepts of chapter 6.
Quiz #4 – Use rational exponents, find inverses
#8 – Review Worksheet of Practice book
6.1B 14, 16, 21, 33; 6.1C 11, 15
6.4B 4, 5, 6, 15, 19; 6.4C 10, 19
6.5B 4, 6, 8; Mixed Problems: 1, 6
6.6B 6, 13, 21,25,29,31
7.1 Graph exponential functions and interpret the effect of a and b on the given
equation. Change forms of exponential equations to different bases. Solve
application problems focusing on compound interest and double time.
#9 Assignment – Review for Test
Test #2 – Evaluate and use rational exponents. Graph and analyze the domain
and range of square root and cube root functions. Solve radical equations. Solve
applications problems.
#10 Handout - Pg 482-483 – 3-8 all, 24, 28, 38, 40, 42 (a and d), 46 (TAKS 8)
Worksheet of graphing translations and of solving applications
7.2 Graph exponential functions and interpret the effect of a and b on the given
equation. Change forms of exponential equations to different bases. Solve
application problems focusing on radioactive decay and half-life.
#11 Handout - Pg 489-491 – 3-6 all, 8, 11, 16, 18, 21 (16, 18, and 21 – graph 7
points in a t-chart and use graph paper), 26, 30, 34, 37, 38
Pg 25 Resources 1, 3 Use calculators for the graphing.
Solve exponential equations.
7.2 Graph exponential functions and interpret the effect of a and b on the given
equation. Change forms of exponential equations to different bases.
#12 – Worksheet
7.7 Model exponential growth and decay using the base e.
Find equivalent equations of the form y = abt for ex equations.
Solve applications of compound interest.
Quiz #5 – 7.1 Graphs of exponential growth, applications
#13 Handout - Pg 495-498 – 6, 11, 12, 15, 28, 32, 38, 39-41, 58, 61, 64
Practice 17: 2, 9, 10, 12
Review exponential growth and decay.
#1 – 7.1B 1-3, 5, 6, 11, 13-15
7.1C 10
7.2B 4-6, 8, 10, 13-15
7.3B 17-19, 26, 27
Selected problems from former review worksheet
Find and graph inverses of exponential functions. Change between exponential
and logarithmic forms.
Find inverses of exponential functions based on e.
Use the calculator to find common and natural logarithms.
Quiz #1 (For Next Six Weeks) - Exponential growth and decay
#2 - Assignment – Review for test