Q2 Review sheet ANSWER KEY 7th Grade Final Exam Review

Q2 Review sheet ANSWER KEY
Grade Final Exam Review Vocabulary: Define the following words.
Culture- A learned system of shared beliefs and ways of doing things that guides a person’s
Race- a human population considered distinct based on physical characteristics.
Ethnicity- social groups with shared history, tradition, language, religion, and cultural roots
which may occur despite racial differences. (things that define you on the inside)
Ethnocentrism- The attitude or idea that your own racial group is superior to another
Irrigation- Process of collecting water and distributing to crops.
Cultural Diffusion- The process of spreading ideas, languages, or customs from one culture to
Tariff- Taxes to increase price of imported goods
Quota- limit on how many items can be imported from a nation
Globalization- Development of a worldwide culture with an interdependent economy
Imports- buy goods from other countries
Exports- To sell goods or products to other countries
Monotheism-belief in one God
Torah-holy book of Judaism
Yom Kippur-Day of Atonement, holiest day in Jewish calendar
Rosh Hashanah-Jewish New Year
Qur’an-Holy book of Islam
Bible-Holy book of Christianity
Rabbi-clergy (religious leader) of the Jews
Caliph-Over all leader of Islam
Imam-Leader of the prayers in the Mosque (Islam)
Priest- clergy of Christianity
Answer the following questions:
1. What does population density measure? How do you figure population density?
The average number of people living in a square mile
Total population ÷ Total land area= population density
2. What are ethnic groups?
A group that shares the same ethnic identity (share parts of culture and racial
3. What is a culture region? Give one example?
When a certain culture dominates an area. Example: Islamic region, Arabic speaking
4. What is the difference between someone’s culture and their race?
Someone’s culture is made up of the things they have learned-language, religion,
what to eat (can be changed)
Someone’s race are the physical characteristics that a person is born with (what’s in
their DNA- can’t be changed).
5. How are Racism and ethnocentrism different?
Racism is hatred or intolerance of another race or many races.
Ethnocentrism is the attitude or idea that your own racial group is superior to
another group
6. An economic system answers three questions, what are they?
1. What are you going to produce
2. How are you going to produce the goods
3. Who is going to receive the goods( who’s going to buy it)
7. In a market economy who makes economic decisions?
The people make the decisions
8. In a command economy who makes economic decisions?
The government (or dictator)
9. What is the difference between GDP and GNP?
GNP is the Value of all goods and services that a country or company provides in a
year, including goods sold overseas.
GDP Value of goods and services provided in a country in a year, only the products
sold within the country boarders. No exports.
10. What is supply and demand?
The idea that the people decide what to buy. If demand goes up supply goes up (and
can charge more)
11. What is a dictatorship? What type of government is usually run by a dictator? Give two
example of countries with that type of government.
Government run by a self appointed leader (dictator) controls all parts of a
communist government. A few examples- Cuba, North Korea
12. What is democracy?
Government run by leaders that are elected by the people
13. What are the differences between a representative democracy and direct democracy
In a representative democracy people vote for representative to make the major
decision in the government. In a direct democracy people vote on EVERY issue
14. What is a monarchy?
Government controlled by a king or queen (constitutional or absolute)
15. Who holds the power in a constitutional monarchy?
The elected officials in the government, the monarch holds little or no political
16. What is a theocracy?
Government controlled by religious leaders
17. List the three major monotheistic religions chronologically.
Judaism, Christianity, Islam
18. What is the holy text of Islam?
19. What is the holy text of Judaism?
20. What is the holy text of Christianity?
21. Who was Mohammad?
Prophet of Islam
22. What is the holy city of Islam?
Mecca, Saudi Arabia
23. Who is the prophet of Judaism?
24. What are the moral guidelines for Muslims?
5 pillars of Islam
25. What are the moral guidelines or rules for Christians and Jews?
10 commandments
26. Who was Abraham?
Father of Judaism
27. Christianity is based on the life and teachings of whom?
Jesus Christ
28. What is the language of Judaism?
29. What is the holiest place on earth for Jews? Muslims?
Western wall (Jerusalem) Kaaba (Mecca)
30. What language is most widely spoken is Western Asian and North Africa? It is the language of
31. What is the major physical feature of Northern Africa?
Sahara Desert
32. What is the holy month of fasting in Islam?
33. What is the holiest holiday for Jews?
Yom Kippur
34. What are the holy days for Christianity, Islam, Judaism?
Christianity- Sunday
Islam- Friday
Judaism- Sundown Friday to sundown Saturday
35. The followers of Islam are called what?
36. What are the different sects of Islam? Which is the majority?
Sunni- 85% Sunni is the majority and Shia
37. What are the three major denominations of Christianity?
Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant
38. List and describe the Five Pillars of Islam.
Shahada- affirmation (Allah is the only God and Muhammad was his prophet
Salah- to pray 5 times per day facing Mecca
Zakah- give charity (almsgiving)
Hajj- make a pilgrimage to Mecca
Sawm- fasting during the month of Ramadan
39. What are the three types of Judaism?
Orthodox- most religious