3rd Grade Homework Homework Expectations - Homework must be done by the student (parents, grandparents and/or older siblings should guide/help only) - Homework must be dated and labeled with the name of the student. - Homework should be presented neatly. - Even though the homework may not be checked at every class, the student should work immediately on it to help build a sense of responsibility and bring it the next day. The student should bring the homework to his/her desk and keep it in the classroom until the next Spanish class. If the homework is a worksheet, the student should put it in the Spanish folder and keep it in his/her desk. Mrs. Moschel’s Class Due on Sep 2 nd Due on Sept. 3rd Continue working on the Greetings worksheet. Study them. Practice writing the numbers from 1 to 20 in Spanish. Study the spelling: 1 uno 2 dos 3 tres 4 cuatro 5 cinco 6 seis 7 siete 8 ocho 9 nueve 10 diez 11 once 12 doce 13 trece 14 catorce 15 quince 16 dieciséis 17 diecisiete 18 dieciocho 19 diecinueve 20 veinte Due on Sept. 4th them out loud. 10 diez 20 veinte Work on your notebook. Copy the numbers below. Practice spelling 30 treinta 40 cuarenta Due on Sept. 11th h Yo Tú Él Ella 50 cincuenta 60 sesenta 70 setenta 80 ochenta 90 noventa 100 cien Write the pronouns on a piece of paper and use it to study. Usted Nosotros Nosotras Ellos Ellas Vosotros Ustedes Due on Sept. 16th Study el verbo ‘ser.’ Work on the small sheet of paper that was glued on your notebook last class. Due on Sept. 18th Study for the test on Sept. 23rd. Study Guía de Estudio worksheet. Due on Sept. 23rd Study for the Sept. 23th test. Take Lectura y Comprensión worksheet and Guía de Estudio to study. Due on Sept. 25th Due on Sept. 30th Due on Oct. 2nd Due on Oct. 7th Test. Also, we will sing in the classroom El Himno de las Américas.. Work on the Empecemos worksheet. Work on transportation worksheet. Work on Cristóbal Colón reading and comprehension worksheet. Due on Oct. 9th Work on your project (Presenta un País). Refer to your instructions worksheet. Present your project. Due on Oct. 14th Study Cuestionario worksheet. Due on Oct. 16th Present your project. You will have 2 minutes to present it. Practice the pronunciation; show a visual and a paper project written by hand. Refer to your instructions worksheet. Due on Oct. 21st No homework Due on Oct. 23rd Oral test interview. Study Cuestionario # 1 worksheet. Due on Oct. 28th h No homework