CHEMISTRY LECTURE 2 SCIENTIFIC METHOD NAME ____________________________ 8-12-14 I CAN ___________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ The SCIENTIFIC METHOD is as ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ OVERVIEW OF THE SCIENTIFIC PROCESS STEP 1: IDENTIFY A PROBLEM _____________________ the world around you. This is a question you _________________ know the answer to and can’t look up. “_________” and “____________________________..” are good beginnings of scientific questions. STEP 2: GATHER INFORMATION Use _____________________ to do background research. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ STEP 3A: FORMULATE A HYPOTHESIS _______________________ to a question that __________________________. Based on _________________________________. “______” “______” or “____________” statement STEP 3B: FORMULATE A NULL HYPOTHESIS It’s very possible that a hypothesis will ________ be supported by the research. An experiment also has a ______________________ – this is a statement that says there is _________________ ________________________________ being studied in the experiment. STEP 4: DEVELOP AN EXPERIMENT An ______________________ is a procedure designed to _____________________________. • ______________________________________________________________________. Can take place in a ____________________ or in the _____________. Involves a number of _____________________ – factors that can change the outcome of the experiment. VARIABLES: MANIPULATED VARIABLE The _____________________________ is the factor that the experimenter _________________ to observe its effect(s). Sometimes called the _____________________________. VARIABLES: RESPONDING VARIABLE Changes in response to the ________________ variable. Is ___________________ in the experiment. Sometime called the ________________________. VARIABLES: CONSTANTS All the factors in the experiments ________________________ are known as ________________. _________________ except the ___________________ and _____________________ variables. Keeps the experiment “___________”. VARIABLES: CONTROL GROUPS The ___________________ that you ____________________________________________. Allows the experimenter to __________________________ of the manipulated variable. STEP 5: RECORD AND ORGANIZE DATA Write down _____________ and ________________. _______________ destroy data! Use a _________/________/_________ to _____________ your data. _______________________ including manipulated and responding variables! STEP 6: ANALYZE DATA _______________ the data collected. Does it _________________ the hypothesis? YES NO 1. ________________________ 1. _______________________ 2. ________________________ 2. _______________________