2016-2017 LVHS DUAL CREDIT What? Who? How? Why? WHAT IS DUAL CREDIT (DC)? • DC is a voluntary program in which qualified junior and senior students may enroll in courses that receive both college and high school credit. • LVISD partners with St. Philip’s College (SPC), an Alamo Community College (ACC), to provide the program. WHAT? • Students earn transferable college credit hours. Public and state colleges and universities usually accept DC hours. • DO NOT ASSUME THAT DC HOURS WILL TRANSFER. CHECK WITH THE COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY. WHAT? • The acceptance of the hours as core or elective hours is up to the discretion of the college. • DC is not offered during the summer. WHO? HOW? • ELIGIBLE JUNIORS AND SENIORS • ELIBILITY REQUIREMENTS – Completion and submission of enrollment packet to Ms. Braun; – Completion of Apply Texas application. Apply Texas will be completed at school under Ms. Braun’s supervision. HOW? • Completion of ACC “ Go FAARR” and practice TSI test. These activities will be completed at school under the supervision of Ms. Braun. • Qualifying scores on tests accepted by ACC: – ACT scores; – SAT scores; or – Texas Success Initiative (TSI) scores. HOW? • TSI Testing: – Administered on Saturdays – Dates: January 16, January 30, February 13, February 27, March 5 (Yes, I know it is stock show weekend. Sign up early to secure a January or February Saturday test date.) – No cost for initial exam – Retakes: $5 for each exam area WHY? BENEFITS? • Courses earn both high school and college credits. • TUITION FREE! Student must only purchase text for class. • Students can earn up to 28 hours of transferable college work. GRADES • DC grades are weighted. Eight (8) points are added to the semester numeric grade average (NGA) only. The NGA is used to establish class rank. The transcript does not reflect the extra points. • Students earning a final grade lower than a “C” in a DC course will be permanently dropped from the DC program as soon as the grade is reported. GRADES • DC course grades are permanent grades reflected on both the high school AND college transcript. • DC letter grades will be converted to the following numeric grades on the transcript: A= 95 D= 70 B= 85 F= 65 C=75 COURSE DELIVERY • Course instruction is delivered in one of two ways: On Campus Instruction: On campus courses are taught on the LVHS campus by LVHS teachers who are qualified as adjunct instructors through ACC. COURSE DELIVERY • Online Instruction: – Some DC courses are taught over the internet. All instruction and interaction with the professor is done online. – Because the course is a college course, the Family Education Right and Privacy Act (FERPA) laws deny parent access to professors and/or grades. – NOTE: Students are required to print their online course grades for LVHS so that grades can recorded for LVHS transcript. – Online students MUST be self disciplined and mature. COURSE DELIVERY • The professor teaching an online course may or may not know that a student enrolled in the course is a high school student. The course requirements and expectations are those required and expected of every college student. • Students enrolled in online courses are assigned a DC Computer Lab period for each course taken. Students have the time and opportunity to complete and submit their work during the computer lab period. ON CAMPUS DC COURSES • HIST 1301/1302 History of US I and II. Courses meet graduation requirements for US History. 6 credit hours. • MATH 1414 College Algebra/MATH 2412 PreCalculus. Courses meet requirements for high school precalculus. 8 credit hours. ON CAMPUS DC COURSES • BIOL 1406/1407 Principals of Bio I and Principles of Bio II. – LVHS prerequisite course work includes: • IPC, Biology, and Chemistry or • Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Course qualifies for science majors. 8 credit hours. ON CAMPUS DC COURSES • ARTS 1316/1317 Drawing I and Drawing II. Approval by Ms. Mills is required. 6 credit hours. ONLINE COURSES • ENGL 1301/1302 Freshman Comp I and Freshman Comp II. Courses meet graduation requirements for English 4. 6 credit hours. • GOVT 2305 American Federal Government. Course meets graduation requirement for Government. 6 credit hours. ONLINE COURSES • ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics. Meets graduation requirement for Economics. 3 credit hours. • PSYC 2305 General Psychology. Elective credit. 3 credit hours. • SOCI 2301 Introduction to Sociology. Elective credit. 3 credit hours. CONSENT AND INFO FORMS DC Program Student/Parent Consent Form Fill out in blue or black ink. No pencil or other colored ink. This is an official document. Required parent and student signature on back. Students do not have a Banner ID or Apply Texas ID# yet. Leave blank. Keep one copy for your files. READ! LVHS 2016-17 DUAL CREDIT STUDENT INFO FORM Fill out in blue or black ink. No pencil or other colored ink. This is an official document. Parent and student signature required. Students do not have a Banner ID or Apply Texas ID# yet. Leave blank. APPLICATION DEADLINE Applications are due by Wednesday, October 21, to the Counseling Office. Turn in earlier if possible. WHY? SAVINGS! School Tuition/Fees In Residence Commuter Alamo Colleges (SAC, SPC, Palo Alto, NW Vista, NE Lakeview) $5,470 (out of district) NA $21,007 Our Lady of the Lake U $24,596 $36,352 $29,096 Schreiner University $24,539 $36,569 NA St. Mary’s University $26,186 $39,480 $34,480 Texas A&M U College Station San Antonio $9,180 $3,656 $22,470 NA Texas Christian (TCU) $38,510 $53,742 Texas Lutheran (TLU) $26,670 $39,590 WHY? SAVINGS! School Tuition/Fees Texas State U $9,9,500 $21,260 Texas Tech U $9,608 $24,612 Trinity U $36,214 $50,550 University of Texas Austin San Antonio $9,380 $9,361 $26,148 $23,663 $17,201 $26,940 $41,290 $40,246 U of Incarnate Word (UIW) In Residence Commuter $18,550 Contact Information Ms. Dede Braun, LVHS DC Counselor ellen.braun@lvisd.org 830-779-6630 x 3236 Schedule: Monday-Wednesday with variations Best method of contact: email QUESTIONS