Act I Reading and Study Guide

Romeo & Juliet Packet
Name: ___________________________________________
Hour: _____________
Romeo & Juliet Study Guide: Mrs. Kitze-Ward
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Shakespeare WebQuest – Romeo & Juliet
Purpose: To acquaint ourselves with William Shakespeare and the Elizabethan era.
Directions: Visit the links that go with each set of questions. Read carefully to answer the questions fully and correctly.
Feel free to read beyond the questions! The sites are packed with information to help you learn more about life in
Shakespeare’s day.
Part I: Shakespeare & the Globe
Use this link to answer questions 1-8:
There are other links at the bottom of this webquest that you may find helpful, but you may have to do outside
research. You want to take these notes in your Story Notes section – you will want to know more than just a “date” –
make sure you are clear in your notes!
1) Click on the link to “Birth 1564 & Early Years”. William Shakespeare was born in what year?
2) What date do we recognize as his birthday?
3) Where was Shakespeare born?
4) Whom did Shakespeare marry? How many children did they have?
5) Click on the link for “1594” and find the acting companies Shakespeare was associated with in the early days.
Name one.
6) What time period covers the lost years? Why are they called the lost years?
7) What happened in January 1593 to change Shakespeare's life as an actor. Be specific.
8) What day and year did Shakespeare die? Why is this interesting? How old was he when he died?
Use this link for question 9:
9) What does the word BARD mean? Why is Shakespeare known as “the Bard”?
Under our first link,, click on the “The Great Globe” on the lefthand side of the page. Scroll down to the section "Construction of the Globe,” and answer questions 10-16 (once again, in
your Story Notes section):
10) Where did the timbers to build The Globe come from?
11) Who was the carpenter who built The Globe?
12) What was Shakespeare's share as "householder?"
13) Why is The Globe so famous today?
14) How big was The Globe? How many people did it seat? (Use this site as well . The answer should be found in the first few paragraphs.)
15) Where exactly was The Globe originally built?
16) What did the flag atop the Globe signify? (Look for the section called “Elizabethan Advertising.”)
Part II: Theater
Use this link to answer questions 17-21: (Click on “Actors, Acting & Audience” on the left-hand side of
the page.)
17) How many women actors did the company usually feature?
18) Was Shakespeare an actor? What was the term used to refer to actors?
19) How were the seats arranged for the audience? How did one get a good seat?
20) What would the audience do if they did not like a performance?
21) Find a picture of The Globe Theater (in your packet). {Click on the file below that says Globe Theater Explained.
The numbers will correspond with the numbers on your handout!} Label your picture and include explanations.
Research to find the definitions of these literary terms. They should go in the Literary Terms section of your notebook.
It may be easier and more helpful to read the definition and then define the term in your own words.
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Use the following sites:
Dramatic Terms
Comic Relief
Go Between
Free Will
Tragic Flaw/
Tragic Hero
Literary Devices
Dramatic Irony
Part IV: Lasting Influence
Visit the following website and read through the list of words:
22) List 5 words that shocked you most.
23) Use those words in an original short poem honoring Shakespeare (style of the poem is up to you).
Part V: Romeo and Juliet
Use the following link to answer the questions about Shakespeare’s play Romeo & Juliet:
What kind of play is Romeo and Juliet? (See “The theme”)
Where does the story take place?
Where did Shakespeare get the idea and story for the play? (Look for “History of the play”)
The main characters are Romeo _______________ and Juliet _______________.
Part VI: Journal
Now that you are more familiar with Shakespeare, his time in history, and his Romeo & Juliet, take a moment to consider
the following questions. Write your responses in the Journal section of your notebook.
28) How are we still affected by Shakespeare and his writing?
29) Do you suppose Shakespeare would be as great a writer if he were alive today? Would he be better? Worse?
Explain your answer.
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Romeo and Juliet--Opinion Poll
When Shakespeare wrote his play Romeo and Juliet, love had for centuries been a favorite topic of
conversation. The early scenes of Romeo and Juliet raise questions in the minds of spectators or readers about
what true love is.
DIRECTIONS: Read each statement below, decide how you feel about, and circle the number of your opinion.
1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree
1 2 3
4 5 1.Someone can be in love with one person, and then suddenly be sincerely
in love with someone else.
2. A person should allow a deep love to develop for someone from a family
or a group that is the mortal enemy of his or her own family.
3. A person will probably be happier loving someone who is from a similar
background and who has family approval.
4. "Love at first sight" is based on physical attraction.
5. "Love at first sight" can be the real thing.
6. A person must be a certain age before he or she can feel true love.
7. A young girl should have the right to marry someone she loves regardless
of whether or not her parents approve.
8. A young boy should have the right to marry someone he loves regardless
of whether or not his parents approve.
9. Parents should still try to arrange or at least influence who a young person
10. Young people are impulsive and do things without thinking about the consequences.
11. Suicide is a relevant issue for teens to discuss.
12. Love can make people act differently.
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General Literary Terms:
Please make sure you understand the definitions and how these function within literature
Iambic Pentameter
Blank Verse
Comic relief
Tragic Hero/
Tragic Flaw
Dramatic Irony
Situational Irony
Verbal Irony
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House of Montague
Lord Montague:
House of Capulet
Lord Capulet:
Lady Montague:
Lady Capulet:
Sampson & Gregory:
Friar Lawrence:
Friar John:
Prince Escalus:
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Reader’s Sparknotes & Timeline
Act I: Comprehension
Scene 1: A Fight, Day: __________________________, Time: _________________________
A fight breaks out between servants of two rival families, the _____________________ and the ____________________.
Two leading characters of the drama, _____________________ and ____________________, take over the fight.
We meet the star, Romeo, who is depressed because __________________________________
Scene 2: Juliet’s Dilemma, Day: __________________________, Time: _______________________
Wealthy gentleman, _____________________, wants to marry Juliet, daughter of Lord _____________. Romeo finds
out there’s going to be a ____________________.
Scene 3: Mom Knows Best, Day: __________________________, Time: ____________________
Juliet’s mother, Lady Capulet, tells Juliet that Paris wants ____________________________________.
Scene 4: Some Mischief, Day: __________________________, Time: _________________________
Romeo and his two friends, _____________________ and _____________________, decide to crash the party at
Capulet’s house.
Scene 5: The Party, Day: __________________________, Time: _________________________
Tybalt is angry when he sees that ________________________________________________________. Meanwhile,
_________________________ and __________________________ see each other and fall in love.
Act II: Summary
Scene 1: The Capulet’s Orchard Wall, Day: __________________________, Time: _______________
Romeo overhears his friends talking about him. They are saying _______________________________
Scene 2: Juliet’s Balcony, Day: __________________________, Time: _________________________
Scene 3: The Monastery, Day: __________________________, Time: _________________________
Romeo tells Friar Laurence that he loves Juliet. The Friar’s first response is to ____________________
_________________________________ but then he ___________________________________________________.
Scene 4: The Street in Verona, Day: __________________________, Time: ____________________
Benvolio and Mercutio tease happy Romeo. The Nurse tries to find out __________________________
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Romeo tells the Nurse _________________________________________________________________
Scene 5: The Monastery, Day: __________________________, Time: _________________________
Act III: Cause & Effect
Scene 1: Morning, Day: __________________________, Time: _________________________
Fight between Mercutio and Tybalt.
_________________________ kills _______________________.
_________________________ kills _______________________.
Scene 2: Later in the Morning, Day: __________________________, Time: ____________________
Juliet hears bad news: _________________________________________________________________
Effect: _____________________________________________________________________________
Scene 3: The Friar’s Cell, Day: __________________________, Time: __________________
Romeo hears bad news: ________________________________________________________________
Effect: ______________________________________________________________________________
Scene 4: Afternoon, Day: __________________________, Time: _________________________
Capulet tells Paris: ____________________________________________________________________
Effect: ______________________________________________________________________________
Scene 5: Late at Night, Day: __________________________, Time: _________________________
Juliet and Romeo spend the night together.
Juliet hears more bad news: _____________________________________________________________
Effect: ______________________________________________________________________________
Body Count: By the end of this act, there are ___________ dead bodies
Act IV: Effect & Cause
Scene 1: Day: __________________________, Time: _________________________
Juliet: desperate, then hopeful
thinks she has to marry Paris, then
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Scene 2: Day: __________________________, Time: _________________________
Capulet: relieved, happy
Scene 3: Day: __________________________, Time: _________________________
Juliet: worried, terrified
Scene 4: Day: __________________________, Time: _________________________
Capulet: happy-go-lucky, silly
Scene 5: Day: __________________________, Time: _________________________
Capulet and his wife: grief-stricken
Act V: Fate v. Human Error
When Shakespeare wrote his plays, many people still believed that the forces of fate controlled their lives. In the space
next to each event listed below, write Human if you think the event was caused mostly by human influence, or Fate if the
event seemed to be caused mostly by fate. Then explain!
1. Romeo receives news that Juliet is dead: _____________________________________________
2. Romeo buys poison: _____________________________________________________________
3. The friar’s message does not reach Romeo: ___________________________________________
4. Paris and Romeo meet at Juliet’s tomb: _______________________________________________
5. Romeo kills Paris: ________________________________________________________________
6. Romeo swallows the poison: ________________________________________________________
7. Juliet stabs herself with Romeo’s dagger: ______________________________________________
8. Friar Laurence tells the truth to all: ___________________________________________________
9. Capulet and Montague end the feud: ___________________________________________________
Who is responsible?
Toward the end of Act V, Scene iii, you learn that several characters feel responsibility for the final tragedy. Pick two
characters who you think are to blame and tell why. Use the space provided. Use complete sentences.
Body Count: At the end of this act, there is a total of _________ dead bodies for the play as a whole. ________ of these
people died in Act V.
1. From ______________ to ________________. Reason:
2. From ______________ to ________________. Reason:
3. From ______________ to ________________. Reason:
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Important Quotes & Meanings
Please identify the speaker of each of the passages and explain what they mean and how they are important to the
1. “Three civil brawls, bred of an airy word
By these, Old Capulet, and Montague,
Have thrice disturb our streets again,
Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace.” (I.i)
2. “This day’s black fate on more days doth depend;
This but beginathe woe others must end” (I.iii.)
3. “Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!
For I Ne’er saw true beauty till this night.” (I.v)
4. “My only love sprung from my only hate!
Too early seen unknown, and known too late!
Prodigious birth of love it is to me
That I must love a loathed enemy.” (I.v)
5. “I will withdraw but this intrusion shall,
Now seeming sweet, convert to bitter gall.” (I.v)
6. “True, I talk of dreams,
Which are children of an idle brain,
Begot of nothing but vain fantasy” (I.iv)
7. “O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!
It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night
Life a rich jewel in an Ethiope’s ear;
Beauty too rich for use, for ear too dear!” (I.v)
8. “Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow
That I shall say good night till it be morrow.” (II.ii)
9. “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.” (II.ii)
10. “But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the East and Juliet is the sun. . .” (II.ii)
11. But, come, young waverer, come, go with me,
in one respect I’ll thy assistant be;
For this alliance may so happy prove
To turn your households rancor to pure love.” (II.iii)
12. “I am hurt!
A plague o’ both your houses! I am sped.” (III.i)
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13. “Come, gentle night, come, loving, black-browed night,
Give me my Romeo, and, when he shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun.” (III.ii)
14. “Doth she not think me an old murderer
Now I have stained the childhood of our joy
With blood removed but little from her own?” (III.iii)
15. “Thursday is near; lay hand on heart, advise,
An you be mine, I’ll give you to my friend;
An you be not, hang, beg, starve, die in the streets,
For be my soul, I’ll ne’er acknowledge thee,
Nor what is mine shall never do thee good.
Trust to ‘t, bethink you; I’ll not be foreworn.” (III.v)
16. “Shall I not them be stifled in the vault,
To whose foul mouth no healthsome aire breathes in
And there die strangled ere my Romeo comes?” (IV.iii)
17. “Death lies on her like an untimely frost
Upon the sweetest flower of all the field.” (IV.v)
18. “From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life,
Whose misadventured piteous overthrows
Doth with their death bury their parents’ strife.” (V.iii)
19. “Contempt and beggary hangs upon thy back
The world is not thy friend, nor the world’s law;
The world affords no law to make thee rich;
Then be not poor, but break it, and take this.” (V.i)
20. “For I will raise her statue in pure gold,
That while Verona by that name is known
There shall be no figure at such rate be set
As that of true and faithful Juliet.” (V.iii)
21. “Death, that hath sucked the honey of thy breath
Hath no power yet upon thy beauty;
Thou art not conquered; beauty’s ensign yet
Is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks.” (V.iii.)
22. “Where be these enemies? Cauplet! Montague!
See, what a scourge is laid upon your hate,
That heaven finds means to kill your joys with love!
Have lost a brace of kinsmen!” (V.iii.)
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Act I Reading and Study Guide
LITERARY TERMS: Be able to define each term and apply each term to the play.
Iambic Pentameter ____________________________________________________________________
Couplet ______________________________________________________________________
Comic Relief ________________________________________________________________________
Pun _________________________________________________________________________
Monologue: _________________________________________________________________________
Prologue: Time: ________________________ Day: ________________ Place: _________________
Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;
Whose misadventur'd piteous overthrows
Doth with their death bury their parents' strife.
The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,
And the continuance of their parents' rage,
Which, but their children's end, nought could remove,
Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage;
The which if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.
1. Who is the "Chorus"?
2. In what city does this play take place?
3. How long is the play intended to be?
4. What does the prologue tell us about the story? Why are Romeo and Juliet called “star-cross’d
5. Find the couplet – write it here.
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Scene 1: Time: ________________________________ Location: ______________________________
1. Explain the pun in the beginning of the scene.
2. Between what two families does the feud exist?___________________ vs. ________________.
List the which sides the men belong to:
3. Explain how the fight starts.
4. Who tries to break up the fighting?
5. How many times have they fought? What threat does the Prince make to Lord Montague and Lord
6. Benvolio and Montague describe Romeo’s actions. What do they have to say about him?
7. Why is Romeo so sad? Explain. Cite a line from the text.
8. What does Romeo compare love to?
9. What does his “love” decide to do with her life that makes him so sad?
10. What is Benvolio’s advice to Romeo?
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Act I: Activity: Perfect Mate: Student Form
In Act I Scene 2 of Romeo & Juliet, Lord Capulet, Juliet's father, and Paris, cousin to Prince Escalus who wants to marry
Juliet, discuss the marriage. In many cultures marriages are arranged by parents with little or no input from the bride and
groom. In this scene Capulet tells Paris:
My will to her consent is but a part.
And she agreed, within her scope of choice
Lies my consent and fair according voice.
So, Lord Capulet at least is telling Juliet's suitor that she must also consent to the marriage.
Of course, we found out that Juliet didn't want to marry Paris. She has fallen in love with the son of her family's arch-enemy,
Lord Montegue.
Have you ever dated or even expressed an interest in a guy or girl that your parents disapproved of? If so, you should have
some empathy for what Romeo and Juliet are going through in this play.
If you had to list the traits (physical, personality, etc.) of your perfect mate, what would
they be? Try to be as specific as you can be.
Now, get behind the Eight Ball and try to figure out what traits your parents would list if they were choosing the perfect mate
for you. Again, try to be specific.
REMEMBER! Don't let your parents see your list until they have done theirs on the other side.
Please have both parts of this survey completed and with you in class.
Perfect Mate: Parent Form
Dear Parent(s):
We are reading Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" in English class and I would appreciate you taking the time to
complete this survey.
As you may remember from your own high school English class, the play centers on two young people who fall in love.
Their parents, however, are enemies and make the relationship impossible for Romeo and Juliet. On the other side of
this sheet I have asked the students to list traits THEY would want in a "perfect mate." Now, I'm going to ask you to
do the same, without having looked at their lists first.
Thanks for your help in completing this project.
Why are parents so concerned over who their child dates or is interested in?
What traits (physical, personality, etc.) would you think your son or daughter would look for if searching for the perfect mate
for himself or herself?
Now, what traits would you consider most important if you were choosing the perfect mate for your son or daughter?
Parent Signature:
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Scene 2: Time: ________________________________ Location: ______________________________
1. Why does Capulet think it will be easy for Montague and him to keep the peace?
2. What does Paris request of Capulet? How does he respond?
3. What is the servant’s task? What problem does the servant have?
4. How does Romeo make fun of the servant?
5. Who does Romeo love?
6. What’s happening at the Capulet house? What do Romeo and Benvolio decide to do?
7. What deal do Romeo and Benvolio strike up for the evening?
Scene 3: Time: ________________________________ Location: ______________________________
1. How old is Juliet? Why is Lammastide important?
2. Characterize the nurse from her monologue. How long has she been a part of Juliet’s life?
3. When Lady Capulet asks Juliet how she feels about marriage, what is Juliet’s answer?
4. What does Juliet agree to do that evening?
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Scene 4: Time: ________________________________ Location: ______________________________
1. What doe the men discuss about the party? Love?
2. According to Mercutio, who or what is Queen Mab, and what does she or it do?
3. What does Mercutio say about dreams?
4. What is Romeo concerned about for the evening? Explain his speech (ll.106-113).
Scene 5: Time: ________________________________ Location: ______________________________
1. Explain the comic relief in the opening of this scene.
2. What does Lord Capulet say in his opening speech to his guests?
3. Why doesn’t he dance?
4. Who is Romeo talking about in lines 46 -55? Explain the irony in these scenes.
5. Why does Tybalt become so upset, and how does Capulet respond to his rage?
7. Tybalt agrees to not fight, but what does he say?
8. Explain what the conversation is between Romeo and Juliet.
9. How does Romeo find out Juliet’s last name? How does Juliet find out Romeo’s last name?
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10 prt
Act I: The Love Connection
Directions: Read the lines listed for each of the following characters. In the first column, write the lines as they appear in the
play. Then draw some conclusions about each line or set of lines. What insights do they give into each character’s
experiences with, feelings toward, or attitudes about love and marriage? Jot down these insights in the third column.
“Younger than she are
happy mothers made.”
Paris is eager to marry.
Age is not an issue.
1.3. 89-90
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Act II Reading and Study Guide
LITERARY TERMS: Be able to define each term and apply each term to the play.
Dramatic irony ______________________________________________________________________
Situational irony _____________________________________________________________________
Verbal irony: ________________________________________________________________________
Soliloquy: __________________________________________________________________________
Aside: ______________________________________________________________________________
Scene 1: Time: ________________________________ Location: ______________________________
1. What does Mercutio say about “blind love”?
Explain the dramatic irony in this scene.
Scene 2: Time: ________________________________ Location: ______________________________
1. When Juliet appears on her balcony, what does Romeo compare her to?
2. When Juliet leans her cheek on her hand, what does Romeo say?
3. Unaware of his presence, what does Juliet ask Romeo to say?
4. In a sentence or two, explain what Juliet says about names.
7. Juliet asks how Romeo got into her place. The orchard walls are high, and Romeo’s life would be in
danger if her relatives were to find him there. What is Romeo’s response to these questions?
8. Why is Juliet embarrassed?
9. Juliet is going to send someone to Romeo on the following day for what purpose?
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Balcony Scene—Figurative Language
The balcony scene in Act II, Scene 2 of Romeo and Juliet is rich in poetic figures of speech. Find examples of the
following and explain a little bit about how they are being used.
1. Example of a simile (write out word for word):
a) Lines they are found in:
b) Which character says them:
c) What they are really saying/what point they are making with the simile:
2. Example of a metaphor (write out word for word):
a) Lines they are found in:
b) Which character says them:
c) What they are really saying/what point they are making with the metaphor:
3. Example of personification (write out word for word):
a) Lines they are found in:
b) Which character says them:
c) What they are really saying/what point they are making with the metaphor:
4. Example of hyperbole (write out word for word):
a) Lines they are found in:
b) Which character says them:
c) What they are really saying/what point they are making with the metaphor:
Scene 3: Time: ________________________________ Location: ______________________________
1. What has friar Laurence been out gathering in his basket?
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2. Explain lines 21-22: “Virtue itself turns vice, being misapplied,/And vice sometime by action
3. When Friar Laurence sees Romeo, what comment does Friar Laurence make about seeing Romeo so
early in the morning?
4. What does Friar Laurence mean when he says to Romeo, “Young men’s love then lies not truly in
their hearts, but in their eyes?
5. Friar Laurence agrees to perform the marriage ceremony for Romeo and Juliet for what reason?
Scene 4: Time: ________________________________ Location: ______________________________
1. According to Mercutio, what kind of man is Tybalt?
2. What is the nurse saying to Romeo in lines 157 – 163?
3. How is Juliet to arrange to meet Romeo?
Scene 5: Time: ________________________________ Location: ______________________________
1. The nurse is supposed to be gone only a half hour, but she is actually gone for how long?
2. How is the nurse behaving that is frustrating to Juliet?
Scene 6: Time: ________________________________ Location: ______________________________
1. What does Friar Laurence mean when he says, “Therefore, love moderately; long love doth so”?
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Romeo & Juliet: Characterization Assignment
Characterization is:
In Act I, you meet many of the main characters in the play. Complete the chart, providing a line from
the play to support, or “show” the adjectives. You must include citation after each line. When citing a
play, it should look like this: (II.iii. 312 – 314) (Act. Scene.Line(s))
Text Evidence
Good Friend
Lord Montague
Lord Capulet
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Act III Reading and Study Guide
Scene 1: Time: ________________________________ Location: ______________________________
1. At the beginning of the scene, why does Benvolio think that there will be a fight?
2. What does Mercutio accuse Benvolio of in lines 15-30?
3. When Tybalt and Mercutio first begin arguing, what does Benvolio try to them to do?
4. What does Tybalt call Romeo?
5. Why won’t Romeo fight Tybalt?
6. What does Mercutio think is the reason Romeo refuses to fight?
7. Why does Mercutio keep repeating, “A plague o’ both your houses”?
8. What does Romeo say that Juliet’s love has done to him?
9. Why does Romeo call himself “fortune’s fool”?
10. When Benvolio relates to the Prince what happened, what does he say Romeo tried to before
Mercutio was killed?
11. What does Lady Capulet accuse Benvolio of? What does she want to happen?
12. What is Romeo’s punishment for killing Tybalt? Write one couplet you see!
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Scene 2: Time: ________________________________ Location: ______________________________
1. Why is Juliet so impatient for the nurse to return?
2. What does Juliet think happened today while the nurse was out?
3. Describe Juliet’s rapidly changing attitudes toward Romeo in this scene.
4. What piece of news has upset Juliet the most?
5. What does the nurse promise to do?
Scene 3: Time: ________________________________ Location: ______________________________
1. Explain Romeo’s reaction to the news of his banishment.
2. What does the Friar continue to remind Romeo about his punishment?
3. How are Romeo and Juliet acting similarly at this point?
4. Romeo tells Friar Laurence that the priest cannot know or understand how Romeo feels. Why?
5. What argument does Friar Laurence use to prevent Romeo from killing himself?
6. What does the nurse give to Romeo?
7. What is the Friar’s plan for Romeo?
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Scene 4: Time: ________________________________ Location: ______________________________
1. What does Capulet tell his wife to say to Juliet? How is these scene an example of dramatic irony?
Scene 5: Time: ________________________________ Location: ______________________________
1. As Romeo is preparing to leave Juliet, what argument does she use to convince him to stay?
2. Later, why does Juliet think Romeo should leave?
3. Just as Romeo is about to descend the rope ladder and leave Juliet, what does Juliet say about the
way Romeo looks?
4. Why does Lady Capulet think Juliet is crying?
5. When Lady Capulet threatens to send someone to Mantua to poison Romeo, what does Juliet say?
6. After Lady Capulet breaks the news about Paris, what is Juliet’s response?
7. If Juliet’s mother does not arrange to delay the marriage, what will Juliet do?
8. What is Capulet’s reaction to Juliet’s threats?
9. What is the nurse’s advice to Juliet?
10. How does Juliet’s attitude toward the nurse change?
11. What “scheme” does Juliet devise to get rid of the nurse and to get out of the house?
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Act III: Character Diary
15 (Wrtg)
Please pick one of the characters in the play and write a diary entry to reflect the character’s
unique traits: sex, rank, social position, personality and mood. Remember you ARE the character.
How do they feel? Think? What do they believe? You must write one detailed entry about a day
or set of events within the play. Entries should show how the character grows and changes based
upon what the character knows at certain points in the play. Include as much information from
Shakespeare’s text as possible in your entry. Details: 5 pts, Match Character’s Personality: 5
points, Major Events: 5 pts.
Be creative! Try to use Shakespearean language for extra credit.
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Act IV Reading and Study Guide
Scene 1: Time: ________________________________ Location: ______________________________
1. Why is Friar Laurence reluctant to marry Paris to Juliet?
2. How does Paris explain the sudden haste of the marriage plans?
3. What is ironic about the conversation between Juliet and Paris?
4. If Friar Laurence cannot help her, what does Juliet threaten to do?
5. Why does Friar Laurence think that Juliet will accept his plan?
6. Describe the friar’s plan for Juliet.
Scene 2: Time: ________________________________ Location: ______________________________
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1. What does Juliet say that makes her father happy?
2. What is the original plan for R & J? How does Capulet change the plan?
Scene 3: Time: ________________________________ Location: ______________________________
1. How does Juliet show her maturity and independence in this scene?
2. If the potion does not work, what will Juliet do?
3. What are some of the fears Juliet has about the potion?
Scene 4: Time: ________________________________ Location: ______________________________
1. What is happening in this brief scene?
Scene 5: Time: ________________________________ Location: ______________________________
1. Describe the imagery Shakespeare uses in describing Juliet’s “death”?
2. What does Friar Laurence say to comfort the Capulet family?
3. What even are the Capulets now preparing for?
Act V Reading and Study Guide
Scene 1: Time: ________________________________ Location: ______________________________
1. What news does Balthasar bring Romeo?
2. What does Romeo mean when he says, “Then I defy you, stars!”?
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3. What actions does Balthasar’s news prompt Romeo to do?
Scene 2: Time: ________________________________ Location: ______________________________
1. What does Friar John tell Friar Laurence?
2. After hearing this news from Friar John, what does Friar Laurence intend to do?
Scene 3: Time: ________________________________ Location: ______________________________
8. Why is Paris at Juliet’s tomb?
9. Romeo gives Balthasar two reasons for entering the Capulet’s tomb. What are those two reasons?
10. Why does Paris think that Romeo has come to the tomb?
11. What is it about Juliet that should have told Romeo that she was not dead?
12. Why doesn’t Friar Laurence stay in the tomb with Juliet after she awakens?
13. Why does Juliet kiss Romeo after he is dead?
14. When Montague first arrives on the scene, what does he tell those gathered?
15. Relate the events that lead to Romeo and Juliet’s death as they are told by Friar Laurence near the
play’s end.
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16. What information does Romeo’s letter give?
17. How do Montague and Capulet plan to honor the memories of their children?
There are many themes that exist throughout this play. We need to monitor these and follow how
Shakespeare develops them and what he teaches us about them. Each theme will be worth 5 points.
You must do the following to get the 5 points:
1) Explain what we learn from the theme
2) Find a song (modern) that reflects this theme – include the line(s) from the song and artist
3) Find three pieces of text evidence or lines from the play that demonstrate this theme
Love & Hate:
(What do we learn from the author about this topic?)
Song & Lines:
Prove this with three examples from the text.
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Fate : _________________________________________________________________________
(What do we learn from the author about this topic?)
Song & Lines:
Prove this with three examples from the novel.
Revenge _________________________________________________________________________
(What do we learn from the author about this topic?)
Song & Lines:
Prove this with three examples from the novel.
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Acting Quickly (without thinking)
(What do we learn from the author about this topic?)
Song & Lines:
Prove this with three examples from the novel.
Love v. Lust ______________________________________________________________
(What do we learn from the author about this topic?)
Song & Lines:
Prove this with three examples from the novel.
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24. The nurse calls for _____________ after she tells Juliet of Tybalt’s death. (9) (two words)
25. The nurse’s husband’s pet name for Juliet was ____________________ (4)
26. Juliet finds no poison left in the _____________________ (3)
27. Both Acts I and II begin with a ________________________ (8)
28. Friar Laurence greets Romeo with the word “________________” a Latin blessing (10)
29. In the last act, Lord Capulet reaches for Lord Montague’s hand and call him ____________ (7)
30. The first victim of Prince Escalus’s edict is ___________________ (5)
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Comparison/Contrast Essay Romeo and Juliet:
You are going to be asked to write a comparison/contrast essay of the Romeo and Juliet films or play.
We will be reading the original play, watching the 1968 Zeffirelli version of the play and watching
modern, Baz Luhrmann, version of the play as well. You will be asked to pick on you like the best and
compare it to another version.
1. You will be asked to group your ideas together on a chart. These are the categories you will be
asked to think about:
a. Props
e. Music
b. Costumes
f. Plot
c. Language/Dialogue
g. Characters
d. Setting
2. After you analyze your lists of similarities and differences, you will need to take a stance on what
version is better and choose two reasons why. (Can be differences or similarities). You will need to
have the title and author/director of both versions in the thesis!
The movie version of Romeo and Juliet by Baz Luhrman is a stronger version of the story than the
actual play written by William Shakespeare because the language relates better to modern day people
and there are greater violent scenes to capture the attention of the audience.
The movie version of Romeo and Juliet by Franco Zefferelli is a stronger representation of the story than
the movie version by Baz Luhrman because it does not over stimulate the audience with excessive
violence, and it highlights the impulsive flaws of the main characters.
Though the movie version of Romeo and Juliet by Baz Luhrman does maintain some of the
Shakespearean language, but the play version by William Shakespeare is a better depiction of the story
because it maintains the impulsive flaws of the main characters, and it does not display as much violence
and gore.
3. Find specific quotations in the text or specific scenes from the movies that support the similarity or
difference. Cite this correctly (Act, Scene, line #). When you discuss the movie—cite specific
examples, but it will not be necessary to have direct quotations.
4. Your body paragraphs needs to organize the differences or the similarities and needs to ARGUE
your claim (which version is a better depiction).
5. Write according to planning outline that you received for this particular essay. (This essay is
different than a character analysis)
6. Do not write in first person point of view (no I’s, Me’s, My’s)
7. Proofread, proofread, and proofread!
8. This must be at least 4 paragraphs (between 2 and 3 pages)
9. Type your Works Cited page!
Total Points: _____________ Due Date: _________________ Typing Days: ___________________
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Comparison Guide: Use this while you watch the films and fill in later if you decide to compare it to the play! Use this chart to fill in your
TEXT EVIDENCE or specific examples!
Franco Zefferelli Version
Baz Luhrman Version
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Romeo and Juliet Comparison/Contrast Ideas
1. Time—present vs. 400 years ago
2. Place—Verona, Italy vs. Verona Beach,
1. weapons
2. transportation (horses/cars)
3. communication—forms of getting
messages to the public, to each other
1. Shirts/pants—modern vs. traditional
2. Old Fashioned style
1. music in play—for the wedding/funeral
2. Music in movie throughout
What happens when?
What order?
How the ending of the story is different
in each version
1. Mercutio’s appearance/character
2. Benvolio’s character
3. The way Romeo is portrayed
4. Lady Capulet
5. Juliet
1. Epilogue/Prologue
2. Chorus
3. Beginning/End of the play
4. Why keep the language the same
(purpose of universal dialect, why would
the director not change this. What does
this say about universal human
Compare/Contrast Planning Outline
I. Introduction:
Attention Getter: (Pull us into your paper with a question, quote or bold statement.)
Transition: (Explain your attention getter and how it ties to your thesis.)
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Thesis: (The point of your paper – what you are trying to prove. Always name the literary works
and the authors/directors in a strong introduction.
Director/Author: ____________________________ Title: ________________________________
Director/Author: _____________________________Title: ________________________________
Preview: (List or outline how or your examples that you will use to prove your thesis.)
II. Body
Each body paragraph should clearly define if you are going to compare or contrast. The body
paragraphs should contain a balance of supports (from the text and the film) and an explanation of how
and why the author choose to have the play occur this way. It should then transition to the next
Body Paragraph 1:
Topic sentence: (what the paragraph will prove – it should contain your thesis and one way you are
going to prove that thesis – this should be one of your ideas from your preview):
Concrete Detail (play/film): (Find a direct quote with citation from the text to prove your point. You
must cite it correctly – please see format examples):
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Concrete Detail (play/film): (Use an exact example, no quotation needed from the film to prove your
point as well. You also need to start this example with a transition from your last example)
Commentary (Explain how these examples prove your thesis – always come back to the thesis!!!)
Also include an explanation of why you believe each author/director decided to make these changes
or why they kept them the same: (5 – 8 sentences here)
Body Paragraph 2:
Transition Topic sentence: (what the paragraph will prove – it should contain your thesis and one
way you are going to prove that thesis – this should be one of your ideas from your preview):
Concrete Detail (play/film): (Find a direct quote with citation from the text to prove your point. You
must cite it correctly – please see format examples):
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Concrete Detail (film/play): (Use an exact example, no quotation needed from the film to prove your
point as well. You also need to start this example with a transition from your last example)
Commentary (Explain how these examples prove your thesis – always come back to the thesis!!!)
Also include an explanation of why you believe each author/director decided to make these changes
or why they kept them the same: (5 – 8 sentences here)
Restate thesis statement:
Rephrase your preview:
Ending (End with words of wisdom about your thesis – what knowledge you have gained about this
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Due to the fact that your play is in an anthology, you must cite the play as part of the book.
Fill in the blanks:
Author Lastname, Author Firstname. Title of Play. Title of Textbook. Ed. Editor’s Firstname
and Lastname. City published: Publisher, Year Published. Pages. Print
Shakespeare, William. Romeo & Juliet. The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans. Boston:
Houghton Mifflin, 1974. 1306-42. Print.
Since there are many different editions of Shakespeare’s plays, it is not helpful to use the normal citation
style of author and page number inside a paper. Instead cite by divisions – in the case of the plays, list
act, scene, and line numbers. Use regular, not Roman, numerals.
For example, if your line is Act III, Scene 2, Lines 13-22, it would look like this: (Romeo & Juliet 3.2.1322)
Example #1: (Single Speaker)
..first admits this worry to himself, “Our fears in Banquo / Stick deep”
(Macbeth 3.1.48-49) and begins to plot murder.
Example #2: (Two or More Speakers)
. . . dodges the questions:
JAQUES. What stature is she of?
ORLANDO. Just as high as my heart. (As You Like It 3.2.285-86)
Example #3: (Monologue or Soliloquy) in Ariel’s entrance:
“All haile, great Mafter, graue Sir, haile: I come
To anfwer thy beft pleasure; be’t to fly,
To fwim, to diue into the fire: to ride
On the curld clowds: to thy ftrong bidding, taske
Ariel, and all his Qualitie.” (Tempest. 1.2.221-25)
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Comparison/Contrast Essay Rubric—Romeo and Juliet
Missing/ Doesn’t Meet Standard=0-2, Progressing=3, Proficient=4, Advanced=5
Engaging introduction identifies the purpose of the essay, the title of each work and author/director, and
provides a brief summary of some of the major differences between the two versions.
Thesis statement has a clear argument about which version is stronger, outlines the three main
similarities or differences for support of the claim, and mentions both the author and director of each
At least two sources are used to help prove and support the thesis. These sources are valid sources that
back the paper’s claim and analysis of the films.
First body ¶ develops the thesis statement with a strong topic sentence relating to the claim of the thesis,
has supporting textual evidence from the play with internal citation AND has paraphrased example from
the movie with citation.
First Body paragraph has an explanation of or commentary on how the textual evidence creates a
stronger version and has a transition at the end of the paragraph.
Second body ¶ develops the thesis statement with a strong topic sentence relating to the claim of the
thesis, has supporting textual evidence from the play with internal citation AND has paraphrased
example from the movie with citation.
Second Body paragraph has an explanation of or commentary on how the textual evidence creates a
stronger version and has a transition at the end of the paragraph.
Conclusion restates the thesis statement, sums up the writer’s response echoing the writer’s main points
and has a strong clincher at the end to further persuade the audience to believe the claim of the thesis.
Language is clear, concise, and descriptive.
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Essay has clear three-part structure: introduction, body, & conclusion|
Demonstrates logical paragraph structure: Topic sentence, supporting details, and conclusion, with all
sentences pertaining to the topic sentence
Shows the relationships among ideas through effective transitional words & phrases—leads into
quotations and textual evidence smoothly.
Writing is free of errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and usage, maintaining present tense.
Uses a variety of grammatically correct sentence structures
Manuscript form is followed: heading, 1” margins, double spaced, 12-pt. academic font – MLA format
Resources were cited correctly and followed MLA format in the body paragraphs.
Works Cited Page follows all MLA format and requirements.
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Author: _____________________________________
Peer Reviewer: _______________________________
Date: _______________
English 9
Compare/Contrast Peer Review Checklist
Peer Reviewer: Check the “Peer Check” box ONLY IF YOU CAN ANSWER “YES” TO THE
QUESTION. Make the appropriate marks in the essay, and offer one thing that should NOT be changed
because it is already strong.
Author: Look at the “Peer Check” boxes that are NOT checked off. These are the things your essay is
missing! Add each missing element to your essay. Then, check the “Self Check” box by that question.
Peer Check
Self Check
Does the introduction start with an effective attention getter? Underline it.
Does the author explain how the attention getter ties to the thesis? Circle that
Put a box around the thesis statement. Does it include the directors’ names and
title of the films? What is the author trying to prove?
________________’s version is better than ________________’s version.
Does the preview include TWO points the author is going to use to prove the
thesis? Put a #1 by the first point and a #2 by the second point in the sentence.
One thing the author should NOT change is…
Peer Check
Body Paragraph #1
Self Check
Does the topic sentence contain the thesis and one way the author is going to
prove that thesis (1st point from preview)? Underline the sentence and circle the
part that restates the thesis.
Is the first concrete detail (description of a moment from the 1st film) adequately 
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described? Put a #1 by it.
Is the second concrete detail (description of a moment from the other film) adequately
described? Put a #2 by it.
Does the author have 3-4 sentences of commentary that effectively explain
how these examples/moments prove the thesis?
How many sentences of commentary are there? _______
Does the paragraph conclude with a sentence that restates the thesis?
One thing the author should NOT change is…
Peer Check
Body Paragraph #2
Self Check
Does the topic sentence contain the thesis and one way the author is going to
prove that thesis (2nd point from preview)? Underline the sentence and circle the
part that restates the thesis.
Is the first concrete detail (description of a moment from the 1st film) adequately 
described? Put a #1 by it.
Is the second concrete detail (description of a moment from the other film) adequately
described? Put a #2 by it.
Does the author have 3-4 sentences of commentary that effectively explain
how these examples/moments prove the thesis?
How many sentences of commentary are there? _______
Does the paragraph conclude with a sentence that restates the thesis?
One thing the author should NOT change is…
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Peer Check
Self Check
Does the conclusion start with a restatement of the thesis?
Is it the same thesis presented in the introduction? (In other words, is the author
making the same point here at the end of the essay as he/she was making at
the beginning?)
Does the author restate the preview in a new way?
Does the conclusion end with a statement that leaves the reader thinking?
One thing the author should NOT change is…
Peer Check
Works Cited & Other
Self Check
Is the Works Cited written properly? (See essay packet and sample introduction
handout for guidelines and examples.) Highlight any errors.
Look for places where the author states the title Romeo and Juliet. Is the title in italics
every time? Highlight anywhere you see the title NOT in italics.
Put an X through any “I,” “we,” or “you”
Is the paper formatted correctly (according to MLA style)? Circle necessary format
If you were to give this essay a grade, what would it be? (Circle one)
Romeo & Juliet Study Guide: Mrs. Kitze-Ward
that you see. Cross off any “I think”s.
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