HPHE 5610 (Online) - Western Michigan University

HPHE 5610
Online Semester- Spring 2016
Dr. Jim Lewis
SRC 4024-20
Course Description:
This course provides an introduction to legal issues that are encountered in
education, sport, and physical education. Students will discuss basic legal
concepts and structures as they apply to the physical activity context. An
understanding of legislative issues, (especially in Michigan), and legal sensitivity
will be pursued through case studies and group projects.
Required Text:
Dougherty, N., Goldberger, A.S., & Carpenter, L.J. (2007) Sport, Physical Activity
and the Law (3rd Edition). Sangamore Publishing.
Class Topics:
Introduction to Legal Issues
Risk Management
The Right to be Treated Fairly
Constitutional Guarantees
Federal Policies and Legislation at it applies to RSL
Free Speech in RSL
Searches and Drug Use
Employment Law
Sport Governing Bodies
Torts and Negligence in RSL
Policies and Procedures for Class:
 This is an online class so we will use elearning which can be found on
 All e-mail will utilize your wmich account and OIT has said that there will
be a new e-mail system in place for Spring Semester. I am not sure what
that means, but we will find out.
 This is also a large class so for certain assignments you will be assigned
partners our groups. All groups and partners are assigned by me and if
you have questions you should ask me.
 Assignments are due online in a dropbox and there will be a designated
dropbox fro each assignment. LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL NOT BE
 Please realize, I am not a lawyer and the concepts in this class do not
require a degree in law. However, they are concepts that have to do with
how the law is interpreted, especially in the context of RSL
 In addition to the required book, you will often receive articles from me via
e-mail or posted on elearning. I expect you to read and understand them.
 We will use www.oyez.org extensively in this class. This website is a
catalog of cases that have been argued in the United States Supreme
Court. Please familiarize with this website.
Group Work
*How does one get a grade for participation in an online class? There will be
assignments for discussion, there may be opportunities to Skype and other
opportunities. Those will be your participation grade.
Back-Up Plan If Something Goes Wrong
If you find that some part of our online course is not working, please follow
these steps until the issue is resolved:
1. Don't panic! We will solve the problem and make adjustments.
2. First check to see if you have missed an availability date. Some
course items may only be available during a certain window of time.
3. Try checking the Problem Solver discussion to see if any of your
classmates are experiencing the same issue.
4. Check to see if I have posted any announcements in the course
News on the course homepage or emailed the class.
5. If you still have difficulties, contact the help desk at 269.387.HELP
(4357), help.desk@wmich.edu, or http://www.wmich.edu/helpdesk/.
They will attempt to identify the problem and route your concern for
the quickest resolution. They will contact me if necessary.
6. Send me an email with the course number and issue name in the
subject line and a description of the issue in the body before the
due date of an assignment.
7. Do not automatically email your assignments if technology is
not working. I can make adjustments to the course in various ways
to accommodate an issue. You will be able to complete the course
8. Continue to watch for email or postings in the News widget on the
course homepage for adjustments to the normal course
9. My office number is (269) 387-2697, call and leave me a message
or feel free to call me on my cell which is on my office number voice
Course Schedule
Western Michigan University Student Conduct Statement:
“Students are responsible for making themselves aware of and understanding the
University policies and procedures that pertain to Academic Honesty. These policies
include cheating, fabrication, falsification and forgery, multiple submission, plagiarism,
complicity and computer misuse. The academic policies addressing Student Rights and
Responsibilities can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog at
http://catalog.wmich.edu/content.php?catoid=24&navoid=974 and the Graduate Catalog
at http://catalog.wmich.edu/content.php?catoid=25&navoid=1030 If there is reason to
believe you have been involved in academic dishonesty, you will be referred to the Office
of Student Conduct. You will be given the opportunity to review the charge(s) and if you
believe you are not responsible, you will have the opportunity for a hearing. You should
consult with your instructor if you are uncertain about an issue of academic honesty prior
to the submission of an assignment or test. In addition, students are encouraged to access
the Code of Honor, as well as resources and general academic policies on such issues as
diversity, religious observance, and student disabilities:
Office of Student Conduct www.wmich.edu/conduct
Division of Student Affairs www.wmich.edu/students/diversity
Registrar’s Office www.wmich.edu/registrar and
Disability Services for Students www.wmich.edu/disabilityservices.”