COE Bidder's conference webinar

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RFA: Centers of
Excellence for Labor
Market Research
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RFA: Centers of Excellence for
Labor Market Research
Bidder’s Conference
February 27, 2013
Erin Larson, Specialist
Workforce and Economic Development Division
California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office
California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students
• Highlights of RFA
Program Overview
Categories for Which Funding is Available
Performance Period
Application Format & Instructions
RFA Specification
Rejection of the Application
Calendar & Key Reporting Dates
• General Q & A
California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students
Program Overview
EWD Program Helps Colleges to:
Respond to the needs of employers, employees and
Collaborate with other workforce education and
service entities to build well-articulated career
Develop strong partnerships with industry
Make informed decisions by providing data-driven
California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students
Program Overview Continued
Centers of Excellence for Labor Market Data:
Serve as the data resource for education and
industry stakeholders
 Align labor market workforce demands with
training capacities at colleges:
o Within the region
o Across the state
o Along industry specific sectors
Program Overview: Q & A
“COE’s provide real time and look-ahead information validated by industry partners, connect business and
industry with community colleges....” This language suggests industry research reports (e.g.
environmental scans) and partnership development, yet nothing appears in the objectives to suggest
these activities. What are the expectations moving forward?
Specific activities were not outlined in the objectives because the allowable activities (Ed Code 88631) for
the EWD program are broad. Regional industry specific partnerships will be primarily formed and
supported by Deputy Sector Navigators. The quantity, type, and frequency of industry scans will be
determined in collaboration with the Regional Consortia, the Statewide Sector Navigators, Deputy Sector
Navigators, and other regional players.
1. If the specific activities are not outlined, how can we budget for them?
Determining what activities a COE could be doing for that particular region may involve some research or
collaboration with either regional consortia or sector navigators whose sector has been designated a
priority in the region for which you are applying. Regions have prioritized their sectors, their need for
specific types of scans or other labor market data-related services will be outlined in their respective
California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students
Categories for Which Funding is Available
Economic Region(s)
Northern Inland
Butte, Siskiyous, Feather River, Lassen, Shasta
Northern Coastal
Redwoods, Mendocino
Greater Sacramento
American River, Cosumnes, Folsom, Lake Tahoe, Sacramento City, Sierra, Woodland, Yuba
SF/San Mateo
Cañada, San Francisco, San Mateo, Skyline
East Bay
Berkeley City, Chabot, Alameda, Contra Costa, Diablo Valley, Laney, Las Positas, Los Medanos, Merritt,
Silicon Valley
DeAnza, Evergreen Valley, Foothill, Mission, San Jose City, West Valley
North Bay
Marin, Napa Valley, Santa Rosa, Solano
Santa Cruz/Monterey Cabrillo, Hartnell, Monterey
Central Valley
Bakersfield, Cerro Cosso, Sequoias, Fresno City, Gavilan, Merced, Modesto Jr., Porterville, Reedley, San
Joaquin Delta, Taft, West Hills (Coalinga & Lemore)
Mother Lode
South Central Coast
Allan Hancock, Cuesta, Moorpark, Oxnard, Santa Barbara City, Ventura
San Diego/Imperial
Cuyamaca, Grossmont, Imperial Valley, Mira Costa, Palomar, San Diego City, San Diego Mesa, San Diego
Miramar, Southwestern
Inland Empire/Desert Barstow, Chaffey, Desert, Copper Mountain, Crafton Hills, Moreno Valley, Mt. San Jacinto, Norco, Palo
Verde, Riverside, San Bernardino, Victor Valley
LA County
Antelope Valley, Cerritos, Citrus, Canyons, East LA, El Camino, Glendale, Long Beach, LA City, LA Harbor,
LA Mission, LA Pierce, LA Southwest, LA Trade Tech, LA Valley, Mt. San Antonio, Pasadena, Rio Hondo,
Santa Monica, West LA
Orange County
Coastline, Cypress, Fullerton, Golden West, Irvine, Orange Coast, Saddleback, Santa Ana, Santiago
California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students
Categories for Which Funding is Available: Q & A
Can one district apply to host two CoEs that would serve two separate regions, provided that there will be
a full-time director designated to serve each region? Yes
Must the applicant college be a college that is in the designated region? No
Categories for Which Funding is Available states 5 awards at $148,500 each, but the matrix [in the memo]
indicates only $148,000 per award. Please clarify. $148,500
When applying for two different grants in two different regions, will that require two separate
applications? YES.
Why are some regions funded with more money? They are larger regions.
What if there are no applications with a region? The CCCCO will re-evaluate the options at that time.
California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students
• Only California Community College districts
are eligible to apply.
• Must meet a minimum score of 75 points.
California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students
Eligibility: Q & A
“One district acting as fiscal agent may apply on behalf of a consortia of colleges”. Does this imply that a
joint college application is more favorable?
No, a joint college application will not garner more points. This option provides the applicant more
flexibility in how to submit an application.
Do the regional consortia need to approve this type of application and the college fiscal agent?
No, the regional consortia approval is not required.
California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students
Performance Period
July 9, 2013 to June 30, 2014 is the performance period for these
Extensions MAY be granted for this funding (upon evaluation by the
Application may be renewed for a second year depending upon
successful completion of required outcomes and availability of
At the end of year two, for those grants renewed, the Chancellor’s
Office reserves the right to offer for competitive bid those grantees
at the bottom quartile (25%) of performers.
California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students
Performance Period: Q & A
Why is the start date July 9th instead of July 1st?
July 9th start date will coincide with the BOG approval of grants and contracts over $100,000.
Won’t existing grantees need an extension of FY 12-13 funds to cover the gap?
No, extensions are only considered when projects cannot be completed within the performance period.
Is it intended that colleges will be able to use 13-14 funding for expenses between July 1 and July 9th?
It is at the discretion of the college as to whether or not they will cover the expenses for any project
outside of its performance period.
Why only a second year renewal rather than the five years of the past?
A second year renewal will allow the COEs to maintain some continuity from the previous year and will
give the program flexibility to evolve to how technical assistance for labor market research could be
provided in the future.
Regarding an assessment of the past performance of the grantee, what will be the criteria and process for
that assessment?
Past performance will be based on the legislatively required reporting as well as the quality of service
measures determined by the CCCCO. Included in those measures will be service satisfaction assessments
by the region, sector navigators, and colleges receiving COE services.
Is the assessment based upon all past performance or only performance during FY 13-14?
Performance during the FY 13-14
California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students
Application Format & Instructions
Grant applications are scored based
on a maximum of 100 points as
indicated on the table to the right.
Use the RFA Specification for reference and
Appendix B forms.
Computer facsimiles of the forms in
Appendix B may be used, but under no
circumstance may the language on these
forms be altered. Any application using
altered language on the forms may be
Response to Objectives
Annual Workplan
Budget Worksheets
Project Management
Reporting Requirements
Feasibility of the Project
Total Points
California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students
Application Format & Instructions Continued
NOTE: Clearly identify your forms (workplan, budget
sheets, contact page):
Example for a district applicant
that does not include a college:
Example for a District Applicant
that does include a College:
California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students
Application Format & Instructions Continued
Complete package will include:
1. Cover Letter
2. Contact Page
3. Application Abstract
(One page)
4. Table of Contents
5. Response to Objectives
(10 pages max)
6. Annual Workplan
7. Budget Worksheets
• Summary
• Detail
• Match (50%)
8. Project Management Plan
(6 page narrative + supporting
9. Reporting Requirements
(3 pages max)
California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students
Application Format & Instructions Continued
Submission Requirements:
• One email message sent to
• Subject line: EWDRFA2013-14COE[insert district(and college
name if applicable)]
– Example: EWDRFA2013-14COE-Peralta-Laney
• Must be received by Received by Wednesday, April 17,
California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students
Application Format & Instructions Continued:
Responsible Persons: “Provide affirmation that the Project Director’s time is not to exceed 100% between
this and any other Chancellor’s Office grant or community college position. “ This seems unclear when it
later states that COE Directors are full-time positions .
COE Directors are indeed full-time positions. Grantees must affirm that they are not exceeding 100% time
in the Workplan.
Performance Outcomes: Each COE will be subject to Quality of Service measures , using the tool provided
by the CO. Where can we see that tool ? When will these be measured? What is the process?
The Quality if Service measures are not yet posted. The first cycle of evaluation is expected to take place
in the December 2013/January 2014 timeframe. Evaluation instruments will be provided by CCCCO.
Budget: COE Directors are full time positions. $148,500 less 12% is insufficient funding to keep a full time
director and cover Center operations. How will this be addressed?
Personnel and operations costs must be adjusted according to the funds available. Additional resources
may be drawn from the 50% match that is required for these grants.
Project Management Plan: It states “Narrative - Limited to 6 pages” and also in the text “at minimum a 6page narrative”. Please clarify whether 6 pages is maximum or minimum here.
The narrative, the response to the RFA Specification, will be 6 pages maximum. However, the Project
Management Plan in it’s entirety includes the 6-page narrative, an organizational chart, resume and
California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students
Application Format & Instructions Continued:
Q & A Continued
Reporting Requirements: Clarify the expectations regarding this section of the RFA
Your workplan will already have objectives, activities and outcomes. This narrative section will include
detail about those outcomes unique to this project and how they are (or are not) related to Appendix D:
Common Metrics and Accountability measures. Also include how you would report on a) the gaps that
exist between labor market demand and training response and b) development, usefulness and
refinement of labor market information.
California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students
RFA Specification
Total funds available: $1,142,500
7 Awards: Five at $148,500; Two at $200,000
Match: 50%
Advanced tools and support: 6% of the grant
Lead representative: 2% of the grant
California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students
RFA Specification: Q & A
Lead representative: What if no one applies for the lead representative? If multiple applications for lead,
who decides the awardee? Please clarify the process for selection of the lead representative.
The lead representative does not require an application. The COEs that will be funded will meet and
determine amongst the group who can serve as the lead. If no one volunteers or if multiple awardees
volunteer for the role, then the COEs may request the assistance/guidance of the CO.
Funding: Who will manage the 6% set-side for commonly used advanced tools and licenses as well as the
logistical support needed? Is this a way of centralizing the hub function? If so, how will this lead COE
Center purchasing the tools and distributing the information be selected, given that not all Centers have
the tools nor know how to use them? How will their time continue to be devoted to being a full time
Director serving a specific region AND providing data to other Centers, Sector Navigators, etc.?
The awarded COEs will decide which of them can manage 6% for logistical support. The logistical support
provided by the hub has always been centralized. As there is no funding specifically designated as a "hub"
in FY 2013-14, the COEs that are awarded will determine amongst the group who can carry the licenses.
Time management will depend on the regional and sector need. Whichever COE holds the logistical
support function will be supplemented with the 6% from every region in addition to the grant awarded to
them ($148,500 or $200,000 depending on the region).
California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students
RFA Specification: Q & A Continued
Obj. 3: We need more information and understanding to respond to this objective. What additional
information will be provided for this?
Common Metrics and Accountability Measures FAQ, CCCCO Website;
Common Metrics Data Launchboard, June Bayha & Kathy Booth, CCCAOE Presentation, October 2012;
The CTE Launchboard: Developing a More Comprehensive View of CTE Success, RP Group, Perspectives,
Nov/Dec 2012;
Obj. 5: “Continuously maintain accurate procedures on the storage and usage of the data sources…..”
Please clarify this objective. What data sources and collaterals are implied here?
All data sets collected and collateral (licenses and equipment) acquired through grant funded activities
are the property of the CCCCO. Grantees must be able to transfer this information to CCCCO at any time
as requested.
.Project Management Plan: what is meant by “communities of data”?
“Communities of data” refer to the data that are held by different parties. Example: All organizations and
entities responsible for and contributing to wage data.
California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students
RFA Specification: Q & A Continued
Project Management Plan: “Provide the Project Director’s resume and three references”. This implies that
the Project Director is either already a full time employee who will be re-assigned, or that the Project
Director is a consultant. This also suggests that a District awardee cannot hire a new employee to staff
this position. Please clarify.
As with any other key talent position, a resume and references is required to assess the qualifications of
the individual who will be managing the grant whether they are a current employee, consultant or
otherwise. The CCCCO does not engage in a District's hiring process. The district applying must have the
COE director identified prior to submitting their application.
Project Management Plan: Who will evaluate and determine whether the Project Director has the
necessary experience and skills for the position? Will there be an interview or site visit to the awardee to
validate the selection? Please clarify the process of determining the qualifications of the Project Director.
The district or college would have already determined whether the Project Director named in the
application has the necessary skills for the position. The CCCCO will not interview the intended project
director. As travel for the CCCCO is limited, site visits will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students
Rejection of Application
• Application is not received by 5:00pm on Wednesday, April 17, 2013
• Application has the wrong RFA Grant Number (anywhere in the application)
• Application is missing any of the required components:
o Cover Letter
o Contact Page
o Application Abstract
o Table of Contents
o Response to Objectives
o Annual Workplan
o Budget Worksheets: Summary, Detail, Match
o Project Management
o Reporting
• Narratives exceed maximum page limit
• Application Budget Detail or the Budget Summary Sheet exceed the total
California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students
Calendar of Key & Reporting Dates
Key Dates
February 15, 2013
February 27, 2013
April 17, 2013
May 21, 2013
June 4, 2013
July 9, 2013
RFA Released
Bidder’s Conference
Deadline for Submitting Application
Notification of Intent to Award
Appeal Deadline
Project Commencement
Reporting Dates
October 25, 2013
January 25, 2014
April 25, 2014
June 30, 2014
July 25, 2014
August 31, 2014
1st Quarter Year-to-Date Expenditure and Progress Report due
2nd Quarter Year-to-Date Expenditure and Progress Report due
3rd Quarter Year-to-Date Expenditure and Progress Report due
and Last day for workplan amendments
Projects Completed
4th Quarter Year-to-Date Expenditure and Progress Report due
2013-2014 Final Performance Reports and Final Report of
Expenditures due
California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students
Other Questions?
Obj. 5. Clarification: “Grantees must be able to transfer information to the CCCCO…” Licenses are
proprietary, what if we can’t share or transfer the information?
In responding to this objective include both what can be transferred as well as what cannot because of
Line spacing? Single or double is OK.
How are the readers selected and trained?
There is an application process for the readers. There will be a training webinar on March 15.
Project Management Plan: What kind of org chart is needed?
One that will show the location of the COE in the structure of the district/college system.
California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students
Thank You for Attending!
If you have questions between now and the April 17, deadline,
please direct them to:
Abigail Sifrit
Only clarifying questions will be answered and posted to the CCCCO website:
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California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students