Grade K Unit 1 Reading/Language Arts – Social Studies * Bilingual Lesson * U1L10 Me at School Let’s Say the Pledge TEKS: The student is expected to: SS K.10 (AB) LA K.1 (A) ELPS: C.1 A use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in English. C.3 F ask and give information ranging from using a very limited back of high-frequency, high-need, concrete vocabulary, including key words and expressions needed for basic communication in academic and social contexts, to using abstract and content-based vocabulary during extended speaking assignments. Learning Target(s): I can recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Yo puedo recitar el Juramento a la Bandera. Vocabulary: SS Critical Vocabulary: ● ● pledge / promesa flag / bandera ELA Critical Vocabulary n/a Content Vocabulary: ● ● country / país symbol / símbolo People, Events, Symbols & Documents: United States Flag / Bandera de los Estados Unidos Texas Flag / Bandera de Tejas Pledge of Allegiance / Juramento a la Bandera Pledge to the Texas Flag / Juramento a la Bandera de Tejas Materials: Documents: Pledge of Allegiance handout Technology: Powerpoint: o Flag History Scene Investigator o Pledge Images Video: o Old Glory--The Pledge of Allegiance (2:38) 6/17/2015 Grade K Unit 1 Reading/Language Arts – Social Studies * Bilingual Lesson * U1L10 Supplies: ● ● ● ● ● American Flag Texas Flag chart paper marker crayons Teacher Tips: This lesson may be chunked throughout the week. Sections may be done in stations, independent work, group work, etc. The Engage portion of this lesson contains a “History Scene Investigator” activity. In this activity, a photograph is slowly revealed piece-by-piece in a PowerPoint presentation. When you show the PowerPoint, each click will reveal another piece of the picture. Pause to allow students to make observations and discuss each time another piece is uncovered. ENGAGE/CONNECT AND ENGAGE Engage students in the Flag History Scene Investigator activity using the PowerPoint. Encourage students to share their observations and predictions about the photo, as each piece is uncovered. Review the importance of the flags as symbols for our country and state. EXPLORE/CONNECT AND ENGAGE Show the Pledge Images PowerPoint. Ask questions such as: ¿Qué observa en estas fotos? ¿Qué es lo mismo en todas estas fotos? ¿Qué es diferente? ¿Cuándo se tomó esta foto? ¿Qué puede decirnos acerca de la promesa y por cuanto tiempo se ha recitado? ¿Por qué era la promesa importante antes? ¿Por qué es importante ahora? EXPLAIN/MODELED & GUIDED PRACTICE Explain how the pledge is like a promise. By reciting the United States or Texas Pledge, we are promising to honor and respect our country or state. Saying the Pledge tells others that we are proud to be a part of our country. Show the Old Glory-The Pledge of Allegiance video to help students understand the meaning of the words they say in the Pledge. ELABORATE/GUIDE TO INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Ask and discuss why we look at the flag and place our hands over our heart when we say the pledge. Practice reciting the United States and Texas pledges with the class. You may choose to have the students echo you or recite it altogether. EVALUATE/REFLECT & ASSESS Review and discuss the concept that words carry meaning. Our pledge is spoken, and it is also written. Display a Pledge of Allegiance handout and point to the text as you read the pledge aloud. Students find and circle or highlight high frequency words in the text of the poem on their own handouts. They then color the flag on their handouts and glue them into their SS Notebooks. 6/17/2015