The Declaration of Independence


The Declaration of


“Common Sense”

 In January 1776, the pamphlet “Common

Sense”, written by Thomas Paine is published.

 He said things that were not new, but they were written in a way that appealed to the lower and middle class.

 Paine wanted each colony to declare its independence, and form a Republican government.

“Common Sense”

 Becoming a Republican government would be a model for the rest of the world.

 He asserts that America has a special role in the world.

 Paine states all of these things in a way that mocks the British.

Declaring Independence

 On June 7, 1776 Richard Henry Lee

(statesman from VA) introduces legislature calling on colonies to declare their independence.

 They debate for one month.

Declaring Independence

 During the month long debate the Committees of Correspondence wants a government to be drawn out.

 Another committee is set up to draw up the

Declaration of Independence.

 This committee is made up of John Adams, Ben

Franklin, Roger Sherman (CT), Robert Livingston


Declaring Independence

 From June 16th to June 27 th Jefferson worked on the draft on the Dec.

 He turns it over to the other members, who make changes, then it is turned over to the

Committees of Correspondence (who makes changes).

 In all, 86 changes are made, and Jefferson is not happy.

Declaring Independence

 On July 2 nd , the Committees of

Correspondence is ready to vote.

 12 of the 13 colonies vote (NY does not) and all 12 vote unanimously in favor of independence.

 2 days later on the 4 th , they are still making changes to Jefferson’s draft.

Declaring Independence

 So actually, July 2 nd is the day when we declared our Independence, it is adopted on July 4 th .

 The Declaration of Independence is divided into 3 parts.

3 Parts of the Declaration

 1 st Part: The theoretical justification for independence.

 This part is also influenced by John Locke’s idea of Natural Rights; Life, Liberty, and Property.

 It is also based on Locke’s idea of Social

Contract; people in society create a government to protect their rights.

3 Parts of the Declaration

 2 nd Part: States all the grievances about the British (including the Acts, etc.).

 Jefferson places all of the blame for this on the king.

 The king was to blame for breaking the final links to the colonies.

3 Parts of the Declaration

 3 rd Part: Restatement of Richard Henry

Lee’s Statement of Independence.

 The delegates then sign and pledge themselves to each other.

 They would now be targeted for treason by the British officials if they were not successful.
