Lab Activity 3 Carbohydrates Reactions Alaa S Baraka Islamic university of Gaza Feb 2013 Content Formation of osazons Test for individual carbohydrates: 1. 2. 3. Bial's (Orcinol) Test for pentoses Aniline Acetate Test for Pentoses Seliwanoff's (Resorcinol) Test Formation of osazones Osazones are formed when the sugars(monosaccharides) react with a compound known as phenylhydrazine These sugars are reducing ones which have either a free aldehyde or a ketone group to react with the phenylhydrazine. Introduction Phenylhydrazine is the chemical compound with the formula C6H5NHNH2 General Reaction of osazons formation This reaction is complete in 3 step and consume 3 moles of phenylhydrazine During reaction with monosaccharides, additional phenyl hydrazine is consumed in oxidizing the adjacent OH-group to carbonyl group which then forms a second phenyl hydrazone. Such bisphenyl hydrazones are called osazones. Osazone formation involves hydrazone formation at C-1 of an aldose (or C-2 of a ketose) and oxidation of C-2 (or C-1) of an alcohol group to a ketone (or an aldehyde). The new carbonyl group is also converted to a hydrazone. General Reaction of osazons formation osazones a crystalline compound with a sharp melting point will be obtained Since only C1 & C2 of a saccharide are involved in osazones, sugars with the same configuration at the remaining carbon atom gives the same osazone. D-fructose and D-mannose give the same osazone as D-glucose seldom used for identification; we now use HPLC or mass spectrometry osazones Depending on the time required to form the insoluble yellow osazone, different sugars can be classified into the following: Mannose: 1-5 min Fructose: 2 min Glucose:5 min Xylose: 7 min Arabinose: 10 min Galactose: 20 min Maltose osazone soluble in hot water Application For identifying sugars esp. Reducing sugars. Osazones are used as dyes Experiment 1: Formation of Osazones (important in determining sugar structure) Reagents: 1% solutions of glucose, fructose, maltose, mannose, and xylose Phenyl hydrazine mixture (2 parts phenyl hydrazine hydrochloride are mixed with 3 parts sodium acetate). Procedure To 300 mg of phenyl hydrazine mixture add 5 ml of the tested solution, Shake well, and heat on a boiling water bath for 30 – 45 min. Allow the tubes to cool slowly (not under tap) and examine the crystals microscopically, draw the shapes of the crystalls Results: Viewed under the microscope: Glucosazone Viewed under the microscope: Fructosazone Viewed under the microscope: Galactosazone Xylosazone: Viewed under the microscope Tests for Individual Carbohydrates 1. Bial's (Orcinol) Test for pentoses ( for the detection of pentoses) Principle Pentoses are converted to furfural by this reagent, which forms a blue green color with orcinol Reagents Set up 1 % solutions of: xylose, arabinose, glucose, fructose, maltose. Bial's reagent (0.1 % orcinol in concentrated HCl containing 0.1 % FeCl3.6H2O). Procedure – 1. Add about 2 ml of 1% xylose, glucose, fructose, maltose, in test tubes. – 2. Add 3 ml of Bial's reagent to each tube and mix well. – 3. Carefully heat in boiling water bath – A blue-green color indicates a positive result. Prolonged heating of some hexoses yields hydroxymethyl furfural which also reacts with orcinol to give colored complexes. Aniline Acetate Test (for Pentoses) The furfural produced by the reaction of HCl on pentoses forms a bright red color with aniline acetate in a test paper held over the mouth of the reaction flask. Reagents 1% solution of glucose, xylose Aniline solution is prepared as follows: Shake 5 ml of aniline with 5 ml of water and add 5 ml of glacial acetic acid to adjust clear the emulsion. Procedure Place 2.5 ml of solution to be tested and 10 ml water in 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask. Add 10 ml of conc. HCl and boil gently for about 1 min. Cease heating, hold a filter paper moistened with a few drops of aniline acetate over the mouth of the flask. Bright red color on a filter paper indicates a positive result. Seliwanoff's (Resorcinol) Test (used for detection of Ketoses) Principle Ketohexoses (such as fructose) and disaccharides containing a ketohexose (such as sucrose) form a cherry-red condensation product. Other sugars (e.g. aldose) may produce yellow to faint pink colors. Reagents Set up 1 % solution of: glucose, sucrose, fructose, lactose, maltose. Seliwanoff's reagent (0.5 % resorcinol in 3N HCl). Procedure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Add about 2 ml of Seliwanoff's reagent to each labeled test tube. Add 1 ml of sugar solution to the test tubes and mix well. Place all the test tubes in the boiling water bath at and heat for 3 min after the water begins to boil again. A positive result is indicated by the formation of A red color with or without the separation of a brown-red precipitate.