Robert Helms Lars Magnus Ericsson Professor and Dean Before joining UTD last year, Helms was president and chief executive officer of International SEMATECH (ISMT), the Austin, Texas-based consortium of semiconductor manufacturers whose member companies include AMD, Intel, IBM, Motorola and TI, representing 40 percent of the worldwide market share in computer chips. Prior to that, he was corporate vice president and director of silicon technology research at TI in Dallas. Helms also served for 20 years as a professor at Stanford University, his alma mater, where he led research efforts in semiconductor processing and new materials, with a focus on environmentally benign manufacturing. ECS at UTD Ivor Page Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education Advising, Engineering South, 2.502 Professional Advisors Dr. Sook Kim, Director Sandy Bowen Dr. Ivor Page Associate Dean Carol Nguyen Jori Psencik Cathy Hill Ken Richards Advising Office Hours Mon-Thurs 8:00am to 5:30pm Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm Engineering South 2.502 Walk-in style of operation – sign in and go to the first available advisor. Appointments are available during nonregistration times Your Rhet 1101 teacher/mentor may be an ECS advisor. Faculty Advisors Every faculty member can advise you on some aspects of the curriculum and on career choices. In addition, several faculty members have office-hours within the advising suite and are trained to serve as advisors and mentors to students on course and career choices. Meet a professional advisor soon. AP Credit for CS and Math Exam Score 3 CS A 3 SCH Free Elect CS AB CS 1336+1337 Calculus AB Math 2312 Calculus BC Math 2312+1325 Score 4 CS 1336+1337 Score 5 CS 1336+1337 CS 1336+1337+2336 Math 2312+1325 Math 2312+2417 or Math 2312+1325 IB Credit Exam Credit Computer Science CS 1336+1337+2336 Mathematics Math 2312 Clep Credit Course Title UTD Credit Score Required Calculus with Elementary Functions MATH 2312+2417 61 General Biology BIOL 2301 / 2102 56 and BIOL 2302 / 2102 General Chemistry CHEM 1311/1111 and 70 CHEM 1312/1112 Math Placement Test Your score determines which math class you take first. To qualify for Calculus I (Math 2417) you need: SAT II IC Minimum Score 560 SAT II IIC Minimum Score 530 To qualify for Pre-Calculus (Math 2312) you need: SAT II IC Minimum Score 460 CS Programming Sequence CS 1336 Programming Fundamentals (3 semester hours) Introduction to computers. Primitive data types, variable declarations, variable scope, and primitive operations. Control statements. Methods/functions, including recursion. Arrays, including implementation of a stack data structure and strings using primitive data arrays. Output formatting. Debugging techniques. Designed for students with no prior computer programming experience. (3-0) S CS 1337 Computer Science I (3 semester hours) Introduction to object-oriented software analysis, design, and development. Classes and objects. Object composition and polymorphism. Sorting, searching, recursion. Strings and stacks using core classes. Inheritance and interfaces. Graphic User Interfaces. Includes a comprehensive programming project. Prerequisite: CS 1336 or equivalent programming experience. (3-0) SCS 1336 + 1136 (lab) CS 2336 Computer Science II (3 semester hours) Exceptions and number formatting. File input/output using Stream classes. Implementation of primitive data structures, including linked lists (all types), stacks, queues, and binary trees. Advanced data manipulation using core classes. Introduction to multithreading, multimedia, and networking. Includes a comprehensive programming project. Prerequisite: CS 1337. (3-0) S Computer Science, Where to Start? If you have not taken a CS Programming class in C++ or Java, you should begin with CS 1336 plus the CS 1136 lab. If you have AP, IB, CLEP credit, or have taken CS classes at a Community College, the test doesn’t apply to you. For all others, a self-assessment test is available for you to determine which Computer Science Programming class to take first. Computer Science Placement Test You can take the placement test tomorrow. Just come with everyone else to register for your courses. You can also take or retake the test online: go to and click on the button labeled “Freshman Placement Test” CS 1336, CS 1337, CS 2336 If you have credit for CS 1337 in C/C++, take CS 2336 in Java this semester. For all other questions, talk to an advisor tomorrow. CS 1337 and CS 2336 will be taught in Java. Waiting for AP scores? If you are awaiting your AP test results in CS and/or Math, we cannot register you for classes in those areas until we know your scores. Talk to an advisor tomorrow and arrange to FAX us your scores, together with a list of the courses (course numbers and scheduled meeting times) that you need to add at that time. Four degrees . TE CS EE SE Makeup of a degree: . 42 hours State mandated core curriculum (English/math/science/gov’t/history/soc’sci) Major required courses: 53 – 69 hrs Electives: 12 – 21 hrs Total hours: 120 – 128 hrs, must include 51 upper division hours. CS Degree Plan, Lower Div’n LD UD Course Title Course # 3 Computer Science I CS 1337 3 Discrete Math I CS 2305 3 Computer Science II CS 2336 4 Linear Algebra Math 2418 3 Intro to Digital Systems CS 2310 1 Intro to Digital Sys’ lab CS 2110 Notes CS, Upper Div’n I LD UD Course Title Course # 3 Discrete Math II CS 3305 3 Probability & Statistics CS/SE 3341 3 Algorithm Analysis & Data Structures Software Engineering CS/SE 3345 Organization of Programming Languages CS 4347 3 3 CS/SE 3354 CS, Upper Div’n II LD UD Course Title Course # 3 Computer Architecture CS/SE 4340 3 Operating Systems CS/SE 4348 3 Advanced Data Structures CS/SE 4349 3 Automata Theory CS 4384 3 Guided Elective CS 43__ 3 Guided Elective CS 43__ 3 Guided Elective CS 43__ Core Curriculum I LD UD Notes Course Title Course # 4 2 Calculus I Math 2417 4 2 Calculus II Math 2419 3 2 Mechanics & Heat Phys 2325 1 2 Mechanics & Heat Lab Phys 2125 3 2 Electricity & Magnetism Phys 2326 1 2 Electricity & Magnetism Lab Phys 2126 Core Curriculum II LD UD Notes Course Title 4 1,2 Science Elective 3 2 Politics & Values in Bus & Tech ISSS 3360 3 2 Prof’nl & Tech Communication ECS 3390 Course # 3 Rhetoric Rhet 1302 3 Const & Pol Behavior, US & TX Govt 2301 3 Political Institutions, US & TX Govt 2302 Core Curriculum III LD UD Notes Course Title Course # 3 3 Themes and Ideas in Am Hist Hist 1301 3 3 Issues in American History 3 3 Exploration of the Humanities Huma 1301 3 3 Exploration of the Arts Hist 1302 Arts 1301 Electives LD UD Notes Course Title 3 4 Advanced Free Elective 3 4 Advanced Free Elective 5 Free Elective Free Elective Free Elective 5 5 5 5 1 6 Free Elective Free Elective Oral Comm’s & Critical Thinking Course # Rhet 1101 Total Hours Required Total Hours 121 hrs required for graduation, min 51 must be Upper Division Notes 1. Any LD or UD Physical Science Course; see advisor for details. 2. Course meets both major and general education requirement. 3. UD (Upper Division) substitutes available; see advisor for details. Notes 4. Must be outside major and be Upper Division or require pre-req 5. May be taken LD (Lower Division) or UD (Upper Division) 6. Waived if more than 1 yr since high school graduation. CS Prerequisite chart Guided Electives for CS CS Guided Electives (9 hours): The following courses are choices for the CS Guided Electives. See the catalog for course descriptions and prerequisites. Please note there may be additional courses available. Students should meet with advisors for more information. CGS 4314 Intelligent Systems Analysis CGS 4315 Intelligent Systems Design CGS 4352 Human Computer Interactions I CGS 4353 Human Computer Interactions II CS 4334 Numerical Analysis CS 4336 Advanced Java Programming CS/SE 4347 Database Systems CS 4361 Computer Graphics CS 4365 Artificial Intelligence CS/SE 4376 Object-Oriented Programming Systems CS 4380 Senior Design Project SE Prerequisites SE Guided Electives SE Guided Electives (12 hours): SE students must complete ONE Application Domain. Please see the Application Domain Information Sheet for requirements. The following courses are choices for the remaining SE Guided Electives. See the catalog for course descriptions and prerequisites. Please note there may be additional courses available. Students should meet with advisors for more information. CGS 4314 Intelligent Systems Analysis CGS 4315 Intelligent Systems Design CGS 4352 Human Computer Interactions I CGS 4353 Human Computer Interactions II CS 4334 Numerical Analysis CS 4337 Organization of Programming Languages CS/SE 4347 Database Systems CS 4349 Advanced Algorithm Analysis and Design CS 4361 Computer Graphics SE Application Domains Digital Systems Design (10 hours)______________Available___Prereqs CS/SE 4340 Computer Architecture--------------------Each Sem-----CS 2305 EE 4325 Introduction to VLSI Design------------------TBA------------CS/SE 4340 EE 4420 Microprocessor Systems Design--------------TBA-----------CS/SE 4340 Networks (9 hours)___________________________Available____Prereqs CS/TE 4390 Computer Networks------------------------Each Sem------CS/SE 3345 CS 4393 Computer Network Security-------------------SP05------------CS/SE 4348, 4390 CS 4396 Networking Laboratory------------------------SP05------------CS/SE 4348, 4390 Embedded Systems (9 hours)__________________Available-------Prereqs CS/SE 4348 Operating Systems--------------------------Each Sem-----CS/SE 4340, 3345 CS 4394 Implementation of Modern Operating Syst--F05-------------CS 4348, 3335, Prog Exp CS 4397 Embedded Computer Systems-----------------Sp05-----------CS 4348 Computer Imaging (9 hours)____________________Semester___Prereqs CS 4361 Computer Graphics-------------------------------Each Fall-------Math 2418, CS/SE 3345 CS 4391 Introduction to Computer Vision---------------F04--------------CS/SE 3345 CS 4392 Computer Animation-----------------------------SP05-------------Math 2418, CS/SE 3345 Human-Computer Interaction (9 hours)____________Semester____Prereqs CS 4361 Computer Graphics--------------------------------Each Fall-------Math 2418, CS/SE 3345 CGS 4352 Human Computer Interactions I---------------F04 CGS 4353 Human Computer Interactions II-------------SP05---------------CGS 4352 EE Prerequisites TE Prerequisites Course Descriptions (catalog) EE 4384 Microprocessor Design Project II (3 semester hours) Advanced topics in microprocessor design, architecture, I/O, memory and interfacing. Specification and design of embedded systems. Advanced hardware and software techniques (e.g. using simulator, emulator, compiler and other sophisticated test equipment) for developing microprocessor-based system. All students must do a market survey, propose and implement a complete microprocessor-based project, submit a written report and make an oral presentation at the culmination of the project. Prerequisite: EE 4380. (3-0) Y EE 4385 DSP-Based Design Project I (3 semester hours) Basic discrete-time signal processing concepts, hands-on experience in real-time digital communications systems, digital signal processor architectures, programming, and interfacing with external systems. All students must finish laboratory experiments, submit a written report, and make an oral presentation at the culmination of the project. Prerequisites: EE 2310, EE 3350 (or EE 4361). (3-0) Y EE 4386 DSP-Based Design Project II (3 semester hours) Fundamentals of adaptive signal processing theory and speech and video processing for wireless communications and hands-on experience in real-time wireless communications systems. All students must submit a written project proposal and final report and make an oral presentation. Prerequisite: EE 4384. (3-0) Y Course Descriptions (catalog) SE 2370 Mathematical Foundations of Software Engineering (3 semester hours) Boolean logic, first-order logic, models of first-order logic. Introduction to program verification, applications in Software Engineering. Completeness Theorem. Regular expressions, regular sets, finite-state machines, and applications in Software Engineering. Fundamentals of Graph Theory, basic graph algorithms. Statecharts, Petri Nets & their role in Software Engineering Prerequisite: CS 2305. (3-0) S SE 2V95 Individual Instruction in Computer Science/Software Engineering (1-6 semester hours) Individual study under a faculty member’s direction. May be repeated for credit. Consent of instructor required. (Same as CS 2V95) ([1-6]-0) R SE 3195 Special Topics in Computer Science/Software Engineering (1 semester hour) May be repeated for credit (4 hours maximum). Must be taken Credit/No Credit. Consent of instructor required. (Same as CS 3195) (1-0) R Online Catalog Go to Click on Current students Click on General Catalog Click on the 2004-2006 catalog Choose one of the links on the left. The Fast Track Program Seniors with good GPAs can take up to 15 hrs of graduate coursework while they are undergraduates. The hours earned for these courses with grades of B or better will count towards their BS degree, and will be subtracted from the MS hours requirement. On graduation, Fast Track students automatically enter the MS program (no GRE, no application fee, no letter of reference). Fast Track Requirements for CS Must be a senior with overall GPA >= 3.0 Must have a B+ average in 6 of the following: CS 2305 Discrete Math I CS 3305 Discrete Math II CS/SE 3345 Algorithms and Data Structures CS 4337 Programming Languages CS/SE Computer Architecture CS/SE/TE 4348 Operating Systems CS 4349 Advanced Data Structures CS 4384 Automata Theory Fast Track Requirements for EE Must be a senior with overall GPA >= 3.0 Must have a B+ average in the following: EE 3300 Advanced Engineering Math EE/TE 3301 Electrical Network Analysis EE/TE 3302 Signals and Systems EE 3310 Electronic Devices EE 3311 Electronic Circuits EE 3320 Digital Circuits The GetDoc Program If you graduate with at least Magna Honors (GPA>=3.75) you will be eligible for a GetDoc fellowship, which funds up to two years of graduate research towards a MS by thesis or a PhD degree. This program covers all tuition and fees plus a stipend of about $28,000 per year for up to 2 years. Certificate of Achievement Programming Competition First Place Winner Contestant: Your Name Here The Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science The University of Texas at Dallas. Ivor Page 19th 2003 Competition Organizer, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education. July