Essay 1: The Internet, Social Media, and Free Speech

English 370
Essay 1: The Internet, Social Media, and Free Speech
In her essay “You Gotta Have (150) Friends” Robin Dunbar states that “Facebook has revolutionized how
we relate to one another. But the revolution hasn’t come in quite the way that the people behind it and
other social-networking sites assume” (44-45). Some of you grew up in a world where Facebook was
always “the thing“ - the way to keep in touch with friends and family. For some of us (myself included),
Facebook was a way for me to keep in touch with college friends and then re-connect with friends from
high school.
However, sometimes we find that our worlds collide online, especially recently, when there have been
many stories about young teens committing suicide because of online bullying that has occurred
through various social networking sites.
The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States guarantees Americans the right to free
speech. But what does that actually mean? What happens when you call someone a fag? Or a nigger? Is
that speech that is protected? If not, should it be? If it isn’t, why not? If a teenager is bullying a
classmate online, is the bully protected under free speech?
The guidelines that establish what constitutes free speech are not always clear. What happens when
someone’s views run counter to popular opinion? Or when someone voices an attitude that violates
codes of conduct and morality established by a workplace or school environment? Who decides when
free speech has been challenged or is being embraced?
Your task with this assignment isn’t necessarily to tackle the issues of online bullying, but to look at the
readings we have done on free speech and social networking, and write me an essay of 3-4 pages in
which you address the issues raised in the essays. How has the rise of social media impacted the ways in
which we interpret free speech? How have the ways we interpret free speech spilled into other aspects
of our lives (reality television? Acceptable words on television?)
You will need to compose a thesis statement that clearly provides your point of view, and which can
support development of 5-7 paragraphs. Each paragraph will need to be focused on a specific point and
use examples and evidence to back up the topic sentence, which in turn, should reinforce the thesis
You will need to provide references to at least 4 articles from the reading selections for this essay (see
below). These can be quotes, paraphrases, or summaries, but you must draw on the experience of those
authors to help support your points.
Readings for this essay
"MySpace, Facebook, and Other Social Networking Sites: hot Today,
Gone Tomorrow?" pg 24-29. "You Gotta Have (150) Friends" pg 44-47.
"Networking Through the Ages" pgs 39-40.
"I Tweet, Therefore I Am" pg 40-43
"As Bullies Go Digital, Parents Play Catch Up," pg 30-36.
Sixth Circuit Orders Federal District Court to Rule on Student Blogger's
Free Speech and Due Process Claims pg 210-211.
"Free Inquiry? Not on Campus" pg 190-197.
"Why Stop with Mark Twain's 'Huckleberry Finn'?" pg 214-215
"Hate Cannot be Tolerated" pg 198-200.
"Academic Bill of Rights" pg 201-205.
"Is Harry Potter Evil?" pg 211-214.
Remember to follow MLA formatting:
Due Dates:
Rough Draft: Thursday, Feb 7
Final Draft: Thursday, Feb 28