Strategy Implementation

Strategy Implementation
HCAD 5390
Strategy Implementation
Good strategic planning is not enough
Process by which strategies are put into
Process details are unique to each
organization and each strategy
Sub-strategies, programs, action plans,
policies, procedures, resource allocations,
budgets, authority/responsibility delegation,
teams and task forces, reward and control
systems, and individual assignments
Keys to Strategy Implementation
Resources and competencies
Functional area sub-strategies
Specific decisions and actions
Resources and Competencies
Strategy implementation depends on resources and
competencies possessed by the firm
These include:
Money in certain amounts
Physical space of certain dimensions
Particular types of equipment
Specified numbers of people with …
Certain skills, capabilities, and competencies
Control and reporting systems
Attitude, intuition, and imagination
Resources and Competencies:
Collections of policies, procedures, and
protocols, backed by EDP and communications
equipment, and people who work with them
Purpose is to simplify and regularize the
performance of routine, high-volume tasks
Producing results that are as uniform and
predictable as possible
Modern business organizations depend on them
Examples of Organizational Systems
Accounting and budgeting system
Management information system
Manufacturing control system
Compensation and reward system
Planning system
Resources and Competencies:
Human Resources
People possess competencies and carry out
details of strategic plans
Personnel costs are high proportion of operating
budget in health care organizations
Ensure enough people in the right places with
the right competencies
Balance operational and strategic duties
Think of strategic human resource management
Resources and Competencies:
Organizational Structure
Taken for granted and assumed immutable
Formal framework of departments, units, and
groups into which people and the activities they
perform are organized
Some structures are better suited to certain
strategies than other structures
A carefully chosen structure can give an
organization a sustainable competitive
Organizational Structure
Selecting the structure and control
systems that are most strategically
effective for pursuing sustainable
competitive advantage.
role of structure and control
To coordinate strategy implementation.
To motivate and provide incentives for superior
The Role of Organizational
Differentiation in the allocation of people and
resources to create value.
blocks of organizational structure
Vertical differentiation in the
distribution of decision-making
Horizontal differentiation in
dividing up people and tasks
into functions and divisions.
The means used in coordinating people and functions
to accomplish organizational tasks.
Differentiation, Integration,
Bureaucratic Costs
costs and strategy
Bureaucratic costs increase with
organizational complexity.
More differentiation = more managers.
More integration = more coordination.
Better strategy implementation = better bottom-line
performance and profitability.
Vertical Differentiation
of control (division of authority)
The number of subordinates that a single manager
directly manages.
Flat structures
hierarchy choices
Few organizational levels
Wide spans of control
Tall structures
Many organizational levels
Narrow spans of control
Tall and Flat Structures
Problems with Tall Structures
of minimum chain of command
Maintaining a hierarchy with the least number of
levels of authority needed to achieve a strategy.
of bureaucratic costs:
Centralization or Decentralization
patterns in organizations:
Decision making retained in the
hands of upper-level managers.
Decisions delegated to lower
levels in the organization.
Centralization (Structural) Choice?
Reduced information
overload on upper
Increased motivation and
accountability throughout
Fewer managers; lower
bureaucratic costs.
Easier coordination of
organizational activities.
Decisions fitted to broad
organizational objectives.
Exercise of strong
leadership in crisis.
Faster decision making and
Horizontal Differentiation
is on division and grouping of tasks to
meet business objectives.
Simple structure:
Characteristic of small entrepreneurial companies.
Entrepreneur takes on most managerial roles.
No formal organization arrangements.
Horizontal differentiation is low.
Structure Follows Strategy:
Changes in corporate strategy lead to
changes in organizational structure
Structure Follows Strategy:
New strategy is created
New administrative problems emerge
Economic performance declines
New appropriate structure is invented
Profit returns to its previous levels
Stages of corporate development
Simple Structure
Functional Structure
Divisional Structure
Beyond SBU’s
Simple Structure:
Stage I:
Decision making tightly controlled
– Little formal structure
– Planning short range/reactive
– Flexible and dynamic
Functional Structure:
Stage II:
Management team
Functional specialization
Delegation decision making
Concentration/specialization in industry
Divisional Structure:
Stage III:
Diverse product lines
Decentralized decision making
Almost unlimited resources
Beyond SBU’s:
Stage IV:
Increasing environmental uncertainty
Technological advances
Size & scope of worldwide businesses
Multi-industry competitive strategy
Better educated personnel
Functional Structure
Task grouping facilitates
specialization and
Better monitoring of work
processes, reduced costs.
Greater control over
organizational activities.
Functional orientation
creates communication
Performance and
profitability measurement
Location versus function
problems (coordination).
Strategic problems due to
structural (vertical and
horizontal) mismatches.
Functional Structure
Mutlitdivisional Structure
Enhanced corporate
control by division
Enhanced strategic
control of each SBU in
Growth is easier. New
units don’t have to be
integrated across
Stronger pursuit of
internal efficiencies.
Performance of individual
units is readily
Establishing the divisionalcorporate authority
Distortion of information by
Competition for resources
by divisions
Transfer pricing problems
between divisions
Short-term research and
development focus
Bureaucratic costs
Multidivisional Structure
Matrix Structure
Flexibility of the structure and membership
Minimum of direct hierarchical control
Maximizes use of employees’ skills
Motivates employees;
frees up top management
High bureaucratic costs
High costs (time and money) for building
Two-boss employee’s role conflict
 Two-boss employee
Network Structure:
“non structure” – elimination of in-house
business functions
Termed “virtual organization”
Useful in unstable environments
Need for innovation and quick response
Network Structure
Effective implementation requires:
Leading people to use their abilities and skills
most effectively and efficiently to achieve
organizational objectives
Staffing follows strategy:
Matching the manager to the strategy
Executive type
Executives with a particular mix of skills and
Leadership: Three Interdependent
Leadership is the process of transforming
organizations from what they are to what the
leader would have them become
Leadership should be
Focused on the creation and implementation of a
creative vision
Managing corporate culture:
Corporate culture
Affects firm’s ability to shift its strategic direction
Strong tendency to resist change
Corporate culture should support the strategy
Strategy-Culture Compatibility:
Consider the following:
Is the planned strategy compatible with the firm’s
current culture?
Can the culture be easily modified to make it more
compatible with new strategy?
Is management willing to make major
organizational changes?
Is management committed to implementing the
Managing corporate culture:
Key to effective management of change
Rationale for strategic change should be
communicated to all
What Is Organizational Culture?
The collection of values and norms shared by people and
groups in an organization.
Shared values and a common culture increase integration
and improve coordination.
Beliefs and ideas about common goals and proper
Act as guidelines or expectations that prescribe acceptable
behavior by organizational members.
Organizational Culture
of transmitting organizational culture:
Culture and Strategic Leadership
influence of the founder
Initial cultural values and management
style is imprinted on the organization
by its founder.
Structure follows strategy.
Strategic leadership affects
the cultural norms and values
that develop in the organization.
Strategic Reward Systems
reward systems
Piecework plans
Commission systems
Bonus plans
and organizational
reward systems
Group-based bonus systems
Profit sharing systems
Employee stock option systems
Organization bonus systems
Functional Area Sub-Strategies
Strategies are implemented by front-line
personnel in the functional areas
Functional area managers participate in
corporate strategic planning process
Not enough to just take functional area
concerns into account
Functional Area Strategic
Provide background to initial thinking about
strategic possibilities
Suggest specific strategies to address
opportunities identified
Perform activities that make chosen strategies a
Marketing Strategy Contributions (I)
Closest contact to market and external
Strategic knowledge inputs:
market segments,
customers preferences,
firm’s reputation and market position,
competitor intelligence,
market threats and opportunities,
industry and general environment
Marketing Strategy Contributions (II)
Growth strategy recommendations:
new products or services
enhancements of existing products or services
new customers to be served
unmet customers’ needs
new technologies with market appeal
customer service improvements
new distribution channels
new market segments
Marketing Strategy Contributions (III)
Roles in strategy implementation:
Publicize strategic innovations to customers
Explain value of new product features
Boost demand through aggressive advertising,
price promotions, personal selling, and direct
Communications link between the business and
its market
Operations Strategic Contributions
Core of the business, creating products and
services sold to customers
If strategic goal is to increase sales …
If strategy based on new products or features
Does operations have the capacity?
Can operations manufacture them?
Low-cost leadership or retrenchment
Depend on cost-cutting in operations
R&D Strategic Contributions
May dominate the business (pharma,
biotech) or be non-existent (physician
Pharmaceutical company research pipelines
Shift research into new scientific area or
away from an existing area
Ability to develop new products or features
called for by
Information System
Strategic Contributions (I)
Critical functional area in health care industry
Perform typical business functions:
Cost accounting
Inventory control
HR and employee benefits
Customer relations
Corporate communications
Information System
Strategic Contributions (II)
Perform unique health care functions:
Tracking services delivered to support claims filed
Claims submission and collection
Carry out physician clinical orders
Maintain record of patient conditions and treatments
Gather and correlate clinical outcomes data
Gather data on treatment costs and efficacy
Evaluate physicians regarding resource utilization and clinical
Transmit all these data among organization stakeholders
Information System
Strategic Contributions (III)
Specific strategic roles:
Basis for differentiation from competitors
Capacity to handle increased volume of customers or
Facilitate cost-cutting by streamlining operational
processes and identifying points of cost inefficiency
Reveal value chain points at which differentiated
value added is possible
Human Resources
Strategic Contributions (I)
Supports all other functions in carrying out
operational and strategic responsibilities
Assure that right numbers and types of
personnel are available for strategic initiatives
Hire and develop employees to ensure that
appropriate competencies are available when
Human Resources
Strategic Contributions (II)
Recommend motivational and reward activities
to enhance organizational performance
Propose organizational structures better suited
to new strategies
Oversee workforce reduction during
Creating Functional Area Strategies
Each functional area creates a strategic plan
A plan that supports and meshes with the
organization-wide plan
A plan that is synchronized with plans in
other functional areas
Functional area managers must participate in
organization-wide planning and be in
communication with each other
Strategy Implementation Actions (I)
Overall strategy broken down into
manageable parts
Scope of each part defined in detail
Goals and deadlines set for accomplishment
Appropriate resources allocated
Strategy Implementation Actions (II)
Right numbers and types of people assigned
Policies and procedures to guide their
One person assigned overall responsibility
for each part
Progress measured and tracked
Changes and adjustments when appropriate
Examples of Strategy Implementation
Actions (I)
Marketing campaigns – new, refocus, expand or
contract, discontinue, different media, test pilots
Facilities – new, expand, repurpose, close
Products/services – new (create, develop,
invent), redesign, add new features, discontinue
Product prices – raise, lower, bundle or
unbundle products
Examples of Strategy Implementation
Actions (II)
Operating processes – reengineer, tasks (new,
reorder, combine, separate, perform differently
or less expensively)
Departments, offices, teams – new, refocus,
discontinue, expand, split up
Employees – new, transfer, retrain or develop,
lay off
New systems for monitoring and measuring
operating performance
Delegating Implementation Tasks
Best if implementers involved in planning
Task content must fit expertise and skills of
person assigned
If right person not available?
Temporary stand-in for operational duties
Special training for another employee
Worth hiring a new, trained employee
Involve HR in strategic planning
Delegation Through the
Organizational Hierarchy
Functional area heads work with the managers of
departments, facilities, and units
Together they formulate sub-strategies to carry out
the area strategies
Managers break the work down into bundles of tasks
for assignment to teams, task forces, and work
groups (ad hoc or permanent)
Programs or projects may be set up to implement
specific strategic elements
Tasks are assigned to individual employees
Elements in a Strategy Action Plan
Time deadlines
Personnel assignments
Allocation of Resources
People, space, equipment, supplies, website
space, agenda time at meetings, authority,
discretion, and money
Money is usually the most critical strategic
Purpose of capital expenditures
Replace existing capital assets
Acquire new non-strategic capital assets
Carry out strategic plans
Choosing Strategic Capital
Expenditures (I)
Identify and describe all capital spending requests
assets acquired
Describe non-financial benefits of each request
patient satisfaction
less maintenance downtime
lower employee turnover
speedier member enrollment
Choosing Strategic Capital
Expenditures (II)
Set priorities on basis of urgency factors
relevance to current operations
response to legal mandate
response to competitors’ moves
critical element in strategic plans
Project cash flows for each request
Perform financial analysis of each request
Net present value
Discounted cash flow
Payback period
Choosing Strategic Capital
Expenditures (III)
Compare and evaluate financial and nonfinancial benefits of all capital requests
Using standard criteria decided beforehand
Decide which to fund and in what amounts
Strategic Objectives and Deadlines
Long and short-term objectives
Accompanied by dates for achievement
Purposes served:
Guide and motivate employees
Basis for measuring progress and evaluating
employees, particularly managers
Establish priorities for each unit or subunit
Basis for allocating resources
Examples of Strategic Objectives
May be applied to market segments,
geographic areas, products/services,
facilities, operating unit
May be stated in terms of sales, profits,
market share, patient volume, employees
hired/trained, or other metrics showing
strategic progress
Good objectives are measurable,
challenging, achievable, publicized,
consistent, time-based
Potential Implementation Problems (I)
Original plan poorly conceived
Took more time than planned
Unanticipated internal/external problems
Poor coordination of activities
Crises or competing activities diverted
Assigned employees lacked necessary skills
Potential Implementation Problems (II)
Assigned employees were inadequately
Insufficient allocation of resources
Uncontrollable external environmental factors
Inadequate lower-level leadership and
Poorly defined key tasks and activities
Inadequate monitoring of activities and