郑 煜(Zheng Yu) Department of Physiology West China School of Preclinical and Forensic Medicine Sichuan University Tel: 8550 2389 E-mail: yzheng@scu.edu.cn QQ: 1595486138 华西校区 逸夫楼 4-19 循环生理学课件网址: http://cc.scu.edu.cn/G2S/Template/View.aspx?courseT ype=1&courseId=43&topMenuId=118511&menuType =1&action=view&type=&name=&linkpageID=118560 循环生理学 Circulatory Physiology or 心血管生理学 Cardiovascular Physiology 教材和参考书 姚 泰主编 生理学(八年制规划教材) 第二版,人民卫生出版社,2010。 朱大年主编 生理学(五年制规划教材) 第八版,人民卫生出版社,2013。 Guyton & Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology 12 Ed, Saunders, 2011. William Harvey 1578-1657 1628 实验生理学的起源 !!! 现代医学的开端 !!! 2 parts and 2 circulations Main Topics to be Discussed Bioelectrical Activity and Physiological Properties of Cardiac Myocyte (心肌细胞的生物电活动和生理特性) Heart as a Pump (心脏的泵血功能) Functions of Blood Vessels (血管的功能) Regulation of Cardiovascular Activity (心血管功能的调节) Coronary Circulation (冠脉循环) Part One 心肌细胞的 生物电活动和生理特性 (Bioelectrical Activity and Physiological Properties of Cardiac Myocyte) I. 心肌细胞的生物电活动 (Bioelectrical Activity) 自律细胞 工作细胞 1 0 -70 3 2 0 3 4 4 Atrial M. Ventricular M. Purkinje C. -90 Skeletal M.C. Neuron 1 2 0 3 4 Sinus Node A-V Node (not Node Region) 0 4 Node Region Autorhythmic Nonautorhythmic Fast Response C. Purkinje Slow Response C. Sinus N. A-V N. (not Node Region) 3 Atrial Muscle Ventricular M. Node Region 1.心室肌细胞的生物电活动 1 2 0 mV 0 ﹣90 mV 3 4 Pattern Mechanism Permeability of cell membrane to ions Driving force (electro-chemical gradient) – 90 mV 1) Resting Potential 1 0 mV 2 3 0 4 ﹣90 mV [K+]i [K+]o Higher PK+ K+ outward flow (IK1) electrogenic Na+-K+ pump Na+ inward flow EK+ pump current background current 2) Action Potential 1 0 mV 2 3 0 ﹣90 mV 0 1 Phase 2 3 4 4 depolarization initial rapid repolarization plateau (slow repolarization) final rapid repolarization polarization (“resting”) spike Phase 0: rapid depolarization –90 ~ +30 mV 200 ~ 400 V/s 1 ~ 2 ms (fast response potential) Na+ channels open [Na+]o [Na+]i → Na+ flow in (INa) → ENa+ blocked by TTX Phase 0 Phase 1: initial rapid repolarization + 30 ~ 0 mV 10 ms Na+ channels inactivation K+ channels open → K+ flow out → transient outward current (Ito) activated at –30 mV blocked by 4-aminopyridine Phase 1 Phase 2: around 0 mV plateau (phase of slow repolarization) 100 ~ 150 ms L-type Ca++ channels open Ca++ flow in ( ICa-L ) at –30 ~ –40 mV slow blocked by Mn++ IK ↑ (activated at –40 mV dep. , inactivated at –40 ~ –50 mV rep.) IK1 ↓ (inward rectification) Phase 2 Phase 3: final rapid repolarization 0 ~ – 90 mV 100 ~ 150 ms K+ flow outward ( IK ) till –50 mV IK1 recover gradually Phase 3 Phase 4: – 90 mV 1 0 mV 2 3 IK1 recovered Na+ K+ 0 ﹣90 mV 4 pump (3Na+ outward, 2K+ inward) (Na+ - K+ pump current) Na+ - Ca++ exchanger (3Na+ inward, 1Ca++ outward) (Na+ - Ca++ exchange current) Ca++ pump (a few Ca++ outward) (Ca++ pump current) Membrane more active Summary 1(10 ms) 2 (100-150 ms) 30 mV 0 3 (100-150 ms) (1-2 ms) -90 mV 4 outside + K inside 4 Na+ Ca2+ Ca2+ K+ K+ 4 0 1 INa Ito 2K+ K+ K+ 2 3 IK ICa-L IK1 IK 3Na+ Ca2+ + 3Na K+ 4 IK1 INa+ - K+ pump INa+ - Ca++ exchange ICa++ pump 2.窦房结起搏细胞的生物电活动 (Sinus Pacemaker Cell) 1) 特点(Properties) 3 phases (no phases 1 and 2) lower maximal repolarization p. (-70 mV) lower threshold potential (-40 mV) lower amplitude (70 mV) 1 2 0 mV 3 0 4 -90 mV -70 mV 0 mV 0 mV 0 -40 mV -70 -70mV mV 0 3 3 4 4 -40 mV longer duration of depolarization (7 ms) slower velocity of depolarization (10V/s) automatic depolarization (0.1 V/s) 2) 机制(Mechanism) Phase 0: L-type Ca++ channels open (ICa-L) Phase 3: K+ channels open (IK) Phase 4: IK decreases gradually If (funny current) (Na+, a few K+) (pacemaker current) ICa-T increases IK activated ICa-T IK inactivated If ICa-L Summary 0 mV 0 3 – 40 mV – 70 mV outside inside 4 Ca2+ (ICa-L) K+(IK) Na+ (If) Ca2+ (ICa-T) Importance of maintenance of ions concentration in the activity of cardiac cells II. 心肌细胞的生理特性 (Physiological Properties) Electrophysiological Properties Excitability(兴奋性) Autorhythmicity(自动节律性) Conductivity(传导性) Mechanical Property Contractility(收缩性) 自律性细胞 工作细胞 兴奋性 兴奋性 自律性 自律性 传导性 传导性 收缩性 收缩性 1.兴奋性(Excitability) 1) Factors affecting excitability RP or maximal repolarization potential Threshold potential State of ion channels resting ↓ activation ↓ inactivation ↓ reactivation 2) Changes in Excitability during Excitation (1) Effective Refractory Period (ERP)(有效不应期) Phase 0 ~ –60 mV (Rep) Excitability 0 Absolute Refractory Period(绝对不应期) Phase 0 ~ –55 mV rep. Local Response Period (局部反应期) – 55 ~ –60 mV rep. Local response ERP RRP ERP (2) Relative Refractory Period (ERP)(相对不应期) –60 ~ –80 mV rep. Excitability SNP RRP ERP (3) Supranormal Period (SNP)(超常期) –80 ~ –90 mV rep. Excitability 3) Relation of Changes in Excitability to Mechanical Contraction ERP (1) 特点:ERP特别长,直到机械收缩的舒张早期。 (2)意义:保证舒缩交替进行,不会发生强直收缩, 以利于血液充盈和射血。 骨骼肌呢? 4) Premature Systole and Compensatory Pause (期前收缩与代偿间歇) Premature Systole (Extrasystole) Sinus AP Extra St. Compensatory Pause 2.自动节律性(Autorhythmicity) 1) Definition the ability of the cardiac myocyte to produce automatically rhythmic excitation without external stimuli 2) Mechanism automatic depolarization in phase 4 3) Autorhythmic Tissues in the Heart the special conduction system of the heart except for the node region of the A-V node Normal Sinus node —100 impulses/min — pacemaker Sinus rhythm A-V node — 50 impulses/min Bundle of His — 40 impulses/min Ectopic pacemaker Ectopic rhythm Purkinje F — 25 impulses/min Preocupation (Capture) Overdrive Suppression 4) Factors affecting autorhythmicity (1) velocity of automatic depolarization in phase 4 (2) maximal repolarization potential (3) threshold potential Sinus rhythm 窦性心律 Ectopic rhythm 异位心律 Arrhythmia 心律失常 Tachycardia Bradycardia Cardiac arrest Coupled rhythm Trigeminal rhythm …… 心动过速 心动过缓 心跳骤停 二联律 三联律 Artificial Pacemaker (人工起搏器) 3.传导性(Conductivity) Principle of conduction local current in a single cell like a single cell for atria or ventricles 蛋白亚单位 连接蛋白 (connexin) Na+ Na+ 连接子 (connexon) Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ 细胞膜 与骨骼肌比较 1) Conduction pathway 2) Properties and their significances Sinus node Atria (1 m/s) A-V node (0.02-0.05 m/s) Bundle of His Purkinje F. (1.5-4 m/s) Ventricle (1 m/s) (1) fast in the atrial and ventricular muscles, but very slow in the A-V node functional syncytium(功能合胞体) important for pumping blood Properties and their significances of conduction (2) atrioventricular delay(房-室延搁) important for a successive contraction of atria and ventricles and then for the pumping function of the heart 3) Factors affecting conductivity (1) Structural property diameter of cell number of gap junction (2) Velocity and amplitude of depolarization in phase 0 depending on the open velocity and number of Na+ channels (efficiency of Na+ channels) and affected by resting potential (3) Excitability of adjacent cell or adjacent portion of membrane of a cell RP, TP, state of ion channels 4.收缩性的特点 (Properties of Contractility) Ca++ induced Ca++ release (CICR) in cardiac cell(钙诱导钙释放) atria or ventricles as a functional syncytium (“all or none”) no tetanus Summary about Bioelectrical Activity and Physiological Properties Part Two 心脏的泵血功能 (The Heart as a Pump) Topics to be discussed in this part : Cardiac Cycle Mechanism of Pumping Blood Evaluation of Pumping Function Factors Affecting Pumping Function Heart Sounds I. 心动周期(Cardiac Cycle) 1. 定义(Definition) the period from the beginning of heart contraction to the beginning of next, consisting of a period of contraction called systole followed by a period of relaxation called diastole 2. 时间过程 (Time Course) heart rate – 75 beats/min cardiac cycle – 0.8 s 3. 特点(Properties) 1) sequential the atria contract first, then the ventricles; simultaneous relaxation, but never simultaneous contraction important for filling and pumping 2) the diastole is longer than the systole the diastole shortens more when the heart rate increases meaning that the heart works more and that the coronary blood flow decreases II. 泵血机制 ( Mechanism of Pumping Blood) 1. 动力(Driving Force) the pressure difference produced by contraction and relaxation of the heart 2. 方向(Direction) depending on the state of the valves and the direction of the pressure difference 3. 泵血过程(Pumping Process) Process Pressure Atria Ventr Art Blood Flow Volume of Ventricles 25% O C Atr V < C C — Rapid EP > C O V Reduced EP < C O V Atrial Systole Ventr Systole Vetr Diastole Isovol CP > Valves A-V Art < — Ar 70% Ar 30% < Isovol RP Rapid FP Reduced FP > > — — C C O C Atr V O C Atr V III. 心脏泵血功能的评价 (Evaluation of Pumping Function of the Heart) 1. 每搏输出量(搏出量) (Stroke Volume)(SV) the volume of blood ejected by each ventricle per beat SV = V End-diastolic Volume – V End-systolic Volume SV = 125 ml – 55 ml = 70ml(in adult at rest) 2. 射血分数( Ejection Fraction) the ratio of the SV to the ventricular enddiastolic volume, about 55 ~ 65 % 3. 每分输出量(心输出量) (Minute Cardiac Output)(CO) the volume of blood ejected by each ventricle per minute CO = SV × HR 5 ~ 6 L/min in adult at rest 4. 心指数(Cardiac Index) the CO per square meter of body surface area about 3.0 ~ 3.5 L / (min · m2) in adult at rest 5. 心力贮备(Cardiac Reserve) 5 - 6 L/min 30 L/min 1) Definition the ability of the heart to increase its output as the metabolism of the body increases 2) Mechanism Reserve of Stroke Volume Diastolic: 125 ml 140 ml (15 ml) Systolic: 55 ml 15 ml (40 ml) Reserve of Heart Rate 75 beats/min 180 beats/min (2 ~ 2.5 folds) 6. 心做功量(Work of Heart) stroke work minute work cardiac efficiency ... ... IV. 影响心输出量的因素 (Factors Affecting Cardiac Output) (Factors Affecting Pumping Function of the Heart) Preload Stroke After Load Volume Cardiac Myocardial Contractility Output Heart Rate 1. 前负荷(Preload) 1) Effect Left Ventricular Performance no falling limb 0 10 20 30 Left Ventricular EDP(cmH2O) Ventricular Function Curve (Frank-Starling Curve) 2) Mechanism 100 Contraction Performance 80 b c a a 60 b 40 20 0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 c Initial Length Ventricular EDP Preload Initial Length Performance Heterometric Autoregulation(异长自身调节) (Frank-Starling Mechanism) In Heart Failure 3) Factors Affecting Preload (Initial Length) filling duration of ventricle (heart rate) velocity of venous return (venous pressure difference) pressure in pericardium compliance of ventricle 2. 后负荷(After Load) 1) Effect 5 CO L/min) 4 ( 3 2 1 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Aortic Pressure(mmHg) 2) Mechanism after load (arterial BP)↑ ↓ isovolumic contraction phase↑ ejection phase ↓ shortening velocity and degree ↓ ↓ stroke volume ↓ ↓ ventricular end-diastolic volume ↑ ↓ preload↑ ↓ heterometric autoregulation ↓ recovery of stroke volume 3. 心肌收缩能力(Myocardial Contractility) 1) Phenomena the intrinsic property of myocardium to change its contraction performance not depending on the preload and after-load (inotropic state) (变力状态) Ventricular Performance 2) Definition 0 10 20 30 Left Ventricular EDP(cmH2O) Ventricular Function Curve (Frank-Starling Curve) Homeometric Autoregulation (等长自身调节) 3) Factors Affecting Myocardial Contractility [Ca2+] in the extracellular fluid affinity of troponin for Ca2+ number of active cross-bridge activity of ATPase 4. 心率(Heart Rate) HR in a normal adult at rest: 60 — 100 beats/min HR CO (40 ~ 180 beats/min) HR contractility Starecase Phenomenon (Treppe) (due to an increase in [Ca++]i ) HR >180 beats/min <40 beats/min CO sympathetic N, E, NE, TH temperature HR vagus N, ACh HR V. 心音(Heart Sounds) Four sounds generally two Sound Locations Differences and Generation of Sounds tune duration phase generation S1 40—60 Hz longer systole A-V valves, arteries S2 60—100 Hz shorter diastole semilunar valves Significance of Sounds Rate Rhythm Strength Murmur Summary about the Heart as a Pump Part Three 血管的功能 (Functions of Blood Vessels) Topics to be discussed in this part Functional Categories of Blood Vessels Arterial Blood Pressure Microcirculation Formation and Return of Interstitial Fluid Venous Pressure and Venous Return I. 血管的功能分类 (Functional Categories of Blood Vessels) 1. Windkessel V (弹性贮器血管) 2. Distribution V Aorta ArterioleCapillary Vein Artery Sphincter Venule Cavum (分配血管) 3. Resistance V (阻力血管) 4. Exchange V (交换血管) 5. Capacitance V (容量血管) 6. Shunt V (短路血管) Inner D Wall T Endothelium Elastic F Smooth M Collagenic F II. 动脉血压(Arterial Blood Pressure) 1. Definitions Blood Pressure: the force exerted by the flowing blood against any unit area of the blood vessel wall arterial BP venous BP capillary BP 2. Formation of Arterial BP 1) sufficient blood filling in the circulatory system (prerequisite) mean circulatory filling p. (7 mm Hg) 2) ejection of blood by the heart (determinant factor 1) 3) peripheral resistance (determinant factor 2) 4) elasticity of aorta and large artery to buffer the blood pressure to maintain a continuous blood flow in the blood vessels 3. Measurement of Arterial BP Direct Indirect 4. Normal Values in Young Adult at Rest Systolic P: maximal value 100 ~ 120 mmHg Diastolic P: lowest value 60 ~ 80 mmHg Pulse P: difference 30 ~ 40 mmHg MAP: 100 mmHg (Diastolic P + 1/3 Pulse P) Systolic P / Diastolic P Hypertension(高血压) 类别 收缩压 (mmHg) 舒张压 (mmHg) 正常血压 < 120 < 80 正常高值 120-139 80-89 高血压 140 90 单纯收缩期高血压 140 < 90 Hypotension(低血压) 收缩压 < 90 mmHg,舒张压 < 60 mmHg 5. Factors Affecting Arterial BP 1) Stroke Volume 2) Heart Rate 3) Peripheral Resistance 8L R= r4 4) Arterial Elasticity 5) Circulatory Blood Volume / Capacity of Circulatory System Factors Affecting Arterial BP Factors Systolic P Diastolic P Pulse P Stroke V HR Periphl R Elasticity () Circ B V / Capacity of Circ Syst III. 微循环(Microcirculation) 1. Definition the blood flow from the arterioles to the venules 2. Composition 1) 7 parts morphologically 2) 3 pathways functionally 7 parts arteriovenous shunt venule arteriole metarteriole true capillary sphincter thoroughfare channel 3 pathways tortuous thoroughfare arteriole metarteriole precapillary sphincter capillary venule thoroughfare channel shortcut thoroughfare arteriovenous shunt arteriovenous shunt 3. Properties and Functions of the 3 Pathways Tortuous Thoroughfare Properties: tortuous, network, thin, high permeability, slow blood flow, alternate opening Function: substance exchange (diffusion, filtration, reabsorption, pinocytosis) (Nutritious Thoroughfare) Shortcut Thoroughfare Properties: extension of metarteriole, often in open state, fast blood flow, mainly in skeletal muscle Function: to have the blood return rapidly to the vein Arteriovenous Shunt Properties: structurally similar to the arteriole, mainly in the skin Function: to participate in the regulation of body temperature in some extent IV. 组织液(Interstitial Fluid) 1. 生成与回流(Formation and Return) Formation (Filtration) Plasma Interstitial Fluid (Reabsorption) Return 1) Driving Force: Effective Filtration Pressure (EFP) A V EFP PC if Pif Capillary P Four Forces: pressure in capillary (Pc) colloid OP in interstitial fluid (πif) hydrostatic P in interstitial fluid (Pif) colloid OP in plasma (πP) EFP = (PC + if) (Pif + P) EFPA =(30+15)(25+10)= +10(mmHg) EFPV =(12+15)(25+10)= - 8(mmHg) A +30mmHg +15mmHg -25mmHg -10mmHg +10mmHg PC if P Pif EFP V +12mmHg +15mmHg -25mmHg -10mmHg 8mmHg Blood Capillary Lymphatic Capillary 2) Volume of Formation and Return V = Kf EFP = Kf [(PC + if) - (Pif + P)] 2. 影响组织液生成与回流的因素 (Factors Affecting Formation and Return of Interstitial Fluid) 1) blood pressure in capillary 2) colloid OP in plasma 3) permeability of capillary 4) lymphatic return (filariasis) V. 静脉血压与静脉回流 (Venous Pressure and Venous Return) 1. 静脉血压(Venous Pressure) 1) Peripheral Venous Pressure (PVP) pressure of the veins in different organs low (15 ~ 20 mmHg) subjected to gravity subjected to transmural pressure 2) Central Venous Pressure (CVP) pressure in the right atrium and venae cava 4 ~ 12 cmH2O depending on the pumping function of the heart and the venous return another index of the pumping function of the heart 2. 静脉回流(Venous Return) 1) Volume of Return Q P / R ( P = PVP – CVP ) 2) Factors Affecting Venous Return (1) mean filling pressure (2) pumping function of the heart (3) body position (gravity) (4) activity of skeletal muscle (“muscular pump” or “venous pump”) (5) respiratory activity Summary about Functions of Blood Vessels Part Four 心血管活动的调节 (Regulation of Cardiovascular Activity) I. 神经调节(Neural Regulation) 1. 传出神经支配(Efferent Innervation of the Heart and Blood Vessels) 1) Innervation of the Heart Dual Innervation (1) Cardiac Sympathetic Nerve Pathway: T1-5 ACh N1 NE β1 Symp Parasymp Effects: positive chronotropic action positive dromotropic action positive inotropic action Properties: tonic action (cardiac sympathetic tone) asymmetrical innervation right – mainly affecting heart rate left – mainly affecting A-V conduction and contractility (2) Cardiac Vagus Nerve Pathway: dorsal vagus nucleus ambiguous nucleus ACh N1 ACh M Otto. Loewi (3 June 1873 – 25 December 1961) (德国出生,德籍、美籍、奥地利籍) chemical transmission, 1921 Father of Neuroscience Nobel Prize, 1936 Symp Parasymp Effects: negative chronotropic action negative dromotropic action negative inotropic action Properties: tonic action (cardiac vagal tone) asymmetrical innervation right – mainly affecting heart rate left – mainly affecting A-V conduction (3) Peptidergic Neurons neuropeptide Y vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) calcitonin gene-related peptide opioid peptide …… 2) Innervation of the Blood Vessels (1) Sympathetic Vasoconstrictor Fiber Pathway and Actions: paravertebral ganglion vessels of trunck T1-12 and limbs ACh N1 NE , 2 vessels of visceral L1-3 organs prevertebral ganglion Properties: all blood vessel smooth muscles different density mainly acting on receptor sympathetic vasoconstrictor tone (2) Vasodilator Fibers Sympathetic Vasodilator Fiber vessels of skeletal muscles ACh M Parasympathetic Vasodilator Fiber vessels of brain, digestive glands, ACh M external reproductive organs Vasodilator Fibers Dorsal Root Vasodilator Fiber skin Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide Fiber vessels of sweat gland and submaxilary gland Summary about Innervation Cardiac Sympathetic Nerve Cardiac Vagus Nerve Tonic, Antagonistic Sympathetic Vasoconstrictor Nerve Tonic, Extensive Vasodilator Nerves Not Tonic, Local 2. 心血管中枢(Cardiovascular Centers) widely distributed in the central nervous system Spinal Cord Medulla dorsal vagus nucleus (cardiac vagal tone) ambiguous nucleus NTS caudal ventrolateral medulla rostral ventrolateral medulla spinal cord (cardiac sympathetic tone, sympathetic vasoconstrictor tone) Hypothalamus defense area Cerebral Cortex 3. 心血管反射(Cardiovascular Reflexes) 1) Baroreceptor Reflex (Depressor R) (1) Definition the reflex that a fall of the arterial blood pressure will be induced when the baroreceptors located in the carotid sinus and aortic arch are stimulated by stretching Carotid Sinus Aortic Arch (2) Process Carotid IX Sinus Aortic X Arch BP rVLM NTS cVLM Sp C Dorsal VN Amb N C Symp N Symp Constr N Heart C Vagus N BP Vessels Hypothalamus BP CO Vasopressin BP R (3) Properties sensitive to rapid change in BP Arterial BP (mmHg) most sensitive at the level of around mean BP 150 100 50 50 100 150 Intrasinus P (mmHg) sensitive to pulsative change in BP BP (mmHg) always playing a role in the regulation of BP 50 75 100 125 200 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Time (sec) (4) Significance to maintain the arterial BP at a relatively constant level in a way of negative feedback always in action 2) Chemoreceptor reflex Receptors carotid body aortic body Adequate Stimuli PO2↓, PCO2↑, [H+] ↑ Effects respiratory ↑ cardiovascular direct CO heart rate ↓ BP vessel constriction R (coronary dilation) indirect (in the state of natural breathing) CO BP heart rate ↑ vessel constriction R Significance II. 体液调节(Humoral Regulation) 1. Epinephrine and Norepinephrine Epinephrine Sources adrenal medulla (80% E) Vessels: constriction 2 dilation Effects skin, kidney, gastrointestine: mainly α skeletal m., liver: mainly 2 small dose: acting on 2 large dose: on as well Heart: 1 cardiac output Clinical application cardiac stimulant Norepinephrine adrenal medulla (20% NE) adrenergic nerve terminal Vessels: on , weakly on 2 all vessels constrict, BP baroreceptor reflex (indirect) Heart: (direct) vasoconstrictor heart 2. Renin-Angiotensin System 1) Formation of Angiotensins Angiotensinogen (14 aa, from liver) Renin (from kidney) Angiotensin I (10 aa) Converting enzyme (mainly in lungs) Angiotensin II (8 aa) Aminopeptidase (mainly in plasma) Angiotensin III (7 aa) 2) Actions Ang. I: to promote the release of E and NE from adrenal medulla Ang. II: to constrict all the arterioles to promote the venous return to promote the release of aldosterone from the cortex of adrenal gland to promote the reabsorption of Na+ and H2O by the renal tubules to promote the release of NE from the sympathetic nerve to increase the sympathetic vasoconstrictor tone through some central areas to promote the release of vasopressin and ACTH Ang. III: to weakly constrict the blood vessels to promote the synthesis and release of aldosterone 3. Vasopressin (Antidiuretic Hormone, ADH) 1) Source suprachiasmatic n paraventricular n hypothalamichypophysial tract posterior hypophysis blood 2) Actions In physiological dose to increase the permeability of the distal tubule and collecting duct to H2O (antidiuretic hormone, ADH) In large dose to constrict the blood vessels (vasopressin) 4. Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (Cardionatrin, Atriopeptide) Humoral Regulation 5. Vasoactive Substances from Vascular Endothelium Prostacyclin Endothelium-derived relaxing factor Endothelin 6. Opioid Peptide 7. Kinin 8. Histamine 9. Prostaglandin III. 自身调节(Autoregulation) Myogenic Theory Metabolic Theory Neuro-humoral Regulation Part Five 冠脉循环 (Coronary Circulation) I. 解剖特点(Anatomical Properties) 1. vertical penetration of small arteries into the cardiac muscle 2. capillary : myocyte 1:1 3. thin and scarce anastomotic branches II. 血流特点(Properties of Blood Flow) 1. short pathway 2. high pressure 3. large quantity 225 ml/min 4% ~ 5% CO 4. high level of O2 consumption 65% ~ 70% 5. subjected to the compression of cardiac contraction, blood supply primarily during diastole 120 Aortic Pressure (mmHg) 100 80 100 20 Left Coronary Flow (ml/min) 15 10 5 0 Right Coronary Flow (ml/min) 60 S D III. 调节(Regulation) 1. local metabolism as the primary controller of the coronary blood flow 2. neural regulation cardiac sympathetic nerve direct and indirect cardiac vagous nerve direct and indirect 3. hormone regulation E, NE thyroid hormones large dose of vasopressin Ang II Chapter Summary