Best practices and trends in academic records and

Best Practices and Trends in
Academic Records and Transcripts
• Ed Lee, Associate Registrar, UW-Stevens Point
• Heather Soleim, Associate Registrar, Minnesota State University
• KristiWold-McCormick, Registrar, North Dakota State University
Session Goals
 Identify issues, challenges and trends related to the academic
transcript, specifically those that impact GPA, credits and
honor points
 Consider the increasing pressures from institutional
administration and state/federal government that influence
business practices
 Discuss the role of the registrar in preserving
and protecting the integrity of the record and
time-tested professional practices
Specific Focus
 Joint Programs
 Study Abroad
 Retroactive Grade Changes
 Post-Degree Courses, Majors, Degrees
 Transfer Coursework
 Repeated Coursework
 Posthumous Degrees
 Non-academic Suspension
Joint Programs
 Definition for this session: Programs that share courses and faculty
between two or more campuses. Students take coursework concurrently or
alternately in pursuit of degree or credential.
 Increasing pressures for partnerships and collaborations
 Record Considerations:
 Are credits from partner institutions considered transfer or
 Example NDSU MPH Program
 Must stay abreast of state and federal policies, and accreditation
guidelines which change and may impact such programs.
Study Abroad
 Various models
 Study Abroad v. Institutional Study Tour
 Use of placeholder course/credits while student is abroad
 Differences in record handling when students return:
 International coursework later recorded as transfer
 Record international credits as institutional coursework
 Are credits earned considered transfer or resident credit?
 Impacts for financial aid with different models
Retroactive Grade Changes
 Questions to Ponder:
 Is there an institutional policy? Is it enforced?
 Is there a moratorium? Are there exceptions?
 Impacts on prior term academic standing (eg., suspension,
probation, dean’s list)
 How far back are adjustments made on a record?
 Grade change requests after a degree is posted
 If allowed, are honors and degree GPA recalculated and updated?
Courses Taken After a Degree
 Students who return for additional courses at the same level
(eg., UGRD, GRAD career)
 Considerations:
 Cumulative stats restart or continue to accrue?
 If pursuing another degree, are first degree course credits/
honors points calculated into second degree totals?
 Can they repeat? – addressed later
Transfer Coursework
Include more than one type of GPA on a transcript
 Possible Combinations
 Institutional
 Institutional plus transfer
 Program specific
 SAP Impacts
 Plus/Minus and AB/BC etc. grading – how institutions convert
 Challenges/Confusion by students, others
 Academic policies need to be clear in which GPA is used
Transfer Coursework
Include in Graduation with Honors Calculation
 Domestic and international transfer credit included or not
 Different grading scales converted to match institution or use
transferring institutions’ honor points
 International interpretations differ according to evaluator –
How do we reconcile?
 Credit Limits – Is there a limit if transfer credits are included?
 Institutional credit – Do students need a minimum amount of
resident credit?
Coursework Repeated in Transfer
Repeated Courses
 Repeats from Multiple Institutions – Is all the credit brought in
or are repeats checked across institutions?
 Follow transferring institutions policies or home institution
policies when bringing in repeated courses?
 Courses Repeated After an Attempt at Home Institution
 Allow Home Course to be Excluded from GPA?
Repeat Policies
Institutional Repeat Policy
 Which Attempts are Recorded
 Last attempt
 Best attempt
 All attempts
 Other Variations
Repeat Policies
Repeated coursework after degrees are posted
 Policy Regarding Repeat After Degree
 Is it allowed? If not, how is it caught/stopped?
 Processed like regular repeat or in another manor?
 Does the GPA Change?
 Degree blocks with GPA
 Cumulative change
 Notations
Repeat Policies
New SAP Regulations on Repeats and Attempted Credits
 Students No Longer Receive Aid for More than Two
Attempts at a Course
 Administered in Records or Financial Aid
 Change policy
 Notations on Transcript
Awarding of Posthumous Degrees
 Process or Policy? More schools adopting one.
 UWSP Model:
 Recommendation by Major Department Chair
 Approval/Recommendation by Dean
 Graduation Analysis conducted by Registration &
Records (Waive any missing major or GDR requirements)
 Notify Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs of analysis
(Registrar contact VC on total credits toward graduation)
 Approval to grant degree: Provost/Vice Chancellor of
Academic Affairs
 Graduation application completed by Graduation
Awarding of Posthumous Degrees
 NDSU Model:
 A student must have been in good standing and enrolled at the time of
death (or enrollment interrupted by injury, illness, deployment);
Requirements for residency must have been satisfied;
Undergraduates within two semesters (30 credits or 75% ) of degree;
Graduate students must have completed adequate progress toward a
disquisition (or within 75%) of degree (must be verified);
Anybody may suggest a candidate for posthumous degree to a Dean,
who recommends to Provost, who submits to President for approval;
If approved, Dean notifies registrar and student’s immediate family;
Family may participate in commencement; Statement "awarded
posthumously" printed on academic record; Financial debt is waived;
Exceptions to minimum requirements considered in special cases
Awarding of Posthumous Degrees
 Issues
 Does student need to be a certain classification
 Popularity drives the decision
 Other options
 Provide a certificate of Graduation
(non-academic suspensions)
 AACRAO recommends not to notate such actions on
Background (UW system internal registration holds)
Taking this notification public
UW campuses in WI required to post
Dean of students office or equivalent
 Custodian of the record
 Registrar’s office will add the notation after the last term
 Chapter UWS 17, Wis. Admin. Code, Nonacademic
Misconduct Suspension from (mo/day/yr.) to (mo/day/yr).
(non-academic suspensions)
 The Deans office is responsible to notify registrar that
suspension has expired and remove notation.
 System(UW) felt it was important for campuses to
communicate this info to all institutions of higher ed.
 NDSU currently puts statement on record,
 Typically not removed; discussions underway
 MSUM puts statement on record
 MSUM removes after suspension served
Thank you!
 Questions/Discussion
 Contact