AP classes

Class of 2018
IH Students
A-G 2018 Graduation
A: Social Studies
B: English
C: Math
D: Science
E: World Language
F: Visual/Perf Arts
G: Adv. College Prep
• Electives
• Physical Ed
• Health
30 cr. – 3yrs w/ C or better
40 cr. – 4yrs w/ C or better
30 cr. – 3yrs w/ C or better
20 cr. – 2yrs w/ C or better (Bio + Phys Sci)
20 cr. – 2yrs w/ C or better
10 cr. – 1yr w/ C or better
10 cr. – 1yr w/ C or better (core electives)
Physics, Geography, Statistics, 3yrs of lang
25 cr. – 2.5 yrs w/ D or better
20 cr. – 2 yrs w/ D or better
05 cr. – 1 sem w/ D or better
Total credits = 210
“A” Requirement:
History/Social Science
9th – Honors or AP World History
10th – AP U.S. History
11th – Social Studies Elective (i.e. AP Human Geography,
AP Psychology)
12th – AP Government/Honors Economics
• With a “C” or better – LAUSD/A-G Req.
• minimum 30 credits – 3 years
“B” Requirement:
9th – IH Honors English 10 (British Literature)
10th- IH Honors English 11 (American Lit/
Contemporary Comp)
11th- AP English Literature
12th – English 101/English 102 (Pierce College)
• 40 credits – 4 years total
• Pass with grade of C or better
“C” Requirement:
Algebra 1A/B- this is a year long class & must be
passed with C or better (Honors Algebra 1)
(you cannot proceed in math until this class is passed)
Geometry A/B (Honors Geometry)
Algebra 2 A/B (Honors Algebra 2)
(students will continue to Honors Advanced Math, Into to Data
Science, AP Calculus AB/BC & AP Statistics or Pre-Calculus)
• Students need 30 credits – 3 years
(validation rules apply)
• Pass with C or better
“D” Requirement:
Lab Sciences
Life Science : Honors or AP Biology
Physical Science: Honors or AP Chemistry
Physics or AP Physics 1,
AP Physics 2 or AP Physics C
• Students need 20 credits – 2 years
• Pass with C or better
“E” Requirement:
World Language
Spanish 1,2,3 Honors and AP Spanish
French 1,2,3 Honors and AP French
American Sign Language 1, 2 and 3
Korean 2 and 3
(students can take language classes at Hebrew High School, online [National University] , or at
an accredited community college)
• 20 credits – 2 years with a C or better (validation rules apply)
LAUSD and 4-year colleges require 2 years of the same
language, but more is recommended
(Students can take proficiency exams, SAT Subject Tests or AP tests – Ask College Office staff)
“F” Requirement:
Visual & Performing Arts
Drawing A/B
Video Production
Advertising Design A/B
Calligraphy A/B
Choir/Vocal Ensemble
American Image
tar ½
Music History or Honors
Music History
• Students need 10 credits – 1 year – must be the same
class for the entire year (semester A and semester B)
• Must pass class with C or better
“G” Requirements:
Elective Courses
Examples of “G” Courses:
• Physics
• AP Physics 1
• AP Physics 2
• AP Physics C
• 3rd year of a language
• AP Spanish
• AP French
• AB Calculus AB
• AP Calculus BC
• AP Statistics
Geography – 1 semester class
AP Psychology
AP European History
AP World History
Latin American Studies
(1 semester)
African American History
(one semester)
• AP Human Geography
Physical Education
Physical Education 1A/B (9th grade)
Physical Education 2A/B (10th grade)
Dance- Dance Team/Cheer/Drill team (tryouts pending for teams, cheer & drill)
Sports team participation for 2 years or more- (pending tryouts, we also have
certain sports for Fall semester and others for Spring)
Marching Dynamics (pending tryouts)
Fitness gram test – given in 9th grade Spring semester – must pass for graduation
20 credits – 2 years (after 2 years completion can be used as elective credit)
Must pass with D or better
Health is a 5 credit class
Health can be taken outside of school in the summer
at Options for Youth/Opportunities for Learning,
or Health 11 at a Accredited Community College
Other Requirements
1. Pass CAHSEE (CA High School Exit
Exam) – score of 350 or higher includes
Language Arts and Math
This test is administered in 10th grade and you must have 50 credits
completed and passed to be eligible (can take until you pass)
2. Complete Service Learning requirementtalk with your
Government/Economics/Health teacher
and/or your counselor
3. D’s or F’s in the Core A-G classes must be
re-taken in summer school or adult school
Academic Promotion
• 9th grade to 10th grade – need 50 credits
• 10th grade to 11th grade – need 105 credits
• 11th grade to 12th grade – need 160 credits
Students need 210 credits to graduate from
LAUSD High School
Advanced Placement Classes
• Students must apply for Honors and AP classes
each year
• Lunchtime meetings are held in early March (dates
and rooms are posted in Counseling Office, College
Office and classrooms)
• There is an application process for enrollment in
Honors and AP Courses – requirements apply
• Counselors only put students in these classes if they
have been accepted by department heads
College Name Game
• How many colleges can you think of ?
• 3,000+ schools in the United States alone…
What’s in a name???
• Just because you haven’t heard of it, doesn’t mean it’s not an
excellent school!
California’s Higher
Education System
• Community Colleges – 2 year colleges
• (i.e. Pierce, Valley, Santa Monica, Moorpark, Glendale)
• California State Universities – 4 year universities
• (i.e. CSUN, CSULA, San Diego State, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo)
• University of California – 4 year universities
• Private Universities – 4 year colleges and universities
• (i.e. USC, Pepperdine, Loyola Marymount, Cal Lutheran)
College Admittance Criteria
• Most schools take holistic approach
• Academics:
• Grades (Cs or better, Ds not accepted for college)
• Challenging coursework
• Concurrent enrollment in community college classes
• Test scores: SAT/ACT, Subject Tests (if required)
• Extracurricular activities at school:
• Sports, clubs, music, drama, leadership, etc.
• Community service / Volunteer work outside school:
• Find your passion! Make a commitment!
College Admittance Criteria
• Personal Essays (if required or optional)
Life experience
Personal qualities (what makes student unique and a good fit)
Awards / recognition
• Letters of Recommendation (if required or optional; students must
give counselors/teachers advanced notice)
• Participation in special programs
• Summer programs, internships, employment, etc.
• Special factors
• Talent, legacy, first in family to attend college, diversity, etc.
GPAs/Class Rank
Every Taft student has 3 unique GPAs
• LAUSD: 9th – 11th grade marks on 4.0 scale, with ¼ pt.
weighting for all AP classes (how senior ranking is
determined; recalculated after 12th grade fall final marks for
ranking and graduation cords)
• UC/CSU: 10th -11th grade marks on 4.0 scale, (full pt.
weighting for all AP classes and applicable honors courses)
[see handout for details]
• Financial Aid: 10th-11th grade unweighted marks on 4.0
scale (excludes PE)
Deciding Factors
• 4-year vs. 2-year
• Extracurricular activities
• Housing
• Size (small vs. big)
• Location
• Special programs
• Cost/Financial aid package
• Unique college life aspects
• Degrees offered
• Academic focus
• Weather
What is the best fit for student?
Take a tour/virtual tour
Choose schools wisely!
• Safety schools
• must have AT LEAST ONE safety school
• Competitive schools
• likely to be accepted, not guaranteed
• Reach schools
• very competitive, may not be accepted
Pick schools in each category
COMPETITIVE/REACH schools for everyone!
Freshman Timeline
(remainder of year)
• March:
Plan next year’s classes
• April:
Think about Subject Tests, PSAT, SAT / ACT
• May:
AP exams
• June-August:
• Have summer activities (volunteer, job, etc.)
• Increase GPA through college classes/summer school
• Explore possible career choices/educational goals
College Office
• Peer College Counselors
• Scholarships
• Junior meetings
• Financial aid information
• Catalogs and brochures
• Concurrent Enrollment
• Application workshops
• Test prep materials
• College application help
• Recommendations
• College rep visits
• Senior Rank/GPAs
THE END…or just the