Formalism in Art: Object-Centered Theory

Object-centered theory
Focus only on the work itself
Do not focus on the artist of the
What is formalism?
Formal properties are the only things that matter
about art
Essence of art
Definition of art
Evaluation of art
What are formal properties?
Shape, color, harmony, rhythm, angles, rhyme
NOT representation, expression, symbolism
NOT moral, religious, or political value
Arguments supporting formalism
Does it explain what we want to understand about art?
What is distinctive about art objects as
opposed to ordinary objects?
What makes art special or distinctive as a
cultural phenomenon?
Are there examples that can be
understood best in formalist terms?
Arguments against formalism
Does it explain what we want to understand about art?
Does it account for the things about
art that make it distinctive or
Are there examples that cannot be
understood best in formalist terms,
viz., counter-examples?
Testing Formalism:
Do we see the same object?
Do we describe the same properties in the
object? Is there one “correct” description?
Does our age or veterans’ status or education
lead us to see something different?
Does our race or gender lead us to see
something different?
Testing formalism:
Can we appreciate the object fully by
focusing only on formal properties?
Is information about the artist significant in
understanding and appreciating the work?
Is information about the moral, religious,
political value significant in understanding and
appreciating the work?
Is the expression, symbolism, or
representation significant?