Homework List The Renaissance

AP European History
Unit 1: Homework List
The Renaissance- including humanism, the rise of the
New Monarchs, and the Age of Exploration
Name:________________________________________ Date Assignment Given:________ ___________ Pd: 1
Directions: All assignments are due on the date they are listed. For example, you must have the reading and
outlining done of Chapter 11 on the date given which is 9/4. During class on that day we will be discussing the
material you read for homework. If a homework assignment is due, expect that a quiz will be given on that
assignment. If a quiz is given, it will only be on assigned work (nothing from a previous night).
Summer Assignment
Reading: Machiavelli’s The Prince
Short Answer: Questions on The Prince
Essay: Compare and Contrast a Modern European leader to the principles in
The Prince
Reading: The Annotated Mona Lisa
Assignment: Create a chart of the major art periods including arts and
Wednesday (9/3)
Thursday (9/4)
Friday (9/5)
Monday (9/8)
Tuesday (9/9)
Week 1
 Locate countries and capitals on map of Europe
 Read Section 1: Strategies for AP Exam
Lecture/Discussion: Introduction to the Course and discussion about the AP
Homework: McKay: Chapter 11: The Later Middle Ages
Lecture: From Antiquity to the Middle Ages
Activity: Compare the Black Death and Spanish Influenza:
Homework: Read and answer questions for each passage.
 Giovanni Boccaccio, The Decameron: The Plague Hits Florence”
 The Anonimalle Chronicle: The English Peasant’s Revolt (B/St.M)
 “The Debate Over Joan of Arc’s Clothes” (B/St.M)
Lecture: The “Calamitous” Centuries
Week 2
Unit 1: The Renaissance
Homework: McKay: Chapter 12: “European Society in the Age of the
Renaissance” Pages 356-373
Lecture: How did politics and economics shape the Renaissance?
Homework: Read and answer questions for each passage.
 Baldassare Castiglione, “The Book of the Courtier” (B/St.M)
 Petrarch, “Letter to Livy” (B/St.M)
 Dante Alighieri, “The Divine Comedy” (online; found in packet)
Lecture: Humanism
Wednesday (9/10)
Thursday (9/11)
Friday (9/12)
Monday (9/15)
Tuesday (9/16)
Wednesday (9/17)
Thursday (9/18)
Friday (9/19)
Monday (9/22)
Homework: Read and answer questions for each passage.
 A Sermon of Savonarola (McKay)
 Erasmus, The Education of a Christian Prince (B/St.M)
 C. De Pizan, The Book of the City of Ladies (B/St.M)
 Fedele on Humanist Learning (McKay)
Discussion: Return student essays Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince
Review and Discuss: The Annotated Mona Lisa and Italian Art: Focus upon
Homework: Read and answer questions for each passage.
 Pico della Miranda, “On the Dignity of Man” (Perry)
 Leonardo Bruni: Study of Greek Literature and A Humanist
Educational Program (Perry)
 Petrarch: The Father of Humanism (Perry)
Review and Discuss: The Annotated Mona Lisa and Italian Art: Focus upon
Sculpture and Architecture
Lecture: Northern Renaissance and Christian Humanism: Erasmus, More,
Rebelais, Montaigne
Week 3
Homework: Read and answer questions for each passage.
 McKay (pg 372): Analyze map and answer questions
 Desiderius Erasmus, “In Praise of Folly” (online; in packet)
 Sir Thomas More, Utopia (online; in packet)
Discussion: Erasmus and More
Homework: Art Image Collection
Lecture: Northern Renaissance Art
Activity: Analysis of Art work
Homework: McKay: Chapter 12: “European Society in the Age of the
Renaissance” Pages 373-387
Lecture: The New Monarchs
Activity: Analyzing Primary Sources (University of Cambridge)
Homework: McKay: Chapter 14: “European Exploration and Conquest” Pages
Homework: Read and answer questions for each passage from the textbook
 A Portuguese Traveler…
 Columbus Describes his First Voyage…
Lecture: World Contacts before Columbus and the changes as a result of
Christopher Columbus
Exam: Geography of Europe (Assignment given during the summer)
Presentation: Free-Response Writing Tips
Week 4
Homework: McKay: Chapter 14: “European Exploration and Conquest” Pages
Homework: Read and answer questions for each passage from the textbook
Thursday (9/25)
Friday (9/26)
 Doña Marina Translating…
 Interpreting the Spread of Disease…
 Tenochtitlan Leaders…
Lecture: Conquerors and the Conquered and The Columbian Exchange
Homework: Practice with Free-Response Question I
Activity: Peer review of the free-response
Homework: Practice with Free-Response Question II
Activity: Peer review of the free-response
Review for the Exam
Unit 1 Exam (MC and free response question)
Monday (9/29)
Week 5
Review of Unit 1 Exam
Tuesday (9/23)
Wednesday (9/24)