Core Concepts of
Moscove, Simkin & Bagranoff
Developed by:
Marianne Bradford, Ph.D.
Bryant College
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Chapter 10
Auditing Computerized Accounting
Information Systems
• Introduction
• The Audit Function
• Auditing Computerized Accounting Information
• Auditing with the Computer
• Auditing in the Information Age
The Audit Function
• The audit is to examine and to assure.
• The nature of auditing differs according
to the subject under examination.
• Audits can be internal,
external, and audits of
information systems.
Internal versus External
• In an internal audit a company’s own
accounting employees perform the audit.
• Accountants working for an
independent CPA firm normally
perform the external audit.
• The chief purpose of the external
audit is the attest function.
• The fairness evaluation of
financial statements in an external
audit is conducted according to GAAP.
• Fraud auditors specialize in investigating
Information Systems
• Information systems auditing or electronic
data processing (EDP) auditing involves
evaluating the computer’s role in achieving
audit and control objectives.
• The AIS components of a computer-based
AIS are people, procedures, hardware, data
communications, software and databases.
• These components are a system of interacting
elements that auditors examine to accomplish
the purposes of their audits.
The Information Systems
Audit Process
• If computer controls are weak or nonexistent,
auditors will need to do more substantive
testing, or detailed tests of transactions and
account balances.
• Compliance testing is performed to ensure that
the controls are in place and working as
– This may entail using computer-assisted
audit techniques (CAATs) to audit through
the computer.
Careers in Information
Systems Auditing
• Information systems auditors may choose to
obtain professional certification as a Certified
Information Systems Auditor (CISA).
• Applicants must pass an examination given by
the Information Systems Audit and Control
Association (ISACA).
• Specialized skills and broad-based set of
technical knowledge needed.
Risk Assessment
• An external auditor’s main objective in
reviewing information systems control
procedures is to evaluate the risks to the
integrity of accounting data presented in
financial reports.
• A secondary objective is to make
recommendations to managers
about improving these
Risk-Based Audit Approach
• Determine threats facing the AIS.
• Identify the control procedures that should be
in place to minimize threats.
• Evaluate the control procedures within the AIS
(systems review).
• Evaluate weaknesses within the
AIS to ascertain their effect
on auditing procedures.
Information Systems Risk
• Information Systems Risk Assessment evaluates the
desirability of IT-related controls for a particular
aspect of business risk.
• Auditors and managers must answer each of the
following questions:
– What assets or information does the company have that
unauthorized individuals would want?
– What is the value of these identified assets of
– How can unauthorized individuals obtain valuable assets
or information?
– What are the chances of unauthorized individuals
obtaining valuable assets or information?
Guidance in Reviewing and
Evaluating IT Controls
• Systems Auditability and Control (SAC) report
identifies important information technologies
and the specific risks related to these
• Control Objectives for Information and
Related Technology (COBIT) provides auditors
with guidance in assessing and controlling for
business risk associated with IT environments.
Objectives of an Information
Systems Audit
• As part of the process of performing an IT audit,
auditors should determine that the following objectives
are met:
– Security provisions protect computer equipment, programs,
communications, and data from unauthorized access,
modification, or destruction.
– Program development and acquisition are performed in
accordance with management’s authorization.
– Program modifications have authorization and approval from
– Processing of transactions, files, reports, and other computer
records is accurate and complete.
– Source data that are inaccurate or improperly authorized are
identified and handled according to prescribed managerial
– Computer data files are accurate, complete, and confidential.
Auditing Computerized AIS
-Auditing Around the Computer
• Auditing around the computer assumes that the
presence of accurate output verifies proper
processing operations.
• This type of auditing pays little or no attention
to the control procedures within the IT
• Generally not an effective approach
to auditing a computerized
Auditing Computerized AISAuditing Through the Computer
• When auditing through the computer, an
auditor follows the audit trail through the
internal computer operations phase of
automated data processing.
• Through-the-computer auditing attempts
to verify the processing controls involved
in the AIS programs.
Approaches to Auditing
through the Computer
Primary approaches to auditing
through the computer using CAAT are:
1.testing programs
2.validating computer programs
3.reviewing systems software
4.continuous auditing.
Testing Computer Programs Test Data
• The test data approach uses a set of
hypothetical transactions to test the edit
checks in programs.
• Auditor should use as many different
exception situations as possible.
• Auditor can also use software programs called
test data generators to develop a set of test
Testing Computer Programs Integrated Test Facility
• An Integrated Test Facility (ITF) is effective in
evaluating integrated online systems and complex
programming logic.
• Its purpose is to audit an AIS in an operational
• The auditor’s role is to examine results of
transaction processing to find out how
well the AIS does the tasks required of it.
• An auditor will introduce artificial transactions
into the data processing stream of the AIS.
Testing Computer Programs Parallel Simulation
• With Parallel Simulation, the auditor uses live
input data, rather than test data, in a program
written or controlled by the auditor.
• The auditor’s program simulates all or some of
the operations of the real program that is
actually in use.
• Auditors need complete understanding of client
system and sufficient technical knowledge.
• Parallel simulation eliminates the need to
prepare a set of test data.
Validating Computer
• Auditors must validate any program
presented to them.
• Procedures that assist in program
validation are 1) tests of program change
control, 2) program comparison, and 3)
surprise audits and surprise use of
Tests of Program
Change Control
• Program change control is a set of
internal controls developed to ensure
against unauthorized program changes.
• Requires documentation of every request
for application program changes.
• Test begins with inspection of
documentation maintained by
information processing subsystem.
Program Comparison
• To guard against unauthorized program
tampering, a test of length control total can be
• A comparison program can compare code lineby-line to ensure consistency between
authorized version and version
being used.
• Both tests can detect Trojan horse
computer programs.
Surprise Audits and Surprise
Use of Programs
• The Surprise audit approach involves
examining application programs unexpectedly.
• With the Surprise use approach, an auditor
visits the computer center unannounced
and requests that previously obtained
authorized programs be used for the
required data processing.
Review of Systems Software
• Systems software includes 1) operating system
software, 2) utility programs, 3) program
library software, and 4) access control software.
• Auditors should review systems software
• Systems software can generate incident reports,
which are reports listing events encountered by
the system that are unusual or interrupt
Continuous Approach
• Audit tools can be installed within an
information system to achieve continuous
• This is particularly effective when most of an
application’s data is in electronic form.
• Examples: 1) embedded audit modules,
2) exception reporting, 3) transaction
tagging, and 4) snapshot technique.
Auditing with the Computer
• Auditing with the Computer entails using computerassisted audit techniques (CAATs) to help in various
auditing tasks.
• This approach is virtually mandatory since data are
stored on computer media and manual access is
• CAATs is effective and saves time.
General-Use Software
• Auditors use general-use software such as
spreadsheets and database management
systems as productivity tools to improve their
• Auditors use structured query
language (SQL) to retrieve a
client’s data and display these
data in a variety of formats
for audit purposes.
Generalized Audit Software
• Generalized audit software (GAS)
packages enable auditors to review
computer files without continually
rewriting processing programs.
• GAS programs are specifically
tailored to auditor tasks.
• Audit Command Language (ACL)
and Interactive Data Extraction
and Analysis (IDEA) are examples
of GAS.
Automated Workpaper
• Automated workpaper software is similar
to general ledger software but is much
more flexible.
• Features include: 1) generated trial
balances, 2) adjusting entries, 3)
consolidations,and 4) analytical
Auditing in the Information
Software can control audit
Audit tools stored on CD-ROM
Electronic spreadsheets
Client/server systems
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Chapter 10