COATINGS OCTOBER 2015 UNCONFIRMED UNCONFIRMED MINUTES OCTOBER 19-22, 2015 PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency. MONDAY, OCTOBER 19 TO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2015 1.0 OPENING COMMENTS 1.1 Call to Order / Quorum Check The Coatings Task Group (CTTG) was called to order at 8:00 a.m., 19-Oct-2015. It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting. A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance: Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member) NAME * * * * * * * * * Mark Fabrice James Patrick Bjorn Dennis Joel Josefa Carlos Udo Tetyana Xiaohang “Mike” Yuichi Jeffrey Stanley Kara Hong COMPANY NAME Binfield Crabos Dunn Kiernan Kjellman Meehan Mohnacky Rodriguez Baena Sanchez Bautista Schuelke Shmyreva Song Sugiyama Torone Trull Warrensford Xia UTC Aerospace (Goodrich) SAFRAN Group GE Aviation Rolls-Royce GKN Aerospace Sweden AB Pratt & Whitney UTC Aerospace (Hamilton Sundstrand) Airbus Defense & Space Airbus Helicopters Honeywell Aerospace Rolls-Royce Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Triumph Engine Controls Honeywell Aerospace Honeywell Aerospace Rolls-Royce Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member) NAME * * Paula Phillip Francisco Christopher Dale Marty Kazuhiko Masato Alexander Mark Nobuyoshi Nuyeli COMPANY NAME Bartlett Brockman Contreras Gastelum Fredrickson Harmon Hendricks Kakinuwa Katagiri Klyuch Mooloey Mori Izaguirre Oerlikon Metco (Canada), Inc. Techmetals, Inc. Ellison Surface Technologies Techmetals, Inc. Cincinnati Thermal Spray Ellison Surface Technologies IHI Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Blades Technology, Ltd. Techmetals, Inc. IHI LMI Aerospace - Mexicalli COATINGS OCTOBER 2015 UNCONFIRMED * * * * Joe Brynn-Marie Steve Bryan Ronald Vern Jeffrey Martha Yoshihiro Olah O’Neil Payne Roberts Stewart Talmadge Tomczak Tress Tsuda Cincinnati Thermal Spray Ellison Surface Technologies Praxair Surface Technologies Heany Indutries, Inc. Ellison Surface Technologies Howmet Thermatech Coatings Techmetals, Inc. SAE IHI PRI Staff Present Jennifer Mike Justin 1.2 Kornrumpf Ploucha Rausch Safety Information – OPEN/CLOSED Safety information for the meeting, including the crisis and evacuation plans for the hotel, was reviewed. 1.3 Review Code of Ethics and Meeting Conduct – OPEN/CLOSED Justin Rausch presented a tutorial explaining the functions of Nadcap and the CTTG, and reviewed the Nadcap Code of Ethics. 1.4 Present the Antitrust Video – OPEN/CLOSED Justin Rausch showed a video, narrated by Joe Pinto, on Antitrust to participants. 1.5 Review Agenda – OPEN/CLOSED The agenda for the meeting was reviewed. No changes were proposed or made. 1.6 Expectations – OPEN/CLOSED Attendees were given the opportunity to identify expectations to be addressed during the week of meetings. A list was started in the closed meeting and reviewed again in the open meeting. Expectations beyond agenda items: Make NCR data available quickly, revisit Continuous Improvement Project List, follow established guidelines for audit criteria revision. 1.7 Acceptance of Meeting Minutes – OPEN Motion made by Vern Talmadge and seconded by Steve Payne to approve the minutes for the June 2015 meeting held in Montreal, Canada without change. Motion passed. 2.0 REVIEW DELEGATION STATUS – CLOSED Data was reviewed for CTTG Subscriber concurrence with audit report reviewer decisions. The delegated audit report reviewers (Jim Lewis, Bob Lizewski, and Justin Rausch) met the criteria of over 10% audits reviewed and greater than 90% concurrence. Their delegation is maintained. A delegation status change occurred during the review period, and one audit report reviewer (Justin Rausch) was not yet delegated for a portion of the audits reviewed. This audit report reviewer met the criteria of 100% oversight and greater than 90% concurrence on those audits. 3.0 TASK GROUP RESOLUTION ITEMS – CLOSED Review of Audit 162726, NCR 3 – the Auditee requested Task Group resolution to determine if an illegible photograph in work instructions is a valid finding. The image resolution of a photo was lost due to the technical plan being photocopied. The CTTG determined that this was a valid NCR COATINGS OCTOBER 2015 UNCONFIRMED because the photo is referenced within the work instructions as a supporting material to determine if the part is contaminated and needs further demasking. Review of Audit 170042, NCR 22 and Observation 2 – The Staff Engineer requested Task Group resolution to determine if a portable PAT tensile test machine is an acceptable piece of equipment within the CTTG requirements. The manufacturer’s brochure indicates the equipment meets ASTM C633 requirements for tensile testing. The CTTG determined that there currently is not enough evidence to support this machines validity. Until additional evidence is provided that the PAT tensile test machine produces repeatable and comparable tensile results, it is not an unacceptable replacement for standard tensile equipment. ACTION ITEM: Justin Rausch to issue an Auditor Advisory discussing the CTTG’s decision on the portable PAT tensile test machine. (Due Date: 31-Dec-2015). Review of Audit 166830 – The Staff Engineer requested Task Group resolution to determine how the scope of AC7109/5 should be identified if the sample preparation for a tensile test is performed on-site but the actual test is outsourced. The CTTG’s expectation is for both the sample preparation and actual testing to be performed by the same facility. ACTION ITEM: Justin Rausch to issue an Auditor Advisory about sample preparation being performed by the same facility that performs the actual test. (Due Date: 31-Dec-2015). 4.0 AUDITOR CONSISTENCY – CLOSED 4.1 Review Observation Plan The 2015 audit observation plan was reviewed. Three of five candidates for observation for 2015 have been observed to date. Of the two candidates who were not observed, one chose to leave the CTTG (and PRI) as an auditor, and an observation is planned for the other auditor. Beyond the candidates for observation plan, two additional observations have been performed in 2015, with another two scheduled. Two observation reports submitted after the June meeting were reviewed. Feedback was positive and no rating of ‘Does Not Meet’ was given. 4.2 Review Auditor Consistency Data Auditor consistency data was reviewed. The review included: individual Auditor evaluations and Supplier feedback for all audits conducted between 1-May-2015 and 31-Aug-2015; peer comparison of average number of NCRs written per audit day; and influence of failure criteria on written NCRs per audit; Supplier feedback comments were excellent. There were no negative comments or suggestions for improvement. As a result of reviewing auditor consistency data, no further actions are needed at this time. 4.3 Review Dashboard Metrics The Coatings dashboard metrics through 30-Sep-2015 were presented by Justin Rausch and reviewed by the Task Group. Checklist Revisions Resulting from Auditor Feedback, Goal None: Green – 7 changes made due to auditor feedback in AC7109/1 Rev D. Frequency of Auditor Consistency Data Review, Goal Annually: Green – On the October 2015 meeting agenda (Reviewed every meeting). New Auditor Training, Goal 95%: Green – 100% 15 of 15 auditors answered “Yes” that the New Auditor Training was effective since Oct 2014. Three of three CT auditors stated that the CT specific training was effective. COATINGS OCTOBER 2015 UNCONFIRMED Supplier Feedback Question 15, Goal 100%: Yellow – 98% Suppliers answered “Yes” that the auditor was consistent compared to previous auditors for 42 of 43 audits. One supplier answered “No” because an NCR was written against a process that had been audited on previous audits. The NCR was a valid finding. 5.0 MEMBERSHIP AND SUCCESSION PLANNING – OPEN 5.1 Current Voting Member Participation [Meeting and Ballots] The voting records and meeting attendance for CTTG Voting Members (Subscriber and Supplier) were reviewed for compliance to the requirements for maintaining membership. The requirements state that to maintain membership a member must not be absent without approved alternate representation from three consecutive regular Nadcap Task Group meetings and the member, or approved alternate representation, shall not miss a vote on more than 2 consecutive letter ballots. The Task Group Chairperson is allowed to waive these requirements if other circumstances warrant retention. Udo Schuelke, Jack Saunders, Ben Evans, and Nicolas Barthelemy missed at least two consecutive ballots. Motion made to maintain Udo Schuelke and Jack Saunders from Honeywell as a Subscriber Voting Member and a Subscriber Alternate Voting Member, respectively. Motion passed. No motion was made for Ben Evans from UTC Aerospace (Goodrich) and Nicolas Barthelemy from Airbus Helicopter as representatives from the respective companies indicated that neither would continue to support of the CTTG. Additionally, Voting Members from Rolls Royce indicated that Tim Pruitt from Rolls Royce Corp will no longer be participating in the CTTG. Vice Chairperson Joel Mohnacky approved maintaining voting membership for Udo Schuelke and Jack Saunders. 5.2 New Voting Members Motion made to approve Carlos Sanchez Bautista from Airbus Helicopters as a new Subscriber Voting Member (UVM). Motion passed and member was confirmed by CTTG Chairperson Udo Schuelke. Motion made to approve Mark Binfield from UTC Aerospace (Goodrich) as a new Subscriber Voting Member (UVM). Motion passed and member was confirmed by CTTG Chairperson Udo Schuelke. 5.3 Succession Plan The current CTTG succession plan was reviewed with Udo Schuelke as the Chairperson, Joel Mohnacky as the Vice-Chairperson, and Dan Loveless is the Alternate Vice-Chairperson. Björn Kjellman from GKN Aerospace Sweden AB has volunteered for the position of Second Alternative Vice-Chairperson. 6.0 METRICS – OPEN 6.1 NMC The NMC metrics through 30-Sep-2015 were presented by Justin Rausch and reviewed by the Task Group. Auditor Capacity, Goal 130%: Green – 167% capacity projected through December 2015. On-Time Certifications, Goal 98% on-time: Green – 100% no lapsed cert through September 2015. Supplier Merit, Goal 80%: Yellow – 79% on merit as of September 2015. COATINGS OCTOBER 2015 UNCONFIRMED Cycle Time (Initial) Jun 2015-Sep 2015, 3 audit Total, Goal 53 days: Yellow Aug (55) days, No initials in Jun, Jul, Sep. Staff, Goal 17 days: Green Aug (12) days, No initials in Jun, Jul, Sep. Supplier, Goal 28 days: Red Aug (31) days, No initials in Jun, Jul, Sep. Cycle Time (Reaccreditation Feb 2015-May 2015, 38 audits Total, Goal 53 days: Green Jun, Jul, Aug (42, 43, 42) days. Yellow Sep (56) days. Staff, Goal 17 days: Green all months (6, 5, 7, 10) days. Supplier, Goal 28 days: Green Jun, Jul, Aug (24, 24, 23) days. Red Sep (32) days 7.0 FIRST TIME SUPPLIER FEEDBACK – OPEN No first time Suppliers were in attendance. 8.0 NUCAP SCOPE EXCEPTION RESOLUTIONS – OPEN No NUCAP resolution items were discussed. 9.0 RAIL (ROLLING ACTION ITEM LIST) – OPEN The Rolling Action Item List (RAIL) was reviewed. For specific details on all RAIL items, please see the current Coatings Rolling Action Item List posted at, under Public Documents. 10.0 INDUSTRY STANDARD CHAMPION REPORT – OPEN The Coatings Industry Standard watch list was reviewed. Fabrice Crabos and Björn Kjellman discussed changes to ISO 6508-1, -2, and -3 made in March 2015. These changes do not require revision to AC7109/5. No other revision changes have been made to the relevant standards. 11.0 NCR ANALYSIS – OPEN 11.1 Top 10 NCRs for 2014/2015 Justin Rausch presented data of the top NCRs issued by checklist for the period 1-Oct-2014 through 30-Sep-2015. Calibration was highlighted as a common issue across all checklists. ACTION ITEM: Justin Rausch to discuss a potential calibration course with staff from eQuaLearn. (Due Date: 29-Jan-2016) 11.2 NCR Paragraph Reference by Auditor Report for 2014/2015 The CTTG reviewed data on NCR paragraph references by auditor covering 138 audits from 1-Oct-2014 through 30-Sep-2015. This review included Checklists AC7109 Rev D, AC7109/1 Rev C, and AC7109/5 Revs E and F. In addition, the frozen process violation report was presented with updated data from audits conducted in from 1-Oct-2014 through 30-Sep-2015. ACTION ITEM: Jennifer Kornrumpf to post the Top NCR, NCR Paragraph Reference, and Frozen Process Violation Reports to eAuditNet. (Due Date: 06-Nov-2015) COATINGS OCTOBER 2015 UNCONFIRMED 12.0 ANNUAL PROGRAM DOCUMENT REVIEW – OPEN Document owners are required to review documents at a minimum biennially. All CTTG documents have been reviewed and revised in 2015. The recent updates to OP 1114 App CT and 1116 App CT were briefly discussed. 13.0 AUDIT CRITERIA (CHECKLIST) REVISION – OPEN 13.1 AC7109 Rev E Ballot comments to AC7109 were resolved. This checklist is ready for affirmation ballot. 13.2 AC7109/8 Rev NA Ballot comments to AC7109/8 were resolved. The original ballot did not receive the required number of approval votes. So, the checklist will be submitted for a second letter ballot. 13.3 AC7109/4 Rev D Revisions to AC7109/4 Rev D were started. This checklist was completed and is ready for ballot. 13.4 AC7109/2 Rev D Revisions to AC7109/2 Rev D were started. This revision will continue at the February 2016 meeting. ACTION ITEM: Sub-team (Jeff Tomczak, Udo Schuelke, Mark Binfield, Jim Dunn, and Jan Refsdal) to develop an appendix of process parameters to supplement AC7109/2 Rev D. (Due Date: 22-Feb2016) 14.0 CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVE – OPEN 14.1 Glossary of Terms Project Update The CTTG sub-team (Jan Wigren, Dale Harmon, Joel Mohnacky, and Francis Monerie-Moulin) reported out on activities supporting the Continuous Improvement Project: Glossary of Terms. The sub-team has identified terms that need to be defined as part of the glossary. Additionally, a list of preferred terms was compiled. The team will begin to provide definitions for the identified terms. ACTION ITEM: Dennis Meehan to provide Pratt and Whitney’s technical glossary for reference if permitted. (Due Date: 20-Nov-2015) 14.2 Review Project List The Continuous Improvement Projects list was reviewed and updated to reflect several projects that have been addressed outside of the Continuous Improvement sub-team format. ACTION ITEM: Jim Dunn to research NCR data collection within eAuditNet with respect to effective categorization of NCRs. (Due Date: 22-Feb-2016) 14.3 Develop New Project Charter The next Continuous Improvement Project was selected (Technical Briefing Topic List) and the project charter completed. A sub-team was formed to work on the project and report out at the February 2016 meeting in Madrid. ACTION ITEM: Sub-team (Fabrice Crabos, Patrick Kiernan, Steve Payne, and Vern Talmadge) to develop a list of potential technical briefing topics for future Auditor Conference training. (Due Date: 22-Feb-2016) COATINGS OCTOBER 2015 UNCONFIRMED 15.0 2015 AUDITOR CONFERENCE Justin Rausch summarized the activities of the 2015 Auditor Conference. Topics included recent checklist revisions AC7109/1 Rev D; individual feedback provided to Auditors; an introduction to AC7109/8; technical training on grinding of coatings; Audit Effectiveness feedback; NCR metrics; customer specification discussion; and the Candidates for Observation Plan. The CTTG provided the following guidance on issues raised in the open discussion: When a gas or material certification is verified against requirements, the date of the review does not need to be listed on the certification; sampling plans must include both sampling of manufacturing lots for engineering tests and sampling inspection of characteristics generated; operator approval/reapproval records are to link to a test, but the re-approval record does not need to be a practical test; and laboratory furnaces must have a time and temperature recorder, but the load thermocouple does not needed to be attached to the recorder (the load thermocouple must be monitored, but other means of monitoring are allowed). 16.0 OP 1110 AND RISK MITIGATION PROCESS – OPEN Justin Rausch presented some of the changes to the Risk Mitigation process that are being proposed to the NMC. 17.0 NMC OUTSOURCED PYROMETRY SUB-TEAM REPORT OUT – OPEN Joel Mohnacky updated the CTTG on the activities of the NMC Outsourced Pyrometry sub-team. The sub-team proposed that eQuaLified exams could be used as a resource to evaluate Outsourced Pyrometry sources. 18.0 NMC AUDITEES WITHOUT NADCAP CUSTOMERS SUB-TEAM REPORT OUT – OPEN Udo Schuelke reported that no action has been taken by this sub-team yet. 19.0 SSC REPORT – OPEN Dale Harmon (Cincinnati Thermal Spray), Coatings representative to the Supplier Support Committee (SSC), presented an overview of the SSC and items of interest from the SSC meeting. For complete details, see published minutes of the SSC posted on 20.0 NMC, AQS, AND PLANNING & OPS REPORT – OPEN Dale Harmon updated the CTTG on items of interest from the Nadcap Management Council (NMC). For complete details, see published minutes of the NMC posted on Joel Mohnacky reported out on the Aerospace Quality Systems (AQS) liaison meeting. AQS has offered to review checklist for QMS redundancy. A calibration sticker need not be attached directly to the device but can be in close proximity if clearly labeled. Chairperson Udo Schuelke briefed the CTTG on items of interest from the Planning and Ops meeting. Major discussion topics were: Audit effectiveness; the Risk Mitigation Process proposal; and the Nadcap satellite facility definition. 21.0 NEW BUSINESS – OPEN No new business was presented. 22.0 MEETING CONCLUSION – OPEN 22.1 Review Expectations All expressed expectations for this meeting were met. COATINGS OCTOBER 2015 UNCONFIRMED 22.2 Agenda Items for Next Meeting The next meeting will be February 22-25, 2016 in Madrid, Spain. Proposed agenda items beyond the standard items include: Ballot comment resolution for AC7109/4 Rev D and AC7109/8 Rev NA; continuation of AC7109/2 Rev D; start of AC7109/6 Rev D; Continuous Improvement Glossary of Terms and Technical Briefing Project List sub-team report outs; technical briefing example presentation and template creation; SSC introduction presentation; open discussion on new technologies; and determination of whether AC7102 is a suitable replacement for AC7109/7. 22.3 Review New Action Items New action items were documented by CTTG Secretary Dale Harmon. For details, see the Coatings Rolling Action Item List (RAIL) posted at 22.4 Meeting Feedback Meeting feedback was positive. Concerns were expressed over the meeting room shape and climate control. ADJOURNMENT – 22-Oct-2015 – Motion made by Jim Dunn and seconded by Dale Harmon to adjourn the meeting at 11:00 a.m. Motion passed. Minutes Prepared by: Dale Harmon Justin Rausch RAIL: See Documents/Coatings ***** For PRI Staff use only: ****** Are procedural/form changes required based on changes/actions approved during this meeting? (select one) YES* ☐ NO ☒ *If yes, the following information is required: Documents requiring revision: Who is responsible: Due date: