Propagation VHF and Above (an overview only) Rick Bandla (VE3CVG) 2003-08-30 RAC Forum and Technology Update 1 Radio Waves Electromagnetic Waves composed of equal electric and magnetic power levels Travel in straight lines more or less like light Change direction if/when encounter atoms, molecules, ions, electrons. Wave movement takes place by stimulation of electrons Coherent electron activity re-enforces wave 2003-08-30 RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 2 The Ground – info from OZ1RH Low angle of radiation usually desirable Vertical antennas need perfect ground to give low angle of radiation Radiation angle of a horizontal beam is a function of its height over the ground. Quality of ground has minimal effect Antenna on a hill (land slopes down) will have a lower angle of radiation than flat land. 2003-08-30 Height on Flat Gnd Ground Gain Max Radiation @ 1/2w -1.7dB 13 degrees 1 +2.6dB 11 degrees 2 +4.8dB 7 degrees 5 +5.5dB 3 degrees RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 3 Ionization Atoms are usually electrically neutral with a +ve nucleus surrounded by some quantity of electrons If electrons become separated we have free electrons and positively charged ions Ionization occurs as a result of bombardment by charged particles, UV, X-rays, gamma rays Radio waves are non-ionizing radiation 2003-08-30 RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 4 When Radio Waves meet Matter Refraction – change in direction of wave Refraction due to ionization looks like reflection Reflection – some fraction of a wave is turned back Scattering wave encounters objects smaller than a wavelength. Over-dense scattering resembles refraction and reflection. Under-dense scattering from objects with order, may result in useable propagation (meteors, aurora) Absorption – energy converted into heat Diffraction obstacle removes part of a wave front. Causes propagation into the shadow of the object Loss increases with scattering angle and frequency (clear takeoff more important at higher frequencies) 2003-08-30 RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 5 Refractive Index or N N is the radio wave velocity in free space/velocity in a new medium Calculation: N = 77.6 (pressure in millibars/temp in kelvins) + 3.73 (105 (water vapour pressure in millibars/temp2)) which is typically about 324 N is Independent of frequency In normal atmosphere, air temp and dew point decrease with height above ground therefore N also decreases 2003-08-30 RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 6 Troposphere This is where our weather lives Tropopause is upper boundary and is the temperature inversion layer (about 10 km depending on lat and conditions) No significant ionization Physical properties of the air may vary radio refractive index or N N decreases linearly for first 2-3km (particularly after a rainstorm). Rate of decrease reduces with altitude Refraction within the troposphere is what extends the optical horizon to the radio horizon (4/3 earth) 2003-08-30 RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 7 Tropo Scatter Point to point communication on radio horizon is typically 50km max, S9 signal strength Workable distance is d1(km)=4.1( h1 + h2) Troposcatter Ts is always possible, independent of frequency 50Mhz – 10GHz Range up to 800km is realistic Troposcatter loss increases with the scatter angle Note: there is also Back Scatter and Side Scatter 2003-08-30 RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 8 Tropo Ducting Caused by radio waves reflected and refracted between layers Waveguide in the sky, with very little loss Often one opening and one exit May be multiple ducts through the same area Often excellent signal strength. Ranges of 2500km or more May last a few minutes or several hours Typically 144MHz and above Surface Ducting If temp increases with height, we have a temperature inversion. N decreases more sharply at the boundary, bending radio waves downwards and trapping them between earth and boundary Usually occur over water, generally between 15m and 400m deep Elevated ducting formed by double discontinuity in N. .5 – 2 km above ground or sea & shallow compared to surface ducts 2003-08-30 RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 9 Atmosphere Chart 2003-08-30 RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 10 Ionosphere MUF or Maximum Usable Frequency is highest freq returned to earth D Region at 60-90km Absorbs HF but almost transparent to VHF and above Contributes to VHF and above forward scatter during intense solar activity E Region at 90 to 120km Ions predominate neutral atoms Sporadic E, Aurora, Meteors capable of reflecting VHF and above F region F1 – some refraction at 50MHz F2 at about 350km elevation, between 100km and 200km deep World wide communication at 50MHz but insufficient ionization to effect 144MHz and up 2003-08-30 RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 11 Sporadic E (Es) Range 500-8000km on 50MHz (multi hop) Range 800 – 4000km on 144MHz (double hop) Occasional openings to 222MHz Openings last a few minutes - few hours Higher frequency = shorter openings Geographically selective Work several stations all in one or 2 grid squares Signals are often very strong Types Temperate Zone Es – solar driven, summertime, 50-200MHz Auroral Es – see Aurora slide Equatorial Zone Es – 50-100MHz, around the magnetic equator 2003-08-30 RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 12 Sporadic E (Es) Some Temperate Zone predictability/probability: 50MHz Apr-Sept, between 6am and 10pm 144MHz May-Aug, between 11am and 8 pm mid-morning peak & larger peak at abt 6pm Tends to occur repeatedly between same spots Es layers contain high concentrations of ionized metal, which gradually fall to earth Constantly being replaced by meteor debris No definite relationship between solar cycle and E layer Possible relationship with thunderstorms Theory: Wind shear causing ion concentration 2003-08-30 RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 13 Aurora (Ar) Complex! Charged particles emanating from sun in the solar wind become trapped in earth’s magneto tail which streams behind earth away from sun. Increase in solar flux stretches magneto tail until it snaps and reconnects into a more stable configuration. Some snapped particles eject into space, retained particles collapse back to earth. These collapsing particles somehow pick up enough energy to penetrate the E region. Auroral effects are in E layer Daily rotation of magnetic pole about geographic pole & solar wind make the auroral zone approach and recede twice daily Usable from 50-902MHz but mainly 50MHz and 144Mhz Visible aurora (400km high) & radio aurora (100km high) not consistent Both stations point antenna at aurora High power helps Range is about 2000km (usually less because of lack of stations) Region where auroral contact is possible is referred to as the “boundary fence”. Oval 2000km to your east and your west and 1000km to your north (forward scatter) and south (back scatter). 2003-08-30 RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 14 Auroral Es Follows time and location of aurora 50-200MHz Higher latitudes, night or day, other times besides summer Ionization originates from auroral particles Usually formed from ionization remaining after auroral storm Ion concentration probably due to wind shear Usually northern latitudes but can spread south to mid latitudes 2003-08-30 RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 15 Aurora Map See 2003-08-30 RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 16 Meteor Scatter (MS) Propagation is actually from trails of ionization as high velocity fragments (grains) burn up at about 100km. Trail (tail) 20 – 65km long 1m in diam Meteors are random, any time works, but midnight to dawn best for MS Meteor “showers” are very predictable. Quadrantids 3-4 Jan Arietids 8 June Nu Geminids 12 July Perseids 12-13 Aug Geminids 13-14 Dec Pings are abrupt and rapidly fades (semi-coherent scatter) Bursts are much longer and may come from over or under dense trails Bursts from over dense trails increase in strength & oscillate then fade MS significantly easier on 50MHz than on 432MHz 2003-08-30 RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 17 Meteor Scatter – What Works? High ERP an advantage, horizontal polarization at both stations “Point a not too directional beam along the great circle path at the other station and hope for meteors” With meteors at 88-100km high max range is 2100 – 2250km Longer contacts probably single hops assisted by other modes WSJT software by K1JT makes MS much easier 2003-08-30 RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 18 Summary of Propagation Modes Medium Mode Abbrev Troposphr Refraction Tropo Ducting Tropo Scatter Ts 70cm Above X X X X X X X X X X Es X X Auroral E Ar-Es X X Aurora Ar X X X X F2 F2 X Meteor Scatter MS X X ? ? Iono Scatter X ? Diffraction X X X X ? X X X X X X X Ionosphere Sporadic E Obstacles Moonbounce Reflection 2003-08-30 EME 6M 2M X RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 19 Polarization Refraction and reflection of a wave is more probable when polarization of the wave and the surface are in the same plane. (less loss) Horizon, Ionosphere, clouds, various layers are horizontal with respect to the surface of the earth. Horizontal polarization more successful for DX propagation at VHF and above frequencies. 2003-08-30 RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 20 So What Mode Was That? Sometimes it’s obvious from frequency or characteristics of the signals Sometimes more than one mode contributes to a path Short Es and long MS sound the same Very short tropo ducts sound same as Es (same time of day, same season) Important to know whether a burst of signal is a prelude to an Es opening Tools include weather maps, books, beacons, broadcast signals, fm repeater behavior, DX spots, web sites, sun stats, aurora stats, celestial patterns, discussion and info sharing Listen a lot! Experience! 2003-08-30 RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 21 What You Need to Succeed on VHF/UHF & Up A transceiver that covers the desired bands & has reasonable performance Extra power useful but not mandatory Good Antennas are mandatory!!! Horizontally polarized Rotator The more gain the better Low loss feed lines very desirable Clear uncluttered horizon (there are other options) Flat or elevated site very desirable Antenna height very helpful Computer and some software in the shack helpful but not mandatory Internet access in the shack can be useful 2003-08-30 RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 22 When’s A Good Time? 2003-08-30 RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 23 Methods and Modes Point-to-point Meteor Scatter Moon Bounce 2003-08-30 Voice on SSB CW JT44 & JT6M FSK441 PSK31 Other RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 24 WSJT by K1JT Joe Taylor Windows PC software (freeware) which uses a computer sound card connected to a transceiver for: Tropo propagation using JT44 or JT6M Meteor Scatter using FSK441 EME (moon bounce) using modified JT44 Excellent way to learn about propagation See to download a copy of the software See for co-ordinating JT44 contacts. See for co-ordinating FSK441 contacts. 2003-08-30 RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 25 References The VHF/UHF DX Book Vol#1 RSGB – Editor Ian White G3SEK See the list of web sites 2003-08-30 RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 26 Web Sites Bill Hepburn’s VHF UHF Tropo Ducting as well as links to MUF, Aurora, Meteor Scatter, F2 Skip Space Weather Now (solar, aurora, etc) Gary Kronks Meteor Observing Calendar Weather Related Interference VHF UHF and up Spots IW9CER Spots and info Paul Kelley N1BUG - VHF and Above Palle Preben-Hansen (Denmark) OZ1RH 2003-08-30 RAC Forum and Technology Update Slide 27