Job Application Calendar

Job Application Calendar
Presented to:
Murray Milson
Presented by:
Josh Kern
Ken Dixon
Ana Yanez
Maggie Kubicka
Jose Gonzalez
Table of Contents
2.2 PESTLE mission................................................................................................................. 4
2.3 SWOT Analysis................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Macro Environment .......................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Market size and growth....................................................................................................10
Carlsen, J. (2014, March 24). Employee scheduling software. Retrieved from .......................................................................27
Market Analysis | (2014, January 1). Market Analysis | Retrieved May 8,
2014, from ............................................................27
Executive Summary
The Job Application Calendar (JAC) provides a solution for businesses who have
employees with flexible schedules and require a reliable platform to effectively
communicate to its staff. Unexpected schedule changes can create friction between the
employer and employees which can potentially hurt business operations and change
the work environment for owners, management, and employees. JAC provides
businesses structure and management and eliminate scheduling and communication
JAC has identified the market trends, such as; an increased internet use around the
world and an increase in the job scheduling software market. There is an excellent
opportunity for JAC to capitalize on its services. JAC has identified its direct competitor
as ShiftPlanning, Nimble, When I work, and TimeForge and the company will be
creating a competitive advantage with the features, ease of use, convenience, and
productivity. JAC’s offers its prices based on its competitors’ prices but with a 10%
increase due to higher service quality and increase in feature offer JAC has surveyed
small businesses in the Monterey Bay area to identify the ideal purchase price for these
businesses. We receive excellent results from these businesses and some feedback as
JAC will spend several months prior to the August 31st implementation day to market its
services, with several different marketing strategies, with an effort to create a solid
clientele list. The company has designated 20% of its start-up expenses towards it’s
marketing budget and contingencies. JAC projects nearly 140,000 subscriptions in the
first year and nearly $165 million in sales. The company will break even within the first
month of operations, after between 410 subscription sales of JAC's (premium 100+
employee plan) and 452 subscription sales of JAC's basic (< 10 employee plan). The
breakeven point would be between $460,000 and $463,000 based on the ideal
Root cause analysis
Identify the Root Cause(s)
The main reason why a problem exists is because the lack of communication and
coordination between employer and employee. The JAC system helps facilitate the
communication between the employers and employees; and even employee on
employee communication. There have been many instances in which some employees
may not be able to make it to work that day and need someone to cover a shift. The
chat functionality on the JAC system can help communicate a solution to an issue like
this. Another root cause includes those individuals with uncontrollable factors. For
example, an employee might have an emergency, which causes for a short notice of
absence. The JAC system can help facilitate the transition of requesting covering and
switching shifts with another employee.
Recommend and Implement Solutions
Implementing the JAC system can increase the communication between employers and
employees when dealing with schedule changes. The JAC system can also help a
business run more efficiently. The JAC system includes some valuable add-ons like the
chat capability, so that employees can communicate with each other. Also, they can
schedule time-off requests in case they have something planned in the future and even
receive real time notifications when their schedule has changed, through different types
of mobile devices.
The JAC system is an all in one solution in order to prevent miscommunication in retail
firms, healthcare, food service and entertainment from medium to large size retailers. It
can help facilitate the communication and reduce the instances of labor issues from
resulting lack of communication. JAC can also help boost the working environment
within a firm, which will result in happier employers and employees.
PESTLE mission
Some of the external factors of the software application industry have been analyzed
using PESTLE analysis.
The software application industry is prone to governmental regulations of software being
produced. Some of the economic factors that can affect the industry is the economic
condition of small to medium sized business. If business do not have the capital to hire
employees or purchase software as a method of their scheduling system, this could
have significant impact on the industry. Also, the research and development spending is
also subject to change as the rapid evolution of technology continues.
A social factor that was analyzed was the increase usage of mobile devices. Research
has shown that worldwide shipments of tablets increased by 70% in 2013 and will
increase 300% over the course of the next 5 years. Mobile devices is also estimated to
grow 80% in the same period of 5 years.
Some of the technological factors include the increase in technological advancements,
technological trends, innovation and constant updates. This basically come down for a
firm in the industry to cope with the fast technological changes in the industry. Usually,
every 6 months software updates and a change in mobile devices are being introduced
at least every 6 months. Some of the legal factors are for firms to agree to terms and
conditions of the software industry, increase in cyber security, and intellectual property
rights law enforcement.
SWOT Analysis
● Easy of use
● Large selection of features
● Provides structure &
management control
Market follower
Requires skilled developers
High dependency on service
Requires device for access
● Help & Support
● Services are stable
● Complex application software
● Technological breakthroughs
Excellent service will lead
to consistent success
Creating a competitive
advantages with its
features & services
Eliminate the possibility for
future competitors
Hiring the best developers
/ programmers
(Platforms, features & speed)
● Significant changes are
expected, when available
● Further competition
● Technological advances
● Large start-up expenses
The strengths of JAC include the extensive features, easy-of-use, help & support,in
addition to the services providing structure and support for the businesses. Some
opportunities for the company include, complex and stable service, which will be difficult
to replicate and reliable to the users. As a result, this will lead to excellent service and
consistent sales. The weaknesses include the company’s high dependency of its
services and the required expertise to develop the designed software. Once the service
has been developed, this will create a competitive advantage with the features the
service provides.
JAC’s threats will include the large start-up costs associated to programming and
developing the company’s software. The major expense is due to hiring the
programmers and developers. Additional threats will include the short life-span of
technological and the future possibilities of technology in the future. JAC is capitalizing
on the opportunities left by the existing competitors, but future competition is bound to
arise. Hiring the best developers and retaining these employees is a vital asset for JAC
to consider. By securing the greatest employees, it will eliminate the possibility of these
employees to work for the competition in the future. JAC wants to compensate its
employees well and provide these employees with a long-term contact.
PIC and mission
Mission Statement
The Job Application Calendar (JAC) mission is to be a leader in employee scheduling
systems to improve efficiency in businesses statewide.
Product Innovation Charter
Job Application Calendar (JAC) is an application, which allows businesses to provide
employee schedules with an interactive system between the business and its
employees. JAC uses a Business-to-Business model and provides businesses a simple
scheduling system. The application is accessible through several types of medias,
including; the individual business website and application. Many businesses have poor
platforms, to post work schedules for its employees. Typically, businesses still utilize a
pen and paper system to post employee work schedules prior to scheduled shifts.
JAC’s technology-driven product, allows businesses to increase its customer service, by
creating a simple and interactive system, which provides schedule alerts for the
employees. The company’s strengths include several innovative features, and allow
employees to operate their work schedule from anywhere. The application will clear up
any scheduling confusion for many employees, in addition to providing a record for the
The goal of JAC’s product is to eliminate primitive work schedules and reduce confusion
between management and workers. The product will also allow businesses the option of
providing employees with a dependable platform to switch shifts. The application only
allows a switch with the permission of both consenting employees along with
management approval. The application provides several other incredible features; chat
function, easy connectivity, and request time off.
JAC’s product is a creative innovation to the marketplace. The product isn’t necessarily
a first-to-market product because similar products already exist. The advantage of the
Job Application Calendar is a fully-functioning system and significantly improvement
compared to JAC’s competition. JAC’s application utilizes employees’ mobile devices to
alert and contact the respective employees. The application will be easy to use, and
allow access instantaneously.
Intangible Product Description
The JAC application is a software system that will be installed professionally into a
business information technology, like its computers. The software itself will be in a form
of a disc or web based, that will be installed professionally by JAC employees. JAC
employees will personally go to the business to install the software application in both
the computers and any mobile devices that employees may have with them. JAC
employees will make sure the application software is running effectively and will show
the business employees how to use the application to better maximize their value.
Value Proposition
In order to reinforce JAC’s mission statement and state to customers what they will gain
from the marketing effort targeted to them, a value proposition has been developed.
For small to medium sized retail business
Who are dissatisfied with the limitations of traditional film editors
Our product is a modified software application
That provides the users organizational structure when dealing with
employees schedules
● Unlike other time-management softwares
● We have assembled a software application that makes it easy and
reliable to organize a firm's workforce.
Keys to Success
Some of the main key success factors of the Job Application System are its selection of
features and its mobility. The JAC application offers its consumers with a diverse
amount of features that range from chat capability, schedule time-off requests, and
receive real time notifications. JAC’s extended features will generate more interest for
its consumers and will differentiate themselves from other applications. Also, the JAC
will be available for usage through a variety of mobile devices like phones, tablets, and
the latest gadgets. This will give its customers and its workforce the ability to make
changes, and view their schedule on-the-go. This could potentially lead to an even
greater success in the market.
Critical Issues
Some of the critical issues revealed for the JAC application software was the constant
technological advancements of competitors, the short lifespan of technology, and the
development of the application itself. Technology is constantly improving multiple times
within a single year period. Competitors can become more technologically innovative,
which will deter the attention from the JAC application. Also, technology has a short life
span in which it requires for all technological business to be constantly upgrading,
updating, and finding ways to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors. The
development of the application itself is a critical issue because the establishment and
the maintaining of the application can be costly for the firm.
Market Analysis
A market analysis “illustrates your industry and market knowledge as well as any of your
research findings and conclusions” (Market Analysis, 2014). The market analysis for
Job Application Center will include the macro environment, market size and market
growth, market trends, market needs, customer and consumer analysis, target analysis,
and a competitive analysis. JAC belongs to the job scheduling software market. There
are several factors that can affect JAC’s success in the market including political and
economic factors. The market analysis will focus on market size, growth, trends, and
target audience to determine improvements for JAC to be successful in its market.
Macro Environment
With a rise in technological advancements, JAC will be able to take advantage of
developing updated software in the industry. Consumers are now searching for services
that offer the best convenience at a reasonable price. Employers are attempting to
adjust through its large feature selection, JAC will be able to gain a competitive
advantage in the job scheduling software market.
JAC will offer the similar features plus additional features such as instant reminders on
mobile devices compared to those of it competitors. The table from the competitive
analysis section illustrates the price and feature comparison of JAC and its competitors.
Market size and growth
The job scheduling software market is included in the larger systems management
sector. It is growing at approximately six percent, which gives a market size of about
$720 million in 2010. The growth in the market is driven by new job schedulers joining
the market. As of 2014, the solutions available for job scheduling software’s have
evolved to adapt to different platforms and application technologies. There have been
temporary increases in market growth, but the market is generally considered very
stable (Information Technology That Empowers Small to Medium Sized Businesses, 2012).
Market trends
Employee Scheduling is an important component in the operations of any sized
businesses. Online scheduling software has become the most efficient and affordable
way to manage information. There are several reasons for employers to switch from
traditional scheduling to online scheduling. The reasons include the following:
● Advanced functionality
● Money savings
Advanced functionality
By giving people the opportunity to access their own schedules, it can reduce time that
would be spent manually scheduling each employee. It also allows for immediate
access at any place and time where there is a technological device, such as the
internet; “studies have shown that reminders of any kind can significantly reduce the
number of “no-shows”,
(Manual Vs. Automated Appointment Scheduling,2014). An automatic reminder sent to each
employee would require no additional staff time and would reduce the number of
employees, who are missing and late for work. Also, an online scheduling system will
allow for accurate record keeping. Unlike manual time record keeping, once information
is inputted in the system, the employer and employees will have access to the
Money savings
By automating the employee scheduling process, there is expected to be monetary
savings. The main reason for this is because it will reduce employers and staff from
managing the task of scheduling its employees. Also, employers could decrease cost by
accurately paying its employees what they deserve based on the times inputted online.
Based on return on investment, “ a distribution facility saves $500 to $1,000 in weekly
overtime pay, as it can better schedule its dock staff” (Manual Vs. Automated Appointment
Scheduling, 2014).
It is in the best interest of employers to adapt to the new online society. As of March
2014, there were 2.5 billion internet users worldwide. Of these 2.5 billion users, 81% are
from the North American region. In the U.S., “ninety percent of U.S. adults have a cell
phone and two-thirds of those say they use their phone to go online” ( Manual Vs.
Automated Appointment Scheduling, 2014). Implementing an online scheduling system
would enable employees to access their schedules from any mobile device.
Needs analysis
Employers traditionally spend large amounts of time scheduling employees which result
in a variety of inefficiencies. Employee scheduling software’s multifunctionality can save
time and energy, allowing businesses to focus on their core competencies. Overall,
increasing job satisfaction can increase businesses productivity.
The Job Application Center can facilitate the communication between employers and
employees. It helps the transition between employers and employees when adjusting
their schedules through any technological and mobile devices at their own convenience.
JAC will reduce confusions between employees and employers by increasing
communication. Allowing employees to conduct self-scheduling can boost staff morale
and increase job satisfaction. When employees are satisfied, it is common that
employee retention does too.
Customer/consumer analysis
Most small to medium sized businesses believe that technological innovation is only for
large companies. However, most small companies have said an increase of technology
has increased profits and productivity in their company. Based on the National Small
Business Association (NSBA), 70% of small sized businesses success has been
attributed to the use technology. A small business is considered to be 100 employees
and less. A medium sized company is considered to be 100-199 employees. (NSBA,
2012). The figure below, illustrates the online presence for small sized businesses.
Traditional Website
Mobile Website
Target market analysis
Based on the market analysis, the Job Application Center will be targeting small to
medium sized businesses within the retail, food service, healthcare and entertainment
industries. JAC will be targeting small to medium sized businesses in the United States,
but primarily located in California and other large cities. Storing and managing
information in databases is critical to almost all businesses. There is currently a gap in
the use of databases and technology in small to medium sized businesses. Typically,
small to medium do not have the funds to purchase softwares or hire an IT professional.
Therefore, one of the key challenges for small to medium sized businesses is to learn
how utilize and take advantage of technology.
The sample of students, friends, and family utilized in our survey revealed some
determinant attributes the end user desires in the JAC program. The highest attribute
scored was convenience. In other words convenience was defined loosely as user
friendliness and accessibility. User friendless and convenience were rated so high
because nobody wants to use a cumbersome app or program regardless of how many
features it has.
JAC’s competitors do not compete in features of what our program and subsequent app
can perform. However, in general regarding inconvenience, the visible competitors
within the Gap map are on fairly level playing fields. Our Gap Map reveals that users,
employee and employer, desire convenience and features. Currently, the most
significant gap is in the market is the convenience and features quadrants where our
program and subsequent app will reside.
Ultimately, Job Application Calendar will better leverage the current time and
attendance systems and bring them into a more modern existence. With the feedback
gathered from users, there is a strong desire to have work schedules better
communicated. JAC can, allow employees to make adjustments when necessary and
allow employers to see those adjustments in a better way than what currently exists
today. We hope JAC will fulfill the needs of employees by allowing employers to
automate and better streamline their employee’s schedule.
Direct Competitors
All of JAC’s direct competitors offer many similar features, but none offer all the features
that JAC does.
Shift Planning TimeForge
When I Work
In relation to the chart, three checks is the highest rating or in the price category the
most expensive. Nimble is slightly more expensive, they offer fewer features, they have
limited promotion, and the distribution is small. Shift Planning is mid-level priced, offer
many of the features JAC does, but the promotion and distribution is minimal. When I
work is rated mid-level in all categories, which makes them a strong competitor because
it is a well-rounded system. JAC rates high in price and product because of the wide
range of features not offered by the competitors. As JAC is starting out there will be a
small amount of promotion, but the distribution is broader with web and phone ordering
and in person installation.
Indirect Competitors
The Job Application Calendar has many indirect competitors. Some companies use in
house scheduling systems while many other companies prefer to use traditional
scheduling systems such as paper or email schedules. While these are not direct
competitors, many small to medium businesses use these methods which are
customers the JAC system would want to obtain.
Marketing Strategy
Marketing Objectives
This is the phase of JAC which aims to create a profitable customer relationship
between end user and seller. JAC’s aim is find, lure, keep, and grow target customers
by building profitable relationships and communicating superior customer value by
means of our software program. The customers we are selecting to serve are small and
medium size businesses. The value proposition is a reliable scheduling software that
can allow employers and employees to better manage their work shifts. The selling
concept within the marketing object is to sell JAC to those employers who have pain
points of effectively communicating work shifts to its employees.
Financial Objectives
When looking at both the JAC sales forecast and the breakeven analysis, our
calculations anticipate the JAC program will be profitable and break even within the first
month. Thus the financial objective of JAC is recoup startup costs as quickly as
possible. Due to the nature of software scalability can be much easier compared to
other traditional businesses or products. Therefore we would like to sell as many units
as possible. Based on the break even analysis the JAC could break even quicker than
originally expected. After first month predictions JAC has the potential to be profitable
quickly and consistently generate revenue.
Product Strategy
The individual mobile apps will be available on IOS and Android mobile operating
Systems. Additional if a customer does not have access to a mobile device the
scheduling program can be viewed in a read only environment on html5 enabled
website. Due to the Job Application Calendar (JAC) being web and app based, our
platform will be a competitive labor scheduling utility for small to medium retail
organizations. Like mentioned in previous sections per the terms and conditions of use
on Apple’s App Store no refunds on purchased apps shall be granted except for
unauthorized use, which will be dealt with by the end user reaching out to Apple not
JAC. Similarly Google’s Play Store policy allows the user to receive a refund on apps if
uninstalled from an android device within 15 minutes of original download. During the
initial launch JAC will have customer service reps that will only be available via email
and chat, no telephone. The customer service reps will handle billing disputes and
account holders having difficulty accessing their account via the apps or the website.
Branding will consist of rapport by ensuring a consistent user experience, but most
importantly up time. Our motto will reflect “Work in sync”, due to the nature of businessto-business retailers the most important service we can offer is ensuring the that
functionality of the app never be interrupted, and in worse case scenarios ensure the
basic features of the app be synced properly to customers mobile devices. The app
layout will be clean and simple in appearance to reflect clear communication.
Additionally, the branding position will reflect reliability and syncing at the very least to
the employees device calendar.
Positioning Strategy
Several strategies will be implemented in order to spread the word of JAC’s usefulness.
First, YouTube will be leverage to show product in action. JAC plans on creating
different types of videos where it hopes to employ and select local businesses in the
Monterey region, with their employers viewing schedules and/or trading shifts. YouTube
will be used simply to demonstrate short 30-sec or less videos of basic functionality that
will be incorporated into our website, Facebook, YouTube channel, and mobile platform
app stores. The YouTube demonstrations will be embedded in the JAC app description
when users search for “time clock” or “scheduling” software. YouTube will be our largest
asset in demonstrating to customers the functionality and convenience factors we
highlighted in our GAP map determinant attributes.
In order to ensure profitability and sustainability, the JAC software leverages multiple
revenue streams. Before the revenue streams are discussed, the methods in
quantifying the prices of the employee relationship software will be explained.
JAC is designed for small to medium business owners. The software aids in preventing
scheduling issues as a result of inconsistent schedules of young adults. Young adults
are likely to have irregular schedules due to outside work commitments such as
attending college courses or child care. Industries that would benefit from JAC software
are: restaurants, healthcare providers, retail stores, theme parks and entertainment, and
private security. Furthermore, based on those industries owners and decision makers in
the Monterey Bay region has been surveyed. Based on the 5-Point Buying Intention
scale, several questions were asked to local business owners such as “How many
would be willing to buy JAC?” and “What would they be willing to pay?”
JAC has multiple revenue streams. The price structure is based on the number of
employees a business has in addition to a one-time base fee of $1000, which includes
all setup fees for the service. The setup fee is marked lower because JAC sells its
service to small and medium sized businesses. The figure below is a chart of the price
comparison between JAC and its competitors.
Number of Shift
employees Planning
When I
Basic +
The overall price of JAC is based on online work scheduling companies offering
employer relationship management software similar to ours. In order to further
marketing research of JAC’s prices we gave price ranges to employers in order to
gauge what they would be willing to pay. Ultimately, the prices for JAC’s services were
calculated by taking the averages of similar companies after which 10% was then added
because those companies did not offer the same robust features similar to JAC.
With the premium model, additional features such as group chat and department
location will be offered. These features help small and medium size business employers
to inform its employees, which department of the store they will be working in during
their work shifts. The application chat feature will allow employees to chat for free,
which will improve communication within the business. The premium model will also
include a higher security level to ensure chats are private and secure. The 10% price
increase for the premium model is set at a reasonable price for small to medium
businesses considering the features it includes compared to the market. JAC is
competitively priced, although it appears to have a higher price compared to its
competitors. JAC offers many features in both the basic and premium model that its
competitors do not offer.
Distribution Strategy
Due to JAC being a computer based program, web based distribution is paramount.
Customers will be able to access the JAC website to find company information, the
pricing model, and which package is best for their company. From there, the customers
can purchase the system and set up a start date. Installation will also be included to set
up the system on a base computer, download employee database, and explain in
person how the system runs.
Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy
JAC's IMC strategy will mainly be in social media marketing employing the use of a
company website and using integrated blogs and videos. Creating company and
employee LinkedIn account will help develop profitable contacts within the industry and
with potential buyers of the JAC system. Traditional marketing forms such as direct mail
and email will also be utilized. Reaching out to employees and managers through
advertising on sites like twitter and facebook, with the hope that they will bring this idea
to their employers. By going after the employees it will help show the companies that
employees think it would help improve the business and overall effectiveness.
Marketing Research
During the course of creating the business plan, marketing research was conducted to
discover the JAC’s competitors, the target market, and a plan to become competitive in
the market. Local businesses in the Monterey Bay region were surveyed to help
determine price and important features to improve JAC. Individuals were also surveyed
to choose what features both businesses and their employees would find most useful
for their business. After determining the most important features, those features were
used in surveying the businesses, which helped determine the price they would be
willing to pay.
Breakeven analysis
The fixed costs associated with the business includes: office rent (first months’ rent, last
months’ rent and security deposit) totaling $6,000, building utility fees associated to the
main office total no more than $500. The main office comes after we have outgrown our
bedroom. Pre-opening employee salary including, average hours of employment total
$3,500. And lastly, the software startup costs of JAC, which the company projects to
total $350,000. The average software startup cost was calculated based on the average
sum of popular software costs, such as; Twitter ($250,000), Instagram ($300,000) and
Facebook ($500,000) . (Myers, 2013)
JAC will reserve 10% for the marketing budget based on historical data of
entrepreneurship startups, totaling $36,000. This amount will be available to advertise
and publicize the business. Lastly, a 10% contingency fee will be added to the startup
costs. The contingency fee is based on unforeseen start-up costs, totaling $39,600. The
total fixed costs for JAC will be $435,600.
Secondly, the variable costs associated with JAC includes, employee hours spent
setting up the clients software, result in $60 costs ($30 x 2 hours) and a $0.50
transaction fee and system associated with each client transaction. Variable costs for
JAC will amount to $60.50 for each new client.
Depending on the desired package of basic or premium JAC will require new
subscriptions of between 410 subscriptions and 452 subscriptions to breakeven. If all
the clients decided to purchase the premium (D) package, JAC will break even after 410
subscriptions sold. It is unlikely everybody will purchase the premium (D) package,
therefore based on the least expensive package, Basic (A), JAC will break even after
452 subscriptions sold. The breakeven point (BEP) will be between $462,937.97 and
$460,450.35 based on packages chosen by the clients. By using the average
subscription price of all JAC’s prices $66.94, the company can project a reasonable
break even analysis. Clients will be charged a one-time setup and installation fee of
$1000, and as a result, it will take 432 subscription sales in order for JAC to breakeven.
Therefore based on these fixed and variable costs, JAC anticipates to break even within
the first month of operation.
BASIC (A) packages
$435,600 + $60.50 (x) = $1024.50 (x)
$435,600 = $964 (x)
(x) = 452 units
BEP $ = $462,937.97
Premium (D) packages
$435,600 + $60.50 (x) = $1121 (x)
$435,600 = $1060.50 (x)
(x) = 410 units
BEP $ = $460,450.35
Sales Forecast
(See Attached Excel Chart)
Expense Forecast
Start-up Expenses
Software Application
Pre-opening Salaries
Marketing Expenses (explained below)
Total Start-up Expenses
Variable Expenses (Cost of Goods Sold)
Employee operating salaries
Transaction system costs
Total Variable Expenses
Implementation and Control
Time Range: 2014
January - March
Concept Introduction, software design
April - May
Software development
Software testing (Internally)
Marketing Exposure
July - August
Trial & External testing
August 31st 2014
Implementation (Go Live)
Job Application Calendar has designated $36,000 towards its marketing budget. Each
marketing objective and strategy will be evaluated through a variety of variables, in
order to make improvements to these objectives and strategies. JAC will use CPM,
reach, and frequency to evaluate its marketing objectives and strategies. JAC wants to
create the greatest possible CPM, and will continue improving strategies to leave
impressions with the most possible potential customers. JAC will try to increase the
reach and frequency of its advertising, in order to effect more customers, without
exceeding JAC's marketing budget. Based on the evaluations of the marketing
objectives, JAC will modify, discontinue and re-evaluate new and previous marketing
Marketing Organization
JAC aims to create a profitable customer relationship between end user and seller.
JAC’s aim is find, lure, keep, and grow target customers by building profitable
relationships by communicating superior customer value by means of our software
program. The selling concept within the marketing objective is to sell JAC to as many
employers who have pain points of effectively communicating work shifts to its
employees. We will outsource our marketing to who is a mobile app
marketing company. We will leverage Appclover’s services of video production,
language translation, press kits, tweets to 50,000+ App users, and user review
attractors. Despite the strengths, JAC has regarding features; Appclover will have to
address our weakness of mobile device dependency to make the most use of JAC. We
will use appclover for the primary necessity of educating employers that JAC exists.
Appclover will need to target customers that are small and medium size businesses
primarily in California and the employees of those businesses.
Contingency Planning
JAC has identified several foreseen difficulties and risks, which would include a high
dependency on the software. Employees rely on the services to provide their schedule
and job information and the service will need to be constantly available. Another
foreseen difficulty includes constantly improving technology, and because of this, JAC
will need improve its services as the technology becomes available. In order to update
the software, JAC will need to make quick modifications that won't disrupt the use of the
service. JAC services require access to the internet, and while most people have
internet access, some employees may not have any access to internet. Public access
will always be available to employees.
JAC has designated 10% of it's total start-up expenses, $39,600, into a contingency
fund based on foreseen and unforeseen expenses. JAC also predicts to be offered
several possibilities to sell the business. In case the right offer was to ever occur, JAC
will consider the possibility as it comes.
Ana Yanez
Our group would split the assignments equally depending on the assignment. I usually
completed the case analysis sections of our papers. I was a part of the brainstorming for
our tangible product. One of my main contributions in the group was editing. I edited our
small group assignments, case analyses, and power points. After my team member’s
submitted their work I would edit and organize the assignments. In the business plan I
completed part of the market analysis. The sales forecast was first determined by one
of my team members then we all gathered to brainstorm prices and the break even
analysis. Overall, I feel like we all worked well and equally together.
I have learned about new product development through our Tastykakes analyses. I’ve
learned how to utilize many charts including the value chain and the five forces analysis.
I also learned about the different kinds of advertising and promotions. Through our
TESLA case study I was able to learn about how companies advertise to gain a
competitive advantage in the market. My favorite section of the class was social media
marketing. Through the Anvil Media case study I learned about LinkedIn and how to
gain the most connections. I currently do not have a LinkedIn but will definitely be
creating one soon. Since I am currently enrolled in capstone, I have been able to apply
what I have learned in this class with my capstone class. The most valuable elements I
have learned have been using the value chain and learning about different social media
platforms. One of our capstone recommendations is to improve marketing and
communications in our firm. The information I have learned in this class has allowed me
to apply it to my capstone, other assignments, and my job.
Ana Yanez________________________ _________________________
Name (printed)
Jose Gonzalez
Based on the section of the paper, we would assign parts to different members of the
group. Upon finishing, we would assemble the paper together with all the parts. Some of
my main responsibilities of the paper consisted of the PESTLE analysis, intangible
product description, value proposition, keys to success and other sections of the paper.
We all worked collaboratively and gave each other constructive criticism. therefore i feel
as if the paper reads as one voice. We all would edit together and Ana would mostly be
the last person to revise the paper before submission. As for the brainstorming of an
intangible product, we all came up with really good ideas in the beginning. I feel as if
anyone one of the ideas brought up by our group members could have potential for
Some of the most valuable elements that i learned was the value chain and the
breakdown of the SWOT analysis. I have done other forms of SWOT analysis before
but none that elaborated more on how one can take the opportunities available by using
its strengths. Also, learning about different social media platforms and how we can use
them to maximize their value, really helped me think about social media in a different
way. The various different case studies that we learned about in class gave us both
positive and negative examples on the usage of social media. One that really brought
my attentions and showed me how useful it could be if used correctly was LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is a professional social media platform that can help build connection with
possible employers. I have always heard about LinkedIn but never bothered to research
more about it. After the case study and presentation regarding LinkedIn, i definitely see
it as a great opportunity for me to create one and generate more connection in the
agriculture industry.
Jose Gonzalez________________________ _________________________
5/8/14 _________
Name (printed)
Josh Kern
Each case analysis was distributed evenly between the different cases we analyzed.
We worked well together and finished our cases efficiently and effectively. The group
worked on the assignments well together and adapted to projects that needed to be
finished. For our final marketing/ business plan, I was accountable for the executive
summary at the end of the document, in addition to the SWOT analysis, break-even and
sales forecasts and expense forecast, and the implementation and control for the final
The course has taught me several creative and valuable social media marketing
techniques to implement for businesses in different types of situations. Many
businesses might not be able to take advantage of certain social media strategies but
others will thrive, in these situations. Every marketing strategy will have several valuable
strategies while others will be ignored. As a group, we determined the target market and
the market size to determine the sales and expense forecast of the company. We
discussed all the company’s expenses and projected the company’s first year sales.
Together we made changes to develop the projected expense and sales forecast for the
______Josh Kern_______
Name (printed)
Ken Dixon
My individual role in selecting our intangible product was asking my team what
frustrations they had in life or in work. After sharing some or frustrations we came up
with the concept of poorly communicated work schedules. I helped provide real world
examples of some of the software I used in my job and explained what could be
improved in that software in order to contribute us developing the concept of JAC. My
individual role in contributing the documents throughout the semester was like the other
in our team, everyone break out a part they feel confident in and develop a narrative. I
cannot recall specifics because each phase of the paper resulted in different group
members helping to achieve the final version of the paper. If anyone felt overwhelmed
or something wasn’t clear then another team member helped out. In case presentation I
helped form and articulate the concept, product description, and marketing objectives.
Due to concurrently being enrolled in entrepreneurship I did not fully understand the
variables that were that were needed to go into a financial forecast. Regarding the sales
forecasting and various financials I helped ensure our team could identify the variables
contained in the calculations of those financials. I personally did not create the forecast
but understanding and identifying needed variables overall helped me to understand
how to create sales forecast for a new product.
____Ken Dixon________
Name (printed)
Maggie Kubicka
Over the semester my roles in the group varied depending on the project. For the case
analysis’s I would work on one particular section as well as creating discussion
questions to pose to the class. For the business plan I worked on creating the
competition, marketing, and pricing sections. As a team we worked on the sales
forecast and breakeven analysis to create a complete analysis that used accurate
numbers. I also contributed to editing and creating the presentations. Using my personal
experience with understanding changing schedules has allowed me to help contribute
important features to JAC that many users would be very grateful to have.
Throughout the semester I have learned about social media marketing and creating an
integrated marketing plan. I think that many of the topics learned will be extremely
useful moving forward into capstone and into working in the business world. I had not
created a sales forecast before, which made creating one slightly difficult. I think that
covering a brief overview of how one should be completed for this project would have
taught me more.
Maggie Kubicka
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