GES Exhibitor Reference Guide for the SIA Snow Show

GES Exhibitor Reference Guide for
the SIA Snow Show
Our Mission: To create the world’s most meaningful and memorable experiences for brand marketers, show organizers and event attendees.
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
The Exhibitor Manual
Online link
The SIA information you need
The GES information you need
The Vendor information you need
The Show Location information you need
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
GES Servicenter® - Call Center
• Our Hours of Operation
• 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST / 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST
• (800) 475-2098
• Online
• and
• Follow GES on Twitter for our latest exhibitor updates
• Outbound Call Center
• Confirmation of orders received within 2 business days
• Email notification of upcoming deadline dates, if you have
provided us with your email address
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
Everything you need in one place
Quick acess .
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
Easy Access
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
Easy to use web ordering
Predictive Text
2 Product Search
3 Scroll Over Text
5 Picture-Driven
6 Shopping Cart Running Total
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
GES® New Exhibitor Handbook
If you have not received your New Exhibitor Handbook please
contact Nina Campanaro. Nina has been assigned to all First Time
Exhibitors to work with you pre-show, onsite and post-show.
Direct: 775.332.7025
Cell: 775.745.7619
Our Mission: To create the world’s most MEANINGFUL and MEMORABLE experiences for marketers, show organizers and event attendees.
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
GES Service Executives
• All exhibitors are assigned a Service Liaison
• Service Liaisons can perform all the service desk duties at your
• Paired with the SIA Floor Managers.
• Service Liaison Identification and contact information will be
provided in advance and on-site.
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
GES Servicenter® Location
• Exhibit Hall Level, Second Level, F Lobby
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
Important Deadline Dates
• Advance Price Order Deadline Dates is January 7,
2013 for the following items
Standard Furniture
Specialty Furniture
Hanging Signs
Truss & Lighting
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
Cost Savings Tips
• Plan early – Take advantage of discounted rates
• Advance planning and ordering can lower your costs!
• Discounts and Savings Programs
• Transportation Plus reduces material handling by 10%
• Buy vs. Rent
• Replace an owned exhibit with a rental or leased exhibit
• Inclusive pricing with rental or leased exhibits
• GES Advantage Program – Custom exhibit rental program with
turnkey pricing. Cost provided up front with several designs to
choose from.
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
What is Material Handling (Drayage)?
Carrier to check in at the marshalling yard
Unloading of your exhibit material and delivery to your booth
Removal of empty containers preshow
Storage of containers during the show
Return of your empty containers post show
Removal of your materials from your booth for reloading onto
your outbound carrier.
• Material handling charges are calculated on a per hundred
weight basis.
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
Caravan to SIA from ORWM
• The GES caravan is the only SIA sponsored
caravan from ORWM.
• Exhibitors that participate will receive a discount
on their material handling for SIA 2013 and will
have their off-target charges waived.
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
Expedited Move-out
• Exhibit Hall A, B, E, & F will have an expedited
move-out. All exhibitor materials must be
cleared prior to 10am on Monday, February 4.
Please refer to the outbound target floor plan for
your specific day and time.
• GES will be offering a special labor rate of $86 per
hour to help assist exhibitors with meeting their
outbound target deadline.
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
Shipping Guidelines
• Separate Labels for Each Package
• Show Name, Exhibitor Name, Facility Name, Booth Number
• Use Labels provided in your Exhibitor Manual
• Remove old labels
• ALWAYS bring your shipping information with you!
• Tracking or pro numbers
• Carrier contact info
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
Shipping Guidelines
• Make sure your carrier is tradeshow savvy
• Official carriers for the 2013 SIA Snow Show are:
GES Logistics for domestic shipments (
YRC (Yellow and Roadway)
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
Communicate with your Carrier
• Put It In Writing
• When shipment will arrive
• Targeted move-out dates and times
• Confirmation of their understanding
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
• Awareness of Responsibility
• Exhibitors are responsible for the security of their
displays, product and personnel at all times.
• Lock up or take with you small portable products
(especially prototypes) when you leave the exhibit
• Report all claims immediately.
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
Advanced Warehouse Shipments
Take Advantage of 30 Days Free Storage!
Our Mission: To create the world’s most meaningful and memorable experiences for brand marketers, show organizers and event attendees.
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
Advance to Warehouse
• To ensure the maximum set up time, ship early to the warehouse.
• Warehouse freight is delivered to your booth by your assigned target
• 30 days free storage
• Advanced shipments can arrive between Wednesday, December 26,
2012 and Wednesday, January 23, 2013.
• Freight Receiving is billed on a 200 lb min. basis.
• Try to consolidate your exhibit materials into one shipment
• Confirmation that your freight had arrived to the GES warehouse.
• (800) 475-2098
For a few more dollars, guarantee that your freight will be in your booth when
you get there!
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
Shipments to Show Site
Direct Freight Receiving
Our Mission: To create the world’s most meaningful and memorable experiences for brand marketers, show organizers and event attendees.
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
• Your Target Date
• When your direct to show site freight delivery can arrive
• Off target charges apply to shipments that arrive on a date other
than your assigned target date.
• It may take most of the day on your target date to get unloaded.
• It is recommended that you schedule labor for the following day.
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
Product Delivery
• Be mindful of security
• Use non-descript packaging when possible.
• Clearly list your company name and booth number on
each of your boxes.
• Small Package Room
• Shipments are limited to 5 packages per day under 50 lbs
• Holds packages for exhibitor pickup once you arrive
• Located in Hall D
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
Cart Load Service
• Service for EXHIBITORS with a small amount of freight to bring in.
• Cartload Service is located near the corner of 14th and Welton
(entrance on 14th)
• A cartload is eight (8) pieces or less, weighing less than 250 lbs total.
• Anything too heavy or oversized will be routed to the marshaling
• Vehicle Limitations
• Please see cartload order form in the exhibitor manual for details.
• Cartload Service is available on January 29 and 30.
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
Clean Floor Policy
• Clean Floor Policy in effect.
• Mandatory date for crate removal is Tuesday, January 29,
2013 at 8 p.m.
• There are charges for any crates return after the
Clean Floor Policy goes into effect.
• Color coded empty stickers are assigned by booth
location. Please see any freight door for the
correct color and labels.
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
Empty Return
• Empty return times vary by exhibit hall.
• Move-out notices will be provided detailing this
• Keep aisles clear and make space within your
booth closing night for empty returns to help
expedite the process.
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
Outbound Material Handling
• Move-out is also targeted.
• Exhibitors have a clear explanation of when their booths
need to be dismantled, packed and when their freight
needs to be off the floor.
• Make sure your carrier knows when and where they
are to go to check-in.
• Make sure your carrier is aware of your check-in
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
Award Winning “SUPERCRATE”
•Please use the links below to view a short video about the life of a crate at a
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
Union Jurisdiction
“Who does what?”
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
Union Jurisdictions
• Stagehands, IATSE Local 7
Unloading/loading of all trucks
Exhibit Installation and Dismantling
Install Truss & Hang Signs
Programmable theatrical lighting, dimmer boards and stages
Power distribution
Electrical Signs
• No Gratuities
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
• Ask Questions, Use Your Resources.
• Get Answers in Writing.
• Know Your Deadline Dates.
• Read your Exhibitor Manual!
• Use your Official Service Provider as a resource. Our GES National
Servicenter® is available to assist you, Monday-Friday from 9:00 AM
– 8:00 PM Eastern Time. We can be reached toll free at 800.475.2098
or contact us online at Our representatives are
knowledgeable and can assist you with the navigation of the
Exhibitor Manual and the placement of orders.
• Know what YOU are responsible for.
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.
See you at the 2013 SIA
Snow Show!
Our Mission: To create the world’s most meaningful and memorable experiences for brand marketers, show organizers and event attendees.
Copyright © 2010 Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) All Rights Reserved.