Year: Three
Term: Summer 2.a
What do I need to do?
Make clear notes about your project – for handing in.
Week 1: (10.06)
Explain what you have learned about the water cycle so far.
Week 2: (17.06)
Plan the model for your 3D- model. Which materials will you use?
How will you show the direction of the water travelling?
Begin your fact file alongside your plan. What is happening at each stage?
Week 3: (24.06)
Use the plan to begin to make the model. Does it show how the water is travelling? Complete your fact file using the appropriate vocabulary.
Literacy and Numeracy Activities
To tie in with one of our Topic focuses make a 3-D model of the Water Cycle and a fact file explaining what is happening. The model must show the journey of water.
Skills I will use: explaining/ answering reasoning researching planning making and presenting
Questions to think about:
What kind of material does he use?
How can I incorporate nature into my own artwork?
Which of his images could I use as inspiration?
Week 1: (10.06)
MATHS ~ Complete the worksheet.
LITERACY ~ Do the adverb & adjective worksheet
Week 2: (17.06)
MATHS ~ Complete the worksheet.
LITERACY ~ Write a character description for one of the characters of ‘The Neverending Story’.
(Challenge yourself and use the power of three.)
Week 3: (24.06)
MATHS ~ Complete the worksheet.
LITERACY ~ Write a setting for the ‘Swamp of Sadness’ or ‘The
Home of the Nothing’.
Children in Y3 should read at least 10 - 15 minutes every day of the week.
Spelling words will be handed out weekly.
How an adult can help me:
Help to access the websites.
Help with ideas and the making of the model.
Test me on a water cycle quiz.
Extension: Tell the story of the water cycle from the point of view of the water. Begin your story as a cloud, what happens next?
Useful Websites: www.