149 Dihybrid Crosses I 1/26/16 EQ: How does our individual genetic code influence who we are? Dihybrid Crosses I Application Connection Dihybrid crosses Ws Practice:Watch video and write 5 things •1 •2 •3 •4 •5 1/26/16 Notes: Laws of Segregation and Independent Assortment Starter: What do the capital and lower-case letters represent in a cross? 150 Exit Explain what the laws of independent assortment and segregation mean. J A N UAR Y 2 6 , 2 0 1 6 AG END A B. 6 F S T U D ENT S W IL L P R ED ICT P OS S I BLE OUT C OMES OF V A R IOUS G ENET I C C OMB I NATIONS S U C H A S MONOHY BR ID C R OS S ES , D I HY B R ID C R OS S ES A N D N ON - MEND ELI AN I N H E R I T A N CE W HI L E R EA D I N G AND W R IT IN G B Y C OMP L ET ING A W S . 1 Starter 2. Practice 3. Ws Table of Contents Date Lecture/ Activity/ Lab 12/10 Say it With DNA Activity 12/14 Mutations 12/15 Mutations2 1/5 Mutations and Pedigrees 1/6 Mutations and Pedigrees 1/7 Mutations and Poster 1/8 Mutations Writing 1/11 Pedigrees 1/12 Semester Exam Review 1/15 Gene Expression and Cell Differentiation 1/21 Mitosis and Meiosis 1/22 Heredity and Genetics Notes and Ws 1/25 Monohybrid crosses 1/26 Dihybrid Crosses I Page 123-124 125-126 127-128 129-130 131-132 133-134 135-136 137-138 139-140 141-142 143-144 145-146 147-148 149-150 LAW OF SEGREGATION AND INDEPENDENT ASSORTMENT CSCOPE Unit 08 Lesson 02 (Images courtesy Marianne Dobrovolny) (Images courtesy Marianne Dobrovolny) (Images courtesy Marianne Dobrovolny) 149 Dihybrid Crosses I 1/26/16 EQ: How does our individual genetic code influence who we are? Dihybrid Crosses I Application Connection Dihybrid crosses Ws Practice:Watch video and write 5 things •1 •2 •3 •4 •5 1/26/16 Notes: Laws of Segregation and Independent Assortment Starter: What do the capital and lower-case letters represent in a cross? 150 Exit Explain what the laws of independent assortment and segregation mean.