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Quality in Undergraduate




Chesapeake Community College,

Salisbury University, Wor-Wic

Community College—discipline meeting among history representatives

First meeting– A look at World

Civilizations & U.S. History syllabi

Common Goals & Objectives

Encourage critical and analytical thinking

Communicate effectively—oral and written skills

Distinguish between evidence & interpretation

Level 14 Skills & Knowledge

For the seamless transfer, the undergraduate history student would amass knowledge and skills in survey courses—World Civilizations, U.S.


Agreement on standards for General

Education curriculum—history

Standard 1

Interpreting Primary &

Secondary sources

– Students will understand the importance of using primary documents to reconstruct the past

– Assignments will require students to identify author, subject, audience, purpose of documents from specific historical era

Standard 2

Cause and Effect Relationships

– Students will understand the political, social and economic factors which have led to certain events in history

– Assignment—students will identify in written and oral form the ways in which various factors interact to produce an effect

Standard 3

Geography Skills

Students will understand the influence of geography on the development of different cultures and civilizations

Assignment—Students will locate significant places on maps and answer interpretive questions about the impact of geographic factors on a specific region

Standard 4

Relevancy of the Past to the


– Students will understand the historical roots of various political, social and economic institutions and issues

– Assignment—students will bring in a contemporary news article which relates to the historical development of a world nation

Standard 5


– Students will understand that there are various schools of historical interpretation

– Assignment—Students will be given examples of readings in history and discuss the perspectives of the authors

Level 16

History Majors

– With the knowledge and abilities gained from Level 14 courses, the student is able to progress to focus on a specific area of interest in history (European,

Asian, African, etc.)

– Gateway course is a requirement to prepare the major to develop skills necessary in historical research

Summary of History standards

QUE history representatives maintain the importance of students understanding the importance of how the past impacts the present

QUE history standards foster attitudes such as open-mindedness, respect for diversity and value of inquiry

Disseminating Information

After cluster and national meetings, discipline members reported back to history faculty in the institution

Input, Feedback was received and reported back to the QUE discipline group

Visits to campuses (classes as well as departmental meetings) led to fostering of partnership

What next?

Exchange of ideas concerning assignments, rubrics for assessment, and innovative strategies for implementing the standards

QUE history discipline members value the dialogue which has been initiated by this project and the spirit of cooperation which exists in the

SWI + CH cluster
