Name: _________________________________________________ Variables Most Often Used Data Type Character Java Keyword char Kind of Value 1 character - Unicode Bytes of Memory 2 integer int Integers 4 double double Decimal values to 15 decimal digit precision 8 not applicable -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (-231 to 231 - 1) 1.7e-308 to 1.73e308 positive and negative boolean boolean 1 true or false 1 or 0 Character char Boolean (Logical) values True or False Used to store one character. Use ‘ ‘ single quotes around the character Range of Values ‘c’ ‘A’ What data type would you use for the following? If you could use more than one list more than one 1. 248 ___________________________ 2. 43925 _________________________ 3. 28000 _________________________ 4. ‘C’ __________________________ 5. true ___________________________ 6. 1982483546 ____________________ 7. 1.6785 ___________________________ 8. 376.25 __________________________ OPERATORS IN JAVA Basic operators: Description Parentheses Operators () Associativity L to R * / % L to R as they appear multiplication, division, modulus + - addition, subtraction L to R as they appear What is integer division? An int is a whole number. When you divide with integers, the remainder is truncated (done away with). You are left with just the whole number. Example: 7/2 = 3 5/2 = 2 14 / 3 = 4 What is dividing by double? When you divide by a double, the answer will be a double. a double, the answer will be a double. Example: 7/2 = 3 15/4 = 3 What is modulus? remainder. 7.0/2 = 3.5 15.0/4 = 3.75 So when one number is an int and one is 7/2.0 = 3.5 Modulus is the remainder operator. You will divide and then the answer is the 7/2 = 3 3 2 7 7 -6____ 1 7%2 = 1 answer is 1 (1 is left over from dividing 7/2) Do not use a calculator. It is not the decimal number from dividing. Write the answer to the equations below: 32/ 3 32.0 / 3 14/5 14.0 / 5 18 / 4 18.0 / 4 1. What did you observe about dividing with integers? 2. What did you observe when dividing with a decimal (float value) Modulus Operator: Type these into the interactions pane and record the result. Modulus is the % sign and it is the remainder from dividing. integer answer. 32 % 3 14 % 5 18 % 4 18 % 4 12 % 5 Integer division will result in an Project 2: Description Parentheses multiplication, division, modulus addition, subtraction Operators () Associativity L to R * / % L to R (equal precedence as they appear left to right) L to R (equal precedence as they appear left to right) + - Work these out (show your work. Then type them into the interactions pane to check your work. Example: 1. 3 * 6 - 4 / 2 3* 6 = 18 4/2 = 2 18-2 = 16 2. 6/3*2 3. ((4+9) * 2+3) * 2) + 1 4. 2 + 3 * 2 + 15 / 5 5. 12 + 3 % 4 + 1 Variable Worksheet Name: ____________________________________ How to create variable Starts with Lower case One word no spaces Use camel case if put two words together ex: camelCase Can have a number, _ or $ in the variable name. Those are the only symbols. These are valid: camel_Case; camelCase2; camelCase$ Use the correct data type and correct a valid variable name for each of the following. 1. ________________________________ = 3; // number of people 2. ________________________________ = 32.32; // price of an item 3. ________________________________ = false; // value of a done flag 4. ________________________________ = ‘a’; // key to press 5. ________________________________ = 2; // class period number 6. ________________________________ = 30.0; // price of dinner 7. ________________________________ = true; // is done 8. ________________________________ = ‘x’; // character to press to stop Initialize the value of each of the following variables. Be sure to use a valid value for the type. 1. int count = ____________________________________________________ 2. double total = __________________________________________________ 3. char stopKey = _________________________________________________ 4. boolean stopFlag = ______________________________________________ 5. double result = _________________________________________________ 6. int numPets = ___________________________________________________ 7. char upKey = ___________________________________________________