04 September 2014 Dear Parent/Carer A2 Level Biology This year

21 March 2016
Dear Parent/Carer
A2 Level Biology
This year in Biology we have decided to alter the support and resources we provide and recommend for
students. Students are, as usual, required to pay the deposit of £5 so that they can be issued with the
main text book. However, this year we are also recommending the Biozone Edexcel student workbook.
If we have an order in excess of 10 then we can obtain them for £10.99. Please return the slip below
along with payment for £10.99 so that we can place an order as soon as possible.
Hopefully with these measures and some hard work we can ensure success for your son/daughter at
Student Support
Any student who is struggling with the demands of their Science course must be urged to speak to
his/her teacher(s) sooner rather than later. Most staff will be available at several points throughout the
week but Wednesday lunchtimes are kept free as a “KS5 Science clinic” for students studying any
science subject, and Lead teachers in Biology, Chemistry and Physics will always be available to help
with any problems at this time.
It is vital that students make full use of all their time in College and as such it should go without saying
that they arrive in lessons fully equipped to do whatever activity takes place in those lessons. Biology
does not always involve calculations but students should have a calculator in case they do. Physics
may not always involve the students in graph drawing but they should have a sharp pencil and good
ruler in case they do. This message needs to come from home as well as from College.
Above and beyond this, students should be urged to use their time at College as work time and many
tasks or set homework can be commenced, if not completed, using the College facilities during any
“free” or study sessions. We have a well-stocked dedicated library and computer access. Specific
resources include on-line access to the archived material for Biological Science Review, Physics
Review and Chemistry Review, as well as the New Scientist.
For all subjects, well planned and targeted revision, organised in good time, will be a key feature of
those students who achieve the grades their potential suggests they should. Good thorough notes, any
relevant revision guides, and copies of the course specification they are studying, are all resources
students can be organising right now. All of these features will help ensure good mock exam
results in January.
Yours sincerely
Mr A Hartigan
Head of KS5 Science
A2 Biology - Biozone Edexcel student workbook (AHN)
Student Name: ……………………………………………………………………. Tutor Group ……………
I enclose a total of £10.99 (cheque made payable to DCC KEVICC)
I have made a payment of £10.99 via the KEVICC website