THANKS & GRATITUDE THE WAY WE EXPRESS OUR ROLE - OUR GOAL AS AN EMPLOYEE & AS A SOCIAL BEING WITHIN IN BSNL ATTITUDE PEOPLE CAN CHANGE THEIR LIVES BY SIMPLY CHANAGING THEIR ATTITUDE ATTITUDE POSITIVE & NEGATIVE ATTITUDE NEGATIVE oUnhappy when no troubles to speak o Expect the worst in everything however best it is oSun shines only to cast shadows oTurn out the lights to see how dark it is POSITIVE oThink only the best, work only for the best and expect only the best oSpend so much time improving himself that one has no time left to criticize others. oConsistently attempts to be so strong that nothing can disturbs one`s peace of mind Attitude What determines one`s attitude? Environment/Experience/Education Positive Attitude :Reduce Stress, team work, team spirit, problems getting solved, pleasing personality, loyalty. Negative Attitude; High stress for other and self, lack of purpose Building of Positive Attitude: A strong desire to be positive, Avoid blaming others and everything. Work with clear focus. COMMITMENT YOUR COMMITMENT – HOW YOU MEASURE IT DIRECTION WE NEED IT EVERY MOMENT IN OUR CAREER & LIFE INSPIRE NO INSPIRATION NO LIFE GET INSPIRED FOR BEST ACTIONS INSPIRE GET INSPIRED FOR SOMETHING BEYOND THE NORMAL MOTIVATION FLEXIBILTY DEDICATION &COMMITMENTS WE HAVE MANY COMMITMENTS – DO IT WITH DEDICATION RIGHTS RESPONSIBILITY LIABILITY DISCIPINE RESPECT & REGARDS RESPECT RIGHTS RESPOSIBILTY LIABILITY CHANGE Human beings by nature resist change – be it for positive/negative Passion Some people live out of passionThey are great- DREAMS DREAM ALWAYS SUCCESS DEDICATION THE GREAT EVOLUTION THE GREAT EVOLUTION Tower jumping The origin of mankind's desire to fly is lost in the distant past. From the earliest legends there have been stories of men strapping birdlike wings, stiffened cloaks or other devices to themselves and attempting to fly, typically by jumping off a tower. During this early period the issues of lift, stability and control were not understood, and most attempts ended in serious injury or death. Designs often lacked an effective horizontal tail, or the wings were simply too small. PEOPLE WHO MADE OUR LIFE BEAUTIFUL Attitude What determines one`s attitude? Environment/Experience/Education Positive Attitude :Reduce Stress, team work, team spirit, problems getting solved, pleasing personality, loyalty. Negative Attitude; High stress for other and self, lack of purpose High Expectation of others and self. Human Nature generally resists Changes Changes un comfortable regardless of positive/negative Building of Positive Attitude: A strong desire to be positive, Avoid blaming others and everything. Work with clear focus. Attitude Dream success - not failure and work on with clear goal. Determination to succeed and willingness to devote time and efforts necessary to achieve the success Most People fail not because of lack of ability or intelligence, but lack of desire, direction, dedication, and discipline. Be Passionate No one can be good in their role without a good attitude Negative people always criticize, makes their career itself criticism as if they want to win prize in a context. HIGHEST SIM ACTIVATION IN 3RD QUARTER KERALA CIRCLE BY KANNUR SSA 3. SIM ACTIVATION IMPROVED (APRIL to December 2013) April 10786 May 11394 June 11693 July 14522 August 13639 September 13875 October 13816 November 15131 December 19014 TOTAL 123870 30 2. MNP : Kannur SSA Continue to maintain its Performance Status in MNP As on 31-03-2013 31-12-2013 PORT - IN 1,50,953 1,76,425 PORT - OUT 24,258 35,021 NET Port-IN 1,26,695 1,41,404 April to Dec 2013 25472 10763 14709 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 2339 2304 2446 3138 2868 2964 2217 577 587 738 837 3356 1109 1109 1762 1717 1708 2301 -488 1543 1835 1399 2922 14699 BSNL Mobile Kerala Circle - MNP Port in & Port out Report as on 17.1.2014 PORT IN Unknown (-68) MALLAPURAM (18,428) PATHANAMTHITTA (27,606) KOLLAM (28,040) THRISSUR (33,207) ALLEPEY (34,203) PALGHAT (34,620) TRIVANDRUM (38,204) CALICUT (39,421) KOTTAYAM (49,263) ERNAKULAM (126,872) KANNUR (142,306) Total (572,102) 0 52,491 34,927 42,294 53,202 44,023 48,081 53,880 66,552 62,928 1,59,240 1,77,303 7,94,921 PORT OUT 35 34,469 7,363 14,285 20,057 9,922 13,530 15,818 27,302 13,720 32,577 35,269 2,24,347 Segment Wise REVENUE Summary : COMPARISON WITH LAST Amount in APRIL TO Current Year YEAR Crores of Rupees DECEMBER 2012 - 13 Variance %Variance Phones 46.26 52.27 -6.01 -14.32 % Broadband 39.00 32.32 6.68 20.67 % EB Circuits 0.42 0.27 0.15 55.57 % IUC 0.03 0.06 -0.03 Mobile 112.54 96.97 15.57 16.06% Total Revenue 198.25 181.89 16.35 8.99% 33 Comparison of Revenue upto Dec-12 vs. Dec – 2011 (in Cr) Phones PCO FTTH SurChrg BB ITC+FLPP EB(CCTs) IUC Total CFA Upto Dec-12 Upto dec-11 Variance %variance 49.15 62.15 -13 -20.92 1.45 2.12 -0.67 -31.6 0.06 0 0.06 60 0.85 1.35 -0.5 -37.04 32.34 28.18 4.16 14.76 0.73 1.44 -0.71 -49.31 0.27 0.33 -0.06 -18.18 0.06 0.22 -0.16 -72.73 84.91 95.79 -10.88 -11.36 Total GSM 97.47 78.74 18.73 23.79 CFA+CM 182.38 174.53 7.85 4.5 TOTAL (CFA+CM) Revenue Comparison 2012-13 Vs 2013-14 (Up to December) (Amount in Crores of Rs.) SSA EKM Up to Dec'12 Up to Dec'13 Variation % Variation 268 311.5 43.44 16.21 KNR 181.9 199.9 17.94 9.86 TVM TRC KTM CT KLM ALP MLP PGT PTA CGMT CMTS TOTAL 156.5 142.3 133.9 128.5 107.9 94.16 92.09 83.89 79.69 107.5 143.9 1720 179.2 156.6 142.4 139.2 112.4 99.75 96.76 91.53 81.96 88.23 166.9 1866 22.71 14.39 8.46 10.71 4.56 5.59 4.67 7.64 2.27 -19.22 23.04 146.2 14.52 10.11 6.32 8.33 4.23 5.94 5.07 9.1 2.85 -17.89 16.01 8.5 TOTAL (CFA+CM) Revenue Comparison 2012-13 Vs 2013-14 (Up to December) (Amount in Crores of Rs.) upto Dec13 Phones upto Dec12 Variance % Variance 44.01 49.14 -5.13 -10.44 Pco 1.01 1.46 -0.46 -31.19 Ftth 0.25 0.08 0.17 0.00 SurChrg 0.84 0.86 -0.02 -1.85 39.11 32.32 6.78 20.98 ITC+FLPP 0.34 0.73 -0.39 -53.56 EB(Ccts) 0.42 0.27 0.15 56.93 IUC 1.41 0.06 1.35 2103.89 87.38 84.92 2.46 2.90 Tot CM 113.27 96.97 16.30 16.81 CFA+CM 200.65 181.89 18.76 10.31 BB Total CFA SSA KTM CNN ENK TVM CLT TCR PGT ALP PTA KLM MLP Total CGMT CMTS G.TOTAL Annual Target Prop. Target Achievement % of upto the month upto the month Achievement 262.94 197.21 142.35 72.18 382.78 287.08 199.85 69.62 596.76 362.93 289.74 326.40 192.81 214.71 178.66 255.32 232.39 3295.44 158.55 287.78 3741.77 447.57 272.20 217.31 244.80 144.60 161.03 133.99 191.49 174.29 2471.58 118.91 215.84 2806.33 311.47 179.16 139.21 156.64 91.53 99.75 81.96 112.42 96.76 1611.12 88.23 166.92 1866.27 69.59 65.82 64.06 63.98 63.30 61.95 61.17 58.71 55.52 65.19 74.20 77.33 66.50 PHYISICAL VERIFICATION OF ASSETS: DETAILED CIRCULAR PLACED IN KANNUR NET. ALL WORKS AND SUPPLY BILLS PENDING SHOULD BE SUBMITTED BEFORE 31.01.2014 MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATED OF ALL WORKS PHYSICALLY COMPLETED ALSO SHOULD BE SUBMIITED BEFORE 31.01.2013 DELAYED SUBMISSION MAY RESULT IN NON ACCOUNTING OF DEPRECIATION IN THE CURRENT YEAR AND MAY VERY SERIOUS AUDIT OBSERVATIONS. DELAYED SUBMISSION MAY RESULT IN NON PAYMENT DUE TO NON AVAILABILITY OF FUND SCRAPPING: DIVISION WISE WIP PENDING OB Curr year total value to be % age of Division total WIP Capitalised capitalised capitalised capitalized capitalization AGMMM 998013 75417 0 75417 922596 8 DEPCNN 797012 65248 355373 420621 376392 53 DEPKSZ 735525 16286 341566 357852 377672 49 DEPTLY 529859 0 120420 120420 409439 23 DETCNN 590710 153083 330840 483923 106787 82 DETCUU 448498 62613 115747 178360 270137 40 DETCVU 1351117 -1179 156674 155495 1195622 12 DETIMCNN 18355148 12198450 1536200 13734650 4620498 75 DETIMPAY 7175650 5801130 111387 5912517 1263133 82 DETKNG 190810 0 73907 73907 116903 39 DETKSZ 126209 0 17691 17691 108518 14 DETMTR 1380551 7825 507519 515344 865208 37 DETNLS 488649 166435 217673 384108 104541 79 DETPAY 1201011 50788 449408 500196 700816 42 DETSKM 616004 0 41264 41264 574740 7 DETTLY 866373 107047 405015 512062 354311 59 DETTMB 1307156 350924 136298 487222 819935 37 DETUPL 326134 50710 249759 300469 25665 92 SSA Estimate 5032771 5634660 -682846 4951814 80957 98 42517200 24739437 4483895 29223332 13293869 69 Mobile Number updation pending as on 17/01/2014 DIVISION DELs Pending %age Class wise pending A B C D E/F DEPKNR 27806 12158 43.72 49 470 1973 3128 DEP TLY 25303 3341 13.2 8 60 202 576 2495 DET CNN 27112 5292 19.52 12 50 344 1106 DET CUU 29255 6634 22.68 17 41 250 DET KNG 26628 5563 20.89 4 27 DET KSZ 27343 7895 28.87 6 DET MTR 25129 5043 20.07 DET NLS 32799 4742 DET PAY 30977 DET SKM Active OGB IGB Suspend 6538 11101 124 8 925 2911 61 10 359 3780 4757 145 12 378 988 5338 5666 169 17 782 290 640 4602 4456 142 23 942 36 277 690 6886 5574 327 25 1969 10 26 190 510 4307 3846 202 1 994 14.46 4 3 86 331 4318 3172 163 13 1394 4892 15.79 4 51 278 722 3837 3805 82 4 1000 22760 3628 15.94 6 5 55 217 3345 2473 117 1 1037 DET TLY 38269 5109 13.35 11 18 151 591 4338 4152 108 4 845 DET TMB 23832 3101 13.01 10 28 133 437 2493 2523 103 3 472 DET UPL 21672 2698 12.45 1 10 48 111 2528 1642 121 0 935 SSA Total 358885 70096 19.53 142 825 4277 10047 54805 56078 1864 121 12032 Email updation pending as on 17/01/2014 DIVISION DELs Pending %age Class wise pending A B C D E/F Active OGB IGB Suspend DEPKNR 27806 25067 90.15 50 721 3784 6883 13629 23408 198 16 1445 DEP TLY 25303 22857 90.33 21 332 2395 5931 14178 21663 361 21 812 DET CNN 27112 25370 93.57 28 211 1705 5695 17731 24135 482 24 729 DET CUU 29255 27483 93.94 25 168 1501 5197 20592 25581 502 25 1375 DET KNG 26628 25267 94.89 10 179 1155 3511 20412 22586 627 38 2016 DET KSZ 27343 25534 93.38 21 180 1142 3075 21116 21213 856 46 3419 DET MTR 25129 23729 94.43 25 96 1023 3244 19341 21298 701 3 1726 DET NLS 32799 31414 95.78 24 80 972 4036 26302 26697 900 81 3736 DET PAY 30977 29431 95.01 26 183 1441 4758 23023 26902 357 11 2160 DET SKM 22760 21546 94.67 15 38 498 2474 18521 18904 557 1 2084 DET TLY 38269 36650 95.77 29 162 1706 6862 27891 34289 513 11 1836 DET TMB 23832 22614 94.89 23 126 922 3455 18088 20896 534 5 1179 DET UPL 21672 20866 96.28 14 68 563 1881 18340 17874 740 0 2252 SSA Total 358885 337828 94.13 311 2544 18807 57002 259164 305446 7328 282 24769 ARPU -2013-14 (Amount in Rs.) LANDLINE BB GSM GSM GSM CDMA WIMAX POSTPAID PREPAID COMBINED FTTH APR 149.30 586.14 403.90 100.01 110.02 146 729 1891.45 MAY 141.66 584.92 404.20 102.01 112.53 139 709 1773.23 JUN 142.29 579.97 408.70 100.19 110.21 141 698 1819.35 JUL 141.46 580.31 408.00 100.85 110.72 145 691 1843.80 AUG 143.93 577.19 407.90 102.68 112.40 148 686 1823.76 SEP 144.73 583.46 407.50 102.93 112.60 152 684 1795.29 OCT 147.70 581.29 409.90 103.54 113.14 152 680 1773.40 NOV 148.83 585.24 409.90 103.36 112.92 153 696 1754.33 Action Plans for Increasing Revenue in IV th Quarter • Pursuing all the existing 250 BB Customers (16253) through IVRS and personal calling for upgradation of plans • Conducting Special Reconnection covering all exchanges in the SSA. and Outstanding Settlement Adalath • With the 667 2G sites and 189- 3G sites already on air, data usage is going to be the high revenue expectations of future. Conducting street melas and educating various data plans and data access method to rural and semi urban masses who are keen to use mobile for browsing to enhance data revenue popularization data 252 min. plan •Ensure all executives possess Ctop up handset and encourage maximum others also follow •Customer Retention Cell involve in high level reconnection activities by conducting special reconnection and outstanding realization meetings in each divisions. WRITE OFF 1. Active participation in LBM/HPC by field JTOs/SDEs/DE Active & effective participation is required. 2. CML - Service nos - bills get generated & OS accumulated. To reduce OS, cancellation is to be effected. Our SSA's position in cancellation of bills is on higher side which will affect our bench mark. SDE CML should recreate SVC nos. with Free FMC in basic, mobile, cdma & wimax nos (including data cards). 3. Fault Cases - Even after physically closing faults, it is not closed in system. This will lead to allowing undue rent rebate. Payment of Electricity Bills: Electricity bills are received on due date or in many cases after due date resulting 'surcharge' for the delay. Moreover, maximum bills are received at the fag end of the due date of payment and even if the bills are submitted to Bank for RTGS payment, Bank takes one or two days for effecting the payment resulting delay in payment. All surcharges paid under normal circumstances are liable to recovered. Updation of leave entries in HR : Sanction of Leave without any Leave at Credit resulting overpayment – reg. Leave updation in HR package is pending against many officials. Many cases 'Joining' entry after availing leave is missing resulting no further updation in HR possible. Controlling officers may ensure that Leave updation including 'Joining' entry is done regularly. It is also observed that Controlling officers are sanctioning Leave (E/L or HPL) without verifing the Leave Balance at credit resulting huge overpayment. (e.g Case of Smt. Pushppam, TM Payyavoor under SDE(G)/DET, SKM and Sri Balappa, TM Bedadka under SDE(G), Kalanad/ DET, KSZ Non-submission of Bank Account for payment of Bldg/Tower Rent : As per Corporate Office instructions, Rent payment is strictly to be paid to the Bank Account of the Bldg/Tower owners. But despite repeated reminders, Bank Account details from18 Bldg/Tower owners are yet to be received. (Pending cases TLYT–5 TMB–2 SKM -5 CNN/PAY/KNG/KSZ/MJR/CHENGLA – 1 each). Concerned DETs may pursue and obtain the Bank Account details latest by 28th February, 2014 positively. On implementation of ERP from next Financial Year onwards, it may be difficult to release the Rent payment without Bank Account. Daily/monthly Counter collection at CSC counters : (a) Despite repeated instructions, daily counter collection is not shown in the MIS statement in KannurNet on the same day regularly. (b) Monthly counter collection statement for December, 2013 is not received even on 15 th Jan,'14 from the following CSCs: :Cherukunnu/Cheruvathur/Perdala/Rajapuram/Kalanad/Chengala/Tri karipur (c)A copy of monthly Counter statement (MIS statement) duly signed by the Officer-in-charge is to be forwarded to AO(Cash) without fail. (d) Monthly Bank statement is not being received from some banks resulting delay in preparation of Trial Balance. Bank statement may be collected from the concerned Banks and forwarded to AO(Cash) so as to reach by 2nd day of next monthly positively. CASH AND CASH CARDS •SDE I/C - CSC liable for complete accounting •Ensure collection and remittance of all sales on daily basis. •Make available correct balance to the inspecting agencies for verification. • Ensure all records of cash collection and remittance • are authenticated by CSC I/C daily • Reasons for high closing balance are to be recorded and attested • Verification of balance and Stock by DE and Other agencies •Recent Instructions from Circle office and media reports on failure to properly account cash and cards are to be brought to the notice of all - ALERT – Payment of petty bills: Due to severe restrictions imposed on Cash allotment for 'Repairs & Maintenance, it has become difficult for timely payments of Temporary Advances, Petty bills etc. There is general complaint from petty contractors that payment are not received immediately. It is observed that there is delay in submission of the petty bills, delay in forwarding, processing etc. resulting the corresponding delay to make the payment. Suitable instructions may be given for timely submission, forwarding, processing of petty bills to avoid such complaints. LIQUIDATION TARGETS (LANDLINE) 2013-2014 (..000) Period O/s on 31-03-13 Target Seg I Upto 2006-07 Seg II 1-4-07 to 31-3-11 Seg III 11-12 & 12-13 Seg IV Cur. Year 3 month old Period Seg I Seg II Seg I Seg II Seg III As on 30-06-13 31-08-2013 30-09-13 31-122013 Diff 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1520 760 1456 1358 1214 1139 1122 833 -73 42562 12769 14507 10411 9587 8903 8414 1% of ABF 5106 1% of ABF 405 4399 3971 8036 4733 18488 LIQUIDATION TARGETS (BROAD BAND) 2013-2014 (.000) O/s on 31As on 3030-09- 31-1003-13 Target 06-13 31-08-13 2013 2013 01.04.2000 to 31.03.2003 19915 1991 5556 Cur. Year 3 months old 5% of ABF LIQUIDATION TARGETS (MOBILE) 2013-2014 (..000) O/s on 31Period 03-13 Target 01.04.2002 to 31.03.2003 0 0 01.04.2003 to 31.03.2011 105 20 01.04.2011 to 31.03.2013 1814 181 Cur.Yr. 04/13 to 09/13 31-10-2013 30-11-2013 3720 30-11- 31-122013 2013Diff 3560 3300 -1309 12543 31-082013 30-09-13 19-112013 12-122013 Diff 0 0 0 0 0 104 86 81 81 -61 380 352 320 314 -133 579 688 454 454 -49 LIQUIDATION TARGETS (CDMA) 2013-2014 ..000 Period O/s on 31-03-13 Target Seg I 01.04.2002 to 31.03.2003 0 Seg II 01.04.2003 to 31.03.2011 Seg III 01.04.2011 to 31.03.2013 Cur.Yr. 04/13 to 10/13 As on 31-07-13 31-08-2013 30-09-2013 31-10-13 30-11-2013 Diff 0 0 0 0 0 0 3818 955 3695 3653 3625 3504 3389 -2434 8721 872 5424 5224 5123 4728 4609 -3737 3917 4562 4662 5111 4535 total o/s 13036 13439 13410 13343 12534 LIQUIDATION TARGETS (WIMAX) 2013-2014 …000 Period O/s on 31-03-13 Target Seg I 01.04.2002 to 31.03.2003 0 Seg II 01.04.2003 to 31.03.2011 0 Seg III 01.04.2011 to 31.03.2013 483 Cur.Yr. 04/13 to 09/13 31-08-2013 31-10-2013 159 149 139 589 291 184 462 880 902 1203 0 48 1% abf 551 From 1/10/13 Total 30-11-2013 31-122013 Diff 30-09-2013 12 748 -91 SMART WORKING CASH RESOURCES - AVAILABILITY NOT PREDICTABLE ISSUING OF EXPERIENCE CERTIFICATE TO CONTRACTORS BY FIELD UNITS It is noticed that Experience certificate is being issued by the units without requisite information, which creates difficulty in taking decision on the work experience of bidders which forms an integral part of awarding work, in the matter of Tender finalisation. Therefore, it is intimated to all unit officers, who are required to issue such Experience certificate should ensure that the following details are contained in the Experience certificate. It may be noted that an officer of STS level can only issue such certificate: 1) No. and date of Certificate 2) Work Order number with date 3) Tender No. & Date 4) Details of work done 5) Distance Covered by the Contract till completion of work 6) Gross Amount involved 7) Tender Period 8) Performance of the contractor Thank You Thank You Thank You