Reference 3 to Doc. 6, as background information

Reference 3 – For Info
World Meteorological Organization
2016 PRA-PTC-1/Doc. 5
GENEVA, 21-22 JANUARY 2016
Agenda Item:
It is recalled that the WMO Quality Management Framework (QMF) was initiated by Cg-14
in 2003 with the aim of promoting the implementation of quality management as a good practice for
the NMHSs. The QMF was also intended as a response to the then new ICAO requirements for
quality management of the meteorological information supplied to the aviation users.
Cg-17 (2015) was presented with an update on the status of the WMO QMF. Congress
noted that, in addition to the aviation, other WMO application programmes have been addressing
the quality management aspects of their service areas. The WMO Strategy for Service Delivery
has recognized the implementation of a QMS as a vital tool in the continual enhancement of
products and services provided by the NMHSs resulting in increased effectiveness, efficiency and
customer/user satisfaction. The QMS was considered of particular importance in the provision of
decision-supporting services to economic sectors and general public with the purpose of
minimizing weather-(climate-water)-related risks. Therefore, Congress encouraged further
expansion and formalization of the QMS approach across such service areas and agreed that
quality management should be established as a requisite function and managerial practice to be
implemented by Members with regard to services provided in support of users’ decisions with high
economic and social impact.
Cg-17 noted further the on-going development of quality management aspects of other
programme areas, like WIGOS and WIS, HWRP, WCP/WCSP, GFCS, DRR, GAW, etc. Several
different expert bodies have been established by the technical commissions concerned to address
quality management aspects of the respective programmes. However, it was understood that the
quality management focus may vary from programme to programme, e.g., in some areas the main
concern is about quality of observational data and related information derivatives, while in other
areas the concern is on the availability of a recognized/certified QMS that warrants quality in
accordance with a service level agreement. Therefore, Congress agreed that the WMO QMF
should be further developed to streamline the quality management activities of different
programmes, technical commissions and expert bodies to ensure their consistency as part of the
overarching organization-wide QM policy.
Noting that a new ISO 9001:2015 standard was becoming applicable from September 2015,
Cg-17 endorsed the need for development of further guidance to Members and capacity-building
efforts supported by a suitable expert body, and by adequate resources within the Secretariat.
Congress suggested that such new QM expert body should preserve the expertise and experience
gained by the previous bodies – ICTT-QMF and TT-QMS, and requested the Executive Council to
consider establishment of such a body in its future work structure. Congress adopted Resolution 7
(Cg-17), WMO Quality Management Framework, which is reproduced in Appendix 1.
EC-67 acknowledged the directions given by the Seventeenth Congress on the need for
furthering the organization-wide Quality Management Framework (QMF) as a comprehensive and
structured approach to organizational management that seeks to improve the quality of products
and services through on-going refinements in response to continuous feedback.
2016 PRA-PTC-1/Doc. 5, p. 2
Noting the expansion of the quality management process to different WMO Programmes
and activities supported by relevant technical commissions, Council agreed that these on-going
and future developments should be coordinated through an appropriate working mechanism that
will ensure an inclusive and harmonized approach to increase the uptake by Members of the QMF
principles in their efforts for performance improvement.
Council noted further that the directions outlined in Resolution 7 (Cg-17), with regard to
furthering the development of the WMO QMF and streamlining the quality management aspects of
all WMO Programmes, would require a coordinated effort by all regional associations and technical
commissions, supported by the Secretariat, to assess the current status of implementation of the
WMO QMF and the need for further guidance, in particular, in view of the transition to the new ISO
9001:2015 quality management standard.
Council agreed that a comprehensive analytical report on the current status of the WMO
QMF should be presented to the joint meeting of presidents of technical commissions and
presidents of regional associations in early 2016 (PTC/PRA 2016) in order to facilitate the
development of a proposal for a suitable Organization-wide coordination mechanism.
Council further agreed that the outcome of the PTC/PRA 2016 meeting on the future
enhancement of the WMO QMF should be submitted for consideration by the EC Working Group
on Strategic and Operational Plan (EC/WG-SOP) as the basis for preparing a comprehensive
proposal to EC-68 on the future WMO QMF approach, including the needed supporting expertise
and resources.
5.10 As a follow up of the directives given by EC-67, an analysis of the current status of the
WMO QMF is provided in the appendices to this paper, as follows:
Appendix 2 presents a chronological list of the main QMF-related activities during the
period 2013 – 2015;
Appendix 3 presents the current WMO Quality Policy statement adopted by Cg-15
Appendix 4 presents a (non-exhaustive) list of references to WMO publications and
websites related to QMF.
5.11 Proposed actions for furthering the WMO QMF. Following the directions given by Cg-17
(Resolution 7) and EC-67, the following concrete actions are proposed for consideration:
5.11.1 Review and update the Quality Policy Statement – this should be done by extending and
deepening of the meaning of this statement. Using some of the new concept introduced by the ISO
9000:2015 would be useful, such as:
The concept of “Context of the Organization” (valid both for WMO and for the Members’
The concept of “Risk-based thinking”;
The concept of “Organizational knowledge”;
The change from “Continuous improvement” to “Improvement”;
The change from “Products” to “Outputs” (that includes products and services);
The general change to less prescriptive and more flexible QMS standard.
5.11.2 Align and streamline the quality management activities of different programmes, technical
commissions and expert bodies to ensure their consistency as part of the overarching
organization-wide QM policy. To facilitate this process, it is proposed to develop and publish a new
high-level document “WMO Quality Management Framework”.
2016 PRA-PTC-1/Doc. 5, p. 3
5.11.3 Review and enhance relevant regulatory and guidance material. This includes the
transformation of the current Technical Regulations, Volume IV into a Chapter in the new edition of
the Technical Regulations, Volume I (WMO-No-49). Development of new provisions/requirements
for the implementation of QMS for the provision of certain services by Members should also be
5.11.4 Prepare updates of the existing WMO QMS guidance material to reflect the changes in the
new ISO 9001:2015 standard, in particular, “Guide to the Quality Management System for the
Provision of Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation” (WMO-No. 1001), and “Guide
to the Implementation of a Quality Management System for National Meteorological and
Hydrological Services” (WMO-No. 1100).
5.11.5 Continue monitoring of implementation of the QMS requirements for aviation and related
assistance to Members. Promote further the general recommendations for implementation of QMS
by NMHSs stipulated in the WMO Strategy for Service Delivery and highlight the benefits for
NMHSs. This implies continuation of the mechanisms of twinning and mentoring arrangements
between Members.
5.11.6 Noting the recognition of the importance of the QMS in the current WMO Strategic Plan
(2016-2019), an Organization-wide approach to QMS should be established. This approach should
engage all levels of the Organization with coordinated relevant actions, such as:
Members – to be encouraged and enabled through capacity development to implement
QMS as part of their development plans linked to the WMO Strategic Plan and other
relevant strategies, such as the WMO Strategy on Service delivery;
Regional Associations – to coordinate their Members’ actions on QMS and support
relevant mechanisms (e.g., twinning and mentoring; assign QMS tasks to regional
facilities supporting elements of QMS, such as RICs, RTCs, etc) to accelerate the
process; monitor the implementation and identify deficiencies thereof;
Technical Commissions – further coordinate and develop QM elements in their
respective areas, including regulatory provisions, as necessary;
Secretariat – promote in its work broader implementation of QMS elements and
principles, such as “Process approach”, “improvement”, “evidence-based decision
making” etc.
5.11.7 The work on the above tasks would be strongly supported by establishing an Expert Team
on WMO QMF (ET-QMF) under an appropriate “parent” body (e.g., EC WG-SOP). The ET-QMF
would utilize the accumulated experience and expertise in the former TT-QMS (which was
operating under the CAeM) as well as inputs and contributions from all relevant bodies and service
areas. The former TT-QMS during its last meeting in January 2015 developed draft terms of
reference for a future expert body on WMO QMF which are shown in Appendix 5.
Action by PRA-PTC-2016:
a) Note the analysis of the status of the WMO QMF presented in this document;
b) Consider the proposed furthering of the WMO QMF as outlined in 5.11 above and agree on
recommendation to EC WG-SOP (see 5.9 above).
2016 PRA-PTC-1/Doc. 5, APPENDIX 1
Resolution 7 (Cg-17)
Noting Resolution 26 (Cg-XVI) – WMO Quality Management Framework,
Noting further:
The work related to the development of the WMO Quality Management Framework (QMF)
carried out since Cg-XIV (2003), including the reports and recommendations of the quality
management expert bodies – the Inter-Commission Task Team on the Quality Management
Framework (ICTT-QMF) and the Task Team on Quality Management Systems (TT-QMS),
The progress in implementing the QMS for the provision of meteorological service to
international air navigation,
The on-going development of quality management aspects of relevant WMO Programmes,
The QMF as an expression of the WMO long-term commitment to the quality of information,
products and services delivered to society,
The added value of the QMS in the delivery of products and services in an increasingly
competitive service provision environment,
The need to streamline the quality management aspects of all WMO Programmes and in the
activities of the technical commissions,
Decides to further the development of the WMO QMF with focus on:
Coordinating the activities of the technical commissions and their relevant expert bodies to
ensure that the quality management issues are complementary and consistent with the
overarching WMO QMF;
Developing further the WMO regulatory and guidance material on quality management
contained in different documents and domains, including updated guidance on the transition
to the new International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2015 quality
management standard;
Review and actualization of the WMO Quality Policy as an organization-wide policy
complementing the WMO Strategic and Operating Plans;
Continuing support to Members in implementing the QMS, in particular for achieving
compliance with relevant international requirements;
Encourages Members that have not yet implemented a QMS to strengthen the quality
management of their National Meteorological and Hydrological Services and other relevant service
providers on the basis of the ISO 9001 quality standards;
Requests the presidents of technical commissions to continue developing the quality management
aspects relevant to their activities in a coordinated way under the overarching WMO QMF;
2016 PRA-PTC-1/Doc. 5, APPENDIX 1, p. 2
Requests the presidents of regional associations to consider cooperation activities to assist
Members in the implementation of QMF with focus on those Members lacking national capacity,
where twinning or mentoring projects and other forms of regional cooperation should be utilized;
Requests the Executive Council to establish an appropriate mechanism of promoting and guiding
the further development and implementation of QMF;
Requests the Secretary-General to continue the support to the development and implementation
of the QMF within the available resources.
2016 PRA-PTC-1/Doc. 5, APPENDIX 2
WMO QMF development between 2003 and 2015
Cg-XIV: Resolution 27 (Cg-XIV), Quality Management
Congress decided “that WMO should work towards a Quality Management Framework (QMF) for
NMSs that would eventually include and develop the following distinct though related elements,
which could be addressed possibly on a phased basis:
1) WMO Technical Standards;
2) Quality management system(s) including quality control; and
3) Certification procedure(s).”
EC-LVI: Resolution 8 (EC-LVI) - Establishment of the Inter-Commission Task Team on Quality
Management Framework (ICTT-QMF)
October 2004: First WMO Workshop on QMF, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
April – Survey with WMO Members on the status and plans related to QMS within NMSs
EC-LVII: Agenda Item 8.4 - WMO Quality Management
Agreed, inter alia that, “in the future, QMF aspects should become an integral part of the work of the
technical commissions”;
Prevailing opinion that ISO 9001 standards would serve better than “WMO-own” QMS standards, but
should be applied in line with the WMO technical regulations.
Explanatory Circular on WMO QMF sent to WMO Members
April, ICTT-QMF/1 meeting
EC-LVIII: Resolution 3 (EC-LVIII) - Re-established ICTT-QMF with revised TORs.
January, ICTT-QMF/2 meeting
Cg-XV: Resolution 32 (Cg-XV), WMO Quality Management Framework
WMO QMF will consist of the following key elements:
a) A WMO Quality Policy
b) Objectives aligned with the WMO Strategic Plan
c) Technical Documentation and procedures relevant to their development, review and
EC-LX: Resolution 8 (EC-LX) – Establishment of a WMO standard/regulation on meteorological
service for international air navigation for inclusion in the WMO Quality Management Framework.
(The purpose was to re-instate the need for QMS and ISO 9001 certification for the aeronautical
MET Service).
October, ICTT-QMF/3 meeting
Start of the Pilot Project for the Implementation of QMS in the United Republic of Tanzania
EC-LXI: ICTT submitted a draft Volume IV to the Technical Regulations
2016 PRA-PTC-1/Doc. 5, APPENDIX 2, p. 2
December – QMF and Auditor Training Workshop, Geneva
EC-LXII: Resolution 16 (EC-LXII) – Publication of Volume IV of the Technical Regulations
(WMO-No. 49), Quality Management
Cg-XVI: Resolution 26 (Cg-XVI) – WMO Quality Management Framework
Note: WMO QM Framework was included in Annex II to Cg-XVI report – WMO Programmes
EC-LXIII: ICTT-QMF was not reestablished by EC-LXIII. Instead P/CAeM was requested to
establish a Task Team on QMS (TT-QMS) under the CAeM.
October – TT-QMS/1 Meeting, Innsbruck, Austria
March – TT/QMS/2 Meeting, Marrakesh, Morocco
EC-64: Council endorsed the QMS approach and policy of the following programmes, noting that
for a comprehensive service strategy of WMO, a set of fundamental policies for QMS across the
Organization, based on the overall WMO Mission and Vision statements were needed:
Hydrology, JCOMM, WIS and WIGOS, GFCS, WMO Service Delivery Strategy
15 November 2012 – ICAO and WMO QMS requirement for aviation services became a Standard
PTC: Each TC would nominate a person or small drafting group for each programmatic area (TC
focal points) to create a brief summary of programme-specific Quality Management System
requirements for documentation and guidance, in close consultation with the user community
March – 3rd Meeting of TT-QMS, Melbourne
Publication of WMO-No. 1100, Guide to the Implementation of a QMS for NMHSs
EC-65: Attention to the monitoring of QMS implementation by Members; Twinning/Mentoring
Framework in QMS Implementation: Resolution 14 (EC-65) – Quality Management and
Infrastructure Development of the WIS
EC-66: Future of WMO Quality Management Framework – recommended continuation of the
activities and establishment of appropriate QMF structure; acknowledged the new ISO 9001:2015
CAeM-15: Confirmed strong commitment to QMS implementation and sustainability
January - 4th (and last) meeting of TT-QMS; developed proposal for a new expert body and drafted
its TORs
Cg-17: Resolution 7 (Cg-17), WMO Quality Management Framework
EC-67: Directed the task for presenting a report on QMF to PTC/PRA-2016 and to EC WG-SOP to
decide on appropriate working mechanism.
2016 PRA-PTC-1/Doc. 5, APPENDIX 3
(Cg-XV, Annex to Resolution 32)
Policy statement
WMO is dedicated to ensuring optimum affordable quality for all meteorological,
climatological, hydrological, marine and related environmental data, products and services,
especially those supporting the protection of life and property, safety on land, at sea and in the air,
sustainable economic development and protection of the environment.
WMO will endeavor through a process of continuous improvement, efficient
management and good governance:
To ensure that increasingly accurate and reliable warnings of severe events related
to weather, water and climate are delivered to users in a timely and useful manner;
To specify and enhance provision of user-oriented weather, water, climate and
related environmental services of identified quality to the public, governments and
other users and customers;
To ensure that observations, records and reports on weather, water resources,
climate and related natural environment, operational forecasts, warning services
and related information are of identified quality for international exchange through
the WMO coordinated systems and relevant joint standards with other international
To address the needs to enhance the capabilities of Members to deliver services to
users and customers with best available technology and assist to improve
cooperation and collaboration between Members in the implementation of quality
management systems;
To address the need to enhance the capabilities of Members with comprehensive
capacity-building activities that include training, through the development of
partnerships and technology transfer.
2016 PRA-PTC-1/Doc. 5, APPENDIX 4
WMO Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Vol. 2, Meteorological Service for International
Air Navigation; ICAO Annex 3 (same title)
WMO Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Vol. 4, Quality Management
Guide to the Quality Management System for the Provision of Meteorological Service for
International Air Navigation (WMO-No. 1001)
Guide to the Implementation of a Quality Management System for National Meteorological
and Hydrological Services (WMO-No. 1100)
Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation: (CIMO Guide)
(WMO-No. 8), Part III – Quality Assurance and Management of Observing Systems
The WMO Strategy for Service Delivery and its Implementation Plan (WMO-No.1129),
Chapter 2: Link to the WMO Quality Management Framework
QMF website hosted by the Bureau of Meteorology
CAeM/UK Met Office “moodle” website -
HWRP Quality Management Framework – Hydrology
Commission for Climatology – Expert Team on Quality Management
GAW Quality Assurance
2016 PRA-PTC-1/Doc. 5, APPENDIX 5
To review and assist in developing further the WMO-QMF to reflect the context of the
evolving environment in which Members deliver their goods and services, as well as
relevant WMO strategies;
To facilitate and provide guidance to WMO Programmes, constituent bodies and Members
on the implementation of the Quality Management approach through different service
delivery areas;
To assist technical commissions in developing their QMS-relevant existing and proposed
technical regulations, manuals and guides with the aim to harmonize their content and
align with the policies insofar as a part of the WMO organization-wide QMF;
To promote, through the regional associations, capacity building cost-effective approaches
to sustainable QMS implementation taking into consideration regional specifics and with
focus on developing and least developed Member countries and territories;
To continue to develop a framework for “twinning/mentor arrangements” between
Members with a well-developed QMS and other Members embarking on a QMS
To provide guidance to ensure smooth transition to the new ISO 9001:2015 quality
management standard, and, in particular, on its implementation for the provision of
aeronautical meteorological service and to other service delivery areas, as appropriate.