Unit 4 Psychology Annotated Folio: Learning 2014 Outcome 1 Explain the neural basis of learning and compare and contrast different theories of learning and their applications. Task: Annotated Folio of Practical Activities The task has been designed to allow achievement up to and including the highest level in the Performance Descriptors. There are two stages to this task. Stage 1: Record of practical activities You are required to make records of a range of practical activities (experimental and nonexperimental) undertaken in terms of specific aspects, principles or processes involved in different types of learning and their applications. A template will be provided. This stage will occur over an extended period. Completion of Stage 1 will give you an S for this Outcome Stage 2: Annotation of selected folio activities You are required, using a selection from your folio, to complete an annotation using questions provided by your teacher. This stage will be during a class session of 65 minutes. Completion of Stage 2 is assessed and will give you your grade/score for this Outcome. The following key knowledge is the focus of this task: • understanding the key aspects of classical conditioning, operant conditioning, one-trial learning, trial-anderror learning, observational learning, insight learning and latent learning; • identifying key similarities and differences in the different theories of learning; • applying the different theories of learning to everyday life examples. The following key skills are the focus of this task: • formulating research questions and constructing operational hypotheses; • understanding ethical principles associated with conducting psychological research with human and nonhuman participants; • using relevant descriptive statistics to summarise data; • analysing and interpreting data, and drawing relevant conclusions in terms of theoretical expectations; • evaluating the validity and reliability of the activities including the identification of confounding and extraneous variables and suggesting ways these could be minimized; • making connections between outcomes of practical activities and psychological concepts and theories; • communicating psychological information, ideas and research findings accurately and effectively; • using scientific language and conventions appropriately. Record of Practical Activities Record each activity you participate in. You will need to complete a template for each activity to be included in your folio. Type of Learning Experimental /Non-Experimental Activity RECORD OF EXPERIMENTAL ACTIVITY FOR ANNOTATED FOLIO The following template (or similar) should be used to summarise your learning from each activity or observation. You should complete one for each activity. Each record should take a maximum of 30–40 minutes. Date: Record No Name: Topic being studied: Title of experiment undertaken/observed: Aim of the experiment: Research Hypothesis (including independent & dependent variables and how they were measured): Description of the experiment / observations Reflection / Linking your activity to the theory Reflection: List and define all concepts/terms relevant to this type of learning. How did this activity/observation assist with your understanding of these concepts/terms? Link the practical activity and your learning to the theory RECORD OF EXPERIMENTAL ACTIVITY FOR ANNOTATED FOLIO The following template (or similar) should be used to summarise your learning from each activity or observation. You should complete one for each activity. Each record should take a maximum of 30–40 minutes. Date: Record No Name: Topic being studied: Title of experiment undertaken/observed: Aim of the experiment: Research Hypothesis (including independent & dependent variables and how they were measured): Description of the experiment / observations Reflection / Linking your activity to the theory Reflection: List and define all concepts/terms relevant to this type of learning. How did this activity/observation assist with your understanding of these concepts/terms? Link the practical activity and your learning to the theory RECORD OF EXPERIMENTAL ACTIVITY FOR ANNOTATED FOLIO The following template (or similar) should be used to summarise your learning from each activity or observation. You should complete one for each activity. Each record should take a maximum of 30–40 minutes. Date: Record No Name: Topic being studied: Title of experiment undertaken/observed: Aim of the experiment: Research Hypothesis (including independent & dependent variables and how they were measured): Description of the experiment / observations Reflection / Linking your activity to the theory Reflection: List and define all concepts/terms relevant to this type of learning. How did this activity/observation assist with your understanding of these concepts/terms? Link the practical activity and your learning to the theory RECORD OF EXPERIMENTAL ACTIVITY FOR ANNOTATED FOLIO The following template (or similar) should be used to summarise your learning from each activity or observation. You should complete one for each activity. Each record should take a maximum of 30–40 minutes. Date: Record No Name: Topic being studied: Title of experiment undertaken/observed: Aim of the experiment: Research Hypothesis (including independent & dependent variables and how they were measured): Description of the experiment / observations Reflection / Linking your activity to the theory Reflection: List and define all concepts/terms relevant to this type of learning. How did this activity/observation assist with your understanding of these concepts/terms? Link the practical activity and your learning to the theory RECORD OF EXPERIMENTAL ACTIVITY FOR ANNOTATED FOLIO The following template (or similar) should be used to summarise your learning from each activity or observation. You should complete one for each activity. Each record should take a maximum of 30–40 minutes. Date: Record No Name: Topic being studied: Title of experiment undertaken/observed: Aim of the experiment: Research Hypothesis (including independent & dependent variables and how they were measured): Description of the experiment / observations Reflection / Linking your activity to the theory Reflection: List and define all concepts/terms relevant to this type of learning. How did this activity/observation assist with your understanding of these concepts/terms? Link the practical activity and your learning to the theory RECORD OF EXPERIMENTAL ACTIVITY FOR ANNOTATED FOLIO The following template (or similar) should be used to summarise your learning from each activity or observation. You should complete one for each activity. Each record should take a maximum of 30–40 minutes. Date: Record No Name: Topic being studied: Title of experiment undertaken/observed: Aim of the experiment: Research Hypothesis (including independent & dependent variables and how they were measured): Description of the experiment / observations Reflection / Linking your activity to the theory Reflection: List and define all concepts/terms relevant to this type of learning. How did this activity/observation assist with your understanding of these concepts/terms? Link the practical activity and your learning to the theory Assessment Rubric of Annotations You will need to complete a minimum of 5 activities to meet the criteria for this Outcome. Activity Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Observational Learning Trial & Error Learning Comments: High Thorough understanding of classical conditioning. Thorough and relevant application of classical conditioning theory. Advanced skills in scientific investigation and inquiry. Comprehensive and insightful application and communication of psychological information and understandings. Thorough understanding of operant conditioning. Thorough and relevant application of operant conditioning theory. Advanced skills in scientific investigation and inquiry. Comprehensive and insightful application and communication of psychological information and understandings. Thorough understanding of observational learning. Thorough and relevant application of observational learning theory. Advanced skills in scientific investigation and inquiry. Comprehensive and insightful application and communication of psychological information and understandings. Thorough understanding of trial & error learning. Thorough and relevant application of trial & error learning theory. Advanced skills in scientific investigation and inquiry. Comprehensive and insightful application and communication of psychological information and understandings. Medium Low Not Shown General understanding of classical conditioning. Mostly relevant application of classical conditioning theory. Satisfactory skills in scientific investigation and inquiry. Effective application and communication of psychological information and understandings. Some understanding of classical conditioning. Limited application of classical conditioning theory. Some skills in scientific investigation and inquiry. Some relevance in the application and communication of psychological information and understandings. Not completed General understanding of operant conditioning. Mostly relevant application of operant conditioning theory. Satisfactory skills in scientific investigation and inquiry. Effective application and communication of psychological information and understandings. Some understanding of operant conditioning. Limited application of operant conditioning theory. Some skills in scientific investigation and inquiry. Some relevance in the application and communication of psychological information and understandings. Not completed General understanding of observational learning. Mostly relevant application of observational learning theory. Satisfactory skills in scientific investigation and inquiry. Effective application and communication of psychological information and understandings. General understanding of trial & error learning. Mostly relevant application of trial and error learning theory. Satisfactory skills in scientific investigation and inquiry. Effective application and communication of psychological information and understandings. Some understanding of observational learning. Limited application of observational learning. Some skills in scientific investigation and inquiry. Some relevance in the application and communication of psychological information and understandings. Not completed Some understanding of trial & error learning. Limited application of trial and error learning theory. Some skills in scientific investigation and inquiry. Some relevance in the application and communication of psychological information and understandings. Not completed